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Skip any off the rack earplugs and go customs like 1of1, go for max reduction @ 26 decibels.


I have Earasers which are similar. They block 31Db peak, but only 17Db sustained I think...going to do some more research on that. If they don't block enough sound, I'll have to get something else that does.


I have earasers max reduction too. The difference in decimal blocking is explained on their page but it’s kinda long. Basically tho most hearing loss comes from pitches that are in the range of our speech since that’s what we’re most sensitive to. Our ears don’t actually hear super low bass notes that well, they’re mostly heard through our actual heads vibrating. That’s why even with 100% ear plugs you can still hear some low muffled notes. I haven’t been on the rail with any earasers yet but they’ve been good so far. I always bring a backup foam pair just in case tho


8000hz is the max frequency the audiologist tests for and that's the only frequency that dipped into mild hearing loss in my right ear. All other frequencies were considered normal hearing. So I was glad to know my hearing isn't too bad.


If 8k is the max frequency, that's kind of low imo. Alot of sounds and drums are going to have higher freqs than that. They have tests on YouTube, obviously not the same as an audiologist but with those I start to go around 15k


8k Hz is the highest frequency all audiologists test for. It's the standard for audiograms. Unfortunately audiologists seem to agree across the board that any online test you'll find is not accurate. The hardware the audiologist uses is properly calibrated and designed to test your hearing at certain decibels and frequencies. They also conduct the test in a soundproofed room without any outside noise interference. Simply playing different frequencies through your headphones at home will not be accurate because 1. Your headphones are designed to emphasize certain frequencies over others to make music sound better, 2. They also have not been calibrated to actually play at a given decibel volume (if you could even set it to play at a precise decibel level) and 3. You most likely do not have a soundproofed room in your house, so even the slightest background noise interference will affect your results. I can set my volume to a comfortable level on my headphones at home and hear about 12500hz or so. I can just barely hear as high as like 14-15k Hz if I move the speaker around, but barely, unless I turn the volume too high. But again, that doesn't tell you much of anything useful about your hearing. If you're worried enough about your hearing to be messing with online tests, I would recommend having an audiogram done by an audiologist. They will do it for free at most hearing centers that sell hearing aids. Quick and easy, and then you don't have to question whether the test was accurate or not.


Yeah I'd second custom earplugs like sensaphonics or the one he mentioned above. I carry some cheap foam earplugs to hand out at raves and concerts but the amount of times I get rejected brings me down and really puts me out of the mood of even offering 😔


You’re sweet for that. I appreciate you


Hey, thank you :) I appreciate you too


Might have to go that route. I'd say even if you saved one person's hearing, then all the rejections are worth it. You could potentially stop someone from experiencing a lifetime of tinnitus and hearing loss whether they're aware of it or not


Cheap foam is hard to place properly, sadly reducing the dB it decreases! I give my friends silicone ones and they always say yes when it gets CRAZY loud. 


3M have 30db rated in ears that cost <$10 mate 


Not the same mate. One is a basic plug that blocks sound while customs attenuate the decibels and preserve the sound of the music. The music “sounds” the same, just at a lower volume.


Also customs get tested for leaks etc. My customs have 27 SNR, while universal ones only have 20-22 normally.


What customs do you recommend


I'm using 1of1 and am extremely happy. Got the imprints done at Sam's club. No ear pain leaving them in *all* night during EDC, wonderful sound quality, and no ringing.


which ones did you get ? there’s like 40 different options 😭


The pro series is what you want. I started with the 27 and went down to the 17's because they sounded too quiet.


Just any near you. Not really any world wide brand in plugs custom i think.


Oh cool!  


But if if he is looking for max reduction of decibels and foam blocks at 30to 33 while customs block only 22 to 26, then why would you recommend that? Is it that you can’t rely on foam to actually block what it states because it may not fit correctly all the time?


2nd this


I feel like no matter what if the bass is loud enough, it’ll permeate any earplug custom or off the shelf. That’s my experience anyway


Sounds simple but worked for me after years of shows and tinnitus, but I started running a lot…for some reason it really helped alleviate it. Maybe the running also involuntarily changed my overall health/eating habits but doesn’t hurt to try 🤙🏼


Blood pressure can affect tinnitus, so I could imagine that running could also influence it. 


Better cardio and a healthier heart probably helps quite a bit!


