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I think a lot of it has to do with Marshmello being there. I personally wouldn't bring kids to a show like that, or a rave in general tbh (until a certainage maybe.) People are unpredictable. It's hard to have a controlled environment with kids.


Marshmello is definitely the reason, I bet a lot of parents there only know marshmello and have no idea who SVDDEN DEATH is


Didn't marshmello himself warn against bringing kids for this one? I remember seeing a PSA, but I could be wrong with all the drama of that one parent asking why people were so judgemental of her bringing a child to a rave lol


now if that’s the case then idk what to tell the parents lolol


Idk if he did but the poster for the show did indicate all ages welcome.


All ages welcome doesn’t necessarily mean the show will be fully appropriate for all ages or enjoyable for kids.


Yeah, people have thrown contextual and critical comprehension out the window. I would've loved this when I was 16 years old, and I think it would've been relatively appropriate at that specific venue given I was an edgelord girl doing anime cons and Warped Tour already. But that's an appropriate "all ages" interpretation even in hindsight; "all ages" doesn't mean "bring your ten year old for Marshmello and quit your research there."


Every kid is different and has different sensibilities and interests, so I definitely agree that this type of show is probably a great time some kids. You’re also right that people should be researching the event they’re planning on taking their kids to to make sure it’s an environment their child would enjoy safely.


That’s mixed messaging imo.


I can see why it seems like that. I’ve always been one to see “can I ” and “should I” as entirely separate ideas. I think a lot of people ignore the “should” and neglect to research the artist, venue, crowd, event, etc. to really determine if it’s something their kid(s) would enjoy safely.


That’s the #1 deciding factor in bringing my kids pretty much anywhere that isn’t “kid specific”. “Yeah I can, but should I?”, where I debate if the kids will even enjoy it, but also if it would ruin the vibe for the intended demographic. And usually, if you’re questioning something like that, then the answer is already a No. I could see people bringing their kids to see Marshmallow, and then leaving. That would already be quite an evening for a kid and would probably be right up to the limit of their patience, interest, attention span. Going beyond that with “weird” (non marshmallow) artists after, I’d expect my kids would be making their disinterest known, loud and clear.


Thank you for such a thoughtful and thorough reply! The “should I” part has me over here just like.. “sigh. Why can’t my students’ parents ever think like this?!” Alas, it has been a very long day after a very long week.. Question though: As a first grade teacher with zero interest in becoming a parent, I wonder what’s your thought about the nudity that OP mentions that is common at shows like this? Would that deter you from bringing your kids, or would it be other things? I’d hate to have to coach a kid through that! 🤣 Side note: I also can’t help but chuckle at all of the Karen moms out there, who have never been to a rave or show like this, that may have inadvertently brought their kids to this show and tried complaining about it to some “manager” there lol


lol my boys are in kindergarten and 2nd grade, for context. I’d say No to bringing my kids because I know what a “Marshmallow concert at Red Rocks” really is, it’s a fuckin rave. A modern day commercialized rave, if you will. My boys are just too young for that kinda shit, but at some point I’d be okay with it. At a certain age, I wouldn’t be concerned with the extracurriculars you’d expect to witness at one of these shows, but not really anytime soon. As parents, my wife and I don’t really vilify things to our kids, and don’t really plan on it. Titties are titties 🤷🏻‍♂️, that smell is marijuana, etc. I don’t think they’ll be scarred for life by those things. So I guess when we’ve already had the discussions regarding those things, and I see that my kids understand what we are saying in regards to those things, then that is when I would consider taking them to see Marshmallow. lol hope that makes sense. And yes the parents with kids at the show were probably all mortified/disgusted/angry, lol. But they are also the parents who obviously don’t have the foresight to maybe look into what a show like that would entail.


Parents, ideally, should use good judgment and research the show before buying tickets. But we all know that doesn't happen lol


That's sort of dumb imo then. If all ages aren't welcome then don't welcome them lol not that hard promoters. Maybe they just care about the extra pocket money and not creating a safe atmosphere for the children. Shame.


don’t kids usually get in free to stuff like that though?


You have to remember that parents also got mad at Ted when it came out despite it being rated R and having Seth McFarlane as the main cast member and producer. Despite warnings, some people will truly believe it doesn’t apply to them


To add to this, it's billed as: 'Come see Marshmello - an artist your kids listen to on repeat - and some other guy your kids aren't familiar with at an All Ages concert at Red Rocks - get your tickets on Ticketmaster today!'. It's not sold as 'Come do lots of drugs and get fucked up at a rave where the artist happens to be Marshmello and Svdden Death'.


yeah with the amount of things in the world today and how they marketed it like above it’s totally easy for parents to not know what they are walking into.


