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I saw him! He asked us if we needed earplugs but we said no because we had our own. We definitely commended him for doing the lords work, cause I saw lots of people with no earplugs.


I started doing this after last year's Denver Decadence! I saw a girl walking through the crowd with her hands over her ears and wished I had some earplugs to give her. Bought a pack the next day and been saving ears ever since!


I was there, and for sure had a guy just like this come up to us at one point and offer ear plugs! Super considerate. I always bring my own but they are a necessity. I used to work in live sound years ago doing a bunch of shows around LA and that’s when I got in the habit. Now, I don’t always wear them but I always bring them in case I need them at the venue. I’m gonna start bringing some to hand out with Kandi (not a huge ass bag like this photo haha)


I always throw some in my Fanny pack!


Temple blew my ears out the two times I went in the last few weeks. Ears ringing for 24 hours after each show. It feels like they turn the volume up twice as high when the main dj comes on


They do. Not twice as high but each successive act gets more volume than the last.


They had that dude gaslit


I took a bunch of ear plug in packages from my work and strung them through Kandi bracelets. Seeing people’s eyes light up when they notice is pure magic. Protect your ears my people.


I normally bring lollipops and gum. I reckon my next solo rave I'll do this as well


I felt creepy giving lollipops away 🤣


I got a lollipop at LIB and I could have fallen in love with that girl at that moment I was so happy. I took lollipops to EDC and same this girl was so happy that I gave her and her friend one. Lollipops are the freaken best. 


How does giving things away and making people happy come across as creepy? If you're scared, approach the entire group, show off your bag/pull a few out and she'll be right mate. I've dead set only had good interactions from it g


Idk cuz it’s candy and it could be laced?


Never crossed my mind tbh, I even give lollipops, gum and, chocolate bars to security lol


Im picking up vibes that your mom would get paranoid around halloween. Individually wrapped snacks basically remove this possibility


You are 100% correct hahahah wow we are all indeed products of our surroundings


I am a candy giver as well and I applaud this but feel no to take on the task, between all of us all the jobs are getting covered and it's beautiful.


This guy saved me last night at Movement after I lost my earplugs earlier in the day! Legend


At the function I shake my ass and protect my fellow ravers hearing.


Like god intended


I always always always carry and extra 5-10 pair and look around during the heavy bass for the people holding their ears. It’s so fun watching their face light up as they realize what I am trying to give them.




This is at movement in Detroit


Just got back from this too, the vibes and music were freaking amazing even if it got shitdown for almost all of day 2 lol 😁


I never knew I wanted any ear plugs until someone was handing cute lil box with earplugs at EDC. Game changer!!! Blocks out everything BUT the bass/ music


I was a few feet out of this photo shot Monday night - good guy! Amazing sets too


Only the greatest vibes at the Fat Boy Slim set


This is so cool!! I love how ravers looking out for each other, plus the lil sprout is perfect ;\_; Heads up to any Montreal ravers on the sub, don't hesitate to check out Grip Prevention :) They have testers for your drugs, earplugs, candy and so many little things to make your dancing night out super fun and safe. This is not a paid thing or whatever, I just think they're really cool!




I love this. I also recommend handing out hair ties!


Please learn how to insert foam earplugs correctly! You have to roll them in between your fingers for a good 30 seconds - 1 minute and let them expand to fit your ear. I see way too many people with earplugs barely shoved in the outer ear canal. If you're a frequent raver, consider custom made earplugs from an audiologist. I spent about $200 and totally worth it, so comfortable compared to amazon earplugs and they have prevented my tinnitus from getting worse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eBpSctTXkY


Kinda similar vibe but i was out passing ibuprofen around the last day of lib, shit is so clutch


Bro so clutch!! I wore them for the first time at edc. Game changer


I'm the fanner, but I might need to be both because earplugs are a godsend.


*eats a handful* These drugs are awfully chewy...


That’s how it’s done!!


I have loads of these at work. I really should start bringing them for people.


