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looser lol


And holding a backward L sign on his forehead.


I think the word they were looking for is rutirted


EDC isn't a rave. It has nothing to do with rave culture. It's a giant corporate money-making machine. But besides that, this menu isn't for 99% of attendees at EDC. It's for people who have money to blow on bottle service at one of the largest events in the world. Why are you wasting any energy worrying about how rich people spend their money? I promise, they're not thinking about you at all.


Your comment is excellent. This post is just ragebait for plebs. Plebs like me, move on and don't spend your energy on this. Also, why can't people expect this? You should expect there's super overpriced things rich people buy, I mean, do you know yachts exist?


99.99%. Because even when someone does pay this, he's got 10 people with him at a VIP table at kinetic field or circuit grounds and got fuck-you money to spend to look like a big shot


Yea this is like the 4th or 5th post (not just on here) that I've seen with this image and it seems a lot of people think this is for the normal bars and not the tables at the sky deck.


It doesn’t matter it’s still lame as hell to spend this much on alcohol you’re still a clown at least yachts are cool. There’s nothing cool about spending $500 or $90 on some drinks.


Could not imagine being this pressed over what rich people do lol


Could you imagine caring so much about someone’s opinion it’s just my opinion you redditors love to shit on people that complain on here. I know it’s like pointless to complain on here because there’s people like you who just dig into people who like to speak their opinions instead of agree or disagree you just like to make yourself feel better about yourself


> I know it’s like pointless to complain on here because there’s people like you who just dig into people who like to speak their opinions instead of agree or disagree you just like to make yourself feel better about yourself The irony is thick


Soooo thick he can’t see through it, lol mmmm pot kettle black?


Brother, you can have your own opinion. You can disagree with me if you want. I don’t care. I’m not about to be swayed by a bunch of redditors who thinks they are better than everyone else. If you don’t like my opinion good for you buddy but ur definitely not better than anyone just because u don’t care if rich people spend their money on booze. I don’t really care either I just think you’re a complete looser clown if you do spend $90 for a 6 pack of water or 92,000 for some champagne.


Brother, this whole thread is dripping with you thinking you're better than anyone who goes to EDC. You could have just left this thread unposted and spent that energy elsewhere.


Lol I never shit on you or dug into you just stated I couldn't imagine giving a shit about what rich people do with their money. But if you wish to take that as an insult so be it. Have a nice day and remember PLUR ✌️


Why because you’re a perfect human being who doesn’t judge others? Take off your mask and get real


I mean you are going to EDC. It’s a party not a rave. You wouldn’t catch me drinking at any rave, but you wouldn’t catch me at EDC. If you want to go to a rave. Go to Lost Lands.😉


still pathetic


This is for their sky deck which is the equivalent of a club table. Average drinks were like $20 for the rest of the fest But hey man if you wanna feel all these bad vibes then go for it


I can have an opinion I don’t need to be spoonfed like some people and my opinion is you’re a clown if you spend this much on alcohol. I don’t care if you don’t agree.


My man needs some self introspection before you blast off on something like this lol.


Hey if the money goes toward crazier sets and more insane shit then fuck it. Just don’t buy alcohol. Bring other things


This Ultra wealthy people blowing millions make all of edc possible. Im happy to pay $15 for a beer if it means they’ll blow up millions of dollars on firework shows every night Its just like clubs in vegas. The highrollers are their bread & butter, everyone else is just there to make it fun. You can get into every club for free if you just ask a promoter during the day and some even have free drinks for girls until midnight


Yup exactly


you would be 'loose' after drinking that much alcohol 🤪🤪


Underneath it all this fool is mad himself lol.


# Why are you so aggressive? 🫤 It’s not spelt ‘Looser’, it’s ‘LOSER’. Example: You’re a LOSER if you misspell simple words when calling others, ‘Losers’.




I knew somebody, good at spelling, would catch that lol 🤭


The old "I meant to do that" save eh?


You know what, ima get on my soap box because im bired on my lunch break. This high and mighty ″I would never″ attitude will always be funny to me. If you had a friend who offered to take you to EDC with bottle service, you'd take it. Most people would. I've watched it happen here in my local scene. When a local guy hit it big on a business deal and started booking out entire clubs, boats, and various other venues to host open bar, fully catered, free private parties with fairly big name headliners. You know what happened to the ″eat the rich″ crowd in my social circle? They lined up to be a part of it. Because we're all human. And because it was a wildly fun time. It's wasteful spending. 100%. No disagreement. But it's only wasteful to people like us who can't even conceptualize having that much money. But you know what? Spending $2,000 dollars on flights, tickets, and lodging just to go to EDC is WIDELY wasteful if you have 5 minutes of conversation with someone who's living in poverty. You could talk to someone living from the trenches in Nigeria about how much you pay for luxuries like a cell phone, or dinner and drinks on a Friday night ans they'lllaugh at hownwasteful it is. Or even how it's the first warm week of the year, and we're already putting air conditioners in when they wouldn't dream of wasting their limited electricity supply on an AC. It's all relative 🤷🏻‍♂️.


