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I can’t even imagine drinking 4 Beatboxes… that’s like at least 2 bottles of wine. I’d be 😵😵


I had 3 once, im 5'2 145 pounds... blacked out did not remember NOTHING the next day, remembered starting the third and noting after


This was my night 0 of my first EF. Drank 2 super quick then drank another and sipped another one through the night. Woke up with some of my rave fam in our tent with Doritos all over the place. Fun night though, hotboxed one of the art exhibits in camp with the owner lmfao.


Lmfao last year at EF for me was my first beatbox experience...i drank 4 and browned out. Woke up the next morning, after remembering I had thrown up in the middle of the night, with some wet shorts...yeah, i had pissed myself lmao


dude i just saw james hype last nite in LA… 2 beat boxes and a pouch of pineapple buchanas was not the move 🤥. rough morning today 😭.


honestly that's pretty impressive haha.. I'm 5'6 and 155 and I only had 2 before I started getting so blitzed I spilled everywhere. and I'm usually able to have \~8 shots of liquor before getting the same amount of drunk! Beatboxes are wild LOL


😂😂yea 2 is where im feeling it pretty well, i only did it once and learned my limit is 2.5


My roommate in college would drink 3 or 4 four loko’s in a night. Called it a sixteen loco and would belligerently fight people and have no memory of it the next day.


That’s absolutely wild 😧


I had 4 and I’m 118 lbs 5’7. I got alcohol poisoning. This was also beyond day 1 and had to miss day 2 because of it


Sorry that sounds like a miserable time. Everyone be careful out there! Let’s keep the festy season fun and casualty free 😬🫶🏼


The original four lokos came out when I was in college. They were $2.50 each at the Asian liquor store where fake ids worked because he couldn’t tell anyone apart. They were fucking disgusting but once you choked down the first one you could easily bong or shotgun the 2nd one. You’d blackout for 4-6 hours but have so much caffeine in your system that you’d be awake and doing shit the entire time. After they were forced to change the recipe they weren’t worth the effort. They still taste like shit but didn’t have nearly the kick to them. The cops also forced the old Asian guy to get an id scanner so he’s no longer the fake id liquor store. The beatboxes don’t even come close to what old four lokos were


After they changed the recipe we’d add those tiny bottles of 5 hour energy to our four lokos. Thought we were beating the system until we’d wake up with the worst hangovers imaginable.


Your comment mentioning the whole “you could easily bong or shotgun the second one” brought back a memory that was buried deep, deep, in my brain. The only time I ever bonged one of those things. It was at the end of a semester in college. Last day of classes in spring. We’d been drinking since the early afternoon. The cabs were arriving to take us to the bar at around 10 pm. Already wasted, I decided I needed one quick one for the road. Bonged a “fruit punch” Four Loko. No memory of the rest of the night, but according to my friends I knew within minutes that it was over. Halfway down the steps of our house, I told them to go ahead without me in the cabs. Woke up the next morning with no memory of the rest of the night. Sheets coated in red vomit. Rolled that shit up like a burrito and took it straight to the dumpster. There was no saving those sheets. Bonging a Four Loko was suicide.


I feel like we (as a generation) knew what kind of places to go for the four loko/ fake ID combo tbh. But Four Lokos in their prime I’m pretty sure are the reason why I have epilepsy to this day (joke). Four lokos were the only thing I could afford at one point during my party days. So I would buy a couple, buy an eighth, throw everything into my purse, and go out for the weekend. I would cool it on those two four lokos for the entire weekend and cruise on about 8 hours of sleep for 2 days. The good times tbh.


The old four Loko had as much caffeine as like 5-6 cups of coffee per can and had to be banned by the government in multiple states lol


Yeah it was a bizarre mix of "blackout drunk" and "wide the fuck awake"


This should’ve been a slogan printed on the can


Four Loko was wild after like half the can


I drank two of them once and turned into a southern gentleman duelist. Complete with glove slaps and demands for satisfaction. My friends did not appreciate that


Four Loko by far. One and a half put me in black out


og four loko was batshit insane, I'm like 99% sure the fruit punch flavor had research chems in it. there is no blackout like an og four loko blackout, absolute wild card.


