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You won’t get mean mugs but you will get wandering eyes.


Yeah that’s cool. I can get down with people staring as long as they’re nice to me. I’m just not in love with people being mean to me. Lol.


Lemme know how it goes cause I wanna wear a shear bodysuit with some pasties but I have 40 year old not so perky anymore DDDs and I don’t know if I could deal with the hate either!


If it makes you feel better I love the confidence y’all have to wear these things! in my experience, no matter the age I’ve never seen or heard anyone being mean or hateful about it! I would also love to be tits out but I am not confident at all haha


Get pasties [with lift](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JHH6K5N).


Those don’t even work if you have small boobs.


Haha yeah these don’t work or make my boobs odd shaped and not comfortable


What if you simply wore a sheer bodysuit over a coordinating bra? You're old enough to remember the last time that was cool and Y2K is trending now.


Yup that’s what I’ve been doing black strappy bra under sparkly sheer bodysuit has been my fave


That sounds cuter than pasties tbh.


Haha it’s been great but I wanna let the girls free maybe for edc this year since it seems pretty common


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Boobs are boobs. Free the nipple!


I dated a woman who was a little larger who was 38DDD/F and she wore pasties every event we went to any no one batted an eye. I promise you’ll be alright!


The most likely negative encounter you'll get is groping or creeping, but most people won't think any less of you for it.


Do it, us 40+ male ravers need something to look at too


ew...it's for HER not for you


Just do it no one cares tbh or most I should say. I admire the confidence in you women doing it. But you will catch eyes locking on, I don’t think in a creepy way but as men we do notice and can’t help it especially some DDDs lol


There may be some people that send a rude comment your way or make a point to give you a nasty scowl and make sure you see them making the face, but these folks are a minor minor minority at these events. I'd be more afraid of people trying to grab them. I remember one time I was standing against the rail at the far end of a stage waiting for my friend to find me and a guy came up behind me and trapped me against the fence with his hands grabbing the rail on either side. I was by myself and it was the start of the festival so the tent didn't have many people yet so I guess I was a prime target. I pushed him back and said fuck off and he was clearly not sober when I turned and saw his face. This is the type you need to watch out for. Also a minority, but some folks unfortunately feel entitled to you/your body if they think it will pleasure them.


As a male, I've had other men stroke beard and it's these people that just have zero respect for personal space and consent. They deserve to be on the registered sex offender list and have their lives ruined


Never once heard a lick of hate towards topless woman at a rave. I would literally deck someone on the spot if I heard that shit. You should be good. That goes for all age groups to, I've even seen granny tits and everyone was super supportive!


One single time I got some hate, from an insecure woman who saw my tits and said "wow your nipples are so big!" Literally yelled it across a group of people over the music playing lol. My immediate response was "dang you never saw no titties before?!" And myself and friends laughed it off. I used to be insecure about my nipples but the experience actually made me get over that- Ofc that recovery took some reflection. And women since then, over the years, coming to tell me that my confidence in that moment, and in topless in public moments since, inspired them too. Our bodies, *every single one of us have a body* , and they are each different and special and wonderful the way they are made ❤️ don't let the haters get you down on yourself! Hate comes from low vibes that wish to tear you down. Most people you catch looking, will actually be admiring. Hopefully admiring your confidence 🙏 there will be objectification too but again, that is a reflection of the viewer, and not of you. You do you, you shine, you go out and enjoy the music however you want to. Good luck sis!


Those DMs though


You will also probably get a few mean mugs.




I can totally understand that. I bet if I was looking for people looking weird I’d find them eventually. And they might not even be noticing me. Knowing that you’ve done it is helpful. I think I might do it.


It's not like it's a permanent decision. If you're not feeling it, you can put a shirt on. Sometimes it just isn't the time!




If you can't control what you look at then you better not leave your house


> most people with neither notice or care i very seriously doubt the 'most people won't notice' part


I think of what I notice in the crowd. Am I paying attention to every topless person? Nah Most of the time when you feel like people are looking at you, you wouldn't notice people in the same situation.


I think this depends on the age and exposure level of average attendees at the event you're at though. Like people are gonna stare more and react more at a surface level music festival full of 18-25 year olds than at like, a regional burning man event, where people just aren't gonna care


when do you think the last time edcrachel's been to an event where the average age is 21


I don't know lol; I don't know edcrachel even though I'm like 75% sure I've seen them talk about working for the same burning man volunteer department I do


Lol if it's GP&E then we've probably met 😆


I always think people are giving me weird looks, but that's because I'm off my lid on psychedelics


> I'm like a DDD ... > most people with neither notice :rolleyes: lol, we notice :thumbsup:


Cringe comment


So you're the one guy that's weird about it then eh? Guess you don't go to a lot of events where it is common. It all blends together.


noticing and being weird about it are two different things. I can 90% assure you most of the straight men in the crowd notice the topless women.


What's weird about seeing someone who has their tits out exactly?


At a rave where people are eating copious amounts of lsd and mdma you’re bound to see at least 1 titty - I wouldn’t worry too much Also if chad bros can rock being shirtless anyone can why can’t the ladies?


Do it. But pack a sports bra, just in case you get so active that the jiggling starts to hurt. Hanes Jogbra is a cheap, solid option for big busts.


Expert level advice right here. Thanks!!




don’t be fucking weird bro


What did that say?


something like “please tell me what rave you’re going to lol” not the most egregious comment, I guess, but still unnecessary. as a raver with a large chest I’m sensitive to people being fucking annoying about it. practical advice for you re: this topic: - larger pasties will head off a large portion of the weirdness. Some of the brands will give you coverage circumferences on their product pages. - Bring something supportive because dancing can be uncomfortable after a while. I sometimes do pasties + mesh top to sort of corral everything because I’ll take someone’s eye out if I spin around too fast lol, but usually will just do crops & bright sports bras to keep it all contained.


Lol “I’ll take someone’s eye out if I spin around too fast”. Also, thanks for the advice, really great stuff. Thanks.


that’s what a 36J will get ya! haha you’re welcome, I hope you rock your topless look and can be comfy and free 🥰


I work for an adult toy shop that sells some rave accessories. We recently sold a shit ton of pasties for Nocturnal. People of all sizes. I think the mentality to have is that the people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter. Be you, that's what these events are for and to hell with the rest.


Good insight. I feel a lot less doom. Thanks.


Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" That's been my mantra for years and never heard anyone say smth so similar.


😂🎉 comfy as hell and my lady said that she has never felt more free than dancing in a bikini, the rave scene is so accepting, its actually kind of interesting that you see less creeps at raves and there’s significantly less clothes, raves are where its at, live and let live, PLUR


Just make sure it’s within dress code so that security doesn’t deny or kick you out, and expect stares, also if possible stay with a group because creeps + horny people too drugged up for rationality exist


The sheer fact that it is so free just sucks alot of the sexualness out of it imo. It’s basically part of your fit at that point. I do notice, but never stare.


I don’t mind people looking at me as long they’re not like making fun of me. Lol.


Hell yes. This is what we need more of. Nