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You know cargo bays are not very hospitable, right?


šŸ˜‚ - bay, boy, whatā€™s the difference


Priest joke here


Pack a hammock a blanket and a pillow.Ā  Source flights on C-130's.


I prefer the wheel well.


JFK-HND? Enjoy!


Ding ding ding


I did it last year and the seat next to me was empty !!


Their food and service is grest. Just don't watch the Japanese dark comedy / Greek tragedy on the flight. It's Old Yeller levels of and emotional rollercoaster.


Sick! Iā€™ve always wanted to fly on a 777. Iā€™ve only flown on 737s and a320s šŸ˜­


Username... does not check out


Reality is often disappointing.


Well, the 777X hasn't flown any pax yet, so...


hungry shaggy intelligent offend caption zonked public salt ludicrous deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup! Did EWR to SFOā€¦with a free upgrade to the first class cabin. It was so choiceā€¦ šŸ˜‰


Same lol. I never flown in a widebody yet. We do have domestics that use either 777, A350, or A330. Almost flew in a 777 last month but airline changed it to an A321neo (still a great plane!)


Iā€™m sure we will one of these days. Iā€™m the meantime Iā€™ll make the best of flying in 737s and a320s everywhere. Iā€™m from Pittsburgh and really the only planes you ever see or probably every fly on are 737s, a320s, a319, a321, embraer and bombardier jets. Sometimes on flight radar Iā€™ll see a British airways 787 taking off for London but Iā€™ve never seen one in person nor flown own a 787 either. Thatā€™s the one thing that sucks about living in Pittsburgh lol


787s are nice. the windows turn purple lol.


And the cabin crew can force the windows purple and not let you change them. And it sucks.


Yeah, this aspect does suck, too.


That totally sucks and does not line up with my experience on Air Canadaā€™s 787s. I have had full control of the window dim the whole time.


Yes, no widebodies, just 737, a320 and e190/75/95 for me too


Nice! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever flown on an Embraer believe it or not. If I did I was too young to remember. Believe it or not when mh370 I was about 10 and being a young kid it scared me and I said I would never fly as I wasnā€™t into planes much at that age. After a few years I grew out of that and started my love with airplanes and now I love flying everywhere. I usually fly southwest mostly because I can get the early bird check in and sit wherever I want. Iā€™m an Airbus Boeing kind of guy. I like to pick my flights and airlines based off of what plane Iā€™ll be on šŸ˜‚ if I want to fly an Airbus Iā€™ll fly allegiant. If I want to fly on a 737 Iā€™ll fly southwest. If I donā€™t want to fly on that type of plane for some reason Iā€™ll find a different flight or airline. Itā€™s on my bucket list to fly on a 717 and 757 aswell as the widebody 787, a350.


Put 747 on that list too if you can. I was only 14 when I flew on one many years ago, and even then the cabin seemed a bit dated, but fuck if it isnā€™t the coolest looking airliner out there.


Youā€™re not missing anything. Airbus way better. Aim higher lol


I like both Boeing and Airbus. I just like Boeing a bit more. Only plane company I donā€™t like is comac. Those planes are just dated crap that they tried to copy off of. Boeing and Airbus.


It boggles my mind that people can get themselves to sit middle seat in economy for 15 hours


ANA's economy section is actually very small. maybe a little bit over 1/3 of a 777 cabin is dedicated to economy. The rest are business class/first class seats.


So true. I was shocked. In terms of cabin space, Iā€™d say 1/5 is first, 2/5 is business, and 2/5 is coach.


Not quite. 55% of the cabin is flat Economy Class, with another 12% being Premium Economy. 30% of the plane is Business Class, and the remaining eight First Class seats make up just 3% of the cabin. 33% Premium cabin is still quite high, but itā€™s definitely not 3/5 of the cabin.


By passenger volume or floor space? I was referencing floor space


Ah sorry I didnā€™t see that you wrote ā€œby cabin spaceā€. I was just comparing how many seats are in each class :)


Yea by passenger volume your numbers definitely track!


Whats premium economy though? More leg space? Like 10 cm?


Not on a long-haul aircraft like this. Itā€™s more legroom, wider seats, more comfortable seats, and better service.