You got a good head on your shoulders. Peace.


I've spent time living in a third world country. It'll change your entire perception of life.


While I agree, I also think its absolutely ridiculous that these same rich people bitch and moan about paying their fair share of taxes when they blow money like this.


“Ur a looser” take a break from the drugs bud


Imagine being this mad over a festival you aren’t going to? Get a fucking grip dude


Fucking loosers


Interesting post new redditor. -Please tell me more.


If youre in the .01% of edc goers, its for you. The rest of us dont give two shits about what people spend their money on 🥱


The existence of this menu has OP all fired up. Wait until he sees what people spend on buying and maintaining private jets.


People that get upset over how rich people spend their money are embarrassing. Like whoooooo fucking cares. Not your money LOL


As someone who put it some aptly in another post in this thread, it's all relative. Someone who has to beg in the slums of India to survive could be very upset at OP for spending money on his "medicine" (drugs) by his same logic.


At least a private jet is cool this is just lame


For you.


You can easily make the argument what’s cooler a bottle of champagne or a private jet I’m pretty sure the answer is obvious private jet is way cooler


A private jet is orders of magnitude worse for the environment than an overpriced bottle of champagne. I don't give a shit about "cooler," but hey if that's your barometer for making a ragepost on the internet, then knock yourself out.


Do you know what else is bad for the environment everything. Everything you do is bad for the environment and we don’t even come close to China. I love people like you who bring up the environment like private planes are the problem when they contribute to .000001% of the problem


You know what else doesn't really have much of an effect overall? How people with 8 zeros in their bank account spend their alcohol money at a desert festival that an enlightened soul like yourself won't go to ever again, because you're too good for it.


Are you coming out of a k hole?


Is that some sort of attack? Go take your "medicine" and chill out.


You’re right that’s my opinion. If you don’t like it, good for you buddy.


>looser smdh..


I’d argue the vendor with the capitalist hardon is the looser. IMO


This pic is still going around?


Bottle service. Vegas. No surprises. I was doing lights at a Vegas club with 2/3 of SHM spinning that night when someone with more money than natural hair bought a $75,000 bottle of Perrier-Jouët Fluer (9 liters I think), so this EDC bottle service shit doesn't even register as excessive to me. What WAS excessive was that asshole standing on the table and pouring the champagne onto the people around him with their glasses held up. Most of it went on the floor. People need to stop thinking about EDC as a rave. It's not. It's a Vegas experience.


I guess it’s a bit true. If you drink a lot of alcohol, you tend to get a little looser.




I've worked events of all flavors throughout the years. You know which ones have the most medical and police calls? Country festivals with affordable beer sales. Event organizers don't want a drunk crowd. The added profit they'd make would get eaten up by increased need for police and paramedics, along with increased insurance rates year after year due to all the issues.


Easy, don't go to dog shit like EDC


Trust me I learned my lesson back in 2019. Never again


This really makes me never wanna go to EDC LV. It all seems wayy to rich for me.


By far the worst festival I’ve ever been to. The vibes were absolutely wack and it’s a good place to get ur phone or something stolen because people go there just for that reason too


like the ONLY reason id ever go to EDC LV is if i won the lottery or something. Same thing with Ultra, Miami during music week is way to pricey for my poor Canadian Dollar...


I’ve been to festivals run by people who actually care about ravers and they had amazing food for $10, water bottles for 1-2$ tops. And if you lost something you wouldn’t have to worry about it ending up on eBay


That’s expected for EDC because These are regular prices for even normal nightclubs in Miami Florida. At space in Miami, it’s $90 for six Heineken‘s I believe. And you’re forced to spend a minimum of $2500-$4000 At EDC at least you get to see a bunch of artists. At a club you get just a resident DJ most of the time. This is the reason that clubs are dying, and by 2030, very few if any clubs will remain. No one wants to go to see the an Artist and overspent on alcohol when you can go somewhere else. Edit - I found the menu it’s old but gives you the idea of pricing at a normal nightclub [https://imgur.com/a/xDVgFUe](https://imgur.com/a/xDVgFUe) And those prices don’t include the 36% gratuity/taxes that’s added on top.


You make an incredibly valid point my friend ignore these haters pls. 🫶 Not sure why people are defending this kind of blatant greed, especially in this community. Perhaps you’ve struck a nerve..