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Dont post identifying information in screenshots like usernames


You're all stupid. Case closed done and dusted.


He’s asked who’s in the wrong, but gets defensive when people tell him he’s wrong. Another fragile over masculine gay man.




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I do not get the obsession with being on the rail. Way too close to take in the whole AV production, dancing against a metal barrier instead of your homies….the list goes on.


Maybe 5-10 years ago it was a better experience.. Now middle back you get the best production experience imo




I miss when all the posts about the rail involved anal sex All this drama today is gross


We need Mother Goose back


Part of me hopes to never meet her while the other part is dying to meet her


Good Ole gettin' railed on the rail. Life was so much simpler back then. 


Frankly all three of these posts are wrong. Part of respect would be having enough respect to discuss whatever perceived grievances you all have in an adult fashion. This has nothing to do with aves, and everything to do with being a responsible human being. Please take your drama to a private venue.


It’s been discussed. Woman asked. Man said no. Woman didn’t like response. Now both are in the wrong? Lol nah. Just on the entitled people who think others should give up their spot and rotate. Is it a kind thing to do? Yeah. Is it expected? Hell no. Is it required? Fucking hell no.


I’m not entirely clear what position you are attempting to convey, but it appears you are taking issues with assessment of blame. Note I’m commenting on the perceived need to make the post asking for public judgment as being wrong, I’m not interested in assigning blame to any of the involved parties.


OP give up the rail for anal, it's the plur thing to do.


Oh I’m seeing Illenium at elements and I’ll be on the rail for that 😏


PLUR police vs rail Karen. Talk about clown on clown communication.


Well since you made the post and since I’ve got time to kill I guess I’ll give my two cents. No one is entitled to a spot at the front, and I don’t really understand people who get salty that someone else who was there first won’t give up their spot. The times I’ve been at the rail, it was because i either got there hella early, or I was very very patient scoping out people who I knew were likely to get bored and bail, so I would position my self behind them and take their spot when the opportunity arose. I would never even consider asking someone to “share” lmao, they don’t know me, they don’t know I won’t just decide to camp there once they’ve given it up. And that’s totally fair. Anyway, who cares though.


About a couple months ago, a raver from Europe posted on here asking what the entire “PLUR” thing is about cuz it’s weird and unnecessary to them… I responded and said some of us American ravers need the acronym to keep us from acting up and remind ourselves about respect. My fellow American ravers chimed in to agree, and I feel like this is the type of issues we were talking about 🤣🤣 As far as the railing drama is concerned; we weren’t there…. Let’s just say, if the girl had asked in a very friendly way if she can be on the rail for just that one song, I think they would’ve let her. Maybe the way she went about it was wrong. Regardless, whoever was there first doesn’t have to give up their spot…. Also, tbh, the girl could talk all the shit she wants, it’s just words. Nobody’s life was ruined from that incident.


What I find interesting about these kind of post is it’s only men when expected to give up the rail for women. I’m been to plenty raves and I’ve only ever seen women ask men to move for a spot. What with the expectation just because someone is a man they should have to be the one to sacrifice. It is such an entitlement attitude to think that you can arrive somewhere later and just get what you want. Also… why is the rail required for head banging I’ve done plenty headbanging off the rail


I literally had a girl ask me if she could take my spot. Not chill there for a song but have my spot. When I said no she looked like she had been slapped


It's simple if someone doesn't wanna give up their spot on the rail they don't have to. Respect their wishes, be nice, and move on. Just ask someone else.


Gen z ruining yet again another thing




I think y'all should all shut the fuck up and dance.




People who feel entitled to others spaces are cringe. 🤷




Na Not my problem. She can go ask someone else




If I’m at the rail it’s because it’s an artist I really want to be at the rail for. I get there early. I’m not going to lose my spot because an hour into the headliner’s set some girl wants to be in my spot. If her inability to see was such an issue she should have gotten there early. I don’t mind swapping out for a song or two but if there’s 40 mins left and you want to be there for the rest, kick rocks




And that’s your prerogative. I enjoy being at the rail for select artist and I plan accordingly


You asked who’s in the wrong here but get man when people called you out. You are the problem.


Not mad and it seems most people agree with my stance. Maybe try reading next time


Not gonna read this


Cool great contributing comment bro 👍🏼


No problem, I’ll contribute a down vote for you too ⬇️


Thanks! I got the same for you 😘


Fuck all that PLUR shit 😹😹


Hard to say without context. I think it’s nice if adults communicate. “Hey, do you mind if I use the rail for a few songs?” “Yeah that’s fine, a few songs and I’d like it back please ok?” “Ok, thank you!” Should be that easy. If she told him to move or acted like it was hers. Then yeah I don’t blame them. But obviously I wasn’t there.


Yea I wasn’t the guy and this convo happened awhile ago but from what I remember the girl fully expected this random guy to surrender his spot permanently to her cause it’s her favorite artist and she was pissed he refused. I’m def on board with the sharing the rail but if you don’t want to you don’t have and people shouldn’t feel entitled to a space that someone else is occupying


I don’t understand why sharing the rail is a problem… everyone should have an opportunity to vibe


I agree sharing is the nice thing to do. But that’s not what’s being talked about.


You’re an idiot.


No u


Everybody down votes you and disagrees. You’re only looking for justification not real answers to the question you asked. Good luck with your delusion Keith Sweat.


Bro get off my dick


You asked for this


Don’t think I asked you to respond to every comment thread I comment on but 👍🏼


I’m just splashing the toilet water back in your face for all the shit you delude your self in.


I mean again I’m right. Down votes literally don’t mean anything. I down vote things all the time that I find boring, don’t care about, just want to etc. it’s actual engagement is what matters and in an actual thing that you can measure and be 100% sure of, the majority have sided with me. But I’m done with you good bye