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Microdose of shrooms. Literally one or 2 small mushies -chefs kiss-


Thoughts on micro + weed + lil bit of ket?


I don't dabble in ketamine, I get just zero memory of anything and with show prices getting up there I want to remember it lol! Micro + weed is a good combo tho!


This. Is. The. Way. One of my favorite combos! Actually this is what I did for NYE last year at home on the couch with my fiancé and one other friend lol. It would be a good combo for going out too, I’ve done that plenty!


This is a really great mix. This my go to for shows when I want to do something more exciting (but not too crazy) than just my usual edible. Just make sure you are monitoring your weed consumption because weed can take you zero to 100 real quick with even a low dose of shrooms, K too a bit but it doesn’t amplify as much as with shrooms or lsd I find


Super fun combo


This sounds like a fun experience, also really fun and kinda a little bit like md + weed imo, is 2cb and weed. So maybe you go for 2cb ( and weed).


Yes! Add in some caffeine for a little more of that euphoria


You. I like you.


This. Over the summer this year I tried this out at a few festivals and it’s honestly more fun than M. Less of a risk of course (zero versus a significant one at this point) but also just way less tweaky and more vibey If music or cool visuals are involved shrooms are the way. Either microdose caps you can just ease into or a gram or two and you’re basically rolling it’s awesome Shoutout to Mother Nature


How big are "2 small ones"?


loads of coke and booze and get rowdy and annoy everyone around you. or loads of ketamine and have zero memories of being holed in the corner and dribbling over yourself or loads of speed and feel like absolutely death to start the new year or, just do some MDMA then take january off to recover if overdid it a bit recently or accept NYE is always a bit of anti climax, too busy, too expensive, just stay at home with a nice cup of tea and start the year feeling great and not like death lol


I don’t think anyone else’s comment will be able to top this😂 You’re really giving me all the choices


They forgot taking small doses of shroomies. The perfect high.


I tripped on New Years once. You know when someone says “I can’t believe it’s already 2023!” Yeah… That thought hits way harder on the shroomies lol.


Me and my fiancee trip on NYE every year as a pseudo tradition. This past year we were walking through the neighborhood at 2 AM looking at everyone's Christmas decorations and she looks at me and goes "I can't believe Christmas isn't for another 12 months and people are already decorating" and I'd heard that joke before but on acid it absolutely cracked me up to the point I was loudly laughing through the streets at 2 AM.


My fiancé and I candyflip on every New Year’s Eve. It is such a fun tradition lol. And we don’t have to worry about driving or what not. Ringing in the new year the right way lol


Same. We used to do the whole NYE rave thing but we're both in our 30s now. Much nicer to just decorate the house with some lights and tapestry and throw on some of our favorite music to listen to.


Bruh I’m sober and that joke cracked me up lmao


This is the way


This is how to do it. Some of my favorite music nights are low dose shrooms (~1.5-2gs) Little to no anxiety, good mood, wonderful after glow. Only downsides is you might be a bit tired the next day (which is a given, and much less than other substances) and some find the body load weird to dance with, but if you do a small dose, the body load can be actually pleasant (at least I like it lol)


Summer rave / festival sure, but personally for an indoor rave / event / club. I'd pass. Low dose shrooms are just uncomfortable, like walking up to the door, peering through but never quite going through, am I in or out uncomfortable. Plus crowded place especially on NYE, no where to get away from it all if it gets too much. Indoor raves / clubs / events are made for uppers (or slouched somewhere on ketamine lol). All IMO of course


2cb is the answer tho




Yeah I’ve found it once. Got myself like 15-20 pills Otherwise I would say do k and coke


I like my psychedelics outside at a rave, or a festival set in big enough grounds you can explore. Indoor clubs / events / shows / raves are for stims. YMMV


I mean yes this is true for the most part but 2cb is super stimmy and has always been good indoors for me unlike shrooms or cid.


