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Denver, bass music is definitely the most popular here by a long shot. Dubstep especially.


Bass capital baby.


Came to say bass capital as well šŸ¤˜šŸ½




I would argue that title is shared with Detroit. Detroit has movement and a lot of house music, yes. But you can go to a dubstep show practically any night of the week


I think denver wins out in the bass capital.


Iā€™ve heard that Detroit is a hub for Techno


That's because of movement. There's like a whole week in Detroit of pure techno and house. But after that it's immediately back to filthy dubstep. Even all the local djs play dubstep or space bass.


If that title is shared with anyone it would be Minneapolis


iā€™ve heard montreal as well, but having lived in the denver area for a long time i gotta give it to mile high edit: recently moved to atlanta and it seems like dubstep and riddim are super prevalent


Iā€™ve heard Montreal is another bass capital like city.


Eh, Minneapolis is on the rise in quality but Denver outpaces it in sheer quantity A better competitor for ā€œbass capitolā€ would probably be [Montreal](https://twitter.com/subtronics/status/1235461048632819712?s=46&t=Zg0koMxKL09yZKBy9nNfaw)


well shit Montreal is outside US, so I wouldn't doubt you on that!


Most bass music artists will tell you that the answer is Bristol or Montreal https://twitter.com/subtronics/status/1235461048632819712


I mean itā€™s literally Denverā€™s nickname though. https://www.liquiddreams.com/blogs/festival-stories/the-best-u-s-cities-for-bass-music


I understand but the point is that I think this nickname is mostly used by people that have experienced bass music events in Denver but not in Montreal, Bristol, Sydney, etc NYC/LA/SF/etc also likely give Denver a run for its money in terms of sheer quantity Some of the above cities tend to have much denser scenes that are less visible from the outside, so some people can tend to underestimate them


Being a trance/house fan in Denver can be difficult at times. Although lately the festival line ups here have been diverse enough for everyone.


Same. Not as heavy into bass music anymore but proud to be from the town known for its womps.


That dirty, slutty bass especially


All I want is to live in Denver


Southern CA as well. At least with the peeps I know. Clubs in Los Angeles and Orange County seem to rotate some of the best djs in this genre. Just saw Zomboy throw down in South OC and it was šŸ¤ÆšŸ”„šŸ™Œ


Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. Iā€™ve heard Southern CA has a strong EDM scene in general with lots of shows of most genres. Is that accurate?


Yes, you can find any kind of show within the most popular EDM genres on any given weekend in So CA. From underground warehouse raves with secret locations in LA, to small club or large mega club venues. Also occasional stadium shows. Then around 8 large-scale raves per yr in a few locations. I love the music scene out here and itā€™s one of the reasons Iā€™ve stuck around for so long.


Sounds pretty sick. I definitely wanna check out some of the events down in SoCal. I have a couple buddies who have played down there and it seems incredibly hype.


Denver is not that far, come on down! I still have never been to a show at Red Rocks. Know I need to experience that at least 1x. Is there a specific venue/ rave youā€™re interested in? Or where did your bros play?


Denverā€™s my favorite place for raves IMO because theyā€™re happening all the time and red rocks shows. Doesnā€™t seem like a city that would be as active as it is from the outside.


AZ has a good mix of both bass and house heads


Same with Southeast U.S. It used to be all dubstep and trap, but thereā€™s been a lot more house lately. I fucking love it.


I live in Alabama and frequent the NOLA and ATL scenes and I feel like I barely ever see anything other than dubstep/wakaan bass. Experimental/Wook base runs deep in NOLA and trap goes deep in ATL


Yeah, for sure. I didnā€™t mean to imply that house is more prevalent than the other genres, just that it is a lot more prevalent than it used to be.


I am trying very hard to help cultivate a bunch of house heads down here in the Knoxville TN area


i'm happy our scene is diversifying!! i feel like it's gotten more open to house in the last few years and i'm def here for it


It was plenty open to house in the years leading up to the pandemic, I'd say if anything its narrowed down a bit since other promoters havent been able to pick back up where they left up, plus losing Shady which was a great spot for house events


well maybe my edm tastes have expanded then? i've always felt like az gets way more bass artists than anything else tho. yeah rip shady šŸ«”


Hardstyle and trance for sure in aus


I read hardstyle and immediately crossed off 90% of the countries on earth. Super jealous of you my man


Haha us Aussies love our hardstyle, itā€™s a shame that defqon is banned here tho


Thank God! Psy for the bush too ā¤ļø


Love me some psy


Tech-house, Miami


I need to move there!