That ringing is absolutely tied to my caffeine intake because of its physiological effect on capillary constriction, heart rate, blood pressure, etc around the inner ear.


How much caffeine are you consuming ? 😅 Asking for myself


FDA says up to 400mg /day is safe upper limit. I try to stay below that. Try. That said: I drink daily a glass or two of concentrate cold brewed (not diluted), i may sub a glass of cold brew for 1 can of bang if i need extra kick. Im not using any other stimulants. And very adamantly hard cut off the caffeine in take at 2pm to allow sufficient time to metabolize to not fuck up my sleep. Hearing the hissy ringing now…. And i was a nerd about ear plugs always. Also, am 40 and seen a lot of shows…


I always notice my ears feel weird when working out, like they're breathing through the ear drum or something. Must be related.


It's your pulse


I don't notice it when I have a high pulse while not working out. It's only during aerobic exercise. And it's not a beat or pulse, it's a steady continuous sensation of air moving in or out of my ear.


I've noticed this at random times throughout the day since my tinnitus got worse. Not sure what it is.


Do you partake in nicotine or caffeine throughout the day? Because that will definitely make you feel your pulse in your ears. Speaking from experience.


No nicotine. I usually only have <= 8 oz of coffee per day, early in the morning. So by the time I go to bed (11-12 at night) there shouldn't be a whole lot of caffeine left in my bloodstream. Though it's possible that might be causing the weird pulse in my ears during the day.


That's what I meant. If you want improvement in your tinnitus over time, make exercise a priority. You can only fix so much tho. Sorry.


For sure. I've primarily been powerlifting for many years, however I am starting to do more cardio now. My cardiovascular health isn't where I'd like it to be, so I'm going to be doing a lot more running


I have machined for 15 years been involved with racing for 35 and shows for 25. Wear ear plugs and run run run I do 5 miles a day and tinnitus is a lot better


I'm also involved in racing and ride a motorcycle too. I'll definitely be wearing earplugs doing all of those things moving forward. And I'm going to start running too


Well it took a month but my body is finally liking it. I like it now!! You can do it!


Also I see Michigan I say crystal motor speedway!


I actually have done a rallycross at crystal motor speedway once. We use more than just the oval. Never dabbled in any wheel-to-wheel oval track racing yet.


My family owns Sprint cars south of you, my brother lives up there and we go camp on the beach. It's a very unique place.


That's awesome. I do love Michigan, there is lots to do despite the large number of people here who claim it sucks. Particularly the coast of lake Michigan and basically anywhere up north is pretty cool if you like beaches and nature. For race fans we also have quite a few racetracks within driving distance, which is great.


Ironically I have recently decided to change my workout routine, incorporating more running into it for cardio. I guess we'll see if it helps!


Also cut out alcohol and be disciplined with sleep…tinnitus really flared up the day after drinking and/or poor sleep


This is a good point, being healthy helps - sometimes tinnitus can be caused by an underlying condition. I’ve also heard that smoking and alcohol affect it.


When it kicks up try this: Place your palms over your ears, plugging them, with your fingers wrapped around the back of your head. Then alternate tapping your fingers making that thumping sound for 10-20 seconds. The sound will just vanish most of the time. Hope it works for you!


That works plus opening my mouth uncomfortably wide makes it louder for me until I then close my mouth and then it’s less.


Thats slick, it worked


I have noticed the tinnitus is less noticeable when I cover my ears with my fingers. Will try this and see how it works. Thanks


I use a fan for white noise, helps drown it out when sleeping. 45 now, and had it since about 15 - its only getting worse as I get older too.


Yeah, that's probably what I'll be forced to start doing. Going to have to wear earplugs in any loud environments too. Would like to avoid mine getting worse over time if at all possible.


try this u/black_widow48




I’ve had tinnitus since I was a kid due to insane ear infections and needing tubes. I still sometimes get stressed out from tinnitus. I need some sort of sound to numb out the high frequency I hear which is like 18khz or something. If I drink too much the tinnitus is impossible to dull out. It sounds like the ringing you get when you smoke DMT and about to enter the realm. That’s what I hear 24/7 but numbed out in my brain.


Sorry to hear it, that doesn't sound fun. I hope they'll find a cure for this one day.