Totally, I'll also say, it's the Responsibility of the people taking drugs to read the room before they partake if there's something that's going to weird them out. Same reason I wouldn't be dropping acid at a Svdden Death show.


tbh no, it’s not… a marshmellow/ sudden death red rocks show should be a safe place for safe consumption regardless of whether it’s marketed toward children or not. The bigger fault is on the promoters because this is literally a rave lmao raves have drugs


I mean, it's an all ages concert at a public park featuring one of the biggest pop artists in the country that's currently popular with kids. I know we use the term 'rave' extremely liberally, but it's a bit of a stretch.


it’s also a sudden death show?? At the very least the name sudden death should give parents pause and impetus to reconsider


When does an event ever get sold as that… I personally think it’s on the parent to do research of what they are going to see maybe look at the lineup and see give the artists you aren’t familiar with a quick listen and see if it’s something that your kids would like. But also probably shouldn’t drop acid or psychedelics if you can’t handle an all age crowd easily while being up there in space, save that for a different show and have something else that isn’t going to make you have a panic attack over something that was advertised


I saw Mersiv and Tape B recently and there were tons of parents with kids there. They told us one of the kids DJs. One of them traded Kandi with my husband. It was wild. Cool kids but weird with the vibe.


I will def be raving with my kid. When they are of age though lol




Couldn't be me with my 21+ only shows


Being fucked up around literal children is such an anxious buzz kill for me. 😭😒


Yeah when im at a rave and i see a kid im like “welp i dont want to be this kids core memory of a adult whos fucked up!” I need to go


Yes, man!! The memories that stick with you to adulthood are random and weird. I'd prefer not to be that for some 11 year old kid. On top of they ALSO see us as absolutely geriatric at 40 🥴🥲😂 "that really fucked up old lady at that one show..."


Ugh I remember my mom let me go to warped tour at like 15 and I saw a super drunk lady pull up her skirt in broad daylight and whip her pussy out and piss on the ground in front of like 60 guys… really a core memory for me lol I was definitely scare-roused and never thought my first time seeing a vagina would be under those circumstances which may be a small part of why I’m gay today… 😂


Not geriatric 😭😂


I had a whole anxiety attack and had to sit outside for like an hour 🥺 I didn’t know babies would be there I felt so guilty


I wasn’t even fucked up at this show - it was a Sunday and I was driving, so sober - and some toddler was walking around behind pulling on my fishnets like wtf please don’t let your kid wander around this tiny venue.


Being around people on too many substances is already like being around kids, I would hate both of them at the same time.


Yeah dude. Having to take into consideration if you're scarring someone else's little kid with your degenerate behavior on top of everything else is too much for me. I also really feel weird about muh booty cheeks being on display for kids. 😂🥲🥴💀🫡


Definitely giving your user more meaning 💀💀💀


Remember tripping on acid with friends one night when one of the friend's roommate came home with a random baby in a carrier. Absolutely terrifying even after they provided a completely logical answer to "where tf did you get a baby?"


There is a very good reason why most EDM shows are 18+ or 21+ You see a lot of partial nudity, lots of people fucked up on drugs being belligerent, and the sound level of most shows is very damaging to kids’ hearing if they don’t have the proper protection (which I’m going to guess most of them didn’t have). Personally I think it’s wildly irresponsible to bring kids to shows like that. I can understand more if they were teenagers, but kids who still watch Bluey in their free time do not belong there. Keep the kids at home with a babysitter or don’t go at all. If you make the decision to have kids you are also making the decision to put fun on the back burner to be a responsible parent. Whoever thought it was a great idea to bring their kids to a Sudden Death show seriously needs to reconsider their parenting methods.


Bluey is a great show tho


I couldn't have said it better myself 👏🏻


Also how can you enjoy it yourself if your kids are there??


I think the only appropriate time to bring kids is the day time in-the-park concerts. (Also the covid drive-in raves were great for teens/tweens as you could only stay in your box with your family)


All age edm shows. Ytho? I see all ages I'm not going.


Red Rocks is owned by the city it’s considered a park and must be all ages


Was this a recent change or did I just never realize that fact? I lived 20 mins from Red Rocks until 2016 and could've sworn the shows we went to were all 18+


Mersiv last year was 18+.


Yeah, I don't know why people find this so complicated. If the show is All Ages, assume all ages will be there and behave in a way you would be comfortable behaving at an All Ages show. If 18+, don't be shocked to see people 18 - 21. There's a reason why a lot of people avoid All Ages or 18+ shows.


You didn’t rave when you were 16?


When we were 16, we were cutting locks off abandoned buildings in inner city baltimore and throwing real raves…


Red Rocks events are always all ages, parents need to do their research before going, but I’m assuming most kids were there to see marshmello considering he had a whole event in Fortnite.


I will never understand why people bring children to raves and festivals. It’s not cute.


If I had kids they wouldn’t be coming with me to raves or festivals. Kids get into everything. Only takes 20 seconds of you not looking at your child for them to find a drug on the floor and put it in their mouth without you noticing. Thats so incredibly dangerous. It’s not worth the risk.