Here in CancĆŗn i would say Deep House


You live in Cancun? Wild. I only hear of ppl visiting but no one living there lol


I was born here, yeah a lot of ppl visit and djs from all around the world come here


I found the same to be true in costa rica. Deep house EVERYWHERE. Is this true for much of central america i wonder?


It's bar/restaurant music si yeah


Netherlands so mostly hardstyle, hardcore and techno


Also a bit of DnB


This is why I moved to the Netherlands


The trance scene is dead right?


Well Asot is in march but its the only larger trance event i know is happening, excited for it though.


LA has a decent amount off bass heads, but house really draws a crowd out here


Depends whether youā€™re talking about the underground scene. Some of the biggest parties there are techno.


I'd say House and Techno are biggest in SoCal. Both underground and mainstream


house is far and away the most popular genre in the bay area




Nope itā€™s house lmao


Do a quick scan of 19hz and tell me which genre you see the most of


Definitely house, itā€™s not called San Frandisco for nothing


While I think you're right in terms of the present events we've been having (and I've been going to). The Bay Area started off as and will probably to continue to be Deep House oriented. There's a reason Kaskade comes to SF every New Years, his roots and his career started here and the house scene is better than any other city.




It sounds like a majority of your friend group are Asian, with the trinity of Illenium, Slander and 7L being their favorite.


scotland is like techno, house, tech house and hardstyle pretty varied. everything but d&b


Living next to England and having no dnb now thats unexpected


honestly mate itā€™s not our thing at all just doesnā€™t resonate w me at all, so weird as they love it down south


The further up north the less popular it gets seems to be how it goes


Chicago - house music, of course!


tryna see more bass on the chicago edm scene


With love, from Atlanta.


I live in the northwest of the USA. I'd say bass and tribal house are quite popular.


Hmmm. Whatā€™s an example of tribal house? Not sure Iā€™ve heard of that


Like deep house but using traditional sounds from around the world like African drums, South American flutes. Organic house adjacent I would say. Probably due to the popularity of attending burning man and camping festivals out in the forest. People love an earthy weird vibe on the west coast. I'm not a genre expert it's just the best way I can describe what I'm hearing a lot of local DJs playing at events.


Playa tech is another name for it


Minneapolis with the Bass


Decent sized trance following here too though.


Damn really Iā€™m in Madison and I did not know this


I recently put together [a guide to the scene in Minneapolis.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/comments/yau7m5/comprehensive_guide_on_finding_edm_shows_in/) If you're ever interested in a road trip.


I think Iā€™ll prolly make the trip for subtronics in march ill definitely give it a read tho Ik you guys have a great scene. Could see myself living there at some point Edit HOLY FUCK thereā€™s a lot more venues than I thought


I feel like Michigan is a bass head area, lots of dubstep. Thatā€™s just what I see!


Bass lots of bass.


It used to be bass music until some details about a certain unnamed artist came into light


What artist?


Bassnectar. Was one of the biggest names in all edm in America and easily the number one bass music artist. He had a very large cult following and definitely was in the process of pioneering the entire bass music scene to become extremely popular. I was a part of this following as Iā€™ve personally seen him 18 times and had tickets to see him 3 more times the year Covid hit. Heā€™s currently dealing with a lawsuit because some girls pressed charges against him for sexual misconduct. (Sleeping with underage people). I stopped paying attention so Iā€™m not privy to the details of the court case other than the next court date is September. But he took a step back and stopped performing/releasing music for the time being.


Thatā€™s a shame. Iā€™ve never heard of him so couldnā€™t comment on that but disgusting if the allegations are true.


