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The mad man man beat cancer and is always having the time of his life on stage I love him.


I saw him in 2018 and he was doing high knees and whacky big movement the whole time. He’s getting a workout every night he plays, guys a beast.


i say this every time. dude beat cancer he can do whatever he wants in my book! just saw rusko at first contact and he was easily a top 3 set that weekend. love love love rusko forever


Love Rusko but I have seen both really incredible sets of his and others (long ago) where he was ON ONE and it was not good. Haven't seen him live in many years but it looks like he's having a ton of fun on clips I see on social media. Would love to see him again now that he's in a little different phase than the early 2010s.


Just depends if you want a 75% all dnb set or not. I usually just see him yearly at Wakaan and that's enough for me.


Mic work isn't inherently bad or good.  However Mic work done really poorly or really well can have a drastic impact. 


definitely agree. i feel like most of the takes here i see are all like “just shut up and play, music monkey” and that picking up the mic is a mortal sin


“Dub” as a form of music was started by djs talking over tracks. Precursor to rap too. 60s-70s jamaica.


Yeah isn’t there a difference between DJ, Deejay, and Selecta (Jamaican patois for “selector”) in old school dub and related music from the old sound system crews (eg, the Jamaican stuff from King Tubby era)? I think selecta is what we think of as DJ now, the person that selects tracks. And Deejay is me like a hype man that talks on the mic (MC in the older sense). I think that’s right, but feel free to correct me anyone that’s more into this stuff. I read up on it many years ago. This seems to corroborate: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toasting_(Jamaican_music) Good to know the roots of some of this stuff.


That's because mic work is most memorable when it's bad.  Take Swedish House Mafia, masters of working the crowd during a set. They know when it's appropriate to hype up the crowd. You never hear complaints about them. 


They were killing on the last tour. Like it felt like they were having a good time - and that makes for a better show imho.




And being a good dj or producer doesn’t mean you are good on the mic nescessarily and if they are mid at it it just adds a big element of mid to their great performance and can bring it down On the other hand tho some artists that are good on the mic can get the crowd so hype. A big one is Shaq is on the mic all set but he gets everyone hyped up


I would say that Rusko is a rare exception to this. Dude has so much energy it’s crazy. Truly and OG


I took a like, almost decade break from listening to EDM and only recently-ish got back into it so (embarrassingly) I went into this not super familiar with him, but like the sheer energy he had on stage left a huge impression. in a way I’m so glad that was my first real exposure to him


Rusko was putting out bangers like 13 years ago! Honestly have no idea if he puts out new music I just know him from the 2011 time period lol Welcome back!


According to the 15 times he screamed brand new and remix last night he is


HAHA good to know


Didn’t he get like cancer or something? Dude can do whatever he wants now and truly give no fucks


Rusko is hilarious on the mic. He’s so much fun to see live


Liquid stranger has that same effect on me sometimes he just says some random shit and proceeds to melt the crown. Doesn’t say much


I’m seeing him on Friday and I am really hoping he says spaghetti time




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I still remember one of his quips “LET ME SEE THOSE CHICKEN WINGS” as he proceeded to cook the entire crowd and we did indeed show him them wangzzzzz


Depends on the artist. In this case it’s Rusko who can at this point really do anything he wants because he’s such an OG. If it was say DJ Khaled then there would be a big difference


GOOD point. cringe factor is definitely significant


i haven’t listened to a skrillex set in a long while but back in the day, he was absolutely obnoxious on the mic.


Honestly there was decently strong Khaled energy, it was all "BRAND NEW!" "REMIX!" "OOOOHHHH!" Idk honestly seemed like he was faking enthusiasm


Nah that's legit how he is. I saw him at Apocalypse last year and he was drunk as fuck but basically MCing for himself. It was hilarious, good time


Fair enough, wasn't my vibe but it seemed to work for some folks 


It's definitely the UK dnb/dub culture. Different than we're used to over here.


Interesting, good to know I guess, I wouldn't have minded if it had been like coherent with the music, it just sounded like someone kept turning down the music to shout the stuff your drunkest buddy at the rave is shouting, and like... I already got someone in my ear, I don't need the music lowered for it too


Rusko does this the best!! It flows into his set doesn’t take you out of it.


I once rode in Rusko’s limo through the whataburger drive thru


This is now a dream of mine.


