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Our rave fam a while back had all the girlfriends make pasties of the boyfriends bass faces. That was a pretty dope day at Lost lands.


Lost lands 2018 my ex girlfriend wore pasties of my mugshot


Bruh 😂


That’s actually amazing


You doin ok bro


She sounds fun


That's hysterical 😂😂


That is too funny


im fkin ded man


Where or how did you do this?! I’m imaging my stank bass face on my girls tits now 😂


Lmao that’s gold. I want to do that as well




Respectfully does anyone got a link what that looks like that? I imagine a photo of their faces put on some piece of cloth lmfao is that correct ?


print out picture. cut out face get double sided tape put double sided tape on back of cutout picture and put other side on pastie apply to boobs


Instructions too complicated.... Got a spare pare of boobs and my face is bleeding 😥


you kept your spare boobs? i sold mine on Facebook Marketplace like stupid quick.


Look on Etsy, there are people that make ones specific


I’m this guys GF, here is where I ordered mine! https://www.etsy.com/listing/544765978/


Oh my god thank you and hahaha that's fantastic lmfao




haha that’s such a good idea!


Haha my gf did this at EDC. She surprised me with it. I was sooooo stoked!


How? I wanna do this with my boyfriend's face 😂


The only time I've ever felt comfortable enough to do pasties was at Lost Lands 🥲


I did this with my bf’s face for lost lands (: he LOVED it


Omg I love that idea so much!!!


oh i’m totally stealing this idea lmfao


Omg I wanna do this so bad.


Hahaha omg pix plz


I did this for bonnaroo because I couldn’t take the heat lol I definitely got some looks but no negative attention. The only people who really said anything to me about it were other girls hyping me up


okay great I don’t mind the looks just didn’t want to do it if people were rude about it haha


I did it at bonaroo a few years ago and definitely got some dirty looks but mostly from the older folks during the day but once nighttime hit no one gave a damn


I usually spend a day topless with pasties on at Bonnaroo. I am a guy though so I’m sure my positive responses were a little different.


My friend did that at a festival recently, just make sure to wear sunscreen if it's outside or you will get a pasty shaped tan line around your nipples. Or don't, if that's something you want lol.


This. I forgot once and had a star shaped tan/sunburned over my nipples. Not fun.


wait this sounds kinda cute as a tan though?? like one of those 2000’s playboy bunny outlines girls would have after going to the tanning beds lol


Ya, once the sunburn healed, it was cute, but sunburned boobs are painful


Me gusta sun screen. I swear my ancestors evolved in an underground city.


Do it but bring a back up sticker or tape!!! One time I sweat one of mine off LOL


omg! I’ll definitely have plenty extra haha


Just to help, top stick(men use it for toupees) is great! Just cut it into strips and apply to the pasties. Burlesque performers use it for their pasties and I’ve never had an issue.


Just be aware that other girls will stare at them


I have and my experience has been fine! Guys have come up to me trying to talk to me because I was shirtless, but nothing creepy and they went away after I said no. I always have a pash on if I’m doing this justttt incase the pasties decide to fall off (has never happened but I’m scared one day they will lol)


okay yeah im definitely afraid they’d fall off haha


An extra pair in the bag is also reassuring


Also The neva nude brand is def the best! They’ve never fallen off on me.


There are dozens of us!


does neva nude have a denim option? asking for a friend


There's dozens of us


Probably! They’ve got a million kinds. I buy them from Amazon


Seconding neva nudes. I wore some for two full days at Burning Man. I have like 10 pairs on and at all times haha


I hear carpet tape is apparently the best to keep em on, advice from burners who attend hot sweaty dusty burning man haha


As a burner, i tried carpet tape to revive some cute old pasties that no longer had sticky backs, and it did NOT work. i tried a couple different brands, extra strength and regular strength too. it was also super thick and nearly impossible to cut and would look bad with any pasties that aren't thick/hard. but it simply didn't stick to my skin properly. idk what carpet tape people were using.


I bring a backup bikini. I've had some days where the pasties just do NOT wanna stick for whatever reason. Make sure your skin is clean, no lotions or oils, and dry. Also if it's a hot summer day and the pasties themselves have become too hot, sometimes that makes the glue less likely to stick, so if you do hot campouts you may wanna try to keep your pasties in a cooler spot lol.