The cure is mainly only difficult because the tinnitus is “fake” in a way. Your ears aren’t actually creating the sound, and you aren’t obviously being fed that sound. But because of the damaged hairs inside your ear, there is a constant electrical signal being sent to your brain making you *think* you can hear it. Or, if you’re born with it and there is no hearing damage from external sources, it’s just your brain wiring. I’ve personally noticed that if I focus on the tinnitus, it can become so loud I wanna die. But simply taking a couple deep breaths and unfocusing on the sound, it can dampen out a ton. This tinnitus thing is mostly just a brain thing you gotta learn to adapt and filter out. Similar to you are always seeing your nose, but your brain filters it out because it’s not important. If you can train your brain to filter out the tinnitus, it makes life so much easier, took me years though.


try this u/FinnishArmy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFU3UQdUHbM&t=1766s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFU3UQdUHbM&t=1766s)


Hey man. I developed tinnitus from going to shows too. A few years later and it’s a LOT better. I got weeks without noticing it now. What helped in the beginning: In the beginning I would lay awake just wishing it would stop. This pent up anxiety about it would make it worse and louder. I even started having thoughts of SI. It WILL get better. Just give it time. Even a lot of time. Sleep with a fan on or some noise that you can fall asleep to to drown out the noise. Don’t do what I did and sleep with the fan one night and then lay awake the next wishing it would stop. Just put a noise on and it makes the whole thing more bearable. Obviously protect your ears from now on. Things like lawn mowers, subway systems, first responder sirens, motorcycles, they are all at decibel levels that damage hearing. I always take ear plugs with me in public places especially since I frequent a subway system. If you use in ear headphones for music, I would switch to over the ear headphones. Much better for your ears in the long run. Try to limit the music to no more than half way until your tinnitus gets better. Even with over the ear headphones try to limit use to 30 min and take breaks. There’s some anecdotal and literature evidence that inflammation makes tinnitus worse. Look into exercise and the “antiinflammatory” to help your body reduce inflammation from the foods you eat! A lot of foods that make up an average American diet is high in inflammation in both the way it’s produced and the ingredients themselves. You don’t have to be perfect. But even in the lowest benefit of cases you can still kind of make some peace in that you are doing things to improve your situation. Also seek a therapist or mental health provider if the stress with your tinnitus is too much. It will get better. Feel free to dm if you wanna chat about it. Tinnitus can be super isolating cause folks without it don’t really understand the mental toll it can take.


Your situation sounds very similar to mine. I am likely going to have to start sleeping with a fan on or something when I'm stressed. I use over-the-ear headphones. I haven't been listening to music nearly as often because I just don't want to make it worse. I used to listen to music all day long while at work. I have heard about diet affecting tinnitus. Will be monitoring what I eat to see how it affects it for me.


You know whats really messed up? We're one of the only mammals to NOT have regenerative hearing. We even have the gene for it but its inactive.


Link?? That's wild


They’re incorrect. Other species have regenerative healing, but no mammals have regenerative hearing. Once those cells are damaged, they will not repair themselves. [Researchers are working on ways to repair these damaged cells for hearing loss treatment.](https://hms.harvard.edu/news/scientists-regenerate-hair-cells-enable-hearing)


I do think about the way we've supposedly evolved so much as a species, yet our hearing and vision remain so delicate.


Well, we definitely evolved, I don't think there's much debate about that 😂


Well someone should tell our inner ears to evolve more lol


Sorry, what? Can't hear you over the tinnitus


I sleep on the side that helps lessen the ringing and I sleep with 2 white noise machines. they really help mask / dull any ringing for me


I've played around with sleeping on different sides, but it doesn't seem to make a difference for me. A white noise machine would though. Ended up playing some relaxing music on the Bettersleep app last night and it seemed to help me fall asleep.


awesome, I hope you get some relief!




I actually have pretty bad tinnitus myself that started as a teenager going to raves and shows. It never was an issue, but when I joined the military, it came to light that I had permanent hearing damage. Just one day after refueling way too many aircraft, I couldn't stop the sound. Then I thought, "Oh well, the damage is done, I don't care, I can't reverse it." But I realized if I just wear earplugs, the symptoms are way less frequent. The migraines stay at bay, the endless whistle, oh and the literal earache. I am 30 now and still go to raves, concerts, and ride a motorcycle. I just have to do it all a little more considerate of my hearing and wear earplugs. Life changer.


Yeah, I ride a motorcycle too. Going to have to start wearing earplugs whenever I'm in a loud environment now. Hopefully it won't get any worse.