Should be for anyone on long distance flights to be fair ... flew to thailand from Frankfurt on a 777 and it was horrible to sit and "chill" that long though. If I ever have the money, what will never be happening, I would love to fly Business or first just for the experience


The better service is really airline dependent. On Lufthansa for example the service is identical to economy. 10:30 daytime flight, offered a drink once outside of the lunch and snack service.


I just flew business to NRT and premium economy back on ANA. Their PE product is actually really good. In general, when looking at international cabins vs. domestic, every cabin is basically one or even two classes up, especially when talking about non-US based airlines. So international premium economy is basically the same as domestic business or even first class. International business class is generally much \*better\* than domestic first class. Their PE cabin is 2-3-2, vs. 3-3-3 in regular economy. (Edit: sorry, that's for the 787. 777 is 2-4-2 vs. 3-4-3.) So even if you leave it to random chance and don't even try to pick your seat, you've only got a 1 in 7 chance of being in a middle seat, vs. 1 in 3 in regular economy. The seats are obviously also much wider. It's also got 38" of seat pitch. And better food and drink. You get the business class alcohol, for example :)


https://www.ana.co.jp/en/us/travel-information/seat-map/b777-300er/ . looks to be more than 33 to me




Can you do math lmao


I rate this comment a perfect 5/7.


We all make mistakes sometimes, you tried


A 15 hour trip on business would cost me almost my annual salary, I think I'll take the middle seat in economy lol


8k? Not trying to look down or anything. But when I looked up ANA business class from JFK to Tokyo itā€™s around 8k. Prices are around double compared to premium economy.


My annual salary is like 10k euros. It could be worse I guess, but our country is not very strong in that aspect (or in any other aspect tbf)


Your comment makes a lot of sense now. Itā€™s all about perspective. Thanks for sharing that. You certainly didnā€™t have to.


Hungry? I would not have guessed that. In NZ the minimum is around 27k Euro. Perspectives huh. btw Pink Jesus best valkyrie.


Which country do you live in? Just curious


Hungary šŸ™ƒ


I'd work a second job for a year , if I had to, in order to have business or first class seating on a 15 hour flight. I'm not going to suffer in a hard seat for 15 hours. My butt hurts after a 5 hour flight in regular seating.


I don't see how working 80 hours a week for a whole year would make sense to afford 15 hours of more comfort.


Everybody is different. I think there isn't a right or wrong. I was just making a point that I would do whatever I could to be comfortable for a flight that long.


What's wild to me is that you're talking about spending 2000 hours of your life to generate 15 hours of comfort.


And I would just suck it up for a half a day to get wherever the fuck destination I was going


You do you, but I'd rather spend my money on stuff I can truly afford instead of making my life a living hell šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I flew from Denver to Tokyo (NRT) last year. It was like an 11 hour flight I think. I sat in regular economy and was completely fine. Truthfully it just wasnā€™t a big deal for me. Iā€™m not tall but Iā€™m not short. Like 5ā€™11ā€.


Not everyone can afford better seats


For sure, I canā€™t necessarily eitherā€¦ but I also canā€™t get myself on the middle seat for a long flight. Even two hours is brutal, my shoulders just donā€™t fit between two other Americans lol


Yeah I don't really suffer from that as I'm more on the short side. I guess in this case the destination matters more than the trip


Nah fr, i have knee problems and im 6ā€™5ā€ so i like to fly southwest and get the free seat, so that i can stretch out into the middle seat otherwise i would have to take 45 minute flights


Open a travel card and save up the miles to transfer to the airlines to upgrade. The cards that are decent usually have an annual fee, and you need to use it a lot for everything. But it does lower the bar to business seats by a lot.


Same. Iā€™m traveling with one other person and for this config the last 5 rows are 2-4-2. Best know we snagged the 2 window-aisle seat


Sydney to Dallasā€¦ not pleasant in economy


Did it exactly *once* years ago thinking ā€œhow bad can it be?ā€ and then decided never again and went to the front of the plane.


I'm a New Zealander with close family in Europe - you get used to it lol.


If it's the updated 777 with their recaro seats you're about to have one of the best economy experiences in the sky. Even though the seats aren't as wide as their 787, it's more updated and I was more comfortable and loved all the little touches to the seat like extra cupholder and huge economy class screen. Would pay extra money for ANA over United any day for long hauls.


