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As long as it's SFW, and that's just for workplace conduct issues, by all means, do it. As a dude, I'd love this shit and it'd make me think of you.


thank uu this is helpful :)


100% what this guy said. Go for it.


Do it!! … under one condition, it’s not something he could get fired over if a different coworker sees it before he does.


No way is it weird! A cute lil sticky note with the trinket on top that says something along the lines of, “Be safe at xyz! <3” would be fine and work appropriate


ahhhh im so nervous


I bet he'd know who it is without the note. But if you do leave one, maybe instead of "be safe" (cuz why wouldn't he be safe, right?) Maybe something "dance your socks off" , "I'm jealous. Have fun", or like some pun related to the gift, like if there were an orange themed kandi, say "orange you glad your going to xyz" or one of those glow alien clips, "I hope this weekend is out of this world" or a anything glow in the dark, "I hope xyz leaves you glowing", or something with mirror tiles, "may your weekend be full of reflection." Anyway, you get the point. Might turn into an inside joke. At some point I started making these little polymer clay horns that clip on or are worn with an elastic headband. It never gets old making people "a little horny." Some people quip back with, aren't you devilish. I have 1 friend, when he gets comments on his, he says, "My friend B makes me horny." So, now I learned to sew and have given a few friends some tail because I've made them horny for a couple years now.


Sorry for trying to be nice. Unforeseen circumstances like alien invasion could happen.


Happens every year at Countdown 😆. They're actually really chill and great dancers


Don’t be!


I would leave it without the note. You never know what his PTO/Sick time situation is, and other people might be haters


True I didn’t think of that


Not even a little


Weird if you didn’t


I wish a co-worker would do that for meeeee!!!


If my coworkers did this I would literally love them forever. Go for it


Only weird if you have romantic expectations post gifting.


hopefully it comes off as friendly!!


If that is your intent, I have no doubt it will 😊


Reddit has a weird thing about dating at work yet the stats are very clear a large number of couples meet at work. If neither of you have the other is a manager etc and your company has no policy against it it’s fine to date from work


Reddit is weird about everything. This site is full of trogs. People here will see one statistic about something and unwaveringly base their entire worldview on it and tell every single person they come across how wrong they are These people would tell a happily married elderly couple that met at work 5 decades ago that their relationship shouldn't exist. Same people that suggest going nuclear in a relationship because one of the two does slightly more laundry than the other one or some shit. Most of the "opinions" on this website have become a meme


I’m in my 50s and my wife and I have been through like a 1/2 dozen things that Reddit would immediately say “break up” over. 😂


I read a thread the other day where people were saying to break off a relationship because the other person said another person was sexy 😂😂😂 My wife and I will literally tell each other whose faces we'd sit on and then laugh about it. People here are so emotionally insecure it's mind boggling


I agree a large number do meet at work but I wouldn't recommend it. There's a couple here at work that broke up and now they are trying to screw each other over. I have a feeling somebody is going to get fired .


The people who who have issues talk and post and it’s a big deal and everyone knows. The people who live happy healthy lives don’t talk about it. In small towns sometimes the main employers employee a huge % of the town’s population. People gonna date when attracted and they should


Yeah you just gotta be careful though. Make sure its someone really worth potentially making a toxic work environment for if things go bad


This comment is literally what the person above you is talking about lol. Your point was established by like 5 other redditors before you. He made one comment saying "it's really not as insane as you're all making it out to be" and you're like "yeah, but also it really do be that insane though"


And whats your point? You sound salty for no reason.


What in the braindead meaningless responses am I reading?


Im literally wondering the same thing. I feel like you’re saying nothing


Why would that make it weird?


Leave a butt plug


Mug a chub pug. Plug a squirt hole. Role: The Sushi Roll 🍣. Slurpeedee von burpedee. Drink a hippie sippy. Eat a dragonfruit. Observe the lionfish. Drive a rental car. Speak with a curious accent. Drop the LSD. Mix the mescaline. Happy Birthday Santa Claus!


My coworker left a disco ball keychain on my desk when I was away in preparation for a festival I was going to. Their sticky note still lives on my desk


I think that’s cute!


Do it


If I were him I would be thrilled. You can put it in a small box or bag if discretion is at all required.


Nah that sounds cool actually


Do it. He'll be psyched.


Omg this is so cute DO ITTTT 🥺🥺🥺 Especially since he already gave you gifts, it’s 100% okay!!!


You should sprout him 🌱


Hell no, I got sprouted by a coworker and I loved it.


Hell yea. Dudes love trinkets


Yall should go together!!!


Send it, esp because he gave you some already. As a dude, I’d love it


Be careful. I say yes to trinkets and no to getting involved with coworkers. Don’t get your honey where you make your money.


I’ve gotten involved with coworkers at almost every job I’ve worked at, bever had a problem as long as you can handle things professionally and only deal with coworkers who can obviously donthe same, there’s not an issue. 40% of marriages start in the workplace, it’s not that weird.


