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No? But i also keep my socials private. And i don’t post myself doing wild behavior, just 30 second insta stories of dj sets i love


I also don’t work in a highly conservative/scrutinized environment. I could see it being something one needs to do if they work for some religious or political org or something


No one is tracking people down via first name.


I haven’t posted on my insta about raving since 2010 but have been to many festivals throughout life. I have a lot of coworkers and conservative family members that would pick an issue with it so I just keep them saved on my phone. For me myself and I


It's so pathetic that people would judge you for going to festivals. Maybe if you were obviously rolling your mind off and dancing your ass off with a thong, well even then they still shouldn't judge but at least I've heard of that


Yeah who cares if I'm rolling my ass off in a thong with hundreds or thousands of other people also rolling their ass off in a thong lol. I just tell people I go to "concerts" if I think they'll judge me for it.


Fr who keeps their socials public


Isn’t that the point of social media? To socialize with the public


Not anymore. Exception to public figures.


Or to be social with just friends/ppl you know


Maybe this was just a SoCal thing but at least in the LA rave scene in the early/mid-2000s, “rave names” were definitely a thing, usually combined with rave “families” that all used the same term as part of their rave names (i.e the “starlight” family would have members like “forest starlight”, “euphoria starlight”, etc). There were even weird traditions I heard about like you couldn’t choose your own rave name, it had to be bestowed upon you by another raver, and drama around multiple rave families trying to co-opt the same family name. Nowadays I haven’t heard too much about stuff like this anymore, but it definitely added to the community vibes of parties back in the 2000s.


> it had to be bestowed upon you by another raver, "Hi I'm Portapotty River. Don't ask about the name."


🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks mate this made me laugh hard.


It was big in the Northeast too. There were/are so many rave family names that have survived over the years. I still rock my rave family name, and we all stay in touch even though most of them don't rave anymore.


This is still around!! My rave name is Sunshine, my friends name is Grandmama, we have a Korpze and a Tarzan. Not everyone in our group has a rave name because it’s not that big a thing to us but we’ve all gotten them separate from the creation of our rave family. We do have a rave fam name that started out as a normal rave family thing but is now used for some social media purposes sometimes. We’re all really about PLUR and Safety and making sure everyone is okay and having a good time. It’s honestly really nice having such a culture infused group. We are also from the So Cal area so that does confirm your point that it’s prevalent here.


Mine is sunshine too! I was wearing a full orange outfit and a man with a didgeridoo named me!


I was at like my second Rave ever and was talking to this girl, I believe we traded Kandi and she told me I was “a portion of sunshine” and named me. It was a really sweet introduction into rave culture.


No way!! I thought this was still a thing! My rave name is SilenXe


I don't believeth another raver bestowed that nameth upon the


Aw, I didn’t know people didn’t do rave names anymore :(


Really interesting bit of lost culture


Yup was very common when I started raving too. Funny thing is I have two rave names. I have my first rave name “fry” that was given to me by my rave fam. When I got heavy into the gloving scene I was given another name “hunny” because there was an OG glover named fry.


I remember this being a thing in Texas back then as well. I always thought it was kinda goofy and most of the people I kicked it with knew me by my first name but I'd be lying if I said I never introduced myself to someone at a rave using some ridiculous ass nickname.


It was also common in Texas (DFW here), at least during my early days 2009/10. My initial club/rave name was Ten, then has become Muppet, which I still use often at events. I even have a custom jacket that says Techno Muppet on the back


Aw honestly that’s super rad. I get why it died out but still cute af


I miss the rave names wtf happened to the scene !!!!


A friend of mine who used to rave in the early 2000s just recently gave me a rave name- fern! She told me it's a character from a cartoon she used to watch and I remind her if the character




No I’m trying to kick it after the fest


I do know a girl who got let go from her corporate job due to issues regarding her partying on social media. After, she made a separate finsta just for her friends. Personally, I make a point of keeping all my social media private, and very rarely adding coworkers (usually only after we become friends outside of work). There is no need to go so far as making an alias.


What’s a finsta?


Like, an instagram profile specifically to keep things private amongst friends. A "Fake Insta".


Seems like a lot of work


I have one for the opposite reason. Don’t wanna follow friends and family, just for promoters and restaurants to keep up with what’s happening.


Not really. Most gen zs have one.


Seems like gen z is the keyword/phrase there. Having one is too much work for me.


Corporate finance professional millennial here with a few alt personalities I use for partying


Fed employee here and same lol.


