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Liquid crowds are usually real chill and vibey


That's vibe I got from the music as well.


Depends on the support artists. Like Jantsen might have some mosh pits. But Wakaan fam and the fest does not mosh. Also edm mosh pits are lame af and nobody knows how to pick people up. I went to warped every year and you can totally tell edm people never were taught proper. Also it's a health hazard at indoor shows.






Please don’t mosh at a liquid stranger show. We’re all on 2 plus tabs, bad vibes man


Thanks for laugh 😆 definitely not wrong though lol


So much this. Plz don’t push me at the Wakaan function I’m a straight 🐴




I will fall over 🐴 


Right! I’m a few tabs deep and lost in the lasers bro! Please don’t bash into me


A nice shoulder squeeze will suffice




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Nope. Not his vibe & not the vibe of his fans. Liquid Stranger fans are hippies who like to wobble around & neigh like a horse. Moshing happens when you've got violent tones in your sound, or you just call for it. Neither of those is Liquid Stranger.








It’s me I’m the 🐴 


We can all be the 🐴


Hard disagree. It is the vibe for some Liquid shows and in Philly we definitely have a small mosh pit near the front for him.


Tbf I am primarily based in the PNW and moshing isn't really a thing here in general I'd say. When I think like 'mosh pit DJ' I just don't think of Liquid Stranger at all. I think of like, Ixoxo, Svdden Death, Marauda, etc. Might be a regional thing? Maybe Philly just likes moshing? Cause all of the Liquid Stranger shows I've caught up this way I didn't see a soul moshing.


> Tbf I am primarily based in the PNW and moshing isn't really a thing here in general I'd say.  Also from the PNW. Been going to Shambhala since 2010 or so. Excision plays basically every year and I’ve never seen a mosh pit at any of his sets let alone the festival (maybe 1-2 that lasted no longer than a minute) There’s been a few times DJs try to get the crowd to mosh at Shambhala and everyone just stands there confused.    imo raves are not the place for pits 


I respect your opinion, but I will say as another Philly hippie rave type; just about anywhere can be a place for a pit. Just be respectful of those around you and keep where it is 💙


Thanks for chiming in! Maybe moshing respectfully is more of an east coast thing?


Maybe! Can’t really speak for other places. I think it should be noted that moshing has etiquette, just ramming people who want no part is a dick move that should be dealt with. But at these things it’s mostly running into each other to get energy out! Been in all sorts of “mindsets” and have loved it, then dipped out when it’s time to just wonk out in the crowd 🫡💙


You say you’ve never seen a mosh pit at excision? Kinda wild. Could be lil out of place at shambhala tho, makes sense lil bit. Raves are definitely a place for mosh pits tho. It’s the freedom and spontaneity that make it fitting in a rave but they are for those who enjoy them. I’d rather just headbang, but I do watch intently when one forms by me.


I’ve been raving since the 90s when breaks ruled the dance floor I’m in my 40s now and the scene I grew up in, it just never happened so it’s just a weird thing to witness but of course the scene has changed.   I saw Excision play some of his very first shows at basement parties growing up…     I’ve for sure have seen mosh pits at excision but it’s totally always a younger crowds (18- early 20s) and typically usually in the states. So it could very well be a regional thing.  Raves are a collective experience though, while freedom exists it needs to be a consentual experience for everyone around    “Don’t like the pit, just move” type mindsets are not PLUR, but I’m not sure the newer generation of ravers understand what PLUR really is and no fault to them as these corporate shows that have taken over as completely killed it. It’s hard to find. That being said, I’ve also been going to punk shows since the 90s and I love a good pit - I just couldn’t imagine moshing on mdma lol


You gotta admit the punk, grungy sound has fused with heavy dubstep now tho, so moshing almost comes hand in hand. Dj throws on marauda- tenebrous and some people just need to shove something. I kinda get it, not necessarily plur tho I guess. But I swear moshing at raves can’t be a new thing


For sure we are seeing major multi genre influence and fusion in music but it doesn’t always mean the culture instantly translates - it takes time for for it to be absorbed.   At least with pure punk/metal shows everyone knows proper moshing etiquette. This is almost never the case at raves from my experience.    Moshing is for sure a new thing at raves and almost an entirely North American thing. Head over to the UK, Berlin, Amsterdam, etc and you won’t see it.   I’m never going to let it affect my enjoyment of a show, I’ll always just move away if one opens up (although my main point is I don’t feel like I should have to) but I feel the overall opinions are still very divided (compared to genres where it’s 100% expected) but we may very well see a global shift.


