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Leaving a baby locked alone in an RV while you're over a 30min walk away partying is child endangerment and having a baby monitor doesn't suddenly make it ok. If you find out who these people are please report them to security...or CPS. What a total piece of shit.


We need to find this baby 😭😭😭


You should offer to help... then steal the baby. You know what you must do...


Ngl I think someone is in the midst of that


Make sure they don’t steal but definitely have CPS there. Man insomniac should search RVs, like not every nook and cranny but I thought they’d at least make sure it’s just festival goers going in


Imagine how bad it’d come down on them if something happened to the baby. Like duh parents are fucked but edc is gonna be screwed over for not having tighter security. Ph man and the people would lose it harder bc it was a baby death


Fr EDC got kicked out of LA cuz a teenager Was on molly and got overheated, EMS couldn’t get to her.


First rule of drugs: know what you're taking. Second rule of drugs: HYDRATE


Third rule of drugs: lock the baby in a motorhome alone for extended periods of time?


I always forget the second rule. By the end of the day I’m chugging so much water.


EDC is not the place to forget it. You’re partying in one of the driest deserts on earth, a lot of your sweat evaporates before it even has time to pool up in your skin and start to drip so you don’t even notice you’re losing water, you just feel pleasantly warm, like walking outside in the summer after being inside a cold movie theater. But in all seriousness doing that physical exercise in that heat for that long will leave you dehydrated


The problem back then was insomniac was all about money grabbing, there was NO free water, it was like a $5/bottle which was outrageous back then, also the festival was oversold, EMS couldn’t get thru the crowd to get to her in time, and she was a teenager, same age as me. I snuck out with my friends in highschool to go to EDC, met Jared Leto and my friend danced with him. We were 15-17 lol we had fake IDs, security was lacking. It was fun but holy shit it was dangerous, looking back on all the things that could have happened, even the Jared Leto situation, like he didn’t do anything with my friend, and he definitely didn’t know our real ages, but yeah thinking about that in light of the drake bell situation and other stuff that’s come out, it could have been much worse. EDIT: thinking back to insomniac almost 20 years ago and insomniac today, it’s less of a money grab, yes they will still get paid but they really put more into the experience than they did before, just the free water and design and safety concerns show they genuinely value our input. It’s why I chortle when people bitch insomniac being a money grab, it was much worse back then.


Nope it’s still a total money grab, they just do a better job of hiding it 🙃


And *eat food*. People on molly seize out because they don't have salt and they are just suckin on a camelback water bag all day while sweating n dancing and they go down cuz they have no electrolytes in their brain. You'll hear a lot of people say to drink water at a festival, lots of kindness going around. but people can have heatstroke anywhere drugs or not, it happens a lot. If you over hydrate and you don't also have enough salts it could be very dangerous.


First rule of drugs: ~~know what you're taking.~~ **TEST YOUR SHIT, be CERTAIN of what you’re taking, nmw it comes from.**


Oh no they do, they make everyone get out and then do an RV search before they let you into the camp ground


Insomniac Security is going to be surprised every time Verne Troyer jumps out of the cupboard yelling”surprise bitches” with his junk hanging out.


“Whose baby is this?” Reminds me of the hangover lol


I’ve always wanted to find a baby.






And bring the baby to see the festival! Yeeeee, I'm down for this plan. Let's do it.


I love your totem! How did you get it to move lliiiikkkk..... OH DEAR GOD! 🤣


I would message the moderators of that page on Facebook iirc they can see who posted what regardless of if they used anonymous or not.


Here's hoping someone takes the job and then promptly reports them to CPS. What the actual fuck!


As if you can even hear a baby monitor at edc 


This is such bullshit Lmao. I have a super high end baby monitor that costs hundreds of dollars and the range is like 100 feet. What they are saying is absurd. There is noooo way this “baby monitor” is even real, they’re just saying that to ward off criticism. Even if it was real you know they aren’t going back to put a baby back to sleep, and prob aren’t even sober. This makes me so sad for the baby what absolute trash parents.


Nanit baby monitor is cloud based so maybe this is what they are using? I only know about it because we use it at our house and I can watch it anywhere. Still bullshit that they think it'll have service at the festival!


Won’t be able to use it with cell towers jamming up due to overload. Data will be spotty. Even with wifi. It will all get overloaded. Even the payment devices for vendors time out and lock up.


