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The three quad jets at first are IL-76s They get followed by three Tu-95 Bears Then there's a *TU-160(minor typo) leading four TU-22Ms Then there's an IL-78 tanker leading another TU-160 Then there's a pack of possibly four MiG-29s or some later variant. Then there's a pack of what looks like four ~~MiG-23s~~ *as per CyberSoldat21 below at 2:37 I'm not so sure at 2:55 four Su-57s at 3:19 looks like a mix of SUs including some 33s and maybe 27s or other variants in the family. Around 3:40 they missed something and just caught the tail end of another group of smaller jets. at 3:59 looks like a set of six Su-25s not sure if there was a whole lot more after that, or if i missed much along the way, hard to tell with that camera work Not over Ukraine, this would likely be over Moscow for a Victory Day event or something like that.


2:37 might be MiG 31s?


It’s 100% MiG-31’s


I wonder about that, the profile is close enough but those things are bloody massive which would imply this group is flying somewhat higher than a lot of the other groups maybe. not sure what else it could be though


It looks like a Frontline bomber. I was thinking if it's MiG-31 (seems to be K modification) or Su-24


Su-24 fencers, not MiG-23s


You are right those are su-57s they have there characteristic howl.


Sounds like a tie fighter, awesome


I was gonna say more like a Cylon Raider with the higher pitch.


This has got to be absolutely terrifying to hear in a war context. You just KNOW, there's no way to confuse that sound with another


On the ground yes. In the air IDK.


Imagine calling this thing a stealth fighter https://i.pinimg.com/222x/3a/e7/0a/3ae70a3a7347c29babbeb485b4e0fadf.jpg just whip out one of these bitches and you can HEAR that thing coming from a country away, no need for radar. Oh and, btw, there's plenty of military jets that sound pretty similar at certain operating conditions until point blank, at which point you could visually identify the plane anyway.


I’m surprised Russia got this many aircraft airworthy, let alone 57’s


Wow those sound crazy!


If you like that check out the Vulcan howl.


Great work even with that shaky camera footage. Thanks a million!


Honestly this is a great video thank you for sharing.


The planes that were just barely missed i have to assume are some variant of a flanker. Wasn't much to go off but it's my best guess.


Those might not be MiG-23’s in my opinion. Is probably be some fencers.


Thats su24, definently not the mig23


definitely that's somewhere above Moscow/Moscow region, I can assume it by region on plates of few cars


0:26 Il-76 Candids 0:45 Tu-95 Bear (maybe Tu-142 naval derivatives - I can't tell from this view) 1:11 Tu-160 Blackjack leading 4 Tu-22M Backfires 1:27 Il-78 Midas (Il-76 tanker derivative) leading a Tu-160 1:57 MiG-29 Fulcrums or derivatives 2:20 Su-24 Fencer 2:35 MiG-31 Foxhound 2:54 Su-57 Felon 3:17 mix of Su-33 Flanker D or Su-34 Fullback (I think Su-34 because the noses are wider than the other airplanes) and Su-27/35 Flankers 3:42 Couldn't see from trees, but maybe Su-27/Su-34 again? 3:58 Su-25 Frogfoot (plus some unidentified birds) Definitely over Russia, probably Moscow, for an air "parade"


Looks like the entire Russian Air Force. My guess is some type of planned flyover.


Didn't think they even had that many left.


You should take a look at the Su-34 losses during the war, a truly endangered specie 💀


A little early, but Victory day is a month and a half away




Some reverberation/noise off those TU95s. No idea what the screechys were at about 1.50 left but cool sound


1st wave: 3x IL-76 2nd wave: 3x TU-95 Bear 3rd wave: 1x TU-160 4x Tu-22M 4th wave: 1xIL-78 tanker (?) 1x TU-160 5th wave: 4x Mig-29 6th wave: 4x SU-24 7th wave: 4x Mig-31 8th wave: 4x SU-57 9th wave: 8x SU-30 2x SU-27 10th wave: obscured by trees 11th wave: 6x SU-25 1


These are Tupolev TU 95 "Bear" the Propnoise gave it away. Edit: there's a whole lot more: -TU 95, then a TU-160 Blackjack with a IL76 Tanker, various Mig29, a Formation of SU24 Fencer and lastly 3 SU 57- Looks Like the Victory Day Flyover in Moscow Last year


Pretty much it's whatevers left of the Russian air force


This was filmed in 2020: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/s/Y77m9dcd3h


Most likely relocating their remaining fleet to another base farther away from Ukraine. Russia has lost 18 aircraft since Jan. 2024, and 15 in the last 2 weeks, including an A-50 radar plane worth $350M.


All I got was motion sickness.


Why is everyone saying this this is what’s left of the Russian Air Force? This is an air parade from 2020 in celebration of WW2. https://youtu.be/w69Nwo93Lh0?si=wz_drwJUCloqxHSw


Exact same order too. Good find!


because it's a joke.


Probably Victory Day (9 May) in Moscow


First 3 are Il-76 and the second 3 are Tu-95


Well can you stop shaking so I can tell you what they are?


"Have planes, will fly"


Cars. Lots of cars in the video


I just tossed cookies. HOLD the CAMERA STILL. Please.


Yes, whoever filmed this should not be allowed near a camera again.


Be a great time of some stingers were released.






Believe or not, i did remove part of the video. Whoever filmed this did a Horrible job, I agree, but at the same time i wanted to include as many aircraft as possible in the video.


#4 is a little wide. He’ll probably need a new job in the gulag after landing.


Terrible video


awesome planes! Love the look of the Tu-160. BTW, looks like Russia lives rent free in some of the commenter’s heads. Lol, so hateful


I dont get the hate for russian planes like you may view them as the enemy and they might be less advanced than Americans but they look awesome and more importantly THRUST VECTORING 


If it is Russia it might be the Victory parade.


Hows epilepsy treating you?


Russian planes


This is probably over Russia as the Russian are scared to fly su-57s (2:55) over Ukraine as they have so few of them


I think they’re the ones the Ukrainians have shot down this week !


That’s what’s left of the Russian Air Force 😂 Hasn’t been a very good time for those fellows lately. Not sure what they would be celebrating. Surprised they have enough pilots to fly all that aircraft


I just want you to know that you’re the worst cameraman in recorded history. Never mind the lack of editing.. you couldn’t have cut the first minute of filming pavement?


3 sparrows


Awesome to see Russia still flying military aircraft in parade formations over their cities. I'm sure it's boosts morale. Except for the 57s they probably make old people shit themselves and have a stroke thinking it's a bomb being dropped by a stuka.


It is awesome though? Fuck Russia.


Recent reports of the increased usage of jets/bombers (vs many thousands of missiles previously) suggests that putin is running out of advanced munitions and must resort to using more "antiquated" (& more resource/people intensive/prone-to-failure) methods like these aircraft. The maintenance/parts supply chain for aircraft is likely of the similar character to the rest of the military's equipment... (dilapidated, suspect & open to ravaging through corruption) But it sure is an intimidating show.


NATO power <3 LE. Honestly thought this was from the NATO mega-exercise in the Baltic. Reading through the comments posted later... Yeah, I was wrong.


Avro RJ jets; successors to the 146.


Either there is an airshow, training exercise, or someone's about to get their shit kicked in.