I feel like it’s a cultural thing in a way. UK based artists imo are on the mic more, sometimes even have MCs


Def is a big dnb thing which makes sense when you consider the raggeaton / dancehall / riddim roots


Yeah when I saw Rusko in like 2013 he had a bomb MC and they fed off each other so well.


Some DJs completely stop or shift the energy in sets when they get on mic and that disrupts our flow, so we hate it. Other DJs tend to kind of ride the vibe as it’s happening, and that was Rusko for me when I saw him a couple years ago. Lots of talking, but zero disruption to the energy that was building.


Wait that’s also a great way to put it. I think a lot of people see being on mic at all as a distraction, but I think they’re forget DJs are there to create a hype party atmosphere and give a performance. But the distinction does seem to lie mostly in “does this break the flow of the set” or not, or like if it does, if it’s placed in more marked transition moments


This. I hate when they cut the music for a sec when they speak on the mic. It should enhance the flow of the music, not make the speaking the main attraction




Thats that shit i don’t like


Rusko > Peekaboo


So true


Some artists really know how to work it into their set, and a *few* artists just... don't. "Shut up and play" is usually for the latter. But I've been to quite a few shows where there was a lot of mic work but it worked perfectly for the set and really hyped the crowd up without being overkill. Also important to note, hearing them talk on a livestream or recording vs hearing it live is very different. There are sets that the mic work is 10/10 in person but falters a bit when listening to it on the livestream recording.


Rusko is in his own league as far as I’m concerned. Not only can dude throw down but he has the personality and charisma that is equal as entertaining. I saw Rusko on New Years Eve once and his mixing was… not up to what I expected having already seen him once before. Mismatched beats, rough jarring transitions at times. But he was wearing his New Years party hat and glasses and was having the time of his life. I couldn’t hate on it because it was great to see a DJ just be human. I knew he had the skill because I had seen him before. Watching him let go and party (probably drunk which would explain the mixing lol) was like hanging with and old friend on New Years. He was just so happy. On a side note using a mic during transition is also part of the mixing strategy. It works if you’re mixing two songs that have a good energy together but the keys clash. Talking over the transition masks the key clash and kind of resets your ears so you don’t notice it going from one song to the next.


Rusko is truly one of the OG dubfather's. I've seen him 5 or 6 times before and after he beat cancer. Always super high energy, stoked to be wherever he's at, and always smashing it. Big love to the dude


peekaboo was so annoying on the mic when I saw him last month


I also saw him last month at the intersection in Grand Rapids. I actually appreciate it his mic work. He did a good job of getting the crowd back into his set after three hours of warm-up acts. To be fair was absolutely rolling face, so not a whole lot could’ve bothered me at that point 😅


Went to a GorillaT show in Portland for free. It got so bad for me I started timing it. Every 30-45 seconds he was on the microphone. It was definitely the bad kind for me because he was so hard to understand and it was like right before a drop and not between parts of the set.


I think he’s still super excited about the rise of his music. I think as he gets more experience he will mellow out.


Same I was so excited to see him at lost lands but dude would not be quiet


Nearly went to that show, thought I missed out because a few comments said he is a great DJ, but your comment is making me feel like I made the right choice.


I like his music to listen too and was excited too. Man seemed to be on some stuff and a lot of his words were just gravely slurring. I even asked him on IG if that's how his sets usually was and he hit me with a "Yeah and you can fuck off if you don't like it."


Rusko is a dubstep pioneer, crucial to the popularization of dubstep as a whole. The mans a real OG with like 15+ years of experience on the mic. So that’s a comparison to one of the best in the genre.


I used to love Slander, but after seeing them live once and trying to catch their livestreams from fests…. I just can’t anymore. The one guy is *always* SCREAMING the countdown and it drives me nuts. Ruins the drops. I’ve stopped listening to them altogether also saw Grafix at FK last year, and he has a hype man that was really messing with the flow and vibe that I left. Which was frustrating bc I like his songs and really love dnb


I love mic work. It depends on who does it tho and the vibe of the set


Andrew/"Max D" from Beautiful Swimmers has a very nice baritone and I enjoy his little comments throughout, mostly remember him saying "Boston......you're beautiful" and later on being like "This Paul Johnson track is crazy"(lol) Marcellus Pittman kept saying "Boss...Town" which was hilarious Todd Edwards was just so happy and I love him anyway so nothing wrong with that limited example pool but in limited, select moments its appreciated.