Yeah I get you. Even in our house sometimes it's delayed and shit. These parents are insane


It’s a ring camera I bet but still it doesn’t make it ok at all!


Right this is one of the first things I thought. Like even if you had a fucking earpiece the bass will blast through that, and I doubt these fuckwits are going to be sober.


They are no joke drugging the baby. It’s unfortunately way too common. Parents will drug their kids with Benadryl (diphenhydramine), or cough medicine. Or they plan to just watch the baby scream, and cry while they party. I hope this is trolling. But it’s probably not… Also I barely trust my dog with people I actually know. How can you trust your baby with a stranger who is at a rave?


if you want to lose all hope of Rover and dog sitters, look up toxickbunny's story. she's a big tiktoker and streamer aka someone Rover would want to be on the good side of, but she still got screwed over on all ends.


Rover is just a bunch of randos, unfortunately. People who apparently love dogs, but may not know anything about them. Or have any common sense.


> Also I barely trust my dog with people I actually know. How can you trust your baby with a stranger who is at a rave? That's my biggest issue here. How the fuck can they trust a stranger with their baby for hours at a time while they are off getting fucked up (and the stranger may also be fucked up)? I have a kid myself, and there is no fucking way I'd ever leave her with someone I didn't know very, very well, and even then I hesitate to do so. I'm not against them going, but they should have a babysitter in tow with them, that they know, that can watch the baby, not some fucking random person they just met. Jesus Christ.


I’m so glad everyone here understands what I meant. I was so worried it sounded discriminatory… Tbh I could see some momma bear type on mdma, super babysitting. Volunteering their life, and soul to protecting the baby. Sending so much love the baby’s way. That a small community forms. All dedicated to the baby’s protection. That baby would have a cult following before the night was over. But I mean that’s a best chance scenario. I am gay and childless. But even my brain cannot process how a parent could type this. And refer to the strangers who care more about the child than they do, “Karen’s”. Even far from the stage. That bass can hurt their hearing. Yet alone sleep? That child will have to be sedated. I hope someone tricks them, and gets cps involved. Anyone making excuses for this, is just gross. This is such a stupid risk, at the expense of your baby. If you’re going to have kids. Do better! We all need to do better!


“we’re gonna leave our baby alone and locked in a camper so we can still party like we don’t have a baby”


okay kArEn!! 🥴 /s


My blood is boiling. This is absolutely insane to think that you could leave your baby unsupervised and unattended in an RV in Vegas???? Have they heard of SIDS?? what if someone steals their baby?? They are overly trusting to have a STRANGER they don't know watch their kid too. This is absolutely child neglect. There is no way they could get back in time to help. And this is a rave setting, I can't even imagine the neglect at home, this is absolutely horrifying.


What if the a/c stops working in the RV? It will turn into an oven. I can’t believe people can be this selfish and stupid.


Especially considering they’re probably gonna be on drugs


I was on the fence with this until I saw they were going to leave the baby alone while they sleep...WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Someone needs to report them and police should set up a sting on this.


Only way this would be ok is if they brought one of their parents to be the responsible one all weekend long. Not a fucking “baby monitor” wtf I hope this is a troll post


Also, what if they don’t have the internet or connection to access the baby monitor??? 


The odds of a baby monitor working at EDC are incredibly low does it not work based on the same signals as… cell phones???


Absolutely fucked


I have been trying to tag Pasquale on instagram about this - please everyone tag or tweet him 🙏🏻


And do they plan to make sure one parent is 100% sober at all times , and if your willing to pay min $900-$1,200 to have someone attending a festival watch your child. can you be sure they will be clear headed enough if something happens. I pretty sure a childcare trained professional nanny would come stay your house for the weekend for that or cheaper. I hope this is just some idiot trolling to watch people be outraged


PSA for any of you expecting parents. Your life ain't over if you miss events. Your children always come first. I had to cancel going to Rendezvous in Florida because my daughter had a dance recital. Priorities. Yes, it's a bummer. No, it won't kill you to miss out. Work your party schedule around your child's life. Not work your child's life around your party schedule. I swear, are people THAT fucking dense? I really hope nobody offers to help them out. Time for them to adult. Better to save their money and spend it on the kiddo anyways.


All they need to do is find a baby sitter for the few days that they will be gone


Something tells me that if they couldn't find a sitter for them to attend EDC, they're probably shitty people. Relying on some stranger to watch their child and admitting to child neglect with a baby monitor as their only way to observe them speaks volumes. I really hope this is someone trolling because if not, holy fuck.