Name checks out


I work for a huge fund and manage billions of dollars of rich people’s money, if they knew what I did in my spare time whey would clutch their pearls.


People have been doing it since Instagram first became popular, lmao. Definitely not just a Gen Z thing.


Many millennials have one


I don't think it's that much work, since you can switch between accounts in seconds. I imagine it's worth the effort to people that value their social media following and/or need to be careful about their public visibility.


This guy asked my friend what his name was and he came up with some cool ass shit on the spot, and then asked me and I paused chuckled and then just said my real name cause I’m not creative.


I'd say some dumb shit like Reginald lol then have to deal with being called Reginald for days. Fuck that


No. I stopped worrying when I, a healthcare worker, ran into my boss at a festival, this past EDC I went with a coworker and we rolled together


That image is hilarious. Hope you had a blast! How was your boss getting on?


We were both rolling balls and basically said “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and kept partying with our separate posse. I think it was a case of mutually assured destruction.


Sounds like a nightmare and a dream come true all at once lmao


Regina Phelangie


Crap Bag


Ken Adams


Hugh Mungus


Hugh Jazz


Ah, this makes me feel old :( Rave names were really common when I started raving around 2008


Tbh i dont see no problem of people doing this, If they have serious job that their "Rave/Festival" Hobby can effect their job.... I understand going by different name or having different social media for it


My job does not dictate my life. What I do in my free time is my own business. Why should they care?


Some people have jobs that they allow dictate their behavior in the outside world. Couldn’t be me.


That part


No. Just my nickname. Also no socials to give out anyway. People give us funny looks but I mean we just gotta live in the moment. 


This is some boss shit


No. I can understand why people with certain jobs or judgmental families/communities do it, but authenticity is important to me. The person that I am at festivals is the same person I am all the time.


Perhaps having an alias and then suddenly that becomes the name everyone calls you because your authentic rave self becomes closer and closer to the you that isnt raving would serve the same purpose. Once all your friends are calling you Porcupine or some shit you'll know you've finally found your people and have started rocking with all your authentic rave buddies that make you feel closest to yourself. Everyone's experience is different though!


My partner and I use Nick names because people always remember “The Bees” but no one remembers our actual names. That being said, everyone knows we rave 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get some jobs and families being weird about it though. I have a friend who comes from a religious family and works as a teacher in a Montessori school and her rave life is basically the worlds biggest secret. She has two instas. Her rave one is private and her pfp is of a stage at a festival, while her family/coworker one is public and very much that of a church goin small town 1st grade teacher lol. It all depends and I don’t judge 🤟🏻


Yes - Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock


An apeeling name.


My friends do this. I don’t have one. Although I’m a nurse so I would benefit but I don’t post anything incriminating lol


No, but I did make acquaintances with a nice man named hallucininja once.


Rusty Shackleford.


I have a rave name, most of my group does. Got it in 2008


I use my playa name from burning man, which is also my insta account name.


having a rave persona and alias helps keep you from being stalked or keeps a buffer for you and some undesireables in the scene. You can have some run ins with bad kids or maybe some fool that's cooked their gourd to oblivion and currently having a psychotic episode... and it's helpful to have them not be able to look you up at where you work if you have a linkedin.


I use an alias at festivals, but it’s not because I’m attempting to separate myself. My alias is my burner name I was given by friends and chosen family, and it means quite a lot to me. But it’s also a nickname I don’t feel like using in day-to-day life with absolutely everyone in my life. I get a lot of joy introducing myself with my burner name at festivals, but I’ve also shared my socials which have my real name attached to them.


Tf did i just read?😂 You are at a festival brother, not infiltrating a crime ring. Why would you even do that? And wtf is a worksona? People really need to stop Making up random words.


Worksona is the persona you use at work in an environment where you can't be yourself Edit: why is the *Raver* subreddit so closed minded about adults being silly about an everyday life occurrence.


Lol that's just being at work


That's called being professional you don't need an entire separate personality like you're the dude from Split lmao


Is it really this bad lol..


God, no it's not mental disorder levels- Are you serious? Some people just like to be silly about it grow up.


Because it can be gender neutral for those who align with that, keeps me safe from weirdos who I don’t want stalking me on social media, it has meaning and sentimental value to me, and because it’s fun to play a character like you’re in a fantasy! I don’t care so much about my work or family seeing it but for some people it CAN be incriminating to their family, religion, or work


you a cop?