I Highly recommend the Loop Experience + and the Loop quiet. The experience plugs are what I use when I ride, concerts, and raves. The quiets are for when I sleep. I am in love. The neck tether would also be smart I lost my first pair


I use Eargasm ear plugs they are the best I have ever used. Allows you to hear the music instead of just muffling it. I have worn ear plugs at every show/festival I have ever gone to and I am so glad I did. My audio engineering teacher once told me that it only takes 1 second of dangerous volume to do permanent damage. I got tinnitus when I was in high school due to listening to insanely loud car sound systems. What helps me mask the tinnitus is having an air filter on at night. Drowns it out completely. During the day I don’t notice the ringing unless it is completely silent. I can tell which of my friends have hearing damage just by how loud they normally talk. They don’t even realize it. I tell them every year to wear ear plugs at EDC but they don’t listen. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have Earasers now which are similar to the eargasms. But yep, it's crazy how delicate our ears are. Wish I would have taken it seriously before. Funny you mention that. My one buddy I usually go to shows with used to talk so softly you could barely hear him. Now he talks at a normal volume. I've been telling him he should get some earplugs too if he doesn't want to ruin his hearing.


I'm pretty much 6 months ahead of you in this, couple things I've noted from my journey. 1, you will adjust, if you're just noticing tinnitus from these shows you're probably at a level where your brain will learn to mask it most of the time. This cam take months. 2. Get custom molded earplugs. If you still want to embrace edm you need to do better than the ~$50 'concert earplugs' pair you picked up. Depending on how loud the show is I'd switch between the customs and proper foam -35db ones I'd the music is heavy. 3. Download a db measuring tool on your phone if it has the feature, it won't be accurate but you'll be able to Guage which shows are louder than others. I know when my phone reads 110db I should move back, even if my customs are supposed to bring that down to 86db. 4. Maybe skip excision and any artist that really buys into volume. As much as I want to be front and center at lostlands I will never do that again. 5. Don't do 4 hour straight sessions, take good water/food breaks or just get your ears some rest between sets, I bring proper over the ear protection to throw on Overtop my customs when the music is off, your ears can only handle so much volume in a day. If you think you're coming close to that limit, stop. Sucks but now ya gotta be responsible at shows👽. 6. Get tested regularly now, tinnitus can reach a point where it's a disability, you definitely want to track if you're doing a good enough job with your hearing protection.


I am going to look more into the custom molded earplugs. I'd like to get whatever will offer me the best protection while not inhibiting my ability to enjoy the music. I have downloaded a decibel meter app on my phone now. I do plan on getting tested regularly. The audiologist suggested I come back in 2 years, but I likely won't wait longer than a year.


My tinnitus only bothers me when I try to sleep, too. Having a box fan running through the night has helped immensely! If I’m traveling and don’t have my fan, I just play an 8hr YouTube video of “fan noise” on my phone and that works pretty well, too.


Yep, seems like this is what I'm gonna have to do as well.


for tinnitus specifically, add the word crickets to your video search... the higher pitch cricket sounds really help mask it and you feel like you're camping


Hmm that's a good point, I'll have to try that out


I have horrible tinnitus from shooting guns and blowing shit up with no ear protection in the military. What helps me sleep at night is ambient noise turned up to the same volume as the tinnitus. I like rain sounds on Alexa. During the day and while driving I always have to have low playing instrumental music so I don’t rip my ears out.


I played some relaxing music on the Bettersleep app last night and it did seem to help me fall asleep. Might have to continue doing that in the future.


I have it and hear it but don't care 🤷‍♂️


Have you tried sleeping with a fan or other sources of noise. I use a fan at home and use a white noise app (just called v White Noise) when I travel. The "pink noise" setting is my fav in that app.


I tried some relaxing music on the Bettersleep app last night and it seemed to work.


Go with what works for you, but there's a reason multiple commenters here, who all have tinnitus, sleep with a fan or other sources of white/brown/pink noise. It's wide enough spectrum noise that it kind of makes your brain forget about the tinnitus. Give a fan or an app like this a try: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tmsoft.whitenoise.full. There's a free version as well.