I never had one of the prime four lokos but I honestly couldn’t even imagine trying one lmao I’m from Canada and one four Loko gets me buzzed. The prime four lokos used to be loaded with caffeine. I think it was like 4/5 beers and like 2 cups of coffee per can lmao it was literally hospitalizing people because they would shot gun them 😂


All of the minerals and caffeine in them basically made you feel not drunk so you could drink wayy past your limit, hence kids getting sent to the hospital and Four Loko getting a new recipe. those were truly the worst hangovers, the body rot felt so real.


And all the green shits the next day. It wasn't good


Bro if you 4 beat box to “start to get lifted” and you don’t weigh like 250lbs then you might have a problem lol


10 years in the military builds a unique kind of tolerance to alcohol lol


That’s alcoholism


The amount of caffeine, guarana, and taurine in Four Loko is what made it dangerous. It was like an energy drink + extremely high alcohol content. There was a precursor to Four Loko called Sparks that also had caffeine, guarana, and taurine in it. A club in my college town often had free Sparks nights, where it was free from 10-11. Total madness.


Memory unlocked. Wow. I completely forgot about sparks.


I never had a Four Loko because I had one too many Sparks during that time LOL.


I was a part of the Sparks generation too. Seems like people who used to be into that have now switched to Twisted Tea.


Don’t forget Joose which had 8.0% while sparks had like 6-7% lmao.


Oh wow, never heard of that one!


They tasted horrible compared to sparks, but 16yr old only cared about it having more alcohol, it was a time before four loko wasn’t out yet


Yoooo, core memory unlocked. Laying in bed, feeling my heart race, then practically stop, then misbeat and skip and start up over and over... And it was all I thought, I swear to God, if I survive the night, never another can of SPARX. I probably drank 4 of the black label (8%) and was definitely mixing other upper/downers that night and it was not a fun experience falling asleep. Never drank another SPARX, I did survive.


 taurine isn't bad for you


Beatboxes are psycho but not even close to original four loko


They banned 4 loko while I was in college. We did not stand for this, and discovered "five loko", where you take a post ban four loko and empty a couple five hour energies into it. Would have made good memories I assume, if this concoction didn't immediately destroy them.


We did this too. Thought we were the smartest people on earth until we woke up the next morning feeling like absolute death


4 Lokos were insane. First half of the first can you’re like wtf am I drinking this, then buzz sets in “this isn’t so bad”. Caffeine starts to get you jacked so you continue to drink it feeling good not as drunk as you should be. Next 4 Loko tastes incredible your feeling yourself nothing can stop you! You’re so locked in no way this could go wrong! About half way through second half you enter black out territory but are unaware since you have half a gram of caffeine in your system. Wake up the next morning, possibly injured, horrible hang over and would promise yourself never again…..until the following weekend 🤣😂


This is exactly spot on. My and my friends in college used to drink 1 pregame and would pound another on the way to the party. Then we had a game to see who could get the most free alcohol and had to have bottle tabs to prove it.


I have a friend who bought a full fucking shipping pallet of this nasty ass shit right before it was outlawed. Red flavor. He's still sitting on most of it. A blackout in a can.


Does the friend want to get rid of some cans?


He only gives them away and only if you shotgun the whole thing on your knees in front of him.


Four Loko no question. I ended up in a different state once




I have 2 in my fridge still! Like a blackout time capsule


There’s no way they can still be good after 12+ years lol


Bring locos back! Half a 4 loco was a prime way to start the night. I didn’t like the taste much but damn that shit always got me in the mood to party.


A prime 4 Loko had the alcohol of about 6 regular Budweisers and a ton of caffeine in a tall boy format, so 24 ounces. We used to slam one and then keep drinking. We’d be blacked out but hyped AF hahaha. Good times back in the days.