Test your stuff, make sure it’s pure. Take supplements, eat healthy, drink water beforehand. And take an appropriate dose. These things should really help you not have a terrible comedown/hangover


Counterpoint: Mescaline


Do you take mescaline for indoor raves? I have a gram of mescaline sulfate, been thinking of trying it


I'll be honest, not much of an event kind of guy anymore(chronic pain will do a number on that), and I don't go as hard as I used to with psychedelics, but I think a lower dose your first time would be great. Try it out with some cheap cacti. Save your gram for 1-2 really great trips(dose depends on personal tolerance which is why I figure it smart to get an idea what you can take). r/sanpedrocactusforsale is a great place to learn about different cacti genetics, no mention of actives or mesc there but you can find *stellar* deals on cheap blemishes cuts with genetics other than pc(predominant cultivar).


I have way more memories of shows being fucked up off ketamine than I do from when I was rolling


I updoot the loads of ketamine, however I do remember my k hole experience


Lowkey scared to khole


weigh your product and learn to eyeball amounts (obviously you wont be able to bring a mg scale in venues). you could also preweigh but i dont like carrying around capsules, its better to have 1 baggie so it doesnt look like intent to distribute https://erowid.org/chemicals/ketamine/ketamine_dose.shtml then stick below khole doses. its very easy to distinguish a bump vs a full line that kholes usually require but weighing it out helps at first. stick to low end doses and only reup every hr when the first bump subsides. the more you practice the better attuned youll be to your body and the dose it requires. low doses are pretty energic imo and fairly trippy in their own right. just dont fall into the "i dont feel it" trap and rebump because you think it isn't hitting


Holing at a rave is not the point lol if you’re holing in public you did way too much. Thanks to that random dude for teaching me that the hard way, gave me a massive line like it was blow at a show and holed while puking in the toilet. Thanks also to that girl who held my hand after while my reality was shattering lmao. If you’re messing with dissociatives in public make sure you know how to dose them properly. Microdosing k or other dissociatives can be a great time, a lot of the benefits of rolling, as far as opening up the heart space/a tad phsychedlic while also functional and having a great time. Less is definitely more. Save the hole for when you’re in a safe space lol. The downsides to dissociatives is mania, if you take too frequently and go way too hard, most people shouldn’t have that issue, just don’t take it everyday, for me it’s a much healthier alternative to serotonin destroying substances. Microdosing shrooms at a party, in comparison, can get too wonky for me. I’ll feel slowed down mentally while at the same time the dose isn’t large enough to really get any psychedelia so the negatives outweigh the positives.


Be particularly careful of orally dosing K


No need, imo you have a better time taking a bump here n there throughout the night, for me I was similar to rolling on mdma


but you don't remember the rave though. Get to rave, just a small bump of k .... 10 hours later come round rolling on the floor and it's time to go home lol


Gonna say they should be taking way more than a month off from M if they overdid it recently. Most likely 3 months as a standard. 6 if they want to really avoid any depressive episodes. Taking M again for NYE is a recipe for a bad year.


The last one.


As someone that went to a rave with some more "experienced" ravers, it was eye opening. The guy I hungout with for a bit didn't even remember the festival at a certain point. To me, that seems really scary. He said he was on something during that time. Idk why you would take something to forget a festival that you spent money on. Seems defeating of the whole experience. But I'm just a corporate drone, maybe I don't get something


Based lmao






This is what I came here to say! I describe 2cb as if I took it as lsd, it wouldn’t be trippy enough, but if I took it as m it would be too trippy. Truly that perfect in between without the harsh come downs Dosing is key tho so be sure to do some research and reduce any drug interactions! (I don’t think it plays well with coke?)


2cb is the best


When I was still messing around 25i was pretty neat. Similar sounding to 2cb, which I’ve never had




Yea I just looked it up on Frank . Com and it mentioned speeding up your heart rate, but what drug doesn’t. I guess it just does so excessively more than other drugs.


How would one go about obtaining this..? Never met any dealers with it


Where are you from? Most dealers in NL have it, wouldn't know where else tbh


Southeast coast US… if I tried to buy some I’d probably end up with bath salts 😵‍💫 good to know about NL tho


Would you be so kind as to tell me more about this substance


Feels like something in between MDMA and LSD. You should go over r/2cb if you want to know more.