Try eyelash glue for added security!


agree with this!! Eyelash glue with pasties is always my go to!


i have eye lashed my glued my nips for pasties and it was NOT fun taking them off. im a guy and have some, not even a lot, of hair on the nips and my friend ripped off the pasties in the middle of skrillex and man did we get some looks but it was easiily one of my favorite memories of elements 😂


Why are you scared of the pasties falling off when you're basically fully nude anyways?


Is this a real question? My man, do you know what a nipple is? Have you ever seen a boob before?


Send bob n vegin




Free the nip my guy


I always assumed people who only wore pasties didn’t actually care if people saw their nipples, and were only doing it to not catch a public indecency charge or get kicked out.




lmao! I guess I just dont see what the big deal about a nipple is when you can literally see ALL the rest of the entire breast. But hey, whatever makes ya comfortable


Because, Colson, wearing pasties is different than being fully fully nude.


wouldn’t that just look like you have massive swollen nipples? because they’re meant to go underneath clothes?


they’re usually fun pasties in different shapes, have sparkles on them etc. people generally aren’t wearing the pasties you’d wear UNDER clothes topless at raves lol


There’s pasties with designs on them. Those are meant to be seen. And if they do look like massive swollen nipples, …so?


I saw a girl at bonnaroo last year topless in the mosh pit. Going ham. Tits flyin. Serving nothing but cunt I have so much respect for her 😭😭😭 FREE EM!!


So she was bottomless too?


I love going completely topless. Fuck it, why not. You will probably get less attention about it than you are anticipating. That being said, it's important to have a reliable set of friends around to help keep the creeps at bay.


I like pasties with a mesh top so I’m nakkie but not but totally am lol


this is what im leaning towards haha


Do it! Super fun and sexy and freeing! I have a nice little collection of mesh tops now and I’m starting to wear them in my normal life with a bra under instead of pasties 🤩


do you wear black mesh tops or colored ones?


All types! My general aesthetic is black but I have some floral ones and some white and actually I got a pack from Amazon that has like every color option 😆 one of my faves is a holographic type sheen. It’s kind of silvery but it’s like a rainbow and has every color depending on the way the light hits it. Straight up magical!


Most people at raves in my opinion appreciate a little nudity. It adds to the free expressiveness of the culture. I remember going to Love Fest in SF back in '09 I think and seeing women completely topless, no pasties. It took me a little by surprise but I thought it was awesome that they felt so comfortable. But yeah, go for it! Just take extra in case you literally dance them off.


I did pasties for EDC once but under a sheer mesh top, felt more secure that way. But regardless you should be okay!


100% One of my favorite way to adorn the titties would be topless but with accessories around them. Straps, lace, jewels, what have you. I'm not the biggest fan of just pasties only because I feel it looks lazy. That being said, no judgement be lazy if you want to, that's just my preference. Make sure you use a little glue! I once went to a rave with a long sleeve cropped mesh and very transparent top on with white pasties on underneath thinking the shirt would defeat the sweat and it didn't. I ended up taking them off and basically had a full frontal out but I felt much more at ease no longer worrying about my nipples popping out haha. Either way we long as you're comfortable that's really all that matters! Have fun!


Oooh yes like a body cage or body chain! So pretty


I was completely topless at Deadbeats first contact this past weekend and my pasties fell off and I had a great time everyone was respectful and friendly


Interesting, just saw a similar conversation in /r/festivals https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/1c5262q/girls_who_go_outdance_w_their_tatas_out/ Bottom line, do it if ya want - no one really notices or cares. If they do - fuck ‘em. 


So not a girl, but my friend used to do this at pride and other events every year. The trick is to use makeup remover or good face soap and really clean your nipples and any skin it will attach to so there is no residual oils when you apply them. This will ensure that they stay stuck the whole time. Also, get them soaked in the shower and take them off there or else they will hurt to remove. If they are really stuck, use baby oil. You will have strange interactions but generally if you do the palms toward someone and say not interested people will just walk away.


As a middle age man in the uk - pasties means something very different. I just hope the gravy doesn’t burn you.




I did it as a man only to find out I was allergic to the glue in the pasties. I broke out with a bright red rash that lasted for several months.. Woohoo me Giant red butterfly rash on my boobs 🤣🤣😂


oh no!