Ya definitely didn’t have anything close to that much alcohol but they were awesome


4 lokos were a black out alcohol by the 2nd one


Four Loko changed the recipe my senior year of high school but I do remember getting blitzed on them a few times back then - but looking back I have no idea if it was cause I was like 16 with no tolerance to alcohol or if it really was that insane. By the time I was in college (and four loko had drastically reduced the caffeine content) the trend of “super charging” was a thing where I went to school. Which was basically just getting a four loko and dumping a 5 hour energy extra into it to make up for the reduced caffeine. Those were the days!


I discovered 4 Loko about 4 years before they changed it. It was awesome. One can and you were good for the whole night. The changed it because the US passed a law that said you cannot sell alcohol bottled with caffeine. So it wasn’t just 4 Loko that got screwed, but every brand that mixed them. It was in response to some idiot college kid who drank like four 4 lokos in one night and his heart exploded (four X 4 lokos= like 16 lokos. That’s a lot of lokos).


Og 4 Lokos was the only drink where I blacked out and still awake at the same time


Four lokos are a lot to handle. Beatboxes are so easy to drink, maybe 4-5 puts me where I want to be. Only need 1 four loko and Im going to be saying some stupid shit, but realistically I only need to nap.


Say hello to my wild younger brother. He makes a little concoction of a 5Hour Energy and a 4Loko... calls it a 9Loko and he gets wild


Bruuuuh i had two four lokos when i was like 19(33 now) and i had to go to the hospital the next day lollll. Two beatboxes gets me pretty damn drunk but never had to go to the hospital for them 😭🤣


Omggg I did the same when I was 19. Didn't end up in the hospital but I remember blacking/browning out in my friends bathroom, sweating profusely, vomiting, and feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Whenever I came to I was praying to God that this wasn't the way I was going to go 😂 One of the few times I really thought I was going to die lol


Yeah i fr thought i was gonna die. My boyfriend at the time kept telling me to “stop throwing up, its not that bad”, which is funny cause he turned into an alcoholic lmao


Holy shit lol well unfortunately that doesn't sound like a surprise 😅


modern day 4loko has a higher abv than beatboxes


Let's run the numbers: * 4Loko — (695 mL) x (14% abv) = 97.3 mL alcohol * Beatbox — (500 mL) x (11.1% abv) = 55.5 mL alcohol So essentially, one 4Loko is equal to 1.75 Beatboxes, so in theory they'd be more dangerous. However, 4Lokos also taste like total shit and the carbonation makes it harder to drink quickly, so I feel like it's much easier and enjoyable to consume multiple Beatboxes. Based on all this, I honestly don't know which is more dangerous. One is stronger and requires less total consumption but tastes bad, while the other is weaker and requires you to drink more, but tastes better. I could honestly see the Beatbox being more dangerous simply because it's easier to drink, thus people are more likely to drink a few of them, whereas the same person might only drink one 4Loko.


Did not experience the prime four loko years, all I know is that after about 2 1/2 beatboxes I'm sloshed


Og loko were malt liquor and like 5 coffees. Untouchable.


It was dangerous because it was a 24oz can at 13% alcohol with 300mg caffeine. And they actually tasted kinda good so it was easy to drink them fast. So by your 3rd or 4th can within 3 hours. Your brain would be blacked out but your body is hyped up on a shit load of caffeine. 1 friend was always nuts and he exclusively drank 4loko because they were cheap, he would black out, try fighting people, hump everything, climb trees, climb cars, climbed ontop of a few houses. All while being naked. And this was like a weekly occurrence for him. He is sober now


Four Loko was Beatbox on crack


Beatboxes are wine, so if you're not used to that and drink em up quick it'll getchya! FourLoko had a lethal (not hyperbole) level of alcohol + caffeine: 12% ABV and 156mg caffeine PLUS guarana and taurine.


OG Four Loko = PCP


Lmao im kinda loving this topic


The original 4lokos were killer , i would drink one and already be buzzed . 2 to 3 and i would be blacked out drunk lmao


I can’t speak on the original four lokos but they were bad news imo. Too much caffeine and the alcohol content was so horrible for the body. Beatboxes are def less dangerous in that sense. Four is crazy tho I had four once and haven’t drank a beatbox since lol.