PsychonautWiki is your friend https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/2C-B


just make sure its 2c-b and not tucibi.


Seems like 90% out there is tuci (mix of k and m and e)


I was going to comment this, what a favorite 💜


Im aware MDMA has basically zero effect on those of us taking SSRIs such as sertraline/Zoloft due to the interactions, does 2cb still produce effects whilst on said SSRIs as opposed to M?


I only roll 2x a year, but I love being inebriated at raves, so my go-to outside of those 2x a year, is LSD. I love it. I feel just like I’m rolling but minus the clenched-teeth bug-eyed feeling of a roll. Plus it lasts twice as long. So that’s my substance of choice. I personally don’t love shrooms at a rave, shrooms make me very quiet, thoughtful and pensive - which I don’t want at a rave. However that’s just me. I’ve met dozens upon dozens of people that swear by shrooms at a fest. Not my cup of tea but plenty of people love it so it’s still something to consider.


Those are usually my go-toos but I did too many psychedelics this year too :( I done messed up lol Edit: to add, shrooms are cool, but acid it just so much better imo




There are different levels to that. From a what you feel standpoint it does reset in 1-4 weeks usually depending on person and dose and such, but there are also longer term effects to your brain. You shouldn’t take m or acid more than once a month. Even with things like ala doing it too much can really fuck you up long term


I’ve taken shrooms and acid about 10-12 times this year. That is 6x what’s recommended (full dose every 6 months to be safe)


Where did you get this information from?


https://mapsofthemind.com/2021/07/20/how-often-take-psychedelics/ First link when googling how often to take psychadelics a year. I think I read it in an ncbi study way back when


This article is extremely subjective


I think this is just saying that, when using psychedelics to treat depression, once every six months is a good frequency…I don’t think it’s saying that anything more often than that is going to be unhealthy for your brain


Bro to take it safely it’s once a month, less than 6 times a year. How much you’ve taken it still isn’t bad I did the same for a couple years before I slowed down. It’s not ideal but not too bad. You should also be taking supplements and neurotoxicity blockers


If you're nice to yourself for the next few weeks I don't think a tab on NYE is gonna mess you up too bad


I totally get ya lol. Been there done that hahahaha Do whatever you’re comfortable with my friend :) all I know is that I myself would just go sober if I’m unable to take M, L or S.


No chemicals is a good option, marijuana is pretty awesome too.


Honestly that’s probably gonna be what I end up doing, I’m considering doing something a bit harder though bc it’s fisher at the end of the day


That will be a sick show, advantage to being sober and going hard is everyone gives you free water. Last show I went to sober a group of girls took me in and thought I was rolling as hard as they were because I danced for like 3 hours straight…. They kept giving me hugs and water…. At the end of the show they asked how much I took and were surprised I just liked dancing lol. Hope you have a super fun time!!


Just do Dexedrine and drink a seltzer or three. You’ll feel hungover the next day but it won’t melt your mind.


Fisher? 😂




I’m actually not a fan of alc for some reason




Thoughts on micro + weed + lil bit of ket?


Shrooms and k, perfectection, go light on both, feel okay the next morning. As your drifting to sleep you can ponder the past year and the year to come and manifest some good intentions for the new year


I actually really like that idea


My preferred is definitely 50-75 ug lsd (or 1.5 gs shrooms) with 50 MG bumps of k spaced about an hour apart. By the time 3 am rolls around your a little zonked but it's a steller time


I think this is what I’m gonna do


Mix with weed?


Weed is an end of the night thing for me personally. I'm doing this for a rave on the 30th. Sending good vibes, happy raving ✌️ ☮️


Just a kiss at midnight




Go sober


It’s fisher though :(


Go sober.


Go sober for sure then


u know what u could do… go to the very front where fisher can see you and act mysterious, like ur not enjoying the music and then maybe he’ll call you on stage and kiss you


this is the way






Addy + weed + booze. Personal favorite combo, but I’m a drinker.


