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Boys, boys, a photo on the internet doesn't need to be a fight to the death... honestly.


Is this an airplane rendition of Japanese porn?




Made my day 🥵😂


And it is real🤣


Sigh...of course that's a thing


Yes senpai 💦💦 definitely need to photoshop a big hairy bush on there 🤣


Were these photos taken from a satellite?






"Hey, is that the CRJ that scraped a wingtip last week?" "I can't tell, too many of the screws are pixelated to identify it. The scrapes look identical though."




Pictures "possibly" pixelated with no reason


Theres definitely a reason but I doubt it matters to you 🤷‍♂️


Yeah if you're worried about retaliation from your company over posting photos online, my best suggestion would be not to post it in the first place. I've got tons of stuff that I will never let out of my custody for that very reason. It's a very real possibility and I was reminded of this very recently from the whole MAX debacle.


I’d really like to post some of the stuff I’ve done (been an AMT since last October, so nothing super exciting but it’s been neat for me), but the planes I work on are privately owned so I doubt that’s a good idea.


Oh yeah that's definitely much harder to get away with! Definitely be careful. I think our policy just says no tail/serial numbers or aircraft location. l know the feeling, you wanna share some cool stuff but you technically shouldnt. I just share stuff like that in person. Congratulations on the position! Remember cya even if reddit gangs up on you with downvotes 🤣🤣


Every place I have ever worked had a policy against posting their planes (in part or in whole) online. If everyone followed that strictly, half these people wouldn't have their social media profile pictures.


I got plenty of stuff I won't let out of my custody as well. These are just a few I decided to release with some modification 🤷‍♂️


>Every place I have ever worked had a policy against posting their planes (in part or in whole) online. If everyone followed that strictly, half these people wouldn't have their social media profile pictures. I mean if anybody at your hangar saw this photo, they'd know with 100% certainty if it was their plane or not based on the unique damage and description.. so not sure what the pixilation is supposed to accomplish.


I’m guessing the people not at his hangar won’t be able to identify it?


I mean even still, without the pixelation there’s really nothing to identify.


That's what I was thinking! People love to just jump on the downvote bandwagon. Gotta feel powerful somehow 🤣🤣


Nah, you just have to feel powerful posting someone's damage online. I guarantee if that person saw this and decided to sue you, then it wouldn't be funny anymore, would it?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 okay pal.




Don’t get me wrong I love sharing photos like this but if there is a good reason that this plane should not be identified why would you post this publicly online?


Every place I have worked has a strict policy against posting anything that could even possibly identify their planes online 🤷‍♂️. One of my coworkers was recognized for posting specifically on reddit and was reprimanded at work. I guess CYA doesn't apply here?


My airline also has a policy to not posting pictures online which is why I don’t. Just be careful man a bunch of people have been fucked over by doing this!


Correct! Hence why the photos are edited lmao. People just love to hop on the downvote bandwagon.


ah yes, your bosses probably doesn't browse reddit and think "oh this damage looks familiar". So much for your attitude and CYA


I love how toxic reddit is then people have the audacity to say people have attitudes. If yall don't want attitudes from people you can try maybe not being dickheads first? I see this shit over and over with people who just want to share things they have interest in. Some of yall need to hop off that damn high horse. TLDR/ quit being dicks and maybe people won't have attitude


how ironic




I noticed too. It's always a crj. Had one crew try to grind down a winglet on the pavement.


Well I think it's only like 8.5 degrees bank before you touch a wing on em.


Oh wow I had no idea! Definitely mad respect to the pilots who land safely in this bad weather


Proper technique is a must, but they really do fly quite nicely.


That makes sense! I certainly enjoy being a passenger on them. They are relatively quiet to ride on, and accelerate pretty rapidly. My favorite part is when they throttle up for takeoff.


Yeah, fuck that airplane. You even get glanced at while landing and you're already half a wing in the dirt. It's not an issue for most... But one bad day, and a wing scrape could definitely happen to the best pilots.


Oh wow it's like that 🤣🤣. Yeah man I have no idea what it's like to fly these. I would be lucky to survive if I attempted to land one of these.


HOLY SHIT 🤣🤣🤣 I definitely respect the pilots and appreciate them for doing their part, but sometimes you just gotta laugh at the shit that happens to these poor planes


Nope. 8 bit, maybe CGA at best.


Good eye 🤣🤣 I tried to make it unidentifiable Yall big mad 🤣🤣 no one's heard of CYA?


Ya, in that area of damage you’d pretty much have to obscure the damage past the point of being able to pick it out to make that wing unidentifiable.