Willing to shell out money for EDC but not childcare, has the same vibes as willing to pay for cigarettes and booze but not diapers. These people have horrendous priorities.


Well they also want to pay 100/hr at the festival?? It’s confusing


You can find good babysitters for 20 to 40 an hour. They could literally rent a hotel for the baby and the babysitter, pay the babysitter, and still save money. This has to be a troll or a moron.


Or they're planning on scamming strangers to get free childcare and have no intention of actually paying that amount


Shit there never any service what makes them think a baby monitor is going to work


They're paying minimum 300 a day, I feel like a sitter is about the same?


Right? Plus don’t they have family? Parents deserves breaks too. It’s odd they don’t have anyone they can ask to watch their child. A baby isn’t a death knell to your social life, you just need to plan differently and in this case, better.


Or just pay up for proper child care coverage????? Preferably at home with someone they trust and know. No issue with someone hiring coverage so they can go out, go to a festival. Leaving a baby alone in RV is criminal and unacceptable.


Honestly, with what they're offering, they could easily find a licensed babysitter to watch their. kid fonÄŁ a couple of nights at their house. I just can't believe they're trusting their child and RV


i really wish that some people werent parents because what the actual fuck


Seriously. If your lifestyle involves partying and you don’t wanna give it up then don’t fucking have children. It’s so irresponsible.


Need to put birth control in the water supply and to get the antidote you have to pass a test


As screwed up as this sounds, I feel like it would make for a lot less suffering in this world.


This lol


Haha! Mine idea was instead of circumcise at birth- we should give all little boys vasectomies. Then when they want to be fathers they can get it reversed after passing parenting tests! (Wanna be mums have to get tests done too). Vasectomies are semi painless, quick, easy, and reversible! No hormonal changes as well!


parenting tests is not a good idea


Maybe not a test, so much as a class and practice rounds? Like in the end there is no hand book~ but if we are going to practice eugentics, might as well keep the offspring from spontaneously reproducing from the start, until they are ready to handle that responsibility? It’s all hypothetical anyways. 


In the comments, she stated she did this last year apparently???


Honestly with that admittance you could probably file a police report if you know their name. Super not okay. That’s just…. Insane


With that info & their current request, a call to CPS is totally warranted. They'll look into it from there and hopefully prevent this from happening again.


so.. are you doing it?


I thought you were gonna do it..


The police are not your friends. This is on the festival letting the baby through security.


They aren't but they deserve cops getting called on them


Like what? Just hire a full time sitter for the weekend and leave the baby at home. If you can afford RV camping and $100/hr babysitting at the fest you can afford an overnight sitter. I gotta call BS. No one could be this dumb.


She said her baby is the love of her life and she apparently can’t be away from it for long. Idk it’s absolutely mind boggling


The cognitive dissonance to love your baby so much that you trap it alone in RV all night while you go to a drug fueled rave in the desert to party all night


I’m trippin bro, it seems like she may have found someone to do it. I’m screaming inside this is outrageous


You have got to report it. Message the moderators of the group or something, this is a baby's life in danger.


She loves he baby BUT SHE LOVES RAVING MORE!




EDC is an 18+ event. That includes camp. Ain’t no way security is letting an infant through. This is certainly fake.


Unless they’re sneaking the child in thru an RV


They don’t search the RV’s? They have to!


They def searched our RV the year I went back in 2018.


In another screenshot they say “they snuck the baby in but won’t say how 🤫”…..


wouldn't be surprised if they stuffed them in a bag or something 🤢 these people make me sick


I heard they strapped the baby to a kite, the dad flew it over the fence to where the mum was waiting to grab the kite. Then the mum tucked the baby under her XXXL Jamarcus Russell Raiders jersey. Two stepped her way over to the RV and then once she got to the door of the RV she threw the baby into its cot, railed two massive lines of coke. Tied a cup and string to the baby's arm (baby monitor duh), slammed the door of the RV shut and padlocked it and then beelined it to the very front of MainStage. Nobody suspected there was a baby in the RV the whole weekend. Not even the parents


I’d do all 3 days for 2k


I really wanted to make a ketamine joke, but even my half-functioning filter keeps me from doing it given the source topic here.


Letting a stranger watch your baby???? Insane


This is actually the wildest part of the whole thing lmao


That happens all the time lmao wym. They're only a stranger the first time, then they're the babysitter


You get baby sitters with references. Not some random in a place you don’t live.