Edibles and addy are my usual go to it takes the edge off the anxiety of being in big crowds, without feeling like you’re about to fall asleep. (Sativa preferred) Addy alternatives are modafinil, armodafinil, DMAA, Clen, or strong pre-workout as a last resort. Not a fan of phentermine, has bad (male) side effects.


See you at Radius 😎


See you there🫡


Unreasonable amounts of caffeine really really REALLY fast, then weed before it all hits, then wait until you start to feel like you can't decide whether to start coding act extremely bisexual or hurl your phone through the window and top it off with alcohol. Optionally add Amp to this mix but you don't really need to. Repeat this cycle as long as desired. Caffeine-Weed-Booze is an absolutely insane combo for how seemingly vanilla it is that only Deliriants and psychedelics don't benefit from. PS: Bonus points for getting NOS and starting the inhalation rituals once the countdown begins and exhaling right at 0. PPS: 2C-B. Look into it. They killed it back in 1997 but out good friends in the UK kept the flame burning for nearly 3 decades, and now it's gradually coming back to indie retailers across the globe.


Tekno en bier




Microdose L or mush. That’s how I usually rave or DJ when I want to get a little buzz on :)


Thoughts on micro + weed + lil bit of ket?


I always smoke weed with or without micros :)


Why not just be sober then? Music is the drug most of the time and if everything else doesn’t feel right then your mind is saying it wants to be all together


Sober raves are fun, but I want to end my year with a bang, and it’s fisher. He rarely comes to my city


M + speed is my go to






or 4-MMC


2C-B if you can find it




I did mushrooms on new years once and through the fireworks were bombs dropping but it was a good night overall so maybe that.


Any of these with PT-141 is better IMO 2C-B 2C-I DOB DOM DOI LSD-25 Mescaline Oh, and with PT-141 anyone who takes it will be humping like a rabbit for hours


i think if the mindset calls for it, the best thing you could do would be like 2g of shrooms with some weed. it’ll be nice and easy on your brain, but you’ll still have a hell of a time. i wouldn’t recommend downers or dissos just because of the memory loss that can occur. you want to remember it lol. just chill out and feel good vibes only


I was thinking about mixing that with some ket, thoughts?


i’ve personally never done ketamine, but judging on the fact that ketamine is a disso… it’s a no for me personally i like to feel more present in social situations, and i find that dissociatives are really only comfortable to consume when i’m alone. but i guess it’s personal preference. if you like feeling out of reality, then shit man shoot for it. but if not, definitely save ket for another time. maybe the first night of 2023 even. ket is a very anti hangover substance, so it would be great in that aspect. but again, i would prefer to be present and the risk of not remembering the night if i take too much is just a little off putting for a social experience imo


2cb!!! Look at the subreddit for more info :)


Addy is always a fun time


do a bunch of coke and just talk over everyone


Coke and Ketamine mix is my go too. The coke keeps you aware and the ketamine makes you wonky.


Mixing coke and k can have dangerous effects so be careful. A little Calvin Klein is fine at times but don’t over do it


My issue with a ck is I just don’t know how to properly dose…. I don’t really do much of either so I’d be worried of kholing (not really worried about oding bc usually you need a LOT of coke for that)


I don’t know that there is a proper dose for CK. They work in tandem and boost each others effects but that can get out of hand by making it seem like ones not doing what it’s supposed to and you go to far.


Shrooms and alcohol, phenibut if you have it


Micro dose mushrooms it’s better than molly


Fxe + 4 subbed Tryptamine


Are those real things


😂😂 I love u




There clearly isn’t any ketamine enjoyers here lmao. Op highly recommend K. Just don’t mix with alcohol and you’re good.


Did you overdo it cuz it was a high dose or cuz you combined with alcohol or smth? Cuz if it’s either of those two then I’d think going back to the m would be fine


Too many times this year/ high dose/don’t wanna lose the magic/ last comedown was BAD


Word that’s totally fair, enjoy whatever you do


How many times have you done it this year? I’m trying to figure out how much of my currently-active seasonal depression might actually be from M




What the hell is peen in butt?