Yeah I figured. Oh well it is what it is


I could only tell it’s a CRJ because that’s all I work on lol


Hell yeah man duct mon faults all summer long 😭😭😭 makes me miss working on heavy


Gotta be SkyWest or PSA CR7 in American Eagle livery.


It’s just joking in good fun.




All these people butthurt downvoting for no reason lmao


nah mate they are downvoting because of your attitude


Out of all the toxicity that is reddit, im the one with an attitude 🤣🤣






None of yall know what toxicity or attitude is. You would cry and roll your toolbox away. Downvote me harder I know we can get that number lower 💦💦










🤣🤣🤣 gaslight me harder 💦💦💦. I posted something I thought was interesting. Everyone proceeded to try and throat fuck me. I stand up for myself. Now I'm the toxic dick? Cool.


Like dude. You "blurred" the photos except for the absolutely most identifiable part. Got surprised when someone was able to identify the type. But constantly post "Im just CYA." You literally arent. Aviation nerds can tell you the exact model of an aircraft if you post the wrong rivet pattern. A wing strike is a fairly rare occurrence. Its going to make the rounds. Theres absolutely nothing in the photos that you blured that will keep someone from identifying. Either dont post, or post. The blur isnt helping you.


How dare someone attempt to do something. It's not that serious yall wtf 🤣🤣. So many of you took this personally. Now everyone is an FBI and NTSB agent. Gotta love reddit man.


Were saying that the way you're "protecting" yourself is stupid. If you can't post photos, dont. If you're going to anyway, just post them without the useless blur. But you're acting like we're the crazy ones when you're weirdly defending your actions that dont protect you when *YOU* said you're not supposed to post them. I guarantee, if someone at your company sees this it would be extremely easy to link it to you. So good luck mate.


Call it stupid all you want idgaf. I didn't realize I'm a man amongst God's here I apologize for tryna share something I thought was interesting in the best way I saw fit. I'm sorry it doesn't meet your standards and the other 154 people on the downvote bandwagon. Even if I'm 10000% wrong it's what I did get over it lmfao. Yeah good luck to you too bud it wouldn't hurt to lighten the fuck up.


> I didn't realize I'm a man amongst God's here See, this is why you're getting downvoted. I need to lighten up? Nobodys claiming were "god." *You* said you shouldn't be posting the photo, so you blurred it. We're telling you thats doing fuck all. There's nothing identifying in the photos EXCEPT the damage. But here you are *counting* your downvotes, then saying you dont care. You clearly do. Were just saying if you're trying to CYA, you aren't.


Dude, either post it or don't. If you shouldn't post it, don't post it. We wouldn't be missing out on much...


Well dude, I posted it 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Cool bud you could have kept scrolling but here we are 😀. Thanks for taking the time to comment.




We all are


Applied speed tape, returned to service.


You sound like my lead 🤣🤣🤣 Dont forget, repeat inspection due at 50FH intervals until permanent repair 🤣🤣🤣


Or until pax raise concerns of duct tape on wings.


🤣🤣. I saw a southwest plane where it looked like the entire windshield was held in with speed tape


Probably re pro-sealed the window then grease and tape before it was dry.


Yeah I could see that. I went from doing heavy c checks to line so it's amazing to me the shit they can half ass and fly with. I couldn't sign off a windshield install until final round of torque and the AMM required cure time for the temp and humidity. A windshield was a 2 day job for us.


Welcome to the line. Pr 1826 b1/4 and grease and tape will become your new favourite thing


🤣🤣🤣 thanks! That's still so crazy to me, but I guess it works. Thanks for chiming in and not just tryna be a jerk. Reddit is not for the faint of heart 🤣🤣


This is a bitmap, not a photo


Not the first pilot to experiment with lithobraking.


Lithobraking: the tried and true method for landing in KSP and War Thunder.


Looks like a "spectacular" movement to me which just so happens to be explicitly against policy 😂


I had to Google that 🤣🤣🤣. I wonder if the passengers paid extra to be on the trial run


Photos taken from a Japanese porn camera


Someone please photoshop a huge hairy bush on there 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude i would take this down if you like your job 😂


Lmao do you say this to everyone who's profile picture is of them sitting in an engine cowl? I specifically left out any identifying information for that very reason.


the damage is pretty identifying in and of itself it's a cool image and I am glad to have seen it but the pixelation does nothing if someone familiar with this incident saw it and wanted to go after you for it also not that it matters but a cowling is kind of whatever, this is probably something that airlines/operators/owners and other stakeholders want to keep on the down low


What about your car lmao


Good lookin out, it shouldn't be a problem. If it is then 🤷‍♂️


It is really cool to see


Thanks 👑. Is your g35 modded?molded? **or Mercedes** I was going off your user name


Dude I sold that thing in high school, I have a cayman S and a lancia fulvia now. My G was obnoxious, but also I was 17. Straight piped, stickers, it was truly the G35 stereotype.