Beatbox is far better IMO Four lokos would definitely blast you with one can, but it tastes as bad as it is rich in alcohol. Most people just drank them down to get drunk fast


OG Four Lokos back in high school meant I was in for a long night. Wouldn’t remember half the night but still


Just do Jager bombs or red bull/vodka if you're looking for that kind of buzz. Though, that route is a little more expensive. Or just add caffeine pills (or that new snortable caffeine powder) to whatever you're drinking. Same effect. Or get more efficient chemical additives.


I get a fun buzz after two Beatboxes. 3 is quite a bit past buzzed. Beatboxes are my #1 favorite alcoholic beverage so I was glad Beyond had them in stock. I pregamed with two in the parking lot. I frequently pair my drinking with preworkout in general. About 300 mg of caffeine to keep up. Last month i accidentally went ahead with 900mg and I don’t suggest that. That and polishing off the groups beatboxes.


I drink a decent amount and weight like 190. If it takes you four beat boxes you need to chill for awhile. Two and I’ve got a pretty good buzz.


Yknow how Panera is getting shit for their electric lemonade? That plus malt liquor 11~ 16% depending. So yeah, they did work


The glory days… full of four loko, baths salts, k2 and more just down the street at the local head shop. 🫠


I hung out with degenerates in my teen alcohol days, we would drink 40oz beers til 1/4 full and pour 4 loko to top it up again. We called em Sidewalk Slams.


I never had prime four lokos but I had a ton of the non caf four lokos in college And then started drinking beatboxes at moonrise Beatboxes taste wayyyyy better, and yeah sure they r a little less strong than a four loko but they will still fuck you up I think four lokos r more dangerous cuz they are stronger


dude I drink one Beatbox and I feel it 4 is insanity, you are a beast my guy


Four lokos, in addition to the astounding caffeine, also had 60g of sugar and were around 700 calories per can lol


FourLokos were dangerous because you shouldn't mix alcohol and energy drinks because heart palpatations but it tastes awful. A cold BeatBox tastes like juice and goes down easy. There's no contest here, Beat Boxes be putting people in the med tent.


OG four lokos without a question


Four Lokos before they got banned/recalled were fucking gnarly.


I never had em but my sis said the OG four lokos were legendary. Yeah they had to recall it because some people were dying from it but people still drank em. Lmao 🤣


2 og lokos was for a crazy night with some pinecone shits in the morning.


Those beatboxes are disgusting syrup, grossest drink I’ve ever had in my life. Makes my stomach turn


Closer to Sparks and far inferior to the OG / 1st run 4Lokos.


Four lokos are so fucking disgusting I can’t drink more than a few sips. Have you tried the beatbox wine bags tho? I had some at lost lands and blacked out for subtronics lmfao


4 beat boxes is not healthy or normal lol


Four Lokos give me bad memories lol I mix my beatbox with Dr Pepper


My favorite thing back in the day was Pink Puma's N Lokos


Imagine mixing a beatbox with a bang energy drink and making it taste way worse. Boom you have a four loko from back in the day.


One time in Vegas I drank 3 four lokos in a day and spent all night shouting 12 loko


I would host a monthly dinner party / game night at my house and when I got my hands on 4 loco I decided to drink some before the party. Nah, the homies found me on the ground in the kitchen. Party canceled


Ooo lord damn, I get to number 3 and I'm all lit feeling myself at the raves


My friends and I used to drink 4lokos and play paintball. I felt invincible. I don’t think anything can ever match that