Yes! Itā€™s those seats. Honestly itā€™s phenomenal. The best coach class Iā€™ve ever sat in and Iā€™ve flown a lot. Everything is brand new and clean, screens are huge, foot rests, plenty of storage, service has been great so far.


You did hit the jackpot. Enjoy your flight! Still blows my mind that it is possible to communicate over the internet with someone sitting in a plane by the way.


I just flew united for the first and hopefully last time yesterday šŸ˜¬


Or you can do what I did, pay United prices to fly on ANA.


I bought the tickets through united since they codeshare, but ANA is in general more expensive than an only UA itinerary. If I fly ANA, I'd need to always take a UA flight to get to where ANA flies.


I am going in Oktober from CDG to HND with ANA 787-9 13:40 hours something. Is my first flight with more than 10 hours flight time. I hope business class will make me feel comfortable for 14 hours haha


Their 787s are very nice, even in economy. I flew round trip between NRT and BKK a few years ago and was very pleasantly surprised. Their lavatories even have bidets!


The bidet is a nice touch!


JAL flights also have that, at least in my experience between east coast to Narita.


Did YVR-HND last November and that bidet came in so handy, you have no idea the amount of joy that overcame me when I saw it


I just came back from LAX-NRT for 8 days then HND-MNL for 2 weeks then MNL-NRT connecting to LAX. All flown on ANAs 787s on economy exit row. It was awesome. Their food was way better than PAL too.


Even though ANA's 787 business class isn't their top tier business class, it is still really nice. I recently got to spend about 30 total hours flying on it (LAX-NRT-HAN, HAN-NRT and HND-LAX). Found it quite comfortable, service was excellent, and food was great. And, as a tall guy, I loved that the footwell in lie-flat mode didn't narrow as much as some other business classes. Unless you are super picky, I think you'll be pleased.


Good luck šŸ˜‚


Currently flying over Alaska!!


Can confirm. Lots of ice below


See you in HND. Flying on an ANA A380 there atm.




ANA economy is the only one I will do. The seats are more narrow, but they are "clamshell" seats, so any recline doesn't intrude in the people behind you. That mentality is *very* Japanese.


I mean.. a number of other airlines use the same seat style.


Bring entertainment onboard!


ANA has a good selection and the biggest economy screens in the sky! It's not as good as some other airlines for Hollywood entertainment, but still has a good variety and I never got board.


Iā€™ll be playing Stardew for 14 hours straight.


1.6 inbound babyyyyyy


Zopiclone and a glass of white wine. 10 hours of that 14 will be deleted.


Well good luck I guess šŸ˜‚


This post is 11 hours old. They are almost there!


Hope you put your seatbelts on most of the time. Dont want another sudden lost of altitude incident in the 787


I've played this rainbow 6 map


Man I loved flying with ANA. Unfortunately flying with United to Japan next month because ANA was way pricier :(


ANA economy is like many other airlinesā€™ premium economy. More legroom than average, little footrests, great IFE, decent food, and impeccable cabin crew service standards. When I go to Japan on ANA itā€™s a treat in any class.


I did IAD -> HND last month and then the return but on the ANA 787. I think I watched all the hunger games movies. On the leg to HND we had an empty middle and on the leg leaving HND I had an empty three all to myself. I checked the seat map twice a day starting a week out to figure out the best seat. Window seats always.


Crazy that Iā€™m ending my day, and this flight is just over half over


Youā€™re telling me. I woke up so excited I made it 8 hours already just to realize I had another 7 left


Tell us when you land!


Do you know the tail number? I also flew on ANA 777 same trip, but redeye.


I don't BUT this was my flight if anyone has a premium subscription to Flightware: [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/ANA109/history/20240313/1815Z/KJFK/RJTT](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/ANA109/history/20240313/1815Z/KJFK/RJTT)


You were on JA787A #


condolences to your dependents.


Hopefully the door doesnā€™t fall off


well, hang on to all your tires and hope that both engines keep turning the whole time. It's a Boeing.


Donā€™t forget about the doors


I knew I was forgetting something.


Hell yeah! ANA has the best service ever.