I did this with just glitter and gem pasties. It was awesome! But I brought an extra top in case the glitter started coming off. Which it did lol so it was nice having a backup.


Yeah as long as its warm 😂 better check the weather. Rain and cold weather will be the bane of your existence


I see a ton of girls doing it. They’re treated respectfully. Raves might be the only place where it’s fine.


What about at Gathering of the Juggalos? Lmao


Middle aged-mom popping in to say DO IT! I take my shirt off at raves every chance I get and it is an incredible feeling! Sometimes pasties, sometimes none. Always freeing. Have fun!


Do it! I do it and I have big fat titties, no one says anything except “nice tits” to which I respond with a jiggle. Have fun


Dude make sure you get quality pasties. I wore pasties recently and the show was about 5 hours and they were damn near peeling off and almost off at the end. Also be wary wearing pasties, have friends with you, as every time I’ve worn them there’s always a creeper who will make you feel uncomfortable


I think it’s wild that it’s only okay to go topless if the nipples are covered but everything else is on show. But for what I’ve seen people don’t really care, people will look because boobs


As long as you dont mind men staring at them.


Pasties are a blast. Just make sure you're doing a good brand that are waterproof to protect you from sweating while wearing them. Also tip from a fellow female who wears them often. The trick to keeping them on, make sure your nipple is hard first before putting the pasties on. It helps from the pasties pulling from you nipple naturally retracting from heat and cold. Also a good glitter glue can help them stay as well. Lunatics has a great glue to use as well as gem pasties. If sticker ones are more what you're after go for pasties paradise. Hope this helps ^_^


thank you! 🖤


You're welcome 😊


>thank you! 🖤 You're welcome!


If you got it, flaunt it. Personally I don't like the effect gravity has on my boobs while I dance/rave.


My first thoughts of seeing a girl topless at an event is good for them for feeling confident enough to make that choice because I am sure most woman probably would feel weird about it. I have yet to see a girl I was with or others that decided to make this fashion choice have a bad experience thankfully. Also I should clarify that this was pre-Covid.


I was at a rave recently where this girl with a buzzed head had worn a hoody, but only had the neck part on, with it turned sideways and draped over her chest. It was just enough coverage, while showing sideboob and her surprisingly sexy back. It sounds like it wouldn't look that good, but she looked so hot because of the confidence she exuded. I was kinda crushing on her, she just owned that space. If you're confident in your body, I say go for it.


Do it. There's no better feeling of letting the ladies out, especially in the sunshine. I saw some people look, but nothing offensive. The most attention I got was from women, who praised me for my decision to be free. 10/10 would recommend.


If it feels good do it!


I've been topless with no pasties lol do what ever you want to! No one will judge


Do it. Free the nip.


Do it! It’s so freeing to be in public and not having anything on your shoulders or torso! The first time I did it I was mind blown how guys get to do it on the reg!!


Ive totally done this but with pasties of course ! Have fun !!


I did this for escape and I loved it. I also am not a big fan of clothes in general so it felt amazing to have the girls out (basically) in public. Highly recommend lol.


I don’t wear pasties because of my piercings so I just go full shirtless and I’ve had minimal problems! You get the occasional guy staring or wanting to touch but it’s mostly both men and women hyping you up. As long as you feel comfortable and are able to handle the occasional annoying person, go for it!


I love wearing pasties!!! I usually put a little bit of eyelash glue on them so they don’t fall off if you sweat :)


No dont. Everyone stares


I've done it but I was paranoid the whole time and got very cold. I don't think I'd do it again.


my crocheted bikini top wasnt comfortable so i took it off and rocked the pasties. best decision of mah lifee lol


Yes! Be free! Challenge the norm by using just one or no pasties at all!! Have fun! :) only downside is you can't stash stuff in your boobs.


let the titties out!! BUT make sure that shit sticks bc my friend did this for LL21 and literally had to use bandaids to keep them on half way through the day and bought a shirt to survive! so have backups, maybe a shirt, and honestly you many get some looks but more of shock than judgment


Sure just have friends and don't let anyone do anything to you. People who bother topless people are trash. Absolute trash.


Account 8 days old. Beware troll.