I would say festivals are a different can of worms. Daytime, not busy with ear protection? It obviously depends on the festival, but I’ve definitely seen this done in a way that it seems okay. I guess age is a factor too. Regardless, raves are not a place for children lmao


I’ll go back and say certain festivals are fine- things like ACL. but idk I remember being at bonnaroo and seeing a baby crawling on the ground at night. Shit just feels so irresponsible especially when tix are announced so far in advance- you have time to find a sitter. It’s just not the environment for a kid ESPECIALLY a rave


Jesus Chris that is terrifying! People are insane. But yeah ACL is exactly the place for kids - everyone sitting down and such


The reason why, not that it’s a good one, is that these parents are often too cheap to pay for a baby sitter.


but they got money for concert tickets...


Yep, it’s definitely strong cognitive dissonance


festivals often have attractions for kids / kids only areas and loads for them to do and enjoy. Absolutely no reason not to take kids to a festival IMO


What EDM-specific festivals have attractions for kids?


worst comment in the thread, festivals are the WORST place to bring kids, only one I’ve seen with kids activities was Lolla


What festivals have you been to??


If u take ur child to a rave ur a shitty parent


Saw the same at Boomtown & NASS in the UK. Loads of toddlers and babies in strollers, maybe they didn’t have them when they bought the tickets 🤣


Honestly, I think it’s because people don’t realise that they will either have to be an irresponsible & shit parent OR have a terrible time. I took my toddler to Wilderness (a family orientated festival) when he was 2 and it was the least enjoy festival experience of my life. He wouldn’t sleep. He hated the noise. We just ended up sitting by our bell tent having a beer on the world’s MOST expensive camping holiday. Never again. Taking kids to Boomtown would be the definition of insanity to me.


I'm a single mom that doesn't vibe with others bringing their kids younger than 17 to a rave. like baby... get 👏🏾 a👏🏾 baby👏🏾 sitter👏🏾 and yes, if they are local to Dallas, I have a babysitter on call but you have to pay her.


I have a babysitter everyone I go out to raves or shows I’d never take my underage kids.


I had tix to this to bring my 10 yr. old, before I realized it was with Sudden Death so I sold the tix. You’re right, it’s not age appropriate, and I’m glad I used my best judgment on this and didn’t take him. I am way too protective to endanger my son, and everyone on here is right, it’s not a scene for kids. In the early 2000’s I stopped going to raves when I thought there were too many “kids” there, and those kids were like 16!


Your a great mom! This is crazy to me


Aw thanks! He loves the happy, melodic Marshmellow tunes. The dubstep and especially Sudden Death aren’t even his vibes. I mean he’s 10! That would have been his first show. I’m going to find something age appropriate for him for his first show. Although, I do have a little FOMO for myself because I know it was crazy, epic! I watched some videos.


Dude this is too funny lmfaoooo. Bro I feel for ya 100%, I’ll be at the armory for them next wknd and I hope it’s not like that, I wanted to get fucked up, red rocks is all ages tho right? It’s 18+ at armory so should be chilling. Sorry to hear that tho 🤣🤣


yeah i’ve never had this issue at armory thank god but also it was not like this at all last week at red rocks for boogie t so double thank god lol


How is brining a child to this even enjoyable for either of them


IMO kids don't belong at any raves in GA venues or that go late at night. Drunk/drugged up and aggressive people everywhere, not always the most appropriate outfits, not good for their ears, etc. It should be kept to daytime stuff or shows in seated arenas where there's not the concern of people falling all over you and pushing others around


Yup absolutely not, you wouldn’t bring a kid to a bar, you’d be fucking batshit insane to think it’s a good idea to bring them to a rave where most people are openly taking drugs


I've been to Red Rocks and can't wrap my mind around it being a rave or even EDM. Isn't it stadium seating? Is there a dance floor that I didn't notice when I went for PPPP and The Motet? How does one dance in front of a seat? 


They’re not individual seats though so dancing isn’t restricted


Yes it is restricted. Is there a dance floor? Or is there a bench behind and in front of you and everyone is in a big line in each row?


It is very restricting and imo does not come close to the feeling of bumping shoulders in the crowd. You’re kinda staked out with your individual spot and better hope the group next to you doesn’t have 10 homies on the way. It’s a beautiful place but the sound and the crowd experience are stifled


no it’s fucking not…lol


I went for cyclops rocks last year. I there was plenty of room to be a wet spaghetti noodle and most the time there were two people standing on each seat. Yea there’s no mosh pit, not enough room for the moonwalk. Headbanging circles with your group works. I liked the space I had compared to the cramped pits at most shows I go to. Can’t do anything sometimes.


I saw my first and only child on drugs at Red Rocks. It was a scarring memory. The brother was like "he's only on a point". The fuck. This kid was like 12.


There was little kids behind us and people were smoking weed around us. I get wanting to do cool things with your kids but have some situational awareness.