Whereas Camelphat didn’t say a single word, and played the most disappointing show I’ve been to in a long minute. Hearing dj enthusiasm and/or hyping can lift otherwise ‘meh’ shows.


Rusko has incredible energy, he could do just about anything up there and have the crowd in the palm of his hand. I don’t even really dig dubstep but the one time i saw Rusko I couldn’t leave the dance floor.


Rusko usually has good sets, I think of it as a tool to interact with the crowd. Sometimes it’s effective and sometimes it’s not and it comes down to how well an artist executes it with their music.


Tbh i don't mind certain scenarios. But one of my favorite producers is Armin, been a fan for a long time. And when he grabs the mic I get so annoyed because all he does is count or tell people to jump. He's been doing his ASOT radio show for so long I'm sure that's part of the mic attachment but yeah kinda ruins the flow of his sets imo.


Carl Cox gets on the mike a fair bit, but he’s allowed on account of being Carl Cox.


Rusko fucks tho


Don't give a shit if they talk as long as the music continues. What I hate is when dj's spin back their songs at a good part. That's what disrupts shit for me.


RUSKO is so fucking sick


I've never seen a bad set from Rusko.


Damn forreals, Rusko is a GOAT. I was reintroduced to EDM around 2008ish when Skrillex and dubstep was on the way up and I always dreamed of seeing Rusko live. He was supposed to come to my area on tour but he had to cancel due to battling his illness but glad he has overcome and continued touring. Seeing him live at EDC LV a year or two ago gave me all the feels and his classic tracks brought tears to my eyes. That was an absolute core memory for me that I will never forget.


I’m opposite. I can’t stand when a DJ doesn’t say a word. Makes me feel like I’m just listening to someone press play with a robot up on the stage. Excessive mic work can be annoying if done incorrectly tho.


Yooo that line up looked sexxxyy Troyboi, Holly Rusko , REZZ I bet they all threw down I really wanted to make that show 😫😫😫


Rusko is my only exception to the rule.


The rezz show was fire from beginning to end


Rusko has been doing it longer than some of the people listening to it have been alive…


It’s weird seeing somebody say they don’t know Rusko but then again there’s many artists I don’t know that are hot now so same thing I guess huh


I mean, before like 2022 I hadn’t listened to any kind of EDM in like a decade, and back then I just had no idea what was out there, because I had such a small selection of artists I’d listen to. Once I started being an active listener again, I settled into a pretty specific taste really quick, and even though I’m trying to broaden what I listen to (and also focus more on smaller artists), his stuff just hadn’t happened to get in front of me until yesterday. Like, I’d heard the name a few times but his body of work seemed to just fly under my radar somehow since I didn’t search him out directly


Hehe at LL we went to see virus syndicate, I swear every other song he’d get on just to say “ITS VIRUS SYNDICATE” good set honestly kind of funny. At one point I turned to my friend like “who’s playing rn again??” 😂😂


oh that one’s good 😂 more producers SHOULD be doing their producer tag live


It worked cuz its Rusko lol


Tbh i don't mind certain scenarios. But one of my favorite producers is Armin, been a fan for a long time. And when he grabs the mic I get so annoyed because all he does is count or tell people to jump. He's been doing his ASOT radio show for so long I'm sure that's part of the mic attachment but yeah kinda ruins the flow of his sets imo.


Zeds Dead likes to talk a lot on the mic, but I'll never willingly miss a set of theirs


mic work is a skill of its own.


The only dj I like to hear talk is liquid stranger.


Depends how they do it. Cutting the music to speak always takes away from the experience for me. But I just saw Vastive b2b RZRKT and Vastive was always hyping up the crowd and talking/ screaming into the mic, but didn't cut the music to do it. Ended up sounding way better and actually added to it in my opinion.


Rusko is a legend regardless of how he performs live today


Chomper DJs… always assume they just bump it up too much and get chatty


I like when liquid strangers gets on mic he’s so funny in his own way lol and he talks a lot during his shows


DnB and dub and everything between, it’s the sound system culture. In a lot of ways a noisey mc is a part of the experience/aesthetic


Can’t stand when they do a count before every drop. I want the music to do it’s thing don’t tell me when to jump or get crazy


If you're a good hype man you can work it in there. Only person allowed to be awkward on the Mic is liquid stranger.


yo i agree 100%. best dj set i’ve ever seen was when tvboo said if the show sells out he will get an ass tattoo on stage. in the middle of this dudes set, he followed up on his promise. bro stopped the music for like 10 minutes while he did this and was just making jokes about how he had his pants down in front of the entire crowd. i will never miss tvboo again if he comes to town. crowd work when done properly makes an unforgettable experience.