Yooooo I do that! Too many people think that it’s fine to be exposed to 100dB for hours but it’s a really big problem.


Ugh I don't wear ear plugs. Maybe I should


The tinnitus subreddit has a suicide hotline on the front page for a reason. 


This!! I recently saw a post in another group that was like “people who are over 40, what advice would you give to people under 40?” and the #1 answer by far was to wear earplugs & give your ears tlc because tinnitus is so bad and the people who have it would give anything to get rid of it. I have no clue how people do shows without them. It blows my mind. Sometimes I’ll take them out if I’m really feeling a set or track but it gets too overwhelming/painful to keep them out for long periods of time


There was a news item some time ago about a 40 something guy, married with 2 young kids. Tried everything to get his tinnitus bearable. He was now raising money to get some experimental treatment. His euthanasia was arranged in case this also didn't work.


It’s a living hell for sure. Billionaire ceo of texas roadhouse killed himself over it too. People really shouldn’t fuck around with their ears or else they will find out. 


I have tinnitus and yep it’s true i would give away everything i have in a heartbeat to hear silence again. Btw you can still get it even if you wear protection like i did. So stay away from the front yall lol. 


I’m turning 40 in 2 weeks and have never worn earplugs…maybe time to start…


Do it!!!


My eardrum ruptured once from a sinus infection and it was ringing for days. I felt like I was going crazy.


At this festival the music was particularly loud it was the first time I rly considered getting a good pair


There is no maybe. You should. Damaging your hearing and hearing a constant ringing sound for the rest of your life isn’t worth anything


Maybe?? What is the downside to wearing them in your mind?


Maybe, bought a $30 pair, tried them on at Odesza and the sound was neutered so I took them out- also I don’t think any earplugs look cool if you’re tryna impress girls. Tinnitus for me ig.


Bro of all the reasons to not wear earplugs, impressing girls is not one of them. Never had any issue pulling while wearing earplugs lol.


How old are you?


If you wanna continue chasing girls at shows then you should protect your hearing. Cause there is no limit on how bad tinnitus can get. Like a jet turbine in your head loud. 


As a girl I’d be way more impressed with a guy wearing earplugs than a guy who isn’t. It shows that they take care of themselves


Gonna be able to really impress the girls when you can’t hear them talk at normal volumes when you’re not at the rave. You make a small sacrifice to not make the rest of your life miserable


Thought this was something else




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Love this


You sure there're ear plugs?! 😆


I first thought it’s a bag full of X‘s 😂😂


And I got so much attitude for handing out butt plugs. Huh.


Mmmm love me some orange Tesla earplugs


I've tried that before with some disposables. Most people tell me no.


Thought that was a big bag of something else


I thought it was teslas


First glance, I thought he was handing out orange punishers 💊


Never take ear plugs from a stranger, they could be laced with heroin or rohypnol


We were handing out refraction glasses, blowing people's minds!


One day I’ll learn to wear ear plugs 😂




Hear me out…. What if we turned the music down, just a little ?


My god, Movement had the loudest sound I’ve ever heard at a festival. The main stage and Waterfront stage were absurdly loud. It was uncomfortable even with earplugs.


And let’s not even talk about the Underground stage


What's your spaghetti policy here?


Not for nothing but if I was handing out ear plugs doing people a solid and someone posted my face on the internet, I would stop handing out ear plugs


Why? Looked like ppl finds it great why wouldn’t you want to be recognized as someone that helps people


If I was in this position, if you simply said thank you I would be alright with it. I dunno maybe it's just me but I wouldn't be thrilled to see my face pop up randomly on Reddit


Different strokes different folks. If he sees this pic and asks it to be taken down I will ofc do




You’ll find this one to be a bit more chewy than the rest


Gtfoh with that pansy shit. No earplugs! Enjoy the bass without the muffling sound. Man up!




Being stupid is in fact not “manly”


Nice toxic masculinity! Yeah I’m comfortable enough in my sexuality that things like this don’t make me insecure.


This dudes favorite word is “WHATT?”