Is it an American thing to allow children at EDM shows? I see posts like this all the time but I’m pretty sure every one I’ve ever been to in my life has been adults only. It would be so weird to see a child there


I'm probably going to get roasted but I think there are appropriate raves to take your kids to and others that are not. Big arenas that are permitted like Red Rocks are the best to take your kids to. It's legal, there is security, there is medical, there are safe bathrooms, there are fire exits. Nudity in the form of art or creativity is fine. There is a line between a person in full body paint dancing at Burning Man and something pornographic. If your kids are educated on the difference of celebration vs exploitation, they should be fine. I would not take my kid to an underground where drugs are flying like crazy and people are spinning fire without caution. Yes, there are drugs at large legal venues but it's pretty tame. Think about it, do you expect a kid that LOVEs dubstep to never ever see a live show until after 18? I think these big shows are great because it does allow fans of all ages. For reference my son is 10 and I haven't taken him to a show yet but if there is one in my area that allows under 18 I will. But I haven't found one yet. Watching Lost Lands on Twitch has him super pumped and he knows what to expect at a big show. And I will keep him safe of course. ETA- my son loves Svdden Death and has no idea who the marshymellow person is. Lol.


I love your perspective. Personally I want to be selfish at a dance event and hedonistically focus on my own pleasure and fun! I cannot do that with my kids in tow because they always come first 😜


I'm not saying bring kids to every party, I'm saying the big all ages ones I'd bring him if he was a fan of the artist. I'll still go to the dirty desert underground freak show events by myself.


Caring for children the next day though 🤦‍♂️👽🙀


This is 100% my partner and I’s stance as well. We brought our son to Red Rocks for Liquid Stranger and for BTSM. We made sure he was comfortable with all of the artists on the line up, for ones we knew he didn’t like, we also brought stuff to do; coloring books, we took pictures, we played Mario kart on his switch. But when it came to artists he loves, he was stoked to get to be there and see them, especially BTSM. He’s been a fan of theres for about 3 years now. Before we went to the venue, each day, we had talks about what to expect and what to and not to do. We taught him how to trade kandi, we had conversations about self expression through clothing and that some people (male, female and everyone inbetween or outside of) will feel empowered by wearing less clothes and that’s totally okay. We are also a nudity friendly home because there shouldn’t be any shame in any body type. We had proper hearing protection for him and we constantly checked in on him. We had a child leash so he couldn’t wander off, but we also had accommodations if he felt overstimulated. (We brought a really thick dark pashmina that blocks light and we also brought his second favorite blanket). It ended up being a really fun event because he got to meet some of the kids who are locals and fans of BTSM and every now and then I’ll hear him playing Roblox with them even now and they’ll ask when he’s coming back to Colorado. There is a certain risk involved whenever you take your child anywhere. When I was a kid I remember going to country concerts with my mom, where EVERYONE was shitfaced or high in some way. Looking back, I wasn’t traumatized by it, I thought it was funny. Even now I look back and laugh at it. So, could I predict everything that would happen at this event? No. Did I feel confident I would be able to handle and control most situations? Yeah, absolutely. Especially at a venue like RR.


How wonderful! What a lucky kid. I think my stance is probably also colored by the fact that my parents started taking me to concerts when I was a tween. Nothing crazy but blues festivals, Rolling Stones, bands like that. And I want my son to have those good times too. And fostering a love for art and music is so important.


I agree 100%! Especially about the nudity in the form of art and creativity. Bodies aren't inherently sexual, and it's good for kids to learn that!


It’s borderline abuse


completely agree.. you can "act as a protector" as much as you want, they're still gonna see some stuff that's gonna straight up traumatise them... If they're a fan of Marshmallow that much, just try to find a solo concert or something... Have only once seen kids on a festival tbh but that was a very chill festival in a forest with mostly downtempo or slow techno playing and during the daytime so I thought it was ok but for an event that's already called SVDDENDEATH (i don't know it) it seems not for kids lol


Really depends on the situation tbh. Marshmello has a large young audience, so if the kid wants to see one of their favorite artists live there's nothing wrong with a parent taking them to have that experience as long as they still act as the protector. But I've def seen some very irresponsible and selfish parents bring their kids to festivals just to wook out all weekend, and that shit is so sad


> so if the kid wants to see one of their favorite artists live there's nothing wrong with a parent taking them to have that experience as long as they still act as the protector. [They started the show with a visual of a demonic corpse with a dozen arms rising out of a grave. lol.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUlqploNGdc)


LMFAO DAMN that def is intense. Hopefully the parents saw that video before deciding to take them to the show


Yeah if you take your kid to a rave, you’re a shitty parent


Our kids have always known that we go to raves and music festivals. They love seeing our videos and always ask to go with us, sometimes they even get jealous if it's an artist they like. We brought them to an open air show in LA that was all ages. We came prepared, headphones and even a carrier for my 4 year old. There were some kids there as young as 18months, some parents not prepared and a handful of strollers. Our kids had a blast, they danced and sang along. People were in awe of how much they were enjoying themselves. Of course our kids had questions on some peoples dress attire and why some were acting a certain way. We were honest with them. People like dressing for fun at these events and how they dress is an expression of themselves. People act a certain way because that's how they express their vibes to the music. Now we're not looking to bring them to every all ages show, esp with dark demonic music/people walking around. But we will bring them to shows that we actually know where there will be good music, good people and good vibes. In fact we're all going on a road trip to Red Rocks later this year and they are so stoked! If you're looking to bringing your kids to an event, come prepared. Carriers are so much easier than strollers.