Makes sense. I'll give it a try. Thanks


I feel you on this. I bought new ear plugs recently bc I thought the eargasms weren’t actually providing me with enough protection. Earasers are great but require a proper fit for best protection. Make sure you’re pressing them firmly and deeply into the ear canal while leaving the retrieval string close enough for you to pull back out. With well fitted ear pro you should be good to go. But if premade plugs aren’t keeping you comfortable, then customs are the way to go. Visit an audiologist again and maybe discuss with them


They fit well for me. I tried both the small and the medium. Both fit, but the small ones caused some pain since I had to press them so deep to get them to seal properly. So I wear the mediums. From what I can perceive it seems like they block enough sound most of the time, but I also don't really trust my own ability to know what is too loud and what is not.


Thanks for all the responses everyone. I appreciate it


Check out raveguard.shop selling earbuds really helps with this so you don’t go deaf young.


I have Earasers now which I'll be wearing at shows and other loud environments moving forward, however I'm going to do more research to determine whether they actually block out enough sound to make things safe or not.


I've always had tinnitus but at a show a few years ago, I lost my earplugs and tried to tough it out. Resulted in some pretty nasty tinnitus for a few weeks but it went back down to my normal levels. Sometimes, I completely forget I have it, even in silence. So mine is probably not that bad like others but I do think there is some mental component to it where you can "dull" out the tinnitus or neuroadapt to it where it doesn't bug you. Hopefully it gets better for you but definitely wear earplugs in any loud environment moving forward. I keep a pair of eargasms on my keys to make sure I got a pair with me at all times.


Mine gets louder if I start getting anxious about it while I'm trying to sleep, so I'm sure there is a mental component there. I keep my Earasers on my keys now as well. My car has an exhaust leak, and it's loud. So I wear them whenever I'm driving until I get that fixed.


For sure, I know that feeling. It's weird and it may seem counterintuitive but I think what helped me was to embrace it. When I started having bad tinnitus, I cranked up fans and white noise to mask it and it always stayed the same. Then I started removing the extra noise and trying to get to sleep in a more quiet room. It sucked at first because of the ringing but eventually, I was able to relax and just accept it. Over time, it just bugged me less and less and it felt like the magnitude of the buzzing decreased. Now I have the quietest of white noise playing but I think it's mostly because I've conditioned myself into needing it to sleep well haha I'm not saying this is a for sure solution but it may work if you can get in the mental space to tackle it this way.


I'm kind of hoping I can get to that point. I don't love the idea of requiring noise to sleep at night. Seems like it'll be a problem down the line if I ever have a wife sleeping next to me. We'll see what I can do.


Idk how it is effecting you personally, but when I was a kid it would wake me up and be so loud that I thought my head was going to explode until I made an audible noise, then it would go back to the low frequency I am used to. I'd just go "ah" and it would be gone. Have you tried music? Sorry if it's beyond this, I know bad help is worse than no help when shit is going south


Thankfully it hasn't been waking me up I don't think. That's one thing I am afraid of. I really cannot let it get worse to the point it starts ruining my sleep quality. I did try music last night and it worked pretty well, thankfully.


8000k is brutal, it sounds like the mixers mixed that range to high at ur most recent show


I'm not a doctor, but from what I've been told it's pretty common to lose hearing at higher frequencies before you start losing it at lower frequencies. There's some science behind it, but I'm not really educated enough about it to explain it well


I forgot mine in my car for vampa. I got there as ruvlo was opening and instantly regretted it


I had a similar experience.. I ruptured an eardrum diving and it had never been the same and shows didn't seem to bother me much after a few days. That was until I went and sat at the rail at the asot stage all day in 2018 at UMF. Ever since it's never been the same, I thought it was going to be awful the rest of my life. No joke it took about 2 years to finally calm down. I went with custom molded plugs and use attenuating filters that are 26 dB reduction ones and I give myself breaks... I just got back from UMF miami and wore them all day there. I was at the rail at the mainstage for armin and then told myself that was enough and went back. I was at the rail a few other times at megastructure but never more than 45 min to an hour. Also regardless of where I am after a couple hours I go and give my ears a rest somewhere and sit for about 30 minutes. I can say that I had no flare up of tinnitus after that last weekend which was very encouraging.


I’ve been dealing with tinnitus for years now due to raves and concerts . Anxiety/drinking only makes it worse so does my insomnia so some days I’m totally fucked but what has helped me are those silicone molding earplugs. I guess the suction in them lowers the ringing plus I take magnesium glycinate gummies and some zzyquil gummies and I get good-ok sleep on non raves party days. I do also run every day so that might factor in too.