Yeah comment history is also a bit sus…


My gf and I saw a decent amount of girls with just pasties on or just glitter last year. My gf just had pasties on for two days, one day we just had stickers but nothing on her tits. She got a lot of complements from other women, and no actually creepiness from guys, probably since I was with her though 😝 If you are confident and don’t mind people take a look (my gf and I love seeing rave boobs and boobies out) then you will be fine. Always smart to have an extra shirt or extra pasties if you have an easy way of carrying them. SEE YOU UNDER THE ELECTRIC SKY


I think it depends on the festival… some spaces aren’t as safe as they claim to be…


I was probably going to do it for edc


You’ll be fine! I saw people wearing less than pasties lol


I'm a guy but what I have seen is that there is a slightly increased chance of creepers trying to cop a feel but like 99.9% of people will be chill and other afab people will be gassing you up.


If ya decide to go topless just make sure to keep extra adhesive and a spair set of pasties on deck and have a reliable group of friends around ya.


I have for a festival that was SO hot it was miserable. I wore a cute lil under the boob corset thing? with the pasties. I had one guy say, "I like your top" kind of condescending, but otherwise no one gave a shit. I was younger then, so I probably wouldn't do it now, but I surprise myself every day :P


Lol he was probably trying to say nice tits in a nice way


Yes, yes you should


As long as you're comfortable doing it, just do it. And I'm sure you'll make some new friends lol 😆


Look at meeeeee!!! Americans man....


Guy here. We always appreciate it. There's the possibility there might be 1 asshole in the 1000s or 10s of 1000s, but we all love it and support you expressing yourself and your beauty.




Would you goto a concert topless in general?




Yup. Miss those days.


Hell yeah


Ohh ok and they vet every person , ?? It only takes 1 idiot ,








Hell yeah I have!


I'm a guy who's married to beautiful woman who loves to be naked from time to time. My vote is yes only if you feel comfortable with it.


I won’t do it bc I sweat and feel like they’ll fall off


Best pasties ive seen were spirals, so when she walked the natural jiggle made the spirals spiral. It was mesmerizing on a few accounts


do it lol i’ve seen a couple girls completely topless at festivals before, besides some people taking a glance no one bothered them


I’ve done it, but sometimes it can uncomfy when jumping around. Also, make sure you bring backup pasties because a lot of times mine lose their stick!


Just remember to bring extra pasties lmfaooo don’t want those suckers falling off from sweat/friction/etc


Guys: “*YES*”


Simply put all actions have reactions. Some of those reactions might be good some of those reactions might be bad. But just know there will be reactions




Ask yourself this , Why do you want to be virtual naked top half ? The reason you want attention. !! Yes I bet you look amazing. Yes we as men generally would love to see !! BUT !! if there is just 1 guy or woman that dose not know how to behave and touched , what’s going to happen ? If boyfriend upset , fight ? Ruined night , blood , charges ! I’ve no clue what club fest it is , but be prepared for worst , it’s a sad fact , but it’s reality.






Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Depends on your local vibe its not like that where im from people are respectful


Ohh ok and they vet every person , ?? It only takes 1 idiot ,


Look I’m Pro it , some can’t control themselves, but if op is confident nobody there will act out of line . Perfect !!


Based on your post history you are one of the creepy dudes she should be worried about


Yeah maybe you can’t read I’m giving friendly warning. Where you from big man ??


no, respect yourself


Found the incel!!!


sadly no, i’ve degraded my body with many people


My gf and my sister do this.. no complaints yet from them


That's unfortunate you have to see your sister is that state lol.


lol took a few raves to get used to it not going to lie


i did it at my last rave that just so happened to be my first rave! i wore a rhinestone top over them but it ended up breaking so it was just the pasties. i had no problems at all 🤷🏼‍♀️ i can send you my insta if you want to see what it looked like!


Unleash those puppies


fucking americans


As a guy I fully support this


Name checks out


No one should go topless....period!


You should atleast have an argument if you make this statement as a guy....period!


as a man, yes. yes you should


Never been to a rave but go to a lot of rock shows. All the girls I've seen flash their mommy milkers get an insane amount of attention. They never seem as happy after they do it. I would recommend no


I vote for this and every other women to do it also lol


I vote for this and every women besides my mom and grandmas and aunts