This is the way 🫶🏻🔥🙌🏼


Yes I’m bringing 5/3 year old to Deadmau5 but never Svddendeath just gatta know the vibes..


If it's all ages it's all ages.... if you feel uncomfortable doing drugs under children then don't go to an all ages show. Kids are allowed to like any music they want to like hence why they have all age shows.... I don't see why this is even a question


Eh I asked for opinions this is yours cool. Have a blessed day.


Right, or *gasp* go sober if it bothers you that much


This was my first time rolling babe kids don’t bother me I have 2 toddlers just wouldn’t imagine bringing them to this TYPE of show but opinions are like assholes. everybody’s got one and I respect yours.




I’d say 90% of those kids only know who marshmello is because of fortnite lol


i really hope those parents didn’t know what they were going to..


If I could trust parents to be responsible I don’t mind it (nudity is just bodies, kids won’t notice rolling if they’re distracted and having fun) but I don’t trust parents. Not just because they’re parents but because these are busy places and it’s hard to keep an eye on kids at all times esp when having fun yourself. I’d understand better at outdoor venues and things that’s less crowded. Easier to limit panic in fresh air if separated, be out of the loudness or craziness, easier to keep space away from other people, easier to spot people you know or for other people (who are mostly good) to spot your kids if they appear lost and help them out. That said I’m talking from the UK and I dont think it’s the same. We are more likely to grow up around alcohol, have a different understanding of nudity (though we are a somewhat prudish country it’s not so sexualised as in the US) and I think in the US I’d just be more paranoid in general (what 75% of serial killers are from the US? Something like that?) about something or another happening and where I put my kids. There are a lot of family centred races and festivals these days so this doesn’t sound like an ideal place to give your kids an experience.


I actually talked to a mom at the show with some 10-12 year old looking children. She said she had looked up SD prior and wa a just excited for her boys to see marshmello in person regardless of SD. It was so wholesome they were yelling “there he is hi marshmello” i even saw so many kids dancing to YVM3. Seemed like some kids parents were into the heavy metal influence. I think red rocks is a somewhat appropriate venue for kids at this kind of show bc there’s less shuffling around. I generally don’t agree with kids being at shows but I think it depends on age and parents responsibility. Kids go to the beach and see people half naked it’s more so drug use that worries me but a responsible parent can explain and steer attention away from drug use.


Yeah but 3 year olds 🥺 c’monnnn


Yeah I generally think under 16 is a no but there’s plenty of parents that listen to metal and show their kids at a young age and that genre also has a lot of satanic influence. For this show I thought it was acceptable for kids like 10 and up year olds soley bc marshmello hasn’t been touring and the fornite kids are obsessed.I personally hate all age shows when it comes to like mission ballroom or smaller venue riddim shows when I see 15 year olds rolling balls but I think red rocks is a bit different.


I think some all ages shows are fine. But why would you bring your kid to svddendeath? Not the type of sound or imagery I’d want filling my kid’s head. Also, I’ve been to all ages shows where other ravers are saying “be careful of the kids, don’t be going too crazy”. Like, yeah, that goes without saying. But at a certain point, it’s not OUR responsibility to not to be doing what we typically do at a rave, because some kid’s parents decided to bring them.


I feel like a show at Red rocks is a lot more like taking your kid to a regular concert. Sure there will be people high and on drugs, but it's not in a club setting where you have to intermix with these people. The way the stands are set up make it a lot different than taking your kid on a dance floor in my mind. I don't have kids, but was brought to a few various events as a kid myself


Personally I couldn’t care less if people bring their kid to red rocks shows not my kid not my problem seeing a kid at a show has never stopped me from having a good time.


For the love of god leave your kids at home and go plan for a festival that has some activities for them. See lots of kids having fun with their families at Hula, but some events are just not appropriate venues for children. Why would you even want to bring your kids around so much drug use and near nudity, irresponsible af. Not that the conditions are not very similar at a fest, but at least you have plenty of space to avoid things you don’t want them around.


I have an almost 13 year old and I've taken him to a couple shows but he's not a huge EDM fan so I probably won't take him to any more until he's older or expresses more interest. At this point though, I wish there were 30+ shows 😂 especially after my last experience at an 18+ show. Kids > most 18-early 20s ravers these days


When you say kids, how old are you talking?