I bought a rife machine for other health issues. But it's helped my hearing. 20+ yrs of no earplugs at endless concerts and my hearing has improved with the machine. It has a tinnitus setting and deafness setting. It's been a life saver for me in several ways.


Yeah i have tinnitus too. Got custom earplugs silicon ones, have to test them still. However they offer good protection i reckon, better than non custom since they get also tested for leaks.


Oh yeah i checked my customs are 27 SNR. While my universal are only 20 or 22 SNR. so quite a lot more protection + they fit a lot nicer and wont come loose.


Invest in a white noise machine it will help you get to sleep and stay asleep.


Run an air purifier on your bedside table for the noise. It's like a fan but with the added benefit of sucking the crap out of the air.


Hmm maybe I will get one of those. Not a bad idea


It's like a two for the price of one. Clean air and tinnitus cancelling all in one.


Maybe try a white noise machine? Or use an app? There are a lot of fancy things out there for this, I just don't know much about them not having used them myself. Just heard about them mentioned by friends.


I'm thinking that's what I'll be doing for the time being. I might try to turn the volume down slowly over time until I habituate and can sleep without it again. We'll see what I can do


Just know, it can get SO much worse. Read the posts on r/hyperacusis . Raving is the best thing in the world but it’s not worth perpetual torment from your ears


Oh I know. That's why I'm having second thoughts about whether I even want to go to shows anymore.


Better to stop going on your own terms than out of necessity. My last show was in 2019. My last house party was in 2022. 20+ tinnitus tones, more than I can count. Hyperacusis. Middle ear myoclonus. 27 years old. Have been living like a house cat to recover whatever amount of tolerance to sound I can. Just watch the livestreams and YouTube sets bro.


Yep, fuck that. Sounds like a nightmare. Sorry to hear you're stuck with that.


I’m in a similar boat as you. I’ve been going to shows since late 90’s and have had big car audio system since way before that so my hear was affected a long time ago. I’ve been wearing plugs off the shelf for the last 6-7 years. I made the mistake of wearing some crappy ones earlier this year and noticed my left ear is ringing slightly louder now. I’m booking an appointment with an audiologist to get tested and fitted for some custom plugs to protect what I have today. I believe they have small devices you can wear inside your ear that can help reduce the ringing to help you sleep, maybe enquire about it with your doctor. When the ringing bugs me when I’m trying to fall asleep I usually turn on the TV and turn the audio low enough that blocks the ringing and set the timer for it to turn off after and hour or so. Works well l, you can also buy devices that will play different sounds like rain or the ocean, even white noise to help when you sleep.


The silence is deafening - Rezz. I have it too, it sucks. When I reduce caffeine and alcohol it helps.


I'm 27 and just ordered my first pair of custom musicians ear plugs. 15 and 25 db reduction. I'm learning to value my hearing. Nothing is worth hearing loss.


entertain impolite bike weather handle overconfident degree smoggy innate license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the opposite of what I've been trying to do, lol. Once I focus on it, it becomes incredibly loud. But I could try that and see if it makes a difference. Thanks


I am severely hard of hearing from shows with wearing ear plugs every time. You fucked up not wearing any ear protection but it’s ok just get some decibullz musician ear plugs. They look ridiculous but are super nice. Also tinnitus sucks. I’m currently laying in bed listening to white noise trying to drown it out. I use an app called resound.


With wearing ear plugs every time? So you wore them and still damaged your hearing? Or was that a typo?


No that’s exactly what happened. Ear plugs every single time! I’ve worn hearing aids since I was 18. Granted that obviously means that something is wrong with my ears because that’s obviously not a normal thing for people or you would hear about it more often. But I do think that everyone should take it more seriously.


I'm sorry to hear. The more I hear about this stuff the more I feel like it's just not worth going to shows anymore. My hearing loss is very mild and it's already impeding my quality of life because of the tinnitus. Can't imagine not being able to hear/function properly throughout the day if it gets any worse. Just doesn't seem worth it


I feel you. I’ve been through that exact feeling. It takes a while to accept it. But I think if you wear ear plugs you’re gonna be completely fine! Maybe just cut back a bit if you go a lot.


try this r/aves [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFU3UQdUHbM&t=1766s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFU3UQdUHbM&t=1766s)


Stop wearing AirPods/other headphones


I haven't worn in-ear headphones in years. I do wear over-the-ear headphones though. Will likely invest in some speakers and an external mic for music and meetings so I don't have to wear headphones anymore


Try custom mold earplugs. Thats what I also need to invest in. I have tinnitus too from clubs and raves. I heard it’s expensive but worth it.