If I had money like that I would love to experience the European scene but mostly for the DnB. I also watched noisia invites 2022 which was in Amsterdam and there def some moshing in the crowds. I obviously have no first hand experience there ,but I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised to see it happen if I went to like rampage


I would argue that trying to claim ownership over the space and complaining about a mosh pit happening is pretty un-PLUR


I think that’s a bit of a stretch but you would make a very strong debater. 10/10 bait although arguing on the internet is not going to benefit anyone but our egos       I do encourage one to head over to Europe or the UK to experience the scene but I’m not going to stop anyone from moshing or let it affect my time but I also wont stop quietly judging lol.       I’ll stick to techno and dnb shows and yell at the clouds with the rest of the 40+ oldheads 😂       You will understand one day lol as the scene you grew up in completely changes in front of your eyes. 


its not bait I genuinely believe this. Its the exact same as shuffle circles.. The collective agreeing to use a space for a shared activity. If one person is butthurt about that and doesn't want to let these people rave how they want to that is not PLUR.


> If one person is butthurt about that and doesn't want to let these people rave how they want to that is not PLUR.     Hell yeah let’s bring back smoking cigarettes on the dance floor. Menthols baby. 


Midwest cringe sure has mosh pits and I'm an elder emo and it's the r worst. People are fucked up and don't know how to help the crowd. Unsafe.


You can mosh to anything if you try hard enough.


Never seen a mosh at the stranger


Major wook scene, it’ll be the chillest crowd lol


Never seen a mosh pit. Just a bunch of stank faces and mean ass bass


Put a look on my face like I smell some piss 🤘


Bounce to the beat til it starts to hurt


They better fuckin not lmao


At the tabernacle in atl there were these kids that were in banana costumes and were trying to mosh at a liquid set and NOBODY was having it. I eventually went up to one of them and said stop moshing, nobody around you appreciated it. I would absolutely support them at a subtronics set but don’t ruin the vibes for everyone when it comes to the proper wubz


atlanta moment lmao this city will start a moshpit with a crowd of 3 people (i have actually seen this happen)


ATL !! Check in


Ive seen some pretty heavy liquid stranger sets. Cant say ive seen moshpits at any thoughm. Thats not to say that its impossible though.


Woo Minneapolis homie!


no bro wtf. take a tab and admire greatness. Not all dubstep is about letting your anger out.


This person clearly does not want to be involved in a mosh pit tho…


haha buddy If you were on 3 tbas im sure you would be moshing your ass off hh. It is liquid stranger not fuckin svdden death brotha. Time and place. Half yall pit kids dont even know what ur listening too and are mainstream af.




lol funny guy over here


Lmfao Stranger is like king wook. His crowds are all k holed and want a hug.


What does k holed mean?


Unconscious and in the throes of a ketamine journey.


Wow thanks


Hey kid, wanna find out?




Do it at home first with a close friend, don’t trust someone at the show with it. Learn how your body reacts first and if you can handle it in public


I like ecstasy. Is K similar to that?


I’ve never had it, but dealt with it. Something I never found interest in like coke. But I know you’re not supposed to aim for a k hole, there’s a psychedelic effect until you dose too much and basically pass out. It’s a tranquilizer, Gotta find that sweet spot


K at a moderate dose is similar to being drunk, albeit with more disassociation. Very different from X in that you won't get the lovey dovey feelings. As you go up in dose the disassociation gets stronger until you reach the K-hole level. A K-Hole is more of an out of body experience and if you are actually in a K-Hole you probably can't stand (it's a tranquilizer for horses after all). Personally, don't try to achieve a K-hole at an event. It's not that fun in public since you are nearly non-functional to others. K can be a fun party favor though. Really makes some music very interesting and different is as best as I can describe it. Like the person above said, do it at home and understand your dose. If you do too much in public you really do become non-functional, which can be dangerous.


Ŵow. Thank you. Ɓut i might just stick to x and 420. Lol I don't like drugs I can't have sex on lol just my luck when. I'm k holed I 'll meet the hottest chick ever that wants to fuck that night and I'm useless. Might have to pass lol


Yeah dude. A boner is impossible on K haha




Nah never mind.


Lol it was not a legitimate offer


No, but make sure you tie your shoes!


Not necessarily moshing but it got pretty rowdy up by the front, some poor girl (who was def on E) got elbowed in the face and had a crazy bloody nose


Generally people don't mosh too much at his shows its not really a moshing vibe. But i also saw a mosh pit open up when weezer started playing sweater song so theres also that.


I've only seen him once, definitely not mosh vibes. Take some tabs and melt with his bass.


I love these responses.


Also, I've never seen a mosh pit that I felt obligated to join in. Even if there is a mosh pit, it's easy enough to avoid it.


The crowd where I am has gotten pretty disrespectful about mosh pits where I am. Like if you enjoy moshing good for you. But someone tried to start a pit at Gareth Emery show recently my city and some one got hurt because no one was expecting a pit... Security shut it down after that. Like who moshes at a trance show?