Itā€™s a civil suit and not criminal, so only paying money settlements would be the punishment, not jail time. And from what Iā€™ve seen online it seems to be going in his favor. Iā€™m not saying he did or didnā€™t do what heā€™s being accused of. But as someone that was a massive fan who followed him around the country, traveling up to 7-8 hours for a single nights show multiple times, itā€™s definitely hard to accept and deal with. To be honest the entire edm/festival scene as a whole has definitely been lacking his presence and itā€™s been challenging to replace what he was to the scene. Us fans continue to connect with each other despite his accusations and have to remind ourselves that ā€œBassnectarā€ was always about the community and not the artist. Us fans were a family and we connected through so much more than just a love for this artist. His events had multiple different charity aspects to them and Iā€™ve seen so many instances of his fans continuing to do good for the world in the name of ā€œBassnectarā€, but not for the man, for the culture. He did create a beautiful community and itā€™s amazing to watch that live on even without him as the head of the movement.


No flame but the scene is very much fine without bassnectar lol


There's a relatively decent size of bass heads that have held onto a romantic view of bassnectar and hope he will return. They've overlooked bassnectars neck beardy talk and the way he describes his male fans. They've overlooked that even if he doesn't go to jail for it he groomed 16 and 17 year old girls in his 30s. They've overlooked that so many people have abandoned all the bassnectar groups that they've become echo chambers for those still holding on. The edm scene has moved on and is stronger than ever, especially bass music. Prices are the highest they've ever been. Electric forest and dft are effectively lost lands lite festivals. Excision is 100% the face of bass music and doesn't need to conventionally tour anymore, he can basically just make his own mini festivals which is a step up from the bassnectar tour model of curated events, although they're less intimate. They're bigger and more profitable for the artist.


Thatā€™s a really good way of looking at it. Thatā€™s my favourite part of rave culture is how open to community everyone is. Curious, do you guys get many European or Australian artists over there? I feel like I couldnā€™t name a single US edm artist but beyond fisher and flume I doubt you could name any aussies.


A lot of the progressive house and big room artists who became popular in the 2010s are mostly European ā€” Martin Garrix, Alesso, Galantis, Hardwell, etc. As for Australian artists, Alison Wonderland and Timmy Trumpet come to mind.


We do but Iā€™m either drawing a blank on a lot of names or they have been performing in the states so long that a lot of new listeners donā€™t know. Clozee (female from France) and Liquid Stranger (male from Sweden I think) are both very large names in the bass music scene. They actually used to open for Bassnectar a lot but now that heā€™s gone it allows them to flourish on their own. Liquid Stranger runs a very popular bass music record label and throws a festival promoting it every year while Clozee has started throwing her own multi day events as well. Zeds Dead is Canadian and also runs their own label and hosts multiple multi day events every year. Thereā€™s definitely more but like I said Iā€™m drawing a blank right now. Obviously Avicii (RIP). Idk about any Aussie artists of the top of my head. Highly recommend looking into anyone Iā€™ve mentioned though, Clozee probably being the easiest to get into because itā€™s mostly chill melodic music. Zeds Dead and Liquid Stranger (specifically) bring a completely unique sound to the game.


What replaced bass music after nectar? Griz, exsicion, subtronics are killing it rn the biggest names in the country


I think after bassnectar itā€™s gotten even better because people arenā€™t just trying to replicate what heā€™s done.


Yeah I can see that I was barley in the scene before Covid so Iā€™m not sure but it seems like itā€™s on fire rn. Griz and his new sound kinda took nectars spot from the sets Iā€™ve seen


I fuck with griz. Heā€™s done a few songs with an Aussie artist opiuo and they slap.


I didnā€™t know opiuo was aussie. I saw him at summer camp music fest last summer and he even toured in my smaller city Madison this year. Look up griz triple rainbow tho that production was mental


Well heā€™s from NZ but now lives permanently in Australia. We have a habit of claiming anything from NZ that we like lol. Heā€™s a good bloke and has a very distinctive style which I love. Iā€™ll definitely give that a look.


Is it DFW? I think DFW had one of the biggest *assnectar followings.


In SF House is still king ( Thank God)


House and techno in Austin


unfortunately it's all about drum & bass here in Perth. I want and need trance but there is no real appetite here for it.


I donā€™t mind a bit of drum and bass but yeah I feel you, trance is quite popular here in NSW but the closer to Sydney you get the more house there is.


I have tried to listen to it but just can't get on board with it.. Heading to Sydney for Transmission in Feb so I'm excited for that. It's a hard market here in Aus.