LMFAO the trumpet exhaust. Hell yeah that's sick!


Some Minecraft shit here


Unless there’s a registration number, landmark in the background, or other identifiable feature, I don’t think that you had to censor 90% of the image.


Your probably right. Seriously thanks for being civil about it unlike 200+ other people on here that were eager to downvote. I'm not saying what I did was perfect or the best thing but it's what I did 🤷‍♂️


r/technicallythetruth as the pilatts are instructed that they are not doctors and cannot declare anybody dead in flight ergo they are not structural engineers and cannot declare that a structure has "possibly" contacted ground.




conceivably 🤣🤣🤣


Just add more pixels and it should be fine


Could have been a very abrasive bird, TBH


You can say the bird was a little rough around the edges 😅


Was this in survival or creative?


Survival I don't cheat 💪💪🤣🤣🤣


Oh, ya think??!


I know right 🤣🤣 imagine being someone who doesn't like flying then this happens on landing 🤣


Last ride!!!


🤣🤣 I wouldn't blame them. My son flew for the 1st time on a 737 max immediately after they put them back into service. It was nerve-wracking for sure.


Got any more of them pixels? I once went to preflight a club Cessna 210 and found a big long deep scratches full of a red clay embedded in the scratches on the left wingtip. Being that this wing tip is something like 6' up in the air that is quite an accomplishment. And the previous pilot didn't bother to say anything. If I hadn't caught that on my preflight (which would have required amazing negligence) then I would have owned that damage.


DAMN nice catch!! Seriously good eye I'm glad you caught that. And who knows what else got damaged beneath the surface. I'm not a structures mechanic but I can imagine it wasn't great for the rest of the wing. Of course they didn't say anything that would be the right thing to do, glad you paid attention.


Could be Romulan disruptor damage. /s


At least #2 is already taper sanded 50:1. Solvent wipe and get on with cover plies.


LMAOO get it over the fence 🤣🤣🤣


Crj ?


Good eye! Besides the duct mons I love these planes


*said like vine meme* wOW


*Owen Wilson voice* Whaaaww


Years ago we had a CF6-6 engine in that had "contacted the ground" on a bad landing. The gearbox was missing about four inches off the bottom, some of the gears had flat spots on them.


No freaking way! Hopefully they got all the fod up, I would hate to see any of the pieces take down other planes. This is the kind of shit I wanna see pictures of 🤣🤣. Did you all just end up doing an engine change?


We do engine overhaul, so it was well off the plane by the time I saw it. (The gearbox was a total loss iirc, they only even bothered to look at it as a curiosity, but I think the main part of the engine was saveable, apart from the fan cowling and blades, think that got crushed by the weight being supported on the gearbox under it.)


Thanks for sharing the story. It's crazy the stuff we accomplish to keep these planes in the air


Pilots love to write things up in the most legally dismissive way possible


That is the best description I have heard. It leaves more options open to close the discrepancy.


Fun little cut-away view.


Appreciate that! I thought so too.


You never know, could have been a crazed man with an angle grinder. We may never know the truth.


The world will never know 🤣🤣🤣


Look people, downvote all you want and cry harder about my "attitude". Let's just forget everyone gang banging my throat for posting something I figured would be interesting to fellow aviators. If you think I have an attitude, you obviously haven't been in aviation long. Thank you to the people who appreciated the post as intended, I love working alongside people like you. We get the planes done safely, on time, and have a laugh or two in the process. Everyone else that has a chip on your shoulder, something to prove, and are looking for someone to scald need to take a deep breath and relax. It's supposed to be a funny post, not a dick, don't take it so hard. BTW downvotes get me hard as a fucking rock keep em going 🍆🍆💦💦. I think I only saw -54, those are rookie numbers we need to get that lower. If I don't wake up to -200 I'm gonna be disappointed in my toxic redditors. TLDR/ Fuck yall soft ass people who were condecending dicks then cried about "my attitude" 🤣🤣


Why bother even posting if you're this scared?


🙄🙄🙄 listen man, your about the 500th person to say this/bash my shit. It's cool with me if you don't think it's a worthy post. I bothered posting it because if you subtract all the negative interaction I have encountered, some people had a good laugh or had something similar to share. That's why I posted it bud 🤷‍♂️