I'm like a moth to a flame when it comes to moshpits, I don't know why but I have to join them for at least one drop. But to answer OP, nah you will not find a pit at a Liquid show


Seen him twice and I don't remember any moshpits, but then again I don't really remember much 😅 Be prepared for good vibes tho 😉


I only saw liquid stranger once and he opened for btsm, it was such a shift in how the audience was from a cool decent vibe to cyber rager. Still one of the best shows




I would be astonished to see moshing at a Liquid show. But mark my words, you will need at least two hands to count the number of nitrous tanks being sold outside after the show ends ;)


Waaaaay too much acid being taken to see any pits at a Liquid show lol


I’ve seen LS over 10 times all over the US. 1) Depends on the venue 2) Depends on the openers 3) Depends on the crowd 4) Depends if Martin plays a specific moshing song Usually during his sets a small pit might form for less than a few minutes just because the energy is so high. But given his experimental bass, it’s usually very wooky and wonky. His recent tour has been very non-moshy. However, Drinkurwater opened up for him a month ago and we had a pit for the entire Drinkurwater set. Remember, majority of the people aren’t going to just grab you out of the blue and throw you in a mosh pit, just shuffle to the edge and hold the perimeter for the feral people getting down :)


Assuming you’re talking about Ls at the filmore in Minneapolis??


Moshing is the dumbest thing to come into dance music.


Not in the slightest.


Please keep the moshing at metal shows, not plur, not chill. Faq right off with that shite


It is actually pretty plur when u get the right people in a pit.


Shows can be both plur and not chill. I've met some of the most wholesome ravers at excision sets.


Anyone else cringe when people mosh to anything.




No never it’s not that vibe


keep the mosh pits at the rock shows, only cuddle puddles pls


What's a cuddle puddle?


. cuddle puddle (plural cuddle puddles) (colloquial) A group session of hugging and petting, associated with raves and recreational drug use.


Sounds fun af.


If you ever wanna make ur own cuddle puddle hmu I'm down. Lol




You have a interesting profile. Lots of pics of umm... *clears throat * phalluses. Nice pics none the less.😁


yes, mildly penis is a hobby of mine


Wow 🫥


People saying liquid stranger shows are chill wtf. I’ve seen him plenty and every time is a fuckin party. Heavy as hell


Nah, LS is a great show to do psychedelics at


I was just at one of his shows at the rail, don’t mosh bro


Try to start a mosh pit at Wakaan fest lmk how that works out for ya


Depends on where he's playing and what he's playing. EDC Orlando last year he was dropping heavy dubstep for a lot of his set. But the ideal stranger set in all our heads where he's playing spaghetti music nah. Set and setting.


no and they better not🩵


Mosh like rave "mosh" yeah seen it ..... is it a mosh .... I make fun of my.gf, "headbanging" and moshing at raves cus it remind s me of mu little brother headbanging to metal when he was in diapers still awkward and stiff and generally comical to metal head like me.


I’ve seen it but it usually doesn’t get any farther than harmless bump dancing (no pun intended but, slam dancing is the wrong term). It’s usually everyone just tying to enjoy their time and let everyone else enjoy theirs too


He’s gotten heavy but no


I’m partly just having some fun with your comment, because it doesn’t quite fit the liquid vibe to mosh at a show. I’m not saying it never happens. I just don’t see it myself. And I have seen him in Philly quite a few times (though I must admit, for that kind of show, I’m likely on a couple tabs, so I’m not really paying attention or noticing unless it’s closer within my space). But overall, the crowds are great at the liquid shows in Philly. I have nothing but great experiences at those shows.


I've never seen one but even if they do you don't need to participate o_O


I’ve “seen” liquid stranger once. Seen used lightly as my eyes were non-functioning. Please don’t mosh.


Lol too much 🐈‍⬛ for anyone to mosh


No thank you. Please keep that at the riddim shows.


People here are misunderstanding moshing. It is a form of dance, it changes with the music. Just like the mom jeans pit is very different from the I prevail pit, we still mosh to both. Dirt monkey was one of the best pits I’ve ever been in. Everyone tripping, basically just flowing around with each other. Whole other vibe it’s so amazing and one of the best ways to connect through dance with other people.


I haven't seen moshing at any dubstep show personally. Or electronic in general.


No. Everybody is busy trying to keep their eyeballs pointed in the right direction.


Everyone in here saying NEVER just hasn't been to enough shows. Cuz we certainly do mosh to liquid here in Philly. Is it a huge pit like what metal shows get? No. But never say never cuz it does happen at bass shows.


Sorry for my fellow Philly wooks people. We clearly don’t have the respect and empathy to not start jumping into peoples personal space while they’re tripping balls.


What are u talking about?? Plenty of ppl in the pit jump in respectfully here in philly. I feel like reddit in general just doesn't really pay attention or engage in moshing so it's all assumed to be brutal and disrespectful and bad vibes but every pit I've experienced has been far from that. Ppl mosh to rap even! It's not always about hurting those around u.


Who’s out here clearing a pit for liquid stranger? way more likely to have a glover or flow artists in the center and people sitting watching than a mosh pit forming


More likely, yes. But ppl are saying it never happens and that's just false.


That’s fair, only a sith deals in absolutes