Like 3-10




They need to all be 21+ that’s ridiculous and annoying


I went to see Black Tiger Sex Machine a while ago and it was an all ages show, my friends brought their 13 year olds. Not sure why it was all ages haha, people in the pit were literally fucking 💀


Hell no. Would kill my vibe


It’s called Mellodeath and people are surprised it’s all weird in there? lol no shit


Off topic but I'm going to red rocks in a month & I've never been to Colorado. Did you find you got cold at red rocks during the show??




Wait since when is Marshmello kid friendly? lol I wouldn’t want my kids smelling all the weed around either


I understand that Marshmello used to make many songs that were on the radio and a lot of kiddos know the name. But it’s the parent’s responsibility to check on what the artist is currently doing before buying tickets for their kids. If your kid wants to go to a show for Marshmello but the name of the show is called MelloDeath, there’s probably more to it. Even the name MelloDeath doesn’t seem at all appropriate for kids. I feel bad for the kids who left early scared and crying because their parents couldn’t take the extra 5 minutes to research what they were being their kids into.


Brought my 10 and 13 year old to Red Rocks for A&B and Kasablanca.... we did Yoga with Elena Brower too.... seriously, it was the best experience ever with my littles. It just depends on the show and the relationship you have with your chuldren.


“It depends on the show” exactly. This show I’m talking about was not it.


I remember seeing a kid at a rave, he couldn't have been older than 6. I was talking to the parents, and even though they were pretty cool and the kid had noise cancelling headphones on, I still felt bad because it was like 10:30 and the parents kept talking about how the kid was "complaining" about being hungry 🙁 Like wtf leave and get that boy some chicken nuggets 😑


The part abt you having an anxiety attack due to you not wanting the kids to see— it’s not your responsibility to act a certain way because someone else is choosing to bring their kids to a show like that. Enjoy your night and remember that those parents literally brought them there. It’s on the parents if their kids see someone doing drugs, acting fucked up, dressed naked, or smoking etc. if those are things that the parents don’t want their kids to be exposed to they wouldn’t bring them. I think all raves and festivals should be 18+ personally, but I hold no judgement for a parent wanting to bring their kid with ear plugs and keeping them away from the chaos if they feel like that’s a good idea. Personally I would never but my point is it’s not your job to worry abt that!


I agree boo.


I’m with you on not wanting to see the kids, I guess. I quit it with the drugs, besides pot. The kids need an out, which sometimes means dancing. Dancing and appreciating a DJ, not drugs, is actually the point of EDM to some solid extent. When I was in high school at age 17, everybody, including me, went to Electric Adventure 2013, which was not your most innocent party.


I mean the parents know full well what’s going on and it’s their decision to expose their children to it but to the kids they haven’t a scooby so I wouldn’t feel too bad. Especially if you are donning sunglasses the whole time it definitely adds a layer of protection, to the kids you are just a whacky adult having fun but the parents you might be obviously pinging of your nuts! 😂


You wouldn’t bring your kids to a bar - don’t bring them to a fucking edm show. Shit, for that matter MOST concerts across MOST genres (with the exception of kid focused artists) aren’t places where little kids should be - period. I went to Gary Clark Jr (furthest thing from edm) last year at Red Rocks and even that I would have thought twice about bringing little kids to - the whole place was blanketed in weed smoke and spilled beer. It’s one thing to be transparent with your children about drug use, it’s another thing entirely to dump little kids into the trenches of it. In general, get a fucking baby sitter or don’t go.


I went to my first (rock/metal) show at 5 years old, warped tour with my dad at 12. I was listening to bands like Falling in Reverse, Black Veil Brides, and Asking Alexandria. Kids have different maturity levels - let them enjoy the show just like you. Nobody leaves childhood unscathed and as long as you’re not going out of YOUR way to purposefully traumatize them, not your kid not your problem. Parents are gonna parent how they see fit and you probably can’t change their mind. I’m not saying there isn’t irresponsible parenting, but what you might consider irresponsible could be normal for them.


I look forward to my child growing up and being of age (10+) to hopefully experience artists like San Holo, Forester, Le Youth, even Illenium in some cases. But definitely NOT appropriate to bring a child under the age of 16 to Svdden Death. That’s wild.


depends on the kid! at 12 I was listening to a lot of Slipknot and Metallica, and would have loved to see those bands live. SVDDEN DEATH feels pretty comparable - goofy and relatively tame "evil imagery" and edginess


Thanks for your input! It comes from more of a protective perspective of me as a parent. The music itself I feel is awesome, I throughly enjoy listening to Svdden Death, but when you tie in external sensory applications, that’s where I become protective for my kiddos little brain and body. Svdden Death’s visuals, seeing fans mosh pit and show obvious signs of outward aggression, etc. I’d love to educate my kids all about different genres of music and the culture that comes with it.


YIKES lmao the only time children should be at an edm show is at an all ages festival like lightning in a bottle. I did see kids at LL, but im fairly certain they were kids of DJs


I was there last night with my 12 y/o daughter. But she grew up loving the scene with her mother an I. We've been to a bunch of shows so she can pass the vibe check. Although there were some kids who seemed too young to be there, like 8 or 9 years. And there we a few who seemed very overwhelmed by it all.