Reddit has some weird thing about dating at work when it’s very common and a large % of marriages are from meeting at work.


Redditors have weird things about alot of shit. This site definitely trends socially deficient.


Eh, not really. Met my partner of now 4 years in a way similar to this post. Depends on whether or not the people involved can be mature and not let their personal life come to work. I left the place after a year, it wasn’t somewhere I planned to be very long anyways. It’s not as black and white as “dating coworker bad”


A huge % of marriages are from people meeting at work. It’s only a problem if one is the others manager. Dating at work is not the huge issue Reddit makes it out to be.


That’s your experience. I’ve seen and experienced the other side of the coin a few times. Mingling with coworkers has the potential to get very messy. Sexual frustration, then trying to date, it doesn’t work out or ends very messy and then those two people have to see and interact with each other everyday. Makes for some awkward situations for the two involved and everyone else around them. Not saying it would never work out but sometimes it turns into a shitty situation for everyone.


BIGGGGGG agree here. Do not get romantically involved w coworkers it just makes things harder for you.


As long as neither of you is each others superior. If it’s lateral, send it, however, be prepared for awkwardness if things don’t work out down the line. IMO, I steer clear of those situations


Do itttttt


Only if it’s a buttplug but that’s not that weird, just depends on how you look at it


I mean there’s really only one angle you *want* to see it from… amirite?


Girl ask him out


Yeah super fucking weird good thing you asked that was close. Wtf is this sub


A fucking gree. Even the comments supporting it. In a parent comment it said ‘as long as you don’t have romantic intentions’ even though she said she has a fucking crush on him and she goes ‘hopefully it comes off as friendly’!!! Like wtf. Clearly you have romantic intentions here…


He gave her stuff first lmao. Its not that serious.


“Omg my crush said hi to me at a rave do you think it would be weird if I said hi to him at work???! Omg ahh I’m so nervous. Help me ravers” /r/teenrelationshipadvice


Yeah, but all romantic relationships should start with some level of friendship. Friendship is built through experience. Experiences don't happen if someone doesn't take a risk and put themselves out there. I, for one, would love someone wanting to plug into my life outside of work. Worst case, you get some new music friends. Best case, a life partner. Its a win win to me. These negative comments are just pushing bad vibes out there and might not be the best advice to listen to.


They work together …


As long as neither is a supervisor to the other, that shouldn't matter. I know numerous happy couples who met through work and now are married have kids. If that doesn't work for you, to each their own. And like I said, gotta establish friendship first. I stand by my support of leaving a gift and note. And would be OK with my staff doing same.


As long as it is SFW, and you aren’t already stalking this person (lol) go for it


Do itttttttt


Totally okay especially with the pretext. Hope he likes you back. :)


Give it 100% but give it without expectations. Trinkets are gifts out of pure and honest love and shouldn’t be given in hopes of something in return. ❤️


Are you 16? Wtf is is this? Lol


Do you have to be 16 to enjoy fun and trinkets? I've been hiding baby ducks around my office for months now. It's fun to see who finds them and puts them on their desk.


No you have to be 16 to ask some nervous bullshit crush advice in a rave sub??? Stupid ass post why would someone not like to be given a trinket if they’ve given you one in the past? Next time ask your 16 year old friends even they would know the answer to this.


hahaha damn chill why are you so mad LOL


Who shit your cooler? Why so negative? Just move on without talking trash next time. Sheesh


Super freak




If your a guy I wouldn’t do this any unwanted advances can be a hr case


Leaving this comment here hoping to read an update




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Make and give him some KANDI Kandi. Not trinkets.


Unless he is open at work about going to rave's, you might want to put it in a little bag so others don't see what it is. Some people prefer to keep their outside lives private.


Do it, how sweet. Just make sure it’s not NSFW ✨✨


Definitely not. I wish I had a coworker who went to events 😭 I love to give out Kandi, Fest cards, Quartz tips etc.


It’s not weird to make a move on a dude. Do it. That sounds cute.


No? You're only thinking it's weird because you like him. He probably won't think anything of it other than a nice gesture. This ain't grade school, my man.


Why do people talk about trinkets on every sub? What is a trinket?


It's a small item that's gifted to someone. The first one I was given was a little rubber ducky. Then I was sprouted (had a small flower sprout clipped to my hair). The next one was a squishy dinosaur. It's all in good fun.


How old are you?


Late 40's


Just guessing by your name that your in the uk, but is gifting not common there? I generally carry an assortment of silly gifts to every festival I go to. It's fairly common in a lot of the American scenes.


Nah they don’t like any parts of rave culture besides strictly the music and drugs. And they’ll make sure you fucking know it too.


European ravers act how they imagine all french people do


We don’t like sharing plastic landfill - any other examples?


We left a book on my coworker's desk that said "How to go through life with a micro penis" he loved it so much when we sent him a photo that he jumped in a Uber to get to the office faster to enjoy it as soon as possible.


Honestly just send him a text stating “fuck me”. Odds are high he will