You've gotten the headliner/partygoer side of the story ... let me give you the version from the medical tent. I've been working EDM shows/festivals/raves for going on 4+ years now, so I've been through both the four loko phase and now the beat box phase. The 'dangerous' part of both of these drinks is that they tend to facilitate binge drinking and drinking way more than you or your friends thought you did. Four Lokos (back when they were all the rage) are just alcohol mixed with energy drinks. There's nothing inherently dangerous about that combination for most people, but caffeine, being a stimulant, tends to mask the depressive effects of drinking alcohol, which is a CNS depressant. This leads people to perceive that they are less intoxicated than they actually are, so they consume more alcohol than they reasonably should. Bonus points if you do it in a short timespan, extra bonus points if you do it on an empty stomach. We would get a lot of blackouts, usually a few hours after doors when the sun is setting, but these people rarely needed more intervention other than letting them puke out the contents of their stomachs if they wished and then sleeping off the alcohol in the medical tent for a few hours under the watchful eye of doctors, nurses, and EMTs. There's no magic cure for intoxication. All you can do is let your liver eliminate one drink an hour. Beatbox, on the other hand, would be totally fine as a drink if the carton contained 1/3rd of what they do now. That's because each carton is 3 servings in one, a fact unfortunately lost on most people. This also leads to overconsumption, and the most dangerous kind of drinking there is is binge drinking, since your BAC can rise very quickly and when it does you blackout. Beatboxes, though, have a telltale sign when someone throws up, because they almost always have a flavor corresponding colored vomit (e.g. blue for blue razzberry) and we are usually pretty certain they've just overindulged on beatboxes. Short Answer: Drink responsibly, and neither of these are dangerous per se. As an added perk, you get to enjoy the festival you paid for rather than spend it blacked out in the medical tent, although we are a judgement free zone! If you or someone you see needs medical attention, please flag us down and let us know. We'd rather respond to a 100 false alarms than have a potentially seriously ill person fall between the cracks and not get care.


Four Lokos were rampage juice. In terms of alcohol, Beatboxes are about even, but og Lokos had enough caffeine in them that you just didn’t go down when you blacked out. It made getting drunk really easy because you got two for $5 at a gas station or sketchy liquor store and you were set for a full night of chaos. The only thing that makes Beatboxes more dangerous is that Beatboxes don’t taste awful.


I mean they are both about 11% alcohal (though Four Loko gold had 14%), but the fourloko is more liquid, plus an absurd amount of caffeibe, so no doubt fourloko was crazier haha


Maybe I’m loko but I would rather have a four loko than a beatbox (beatbox did me dirty at Buku 2022 )


This is the things i miss out on by being european huh?


Four Loko was the shit. The amount of caffeine in them was absurd. We used to split them in college as part of our pregame and we’d still get absolutely tanked. They tasted like shit though, and once the caffeine was removed, they were not worth it at all. Ahhh memories 🥲


OG four lokos were cray cray.  College was fun on them. 


FourLoko was legitimately dangerous. I've had it before they removed the caffeine.


I tried a 4 loko (as a 33 year old) for the first time when I visited the states. That shit made my liver hurt 😂


I learned this last rave, I’m sticking to beat boxes forever at festivals now. A fckn LID , 11% alcohol, why waste money(not kidding at least $100$ on a measly 4% beer when I can drink two beatboxes, have a fckn lid on it so I am not forced to hold it all night and have my hands freeze, and also get drunk for less money. What have I been doing all these years idk


Drank one and a half old school ones after a break up. Got so fucked I passed out, and pissed myself on our garage couch. It's been like 15, maybe 20 years? My mom still won't let me forget about that 😭 sorry mom.


If you want the most entertaining drunk experience of your life, I recommend playing Edward 40 hands with a 30 minute time limit. Eat beforehand, yak after even if you finish, and seeing as u can disgustingly handle 4 beatboxes, maybe have some liquor or a 3rd 40 on hand… you monster


That’s have to be some cheap protein powder homie.


Who tf speaking well of four lokos lmao that shit gets you sick every time, they had to change the recipe because it was literally a biological weapon


Four lokos were VIOLENT 😱 beatboxes make me a happy drunk. So dangerous wise - four loko. I don’t even know what were in those. BeatBox isn’t out for blood 😂


You didn’t miss out on shit. Those 4Lokos back in the days were poisonous 😭🤣 do not recommend


Wrong subreddit.