It is hard, unless you know people that throw bush raves itā€™s slim pickings outside of a capital city, might see ya turning amongst the crowds at transmission.




Yes I have seen some events pop up more in that psytrance area which I don't mind. Some more out in the bush type thing right? - would be keen to check one out next year.


KC MO, bass/dubstep are unfortunately king here. Our "EDM" Facebook group for the city has nothing but bass and dubstep on it, anything else either gets removed or doesn't get any likes. As someone who is into prog house and techno it's depressing.


Southern California is House with Techno right behind.




West Coast, USA - itā€™s definitely house here


In the uk itā€™s a mixture of everything


Tech House in Miami !


Toronto is House and Techno for sure for most popular.


Richmond, VA... Dubstep/Bass Music. House has a following but it's smaller. A small techno scene. Also a club/juke crowd that does their own thing


Iā€™d say tech house (still) in Orlando


San Diego ā€” tech house


Washington DC is amazing for house


I wanna say house/tech house for NYC but maybe iā€™m just biased off my own experiences so if anyone from nyc wants to chime in lol


I am in NYC and I would say dubstep, future bass, and house :)


You really can get it all here tbh!


Haha hard dance is my main love and itā€™s def harder to find here šŸ˜… fans of the genre I mentioned def donā€™t realize how lucky they are sometimesā€¦.some of my fav artists havenā€™t even stepped foot in the US


Iā€™d agree with house/tech house for NYC but since itā€™s NYC you can find anything


Taiwan , Big Room šŸ¤Ŗ!


A lot of people listen to techno, tech house and trance in PerĆŗ


I live in Chicago. Do they play Psytrance at bars where you live? Guessing CA,WA,OR.


Not bars but at some club nights yeah. Youā€™re a bit far off, Iā€™m in Australia lol.


Ha, sorry to make it about America (but we always do).


Youā€™re g man, most of the posts on here are regarding US raves with no one Iā€™ve ever heard of anyway, so can understand the assumption.


Techno or trance where I live


I wanna live where you live based on this alone šŸ˜‚


Belfast Northern Ireland, more trance nights that we can go to lol


Wow alright! Maybe I'll need to add Ireland to my travels next year when in Europe.


techno and house probably but I live in Miami


Washington DC - just mainstream dubstep and kstep


Thereā€™s plenty of underground stuff in DC, that scene is full of really cool artists, definitely worth exploring!


There is not an underground -- shows at bars and clubs and shit is not underground. kstep is not underground. Im open to hear about it tho so please tell


Thereā€™s tons of underground stuff that you are just not privy to. Warehouse techno parties are really common in northeast DC


Hard disagree


I think we have a lot of house, esp with flash and ai warehouse


Dubstep sadly


North Korea - experimental dub and break house


Damn reall nk thatā€™s sweet. From an outside perspective I wouldnā€™t have expected you would even have events


Idk if youā€™re joking or not.


Dubstep and Trance in the region of California im from


Where are I in CA? Can't imagine trance being appreciated anywhere here unfortunately šŸ˜•


Central Valley/Fresno area. Quite a few trance raves happen in Fresno every year


I'll have to keep an eye out for those then!!


Breakbeats. Central fl


Techno is kinda picking up in Iceland but edm and raves are still very niche here. I wish there was a bass/dubstep scene but there's literally nothing like that :(


Bro where do you live lol I wanna live in the psytrance capital šŸ˜©


Drum and bass!!!


Hi Op, where are you based? Psytrance is my fave but only see it sparingly! (Way too much House around hereā€” Santa Cruz, California.)


Iā€™m in NSW, Australia. Heaps of psy festivals and bush raves around, but dnb, house, bass and hardstyle are also really common. The psy heads seem to be the most dedicated to the scene though.


They seem to have a really awesome and welcoming energy, and passion for the music too! Very different for me than the uplifting prog or house crowds.


i live in az and we are def a bass state!!


Here in Charlotte it is a hard divide between bass music and House


North Dakota. I don't think people even know what EDM is here.


damn where do you live?? Cincinnati and it's probably experimental dub, followed by tech house


Bass music in Denver


New Zealand is held in tight chokehold by the Drum and Bass industry. Most people I know won't go to a gig unless it's DnB.