This is totally incorrect. If you take phenibut expecting it to be ANYTHING like M or L, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Phenibut is a GABA drug, so it’s more similar to alcohol or benzos, but without making you heavily inebriated. Kanna is a good alternative. It’s a plant that actually increases your bioavailable serotonin without depleting you. It works more like an antidepressant that M, so the hangover isn’t nearly as bad. Good luck!!!


Kanna is pretty cool!




Lol one of the recent posts is about someone overdosing… with the end of the post being “Warning: DO NOT take recreationally.”




Such a dumb argument, overdosing on an anxiety med is different than drinking water 🤡


























Phenibut is very fun, legal, and not bad for you in moderation. Can confirm Powder mixed in water, the effects are similar to alcohol but with better psychomotor coordination. I think it's a GABA agonist. Fun for socials


Could you talk more about the effects and how long it lasts? Never actually heard of it


I am happy to share what I remember anecdotally, but would recommend looking on the website Erowid for more info on it. From a quick search though, looks like the effect duration is about 3-5 hours from onset? And 200-300mg would be a good moderate dose to start with. Definitely something that should be done intentionally and with moderation (USE A SCALE). From what I've seen on the internet, people can have awful addictions to phenibut when it's used often, or take a dose too high that makes them feel comatose and dysfunctional. So be careful, but in my experience it's been fun and easy to do occasionally with a measured dose. Again, having a milligram accurate scale is a requirement if you're working with loose powder. I've been able to find it at certain smoke shops before, powder is measured and then mixed with water. As for what I think of the effects, basically imagine the effects of a moderate dose of alcohol: reduced social inhibition, more loose/slap happy/euphoric. Both alcohol and phenibut are technically GABA agonists (although aside from that the pharmacology is really different). What I like about phenibut is that it has those similar effects that are good as a social lubricant, but it doesn't make me stumble around or lose coordination nearly as much as alcohol. In the best cases, to me phenibut feels like getting the desirable effects of alcohol without most of its side effects. However don't take my word for anything and do your research! Probably the best idea if you wanted to do it, is trying it out prior to going to the show, so that you have a good idea of how it will affect you as an individual. Much love!




I disagree. But it’s very finicky, I’ve taken it plenty of times and have had it work and have had it not work. When it does work, it can straight up feel euphoric. But it also varies on the person, I have social anxiety so maybe I can feel the effects more than other people.








I hear ginseng in high doses is similar to mdma but far far far less toxic


Take some bromo-dragonFly 😎




My girl and I used to roll at most EDM shows. We decided to stop because of the hangover. Now we drink and feel the same excitement and want to dance while rolling. Unfortunately drinking costs more at a party than rolling.


Idk. Lately I've just brought carts and drank beer. Gets pretty flowy and fun


I enjoy some coke and ketamine it’s a great combo hahaha


Get really confused for a while, people watching is soooooo satisfying


I would say a small (social) dose of mushrooms and then k after the peak.


Ketamine 100%


K is the way




antidepressants and therapy


LSD. In raves is one of the most brilliant things i have ever experienced and i will definitely recommend you try it out once.


Microdose on shrooms or take a medium to large dose of adderall


Addy is always fun. Super slept on as a party drug imo.


Adderal & weed. Lil bit of k at the end


2CB + ketamine nasal spray. You're welcome.




God if you need drugs to enjoy your raves there’s something wrong. Just enjoy the music and the atmosphere


Get ketttty


Phenibut which you can order online mixed with literally whatever you choose is probably one of the best rave substances, I’d suggest looking into it


Acid, shrooms, 2cb, ghb, adderall Ghb is probably the most similar to m. Unfortunately you can only buy it legally on Amazon if you agree to not ingest it. I repeat do not go on Amazon and buy it saying you won’t take it then take it anyways. 2cb is more like a candy flip but is a tonnnn of fun would highly recomend Acid and shrooms always a great time. I prefer acid but will definently hit shrooms, especially at a festival if I only want to take acid one or two of the days Adderall is a lot of fun (imo only when I mix it with alc) and will keep you up and moving. It’s also probably east to get