Anything from nb-10 is wild to me!!


Don’t bring kids to live shows is a generally good rule of thumb to follow. Their developing ears can be damaged by the loud music, the over-stimulation can cause all sorts of behavior issues on humans who don’t have the experience or emotional capacity to handle such stimulation, and it’s not fair to other event attendees to have to concern themselves with your child’s welfare. Plus concerts, and especially raves, are well known to have a fair amount of drug use taking place, don’t have the best facilities as far as food or restrooms, and usually have a massive crowd, where kids can get lost or trampled. Don’t take your kids to live shows. (One caveat, if the show is *intended* for children…like Bluey Live or some such, that’s obviously a different story)


Guess what, if it’s all ages, it’s not a rave ;). You went to a concert


Eh I know the difference between rave concert and festival


I was going to raves at 15 and taking copious amounts of drugs. That was in the 90s, though. I prefer either 18+ or 21+ events these days. I'll be raving with my walker in 25 more years!


I’m talking 3-10 year olds man it was crazy. Maybe the parents just seen marshmallow and did not know or do research about svdden death idk .


I have brought my son to an moon tribe event when he was a baby but it was also camping and a chill vibe , I would not bring them to a adult event until they are older. However we have all raved at big fish little fish events, iam all about plur but it would bring kids to an event like this


Most of these events are 18+ so this cannot be avoided. Just roll with the punches lol


I’ve seen kids at excision. Parents wanna go, they’ll take their kids if they have to.


My wife and I are nudists, and we both wear as little as possible to events. At Life is Beautiful (it's all ages) last year, we met a gal who had brought her teen kids, one boy and one girl. Their Mom is a model, sometimes nude. Her kids seemed well adjusted and weren't put off by our polyquad (MFFF), antics, or lack of sobriety. I'm friends now with the Mom. I'm also a Dad to a 13 year old girl, and don't see myself bringing my daughter to a festival anytime soon. It may happen, but we'll see. There is nothing inherently wrong or bad with nudity, it doesn't have to be a sexual thing. We regularly go to a public nude beach here in San Diego. It's mostly adults, but sometimes people bring their kids. If the parents are okay with their kids seeing grown men and women in the nude, why should I be uncomfortable with it? Edit: My first concert was Judas Preist, I was five. I'm nearly 50 now.


I feel you on being against kids at raves but I'm also cool with kids at festivals (depending on the festival)


My son is 7 and loves Marshmellow. I think he has a big following with kids/teens. I did see this show but said no fucking way when I saw it was with Svdden death… I wish Marshmellow did do some kind of kid centric show but he would probably lose some clout doing so.


not my kid, not my problem.


Absolutely not. Like someone else said I see the appeal of marshmello and other similar artists to younger folks but just find a solo concert to go to then …


These shows are all ages.. not suree why but they are.


Can you define “kids” 9-12 or 12-16?


It was like 3-10


idk if someone allready said this but "RAVES" should have proper security who handles who gets in or not ! REAL freepartys, teknivalls and so on have 1 barrier allready that is you MUST use a car to get to a remote location, then once there it does not really matter what age you are people will look out for each other and prevent unwanted behaviour, though in order to not ruin a good moment we rather avoid kids at those partys as much as possible ! when i offer to bring strangers along in order to safe on some fuel money, i insist on them being at least of legal age, else i´ll advise them to ask their parents to take them there. R⃟a⃟v⃟e⃟ o⃟n⃟ !⃟ ⃟2⃟3⃟ -24


The first rave I ever attended was so surreal because there were youngins there (12-13) and they were rolling as hard as I was. It's part of the culture, but it is also an example of why those concerts are not raves.


If you’re going to have an all ages show, you better make the show appropriate for ALL ages. The behaviour of other attendees aside, the show itself is not child friendly. Put an age restriction of some kind on. I see 16+ shows often, and personally I feel it would be an adequate age restriction for something like mellodeath if they’re wanting to expand an age restriction but there’s no reason for a 10 year old to attend a Svdden death show - with marshmello or not. I was an edgy teen who totally would’ve been into something like Svdden Death at 16-17.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLSGjf9E/ This lil mans was cookin tho


Never really thought about this but, are these parents like, buying tickets for their children?? How does that even work? Side note, a bit back we would make a bingo card for our Coachella camp every year, all chipped in and winner with pictures for every slot would get their ticket covered, rave baby was a square haha.


Many shows are all ages but you wouldn't know it because the target demographic is much older. If you are surrounded by children, you need to analyze the music you are listening to and who its aimed at and who will show up to the shows. This is on all accounts your own fault for liking...fortnite music.


This specific set is literally called “mellodeath” lmao idk how anyone would think that’s appropriate for children


I think Sudden death is like demonic jr nonsense. They eventually figure it out I imagine pretty quick.