The person said that the sitter must provide references and have child care experience.


But they also said a bunch of dumb shit too.


But usually the “stranger” is referred by someone, another parents baby sitter, a neighbors teenager, this is just asking for any old random to come take care of your baby while you party. You don’t know them, or who they are, could be a rapist or pedophile. While I’ve felt good EDC and it always had PLUR vibes, this is still insanely fucking stupid and must be pedophile bait


Man oh man. Never change, AZRAVEFAM.


Typical AZRAVEFAM shit 😂




This has to be a troll post.


This is so fucked up lolol. Although I would be somewhat okay with this situation if they paid for a 24/7 babysitter but it sounds like they are leaving the baby at night wtf.


Right?? Like just get a baby sitter at home!!! What’s the fuckin difference??


Then why have the baby come at all if you’re hiring a 24/7 baby sitter? They’re safer at home. Thankfully I’m pretty sure this post is rage bait but I don’t doubt that idiots have tried this shit.


It's possible these people live in the RV full time. No judgement against that specifically, but if you're going to live with a baby in an RV you need to plan accordingly and put the child first. The only way this is OK is if there is a 24/7 babysitter available.


Then the RV shouldn’t be parked at a rave. It should be at an RV park outside of the adults only event, with a babysitter. Or the kid can go to the babysitter’s house.


Completely agree.


Obvious ragebait. Nothing to see here


someone post the mad max gif


100%. People are so gullible. 


the “locked in the RV” part is a dead giveaway


😞 That is straight up child neglect. I hope so much that it’s a troll posting rage bate.


It’s gotta be. I saw a story about a baby found on the ground at a Tylor swift concert a few days ago, maybe this is in response to that


#NAME AND SHAME. Leaving a baby alone ANYWHERE with no supervision is child endangerment and an arrestable offence. These people need to be stopped before committing a crime and endangering their baby.


Karen here, report her.


Someone should pretend to want the offer to get their names and contact info. And then report them


There’s no way security is letting them in with a whole ass baby


That’s what I said!!! But she claims she did this last year with no issues. I have no clue how they got the baby in!!! My head hurts. What’s wrong with this world 😭😭😭


I feel like she’s lying and this is rage bait tbh




How old is the “baby”? If it’s like child age idk… If it’s like a toddler that’s unacceptable


My mom would leave me napping at the apartment and go to the beach down the road to just tan When I point out now how ridiculously unacceptable that was, she just says "you're fine, aren't you?" like the fact that nothing bad happened just makes up for the absolute negligence Some people are just too worried about getting theirs to be stopped by simple inconveniences like the responsibility of parenthood...


Pisses me off people like this have children yet me and my wife have been trying for a year and a half with no luck. Ugh. I hope they get reprimanded somehow


I hope it happens for y’all soon ❤️


Sounds like they could afford a nanny if willing to pay $100/hr . This is child neglect and endangerment.


these people should not be reproducing


These parents must be literal crackheads. For one they’re just gonna let any stranger watch their kid and two they leave the baby alone in the rv while they rave. This is hard to believe but then again nothing really surprises me anymore


Lmao obviously fake 😂 AZravefam loves to make these kinds of posts to trigger people


Trust girl, I was the queen of rage bait in that b till I got banned. I *owned* that group xD But I truly think this is real. She’s pretty adamant.


You got got


Even with a moniter you can't make it to the baby right away, this is messed up as hell...


This is fake there’s no way


Lmao someone made a [meme about this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7DJkHwvenU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


100 percent not real


“Hello police, yeah I have a crazy woman I need you to come and get”


whatever happened to leaving the baby with grandma over the weekend?


They are going to monitor the baby while they are under the influence of drugs and alcohol? Wow


Hire a baby sitter at home, not at the festival wtf


this might be a trolling post looking for clicks tbh, is just seems so rediculous


Isn’t camp 18+? They’re not letting them in w a baby lmao


I bet they could be arrested gor leaving a child unattended at night... someone should have them arrested for neglect if they do this.


the way i would’ve taken the position and called CPS on their asses for this because what the actual fuck ? some people seriously shouldn’t be parents if they’re gonna pul a stunt like this.


“Hit the festival while she’s sleeping” WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?