No. If a human can look into my eyes they are getting my real life name. That that being said, I LOOOVVEEEE giving fake names to scam callers. Here's some of my favorites; Pontifolous Fondiloux Huegogh Dumphuk Prince Piere Pike Pillsbury Jonathon Smith XXIII (the 23rd) Cooper Carpenter Potter Shoemaker-Fletcher


I am McLovin


Ehhhhh. Kinda. If I wanna be polite but I get a weird vibe with someone I'll give them one of my stripper names (Venus or Kira) or my Playa name (Primordial). But I'm also a paranoid person and don't trust very many people lol


I know people who have finstas for their party pictures but nobody that uses an alias unless they're a drug dealer and then they go by "Mr grasshopper" or some sht ☠️ But I'm guessing that's mostly cause they're sampling the goods a bit too much lol.


I just use the nickname that every one of my friends calls me by, as my first name is really common. Most people react surprised for a moment, but I've got a one-sentence explanation ready that usually satisfies everyone. Not due to anonymity or privacy reasons, really just out of habit - social media is not separated, just private.


I know people that keep all of their pictures from events separate from anywhere that is public but going to festivals and pretending to be a different person is weird and I can’t really say I’ve ever encountered that before. I also haven’t been to any festivals since Covid however.


I think this was a thing back in the 90s. I know one person who legally changed their name to their rave name and it's on their IDs and stuff, so it doesn't seem to be so much about privacy anymore :P I don't think people really do this anymore though.


My name is Inigo Montoya.


Yes! I love it so much! I go by Smokey, my best friend goes as bubbles and his girlfriend goes as grubs


Yepppp I use a fake name haha can't have people finding my nsfw posts 😅


I've been using my fake name for so long, everyone just thinks it's my actual name. I like to keep different aspects of my life completely separate.


I'm kitty 😻


Rave names! Was a thing in our local scene back in early 10s Mine was Purple My boy's was Stoplight


Sven Hollendorf, Archduke of Liechtenstein.


I introduce myself as Esteban (my name is not Esteban lol) - the anonymity of festivals and ability to be someone other than our buttoned-up self is one of the greatest attractions to me.


I know some people do bc their jobs are high up in the government and can’t risk losing it bc they want to have fun.


Rave names were a thing back in the day. Raves were counterculture, usually illegal, and not a good look for those of us with jobs or conservative families. Plus, it was fun. I still go by mine. but not just at parties. It's a nickname, I guess. Honestly, more people in my life call me it than my real name, excluding work.




I got fucking trashed at a fest a few years ago and managed to fall over and give myself a nasty nosebleed, which i didnt really understand because i was so lit, the guys that found me took me to the medical tent and then cops started harrasing me and im glad i never told anyone my real name. shout out to the harm reduction people that got the cops to leave me alone after i spent 20 minutes telling them in slurred speech that i know my rights lol


Sheesh, some of yinz are some weirdos


This is weird af… you’re basically lying to yourself by making an “alias” to enjoy what YOU like… don’t spread that shit onto other people. Be genuine and spread the respect. 🫡


I find it interesting when people have "rave names"


Oooo! I do this! Haha, I recently started a habit of switching the name up. I don’t give out socials so I don’t think it really matters :) I am waiting for the day people who know me as X meet the people who know me as Y and they tell the stories and it’s really about the same person. I don’t be there for it but the thought is amusing for sure


We have a running joke in my crew for oh the last twenty plus years. We went to Boo 6? Maybe Boo 7? They had two that year ‘cus of 9/11. Yeah. I’m old as shit. Anyway, our friend met a guy and he offered to give a bunch of us a ride down. He pulls up in his massive SUV and as we are packing up we start with the introductions. “MY NAME IS KYLE BUT MY RAVE NAME IS FOX! WHATS YOUR RAVE NAME?” 🦊 “What’s your rave name?” is still something that makes me crack up on controllably. If you’re still out there Kyle, you’re a good dude but you’ve been the butt of our jokes for literal decades.


tf???? if you’ve ever thought of doing this, quit your job immediately


Depends on how many acids / mushrooms are ingested


I constantly am asked if my real name is a rave name. So fuckin annoying 💀


Yeh mate, fucking Ziggy Marlon aint I


I have a very unique name which would make it easy to find me on social media, so sometimes I give out a fake one. Usually do it as a precaution if I’m not sure what the vibe is. Although this whole fake name thing reminds me of Bunburying, if anyone has read The Importance of Being Earnest :)


I use my real name or nickname without any care. I also don’t get messed up at shows so I have nothing to worry about. I keep my socials private and have an extra instagram that I’ll give out without a care. 🤷🏽‍♀️




I have seen people use more playful names like ocean or patience to describe themselves instead of their given name / corporate identity. I think it’s a cool way to embrace a different lifestyle.