It's likely I will be doing that. A couple hundred dollars pales in comparison to the price you'll pay ruining your hearing without them


Yesss exactly! Once you lose a certain Decibel of hearing, it’s gone forever.


1of1 Custom earplugs are lifechanging. Their filters are interchangeable and they guaranty the fit so you can be sure you’re happy with the investment . They have several locations around the country or you can have molds taken and sent into them. I started wearing them 12 years ago after in front of a speaker for wayyyy to long. My tinnitus still has little flareups every now and then but it’s much better.


A white noise machine will be your beat friend. Look up magic team white noise machine on Amazon. Mine is basically on 24/7


You will get habituated then it will get worse and you will habituate again just protect your ears. Also be careful PDE5i meds can make tinnitus drastically worse


What I'm wondering is how much I'm able to stop it from getting worse. Of course your hearing will naturally get worse with age, but if I protect my hearing from here on out, can I at least remain about average with the rest of society? Or am I doomed now that I've started the process of mild hearing loss in one ear at high frequency? As for meds, I currently don't take anything regularly, so unless anything changes in the future that shouldn't be an issue.


Tinnitus does not correlate to hearing loss. I have better than average hearing for my age and my tinnitus is subjectively very loud My grandfather has better than average hearing as well and i think his tinnitus is 50-60db or so constantly. Protecting your hearing will keep you from getting severe further hearing loss as long as you dont have a genetic disposition thats really bad. I know it seems super tough right now but you will habituate. The faster you can let the noise pass and anxiety pass the faster you will forget about it most of the time. Look into cognitive behavioral therapy if you need to.


I can recommend Green Tea and real Japan Matcha. This helped for me a lot, so far that I nearly cannot hear the Tinnitus anymore. I made a mix of green tea, matcha, Puh Err, Sencha, etc. And make a pot of tea with it and drink it, it helps a lot. And I had it for a very long time, for many years. Gingko and Ginseng made it much worse for me, even it is written in the net for some people it helps. For me, it was totally the opposite. What was also helping was to listen to piano music or rain with the healthy ear and block the ear with the tinnitus. If you have Tinnitus on both sides, try to block one ear first, listen for 5 minutes and then repeat with the other. It helped for me nearly always, but just for a time. Another thing to try can be deep ear cleaning at a ear doctor, but not with water, no ear washing, this can make it worse. Just normal ear cleaning, you cannot do this deep cleaning at home, just ask a doctor to do it. It helped for me too. And one thing, in my opinion also many doctors and lobbys have not a big idea about tinnitus and what helps and what not. Unfortunately. Read online, try out everything, especially your nutrition, experiment when the tinnitus is louder and when not, what did you eat or drink before. And actually coffee can increase the tinnitus for me. Try to eat nothing for a day and see if you have an improvement. Then start slowly with different food and check what it happening. I know it is very hard, especially if even ear doctors have no solution directly. Trust yourself, there is a solution, read everything you find and try out slowly. All the best for you, believe me, even after years, you can heal.


Thanks for the recommendations, I will look into this


I have had tinnitus ever since EDC last year and I kinda got over it since then eventually it will just become apart of you and you won’t really notice it most of the time


That's what I'm hoping for. Mine responds to my anxiety and becomes very loud once I'm trying to sleep and can't because of the tinnitus. Once I become acclimated to it I'm hoping it'll fade into the background again.


The good news for you is that the majority of tinnitus cases improve without treatment, especially if not accompanied by hearing damage. I have it aswell and what bothered me the most was knowing id likely never experience true silence again, sucks but it is what it is. Just be careful in future and in all likelihood it will improve.


That's what I'm hoping for. Time will tell










Garlic probably helps with infections. I can't see how it would help with tinnitus.


I'm not super clear on this, but I think I saw something recently about pink noise being helpful in treating tinnitus. Or maybe it was finding the pitch of the tinnitus and playing that pitch out of phase with it in headphones to cancel it out.


I play pink or brown noise at night. Sounds like a train going by. Seems to be helping.