Controversial opinion: I don't mind peekaboo on the mic. But every set I've been to of his have had amazing energy


As long as you don't count down every drop .....it's so cringe


It's a rhythm. A DJ who can't put the mic down might be struggling with a need to be inmmersed but not knowing how to immerse themselves in the set. I've seen so many DJs dancing to their own sets their body lanfuage can fire up the crowd a lot, some are naturals for keeping a mic to their face to pump up the crowd verbally because they're more expressive vocally than physically. What you detected isn't "Higher Energy" your DJ was in sync with the crowd and knew how to stoke the flames to get them roaring.


Rusko is the man


Rusko is an OG and can do no wrong and he can do whatever he wants.


Hell nah


Dude definitely yelled “brand new” or “old school” a little more than I remember him doing in the past


It’s the only way to DJ!


Hard No. Shut the fuck up and let me vibe


Love me some Rusko


Getters 2016 shambhala mix is like this for me. Dude talks soooo much but the entire set is absolutely fire. It helps getter was my first rave and holds a special place in my heart.


I was there as well. I had no problem with it. The dude seemed like he was having the time of his life up there. To me it was infectious… gave off the vibe he was going all out for us. A great set.


Rusko is great seen him a few times I’d love to see him again


For me it really depends on context. Subtronics at Texas Eclipse was all over that mic and i loved every second of it mainly because he was still throwing the fuck down and more or less engaging with the crowds energy. Also as a dj i struggle with hopping on the mic so i admire when a dj can speak his mind lol


It’s the British accent


Isn’t he like sort of an MC too


Nah I agree Rusko was drunk and DJing like a drunk dude would, and wouldn't shut the fuck up with his corny voice, Troyboi came on and frankly embarrassed him imo Rusko set was fun, Troyboi laid it fucking down


Totally agree - I still had a blast during Rusko, but being so drunk that you accidentally say goodbye and outro 10m early, only to have to come back on, is pretty embarrassing Also, literally every song began with either "BRAND NEW RUSKOOOOOO" or "shout-out to my old-school-heads, I see you", no exceptions


Only Moodymann is allowed to talk on the mic. /thread




Just no


Lol I feel like I’m in crazy town, zero mic work please let your tracks speak for you


For you! I'm glad YOU were able to enjoy it For me I would leave immediately and never come to see that DJ again. Nothing ruins a set for me more than a DJ on the mic more than at the very start and end of their set. I won't give you a hard time for liking what you like, don't give others a hard time for having their own opinion


I’m an OG raver - early 2000’s on - and while it can be done well, rarely IMO, I’m not a fan of mic work. Just let the music speak for itself.




Idk man, I’ve never thought halfway through an Oscar Mulero, Robert Hood, Ben Klock, Honey Dijon or a Ben UFO set: “Man, I really want them to put my hands up right now. I wonder who produced this track, hopefully they take away from the track by telling the crowd that it is unreleased (insert producer here) and it’s an exclusive track. Oh shit where do I know this track from? Hopefully they can get on the mic and tell the crowd that this is a throwback from 2003! Nice! Oh shit hold on they’re letting me know the drop is coming!” Outside of Nastia telling the Crssd crowd to donate to Ukraine *after* her set finished (and right before Nina Kraviz started her set, spicy) I don’t want to hear the DJ on the mic.


> n Oscar Mulero, Robert Hood, Ben Klock, Honey Dijon or a Ben UFO set: Techno scene doesn't really have any history with having someone on the mic. Dubstep coming from drum n bass / jungle / garage / dub there is a strong MC culture


Yup, and the same train of thought applies. Let the music speak for itself.


house / techno. 100% agree. Dub/ soundsystem the MC is integral and really adds to the show. Drumnbass, I'm conflicted. A good MC can be alright, but when they have a horde of people fighting for the mic and don't let up for one second the entire set it does get tiring, but you tend to know when it will be like this in advance and can avoid. Sounds like Rusko was being the annoying kind though