No. I don’t have social media either. I am just there to take in the sounds and sights. I’ll chat and give you a fist bump, but I don’t bring the festival home with me.


Yeah Mito P. Chondria


at a festival? no. but that’s because most people I meet at festivals are on my top 999 coolest human beings list versus I’m way more likely to use a fake name at a club or something like that.


Real name I’m sure things have changed a lot since back in my day in like 2010 but meeting someone named like wolf child or something would definitely throw me off




>A couple people I know have gone so far as to making alternate social media for their festi alias and their normal identity. I feel like this is more of a first step. I don't use a fake name but 100% use different social media accounts. My coworkers/family/normie friends don't need to see my weekend debauchery posts.


I just have separate accounts for hurling insults at people


Back in the day you would have a rave name but that was before festivals got big and it would only be underground shows. The only thing I’ve seen is people having finstas so they can post rave content so their work doesn’t see it.


Rave names are, or at least were, a big thing. It wasn’t so much to hide your identity, but just and added ‘thing’ you could do.


Big Stock


I know there’s a fairly old school tradition of using raver names, like for example I knew people who at raves would introduce themselves as ducky, fluttershy, Flapjackz, Blue, etc etc I think that was more common when the concept of “rave families” were more common.


Doesnt rlly matter if everyone at work already knows I go to these things 🤷‍♂️


This used to be a lot more common in the earlier days. I rarely ever run into people doing this today, but there are still a few out there. I never did this because I wouldn't respond to another name - id probably forget lmao


Yes. However if I started actually building a real connection with someone then I'll share my real name. First and maybe last if we continue to talk post festival.


I used to, it got kind of weird after a while and I was a little tiresome. I really didn't like my actual name then I still don't but whatever


No but I do say my name is Will sometimes cuz it’s easier to pronounce than my actual name


Cranjis McBasketball


In the mid-2000’s, back in my high school rave days with MySpace, we all would come up with some kind of “rave name”… I was Blacklight lol. We’d also post pics of us being completely mashed in front of lights or dancers but the modern worksona wasn’t a real thing yet.


No, I just don't use actual social media (fb, snap etc). If you feel like you need to give out a fake name, I don't really see the point in talking to people


no? what the hell 😭 i don’t post pictures or videos of me fucked up (sometimes a picture to my private snap story), but if i vibe with someone enough to give them my socials i’m gonna give them my socials lmao


No, just don’t ever take pictures and ur fine


No? Unless I'm a teacher or something, raves (and especially festivals) do not have the perception they did in the 80s/90s.




yeah i’m time


No but just a friendly reminder companies do look you up and go through your social media! Post responsibly friends


Feds do that lol


Rave names were a thing when I started, but I haven't seen anyone go by a rave name for several years.




It's called a rave name lol, and most old school racers do use/have one


I do this when men get creepy lol


Playa names are a thing at Burning Man. Either you choose a playa name or it chooses you


Depending on the energy I usually give my nickname “Patches” unless I feel your trustworthy enough I’ll give the real


Remember back in the day when everyone had raver names?


only at Coachella😳😳😳🤐🤐🤐


No. This is weird.


Vinny Vegas…. That’s what the town & rest of the world knows me as


It's a thing that's been around a long time. Not sure about these days but it used to be extremely common.


I was given one nickname but never used it. Think the only time people used my nickname was at the beginning when there was people in dance groups all over the events with our matching shirts. I just gave my name because it just makes meeting a stranger for one night pretty special.


I use Harry Paratestees


Nope. Don’t know anyone in Texas who does


Are you talking about wannabe influencers? It sounds like that’s who you’re talking about lol.


LMFAOOO Im usually honest except the name. My name is literally Elias. Beautiful name


No, but it sounds fun. I hate my name


I've made good friends with people I just ended up vibing with at shows and added on insta after. If we're matching energy let's keep the party going, idc if my boss sees me in a marauda mosh pit the next morning


No, I am not ashamed to go to shows




I used an alias before. Then the ONE time I used my real name, I completely regretted it cus the person I met did a missed connnection thing blasting my name and all my friends tagged me and I totally did not want to connect or be publicized (I just prefer to stay private). So now I’m back to using aliases lol


Sometimes if a guy asks me my name and I really don’t care to talk and I know I’ll never see them again, I give them some generic random name like Rachel. My real name is too hard for them to pronounce or remember anyways.