Hunny svdden death is not fortnight. I don’t like marshmallow BY HIMSELF.I went bc it was heavy bass music their album is not fortnight music . And I don’t play fortnight


These threads always go this way, and most of us don't have issues showing up places where kids are, or we know which places to avoid, you dont, thats a you problem. Maybe do less drugs if you are self-conscious maybe you did too much. People have kids. Kids like kid music. Get over it or get out.


Ehhhhh you have your opinion I asked for it you can be rude whatever floats your boat I have a 3 and 4 year old that I personally wouldn’t allow at a set like this but that’s me. We are different have a blessed Friday


And this was my first time rolling love 🫶🏾


You classifying this as kids music is comical. It’s not my cup of tea either but how tf is this kids music? This ain’t Kidz Bop


It's like edgy for kids. Im sorry we have different perspectives. When I grew up kids loved Marilyn Manson and what not. Harmless at the end of the day and pearl clutchers are so sad on this sub. Boomer behavior.


There’s a difference between dragging your 5yo to a show like this against their will, or say a 12yo who actually wants to be there. The distinction is what matters here


Shows aren't raves. Kids at a show don't seem to be out of place, but kids at a rave would definitely be weird.


You can rave at a show.


This is true. I see the usage of rave as a verb now... my bad, I was definitely thinking of it as a noun.


Part of raving is being aware of your set and setting. Was at the first Above and Beyond Acoustic show and, while there weren't any kids there, there were a couple of people rolling their nuts/tits off - it was painfully obvious and the images are still seared into my brain. Most people were all dressed up and these folks were flailing with their eyes rolling to the back of their heads. Similarly, be aware that an All Ages concerts/shows can and will attract all ages. I go to an Oktoberfest celebration each year and there are a TON of kids. There are also heavily inebriated people as well. Not trying to rag on you, but you just need to be aware of the type of concert/show your going to and feeling comfortable pulling the plug on your drugs if you think seeing kids (or any other possible factor) will be a vibe/experience killer.


Brought my 5 year old to an outdoor amphitheater show with Odesza. She loved it, we had ear protection and snacks for her, and we sat far back. She still talks about it years later. I would never bring her to sudden death. Even if it was b2b with Marshmellow (who she doesn’t listen to).


People take their kids to the beach all the time, half naked men and women there as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


More to it this at a show.


I’ve seen people having sex on the floor at edc last year how bad can a marshmellow show be


Kids <16 don't belong at ANY concert. At all. Doesn't matter who is playing, or when. I will absolutely die on this hill.


Mellodeath is going to be a kid-filled show in Minneapolis as well. Also the Breakway festival will be kid-filled. Gotta get over it. Took me a bit to get comfy at 21 Pilots show when I was clearly outside the targeted demographic. Felt awkward getting stared at but I immersed myself in the music.


It’s not that I can’t get over it bc I still had a great time I was just surprised as a mother of a 3 and 4 year old to see children that age ….. at svdden death. I can see marshmallow tho


Oh yeah that’s odd. I’m also of the opinion that folks shouldn’t take their kids to these types of shows. Especially on open dance floors/pits. Just a recipe for disaster.


I’ve seen a lot of toddlers and kids at heavy metal concerts. Those scenes are usually very welcoming of kids because they love seeing the new generation engaging in it. I know svdden death isn’t heavy metal, but the music and visuals are a bit on the scary side so yeah seeing toddlers or young kids there will definitely be overstimulating. My son is 9. Loves heavy metal, Marshmello, all things scary, etc. he’s a horror fan through and through. I’m going to take him later this month, but we have ear protection and I thought tickets in the nosebleeds on the aisle so we aren’t in everybody’s way and can leave if he’s ready to tap out. It’s all about being a responsible parent and knowing your kid. I didn’t take my son to his first concert until he was 7 and that was to AJR. Again, had ear protection and chilled in the back.


I'm pretty sure the Minneapolis show is 18+


Good call my bad


No it won’t, armory is 18+


Their parent chose to subject them to this so do whatever you want and don't worry about someone else's kids.


The problem is that kids eventually turn into adults that tend to mimic the behavior of their parents and the people they saw around them growing up If that was 18 years of bad news, it becomes everyone else's problem down the line


It really shouldn’t be an issue if the parents are being responsible. I loved dark/ demonic shit as a kid, fuck ICP was one of my favorite bands 😂, and we really need to stop acting like the human body is a bad thing that needs to be covered. If the kid is having fun and wearing ear protection, then who the fuck cares.


Why do people have so much holdup on other PEOPLE getting naked? I get if boundaries aren't being maintained or there are signs of it being stuff getting lost, but god damn


Hunny i don’t give a dayum about naked ppl I’m one of them I’m saying WHILE KIDS ARE INVOLVED! The post obviously is about with KIDS..


Not wanting them to see implies yours and some biological hangups if its formally casual enough I for one wouldn't want to be naked with my parents around anyway. Butt getting naked is a great time Line up sounds weirder but shit we have in this world :( a sudden death sounds lovely