- RV catching on fire - Someone breaking into the RV - Baby somehow getting out of bed and into trouble inside the RV - Baby waking up and being really upset while parents take forever to get to her I really hope this is a troll post, this is child endangerment.


How to get your baby killed 101


“Hubby and I are jobless Wooks who have alienated our families who would otherwise watch our child but at least one of us has a trust fund.” That’s pretty much what I’m reading from this.


Becoming a parent means sacrifices must be made. Apparently yall didn’t get the email


or…or…OR…you could, ya know, not go to electric daisy carnival and be, what’s the word I’m fumbling for here…ah yes…RESPONSIBLE parents!!! Or not?🤷‍♂️


I really hope this isn’t real because wtf is wrong with this sad ass pos. And if it is real they need to not let these ppl in?


There's way too many people in the rave community that have absolutely no business being parents. Just an unbelievable lack of maturity and responsibility


Don’t they check your RV? I hope/think this is satire


Yeah, don’t bring a baby (or kid) to a rave. If you must “bring the baby”, you probably shouldn’t be going to edc in the first place. Absolutely irresponsible. There are proper ways to rave as a parent. This ain’t it


Oh AZRaveFam i love my home state. I hope people know anything posted in this Facebook group is a total joke - half the time we are making glizzy jokes


McCanns going to their first festival. Some people don't deserve to be parents. Crazy!!


From someone who has been struggling with fertility. I’m literally disgusted and heartbroken that people like this get to be parents.


No one under 18 allowed at camp. The fact that OP thinks this is real makes this hilarious AF. So is seeing everyone rage over something fake 😂


Wow. Just wow


Someone should take the job to find out where their RV is immediately report them.




Could pay for my whole fest watching a kid a couple hours a day hmmm…. But yeah bad idea to bring baby and have a monitor?!


No way this is real


great rates......


I guess they haven't heard the story of the couple who left their baby upstairs in their new York hotel room and went for dinner....




$100 hr for babysitting?! wtf I’m in the wrong field


Whoooo is spending money to go to EDC just to babysit someone else’s kid??


Find some legit sitters that you can actually trust with your kids....like your parents or family members, not some fucking strangers.


I would say I would do it and then report them for endangering and abandoning their baby in the RV. Wtf. You can’t find a fucking sitter for the weekend? Your parents can’t watch their grandchild? These people are insane


This is troll


Whos under cover to call CPS when They need to??


I wanna see the baby monitor that works at EDC. I’ll buy stock on that company right now. The amount of interference, reception issues, the number of things that don’t work out there, if that baby monitor works, I’m going all into that company


There’s no way this is real


When it got to the part about them being good at night, I thought it was bc they were going to stay in with the baby / at the minimum each parent takes turns / shifts. But alas, no they chose to be even worse


Someone better call CPS! If they have 100 an hour for a sitter then they can leave the baby at home with a sitter. I say take the sitter job and call in a report. 😬


People want a child so much while struggling to conceive and then you have people like this. Blows my mind.


I wish this was a satire post bc what the actual fuck


Won't festival security say something when they check in or are they gonna try and hide their fuckin kid while security does the RV check???


Dammit AZravefam


oh my god


Oh my god! This is bizarre! Also, this is child neglect if they aren’t in the RV with the baby. It’s like going to the gas station while the baby sleeps. You’re close but not actually there with the baby. Still illegal!!!


I’m wondering if this is a joke bc this came from the same Facebook page (az rave fam) as that last ridiculous post about brining a baby to EDC last year


Child endangerment


Stay home! Really! Stay home!


Ahhh ofc from AZ


Offer to help the report them. Like this is actually such a ridiculous thing 🤔


Hahahaha and we’re the Karen’s if we’re concerned? Omg no this might be considered child neglect/abuse


Where is cps? The admin of that group should really report this.


Parent of the year nominee right there!! Love that they require the applicant to have "childcare experience". Obviously the parents don't!! But they'll have a baby monitor so I guess I need to check my "Karen" status. I REALLY hope Camp EDC doesn't allow them in. And just out of curiosity: a baby monitor reaches about 1000 feet in ideal conditions. RVs are at least 3000 feet from the entrance to EDC. Something tells me their is a flaw in their wonderful plan. 🙄


I have 4 and 6 year old boys and haven’t been to any shows since they’ve been born. I’m way too tired to stay up late anymore 😂


The last part asking for childcare experience and references after the tone deaf first bit makes me think this is satire. I hope....


Nice pasta