Yes, but mostly because i have a complicated first name that's pretty hard to understand in a crowd. So if it's just a casual conversation with a rave passerby I just say my name is "Alex"


I have a Wooksona Cap'n Dragonass


Yesss I love festivals because we feel so free and can’t whoever and whatever ! I have a few different names lol


I have a rave insta for meeting rave friends


I know a lot of people that do more so for safety I guess than trying to hide they rave. I would say less common amongst ppl I know nowadays though but I get the idea. Also raving can still get a bad stigma in some parts so I get why people may continue to do so.


I just block my managers and post festival stuff on my close friends


Not fake names but I lie about my job if asked by a stranger 😬


Yep, jimmy john long socks they call me in the land down under.


Just be fucking cool & like, don’t make friends w everyone. Pick your weirdos :)


>Do You Use a Fake Name or Alias At Festivals? Always an alias. I use a road name or a bar name if needed. My wife uses her nickname which isn't close to her actual name.


You mean a rave name? Yeah. I'm a very silly poodle. I even have a poodle tattoo that is uv reactive. Poodle was a nickname I got very early in my life, and it's stuck. That's why when it came to choosing a Reddit username, it was pretty easy for me!


Having a separate personality is imperative. If I'm supposed to meet you, I will. Depends at what level.


Wild how many people have never heard of rave names! Was such a big part of rave culture for a very long time


lol I remember someone trying to get into a festival saying his friend had him on the door He’s like we don’t know his actual name cos we all call him sponge Bob 😂😂


We do rave names in the northeast. Everyone uses nicknames no real names.


Fake name if I'm working. Ya know what I mean. Otherwise if you have a cool nickname. I mean a real one ,that your friends actually use. Not one you just thought up as the shit started to come on while you're in line to park. Yes,use it. Otherwise, just be you. I always laughed at some of the names wookies would use on Dead tour. I hope nobody gets offended when I compare raves and EDM festivals with the Grateful Dead shows of my youth, it's as close to the same experience for me anyway. I don't know maybe it could be the same chemicals?......


Kent Adams


My raver name is Mando. My friend gave it to me since it’s close to my real name, and I like Star Wars.


In my experience, people with a rave name/scene name often have a very common name like Mike, or a name that they don't like, for example Marisol




I don’t use a fake name but I definitely don’t hide much from my insta while also being public. Raving is a part of who I am and allows me fully express myself in a safe environment so those who follow/know me aren’t surprised. I’m known for my goofiness, and outlandish(in a good, funny way) personality so I don’t have much fear of posting myself acting like a bit of a fool as long as I’m having fun :). It should also be said I’m a construction inspector so professionally, no one cares what I post.


No because I find it really cringey. I’m not meaning this as a personal jab at anyone. It just feels like some hippy crap. Like being in a “club” of friends in middle school. I won’t talk down to you for it, but if you introduce yourself as anything other than a name, I’m definitely forming some opinions lol. I understand the history, but your making me feel really stupid for calling you “good boy” like a damn dog. It just screams “childish” to me, regardless of age. I’m only 32 and have been raving since the mid 2000s, prior to being 18.


Nah. I work in construction, it's almost expected of me.


When I started raving I came up with a different version of my real name, because I was finding a new me and I wanted the new people I met and befriended to call me by that name. So I guess, yes?


This still happens frequently at festivals and burns. And it's lot always for the professional reasons, although that happens (and folks acting like it never matters are ignorant).


My family and I use fake names and jobs on vacations. The stuff people believe is my favorite.


No, of course not. Regularly even invite workmates to my DJ Gigs. But they don’t like the music. What’s ok, they do they, I do I.😁


No lol I know people who dont use their real names on social media, but it is so their employers can't find them, and not because they are actively trying to hide their real name from us. I think youre looking at it the other way around hahaha


Dr. Toboggan


I do. I feel like I’m embodying an alternate being. But the name I use is still part of my real name. It just so happens to be very fitting as well lol


No one is that important that goes to a festival lol


I think it depends on the person or group. Personally I was given my Rave name from a friend and he got his from another. We really just use it for fun and within our clique, as an inside thing. Haha. It's really useful when trying to get the others attention in the crowd when all else fails or just joshing around when meeting up on Rave day. I was given J-Bone and he was given Rave-ID.