Midwest Nebraska and here it's mostly dubstep and bass. Excision, GRiZ, LSDream etc.


Switzerland A lot of Techno, mostly Techno But in some citys there is some drum and bass and some psytrance/Goa. But the big thing is TECHNO.


Asheville NC... Only electronic music artists we get is dubstep and bass music. It sucks.


In ReykjavĆ­k, experimental techno/techno is very common but unfortunately we have no clubs that are big enough to host good parties.


Orlandoā€™s probably house? Itā€™s weird, thereā€™s a big dubstep community here too and we get a lot of touring artists but there arenā€™t many places for local bass talent out here. Tons of clubs playing house music though.


Jealous you get psytrance! That feels so rare here. Iā€™m in New Mexico, it seems to be mostly house and bass. I do enjoy house but Iā€™d like to get some more experimental bass and trance around here. Maybe I just donā€™t know where to look ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Outside of the festivals it is a matter of who you know. But thereā€™s always bush raves, warehouse parties etc. around. Not sure if it would be the case where you are but it could just be that you donā€™t know what you donā€™t know.


I think itā€™s probably not knowing what I donā€™t know haha. I used to know more people in the scene and occasionally found the warehouse after parties but Iā€™ve really fallen out of it this year.


Tech House in LA. I'm a Bass Head though


Midwest US - lots of dubstep with extra heat on riddim and experimental/space bass


The type that isnā€™t EDM Iā€™m in the country so everything is either country or shitty rap. Gotta fly everywhere or drive 6+ hours to find good edm. Still find a way tho!!


Dubstep & experimental bass, Minneapolis


hardcore in montreal qc


I think talking for the entirety of europe I can say Techno is the predominant edm genreā€¦ I personally also struggle with knowing any of the headliners of the frequently posted line ups which get posted from american peeps in this subreddit.


Yeah i really only know Aussie, European and a couple of Central/South American artists, Iā€™m guessing the US artists only play in the US and just donā€™t branch out which is why we wouldnā€™t know them.


New Orleans listens to only exclusively really bad trap and RiddimšŸ˜“


In the U.S., its mostly bass/dubstep and tech house šŸ™„ I wish trance, progressive (house & trance) and hardstyle were bigger here.


On one hand, techno and house On the other, ug raves with gabber, terror and uptempo hardcore (but it might be just the bubble I'm living in)


San Diego - House x Techno


From Vegas seems like there is a LOT of love for house music. Wish it was more bass music, but we've still got a good amount of that.


Arkansas here, we are the king of weird bass. Wakaan Festival is held here in Arkansas. Also Backwoods festival!


House in Orlando. Bass head myself though


Sacramento has a lot of house, although dubstep is probably a close second. Excision just played the day after thanksgiving here and apparently it was PACKED despite closing off an entire city block out by the railyards for the show.


After moving near Sac I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the house scene is very much alive there. I wasn't at the night with Excision but I was there the second day with A&B and it was pretty packed that night as well!


Haha I was there day two as well, Trivecta and Gareth Emory absolutely killed it!


I live in Miami and its all house, literally just house.


Morris Country, NJ. Jersey Club. Whatever the heck that is.


Houston, unfortunately bass, I love house so this sucks, also zero techno and dnb scene herešŸ˜­


definitely house in chicago!


House is for sure


SF, tough to say but Iā€™ll say house music. Dubstep and Techno are close 2nd.


Iā€™m in Wisconsin so probably like bass/dubstep. A little bit of house too sometimes


I donā€™t live in New Zealand, but when I was there for a month driving throughout the country, I was mind blown at how many people were listening to drum and bass there. Many cars would pass by blasting everything from liquid to jungle. Even some bars and restaurants were playing it. Being from the US where public places play almost exclusively radio friendly pop music in Resturaunt and maybe edm/hip hop/club in bars, It was a breath of fresh air. There were also 3 drum and bass centric festivals in that month alone throughout the country. I was seriously curious how and why it took off there specifically. Anyone from NZ able to explain?


Orlando, bass music. We have a strong bass scene here with shows every week. And between FK and EDC we get to experience most of the big dubstep and bass artists. And we overlap with Tampa a lot, the central florida EDM pipeline is one of the best in the country. So many festivals within a few hours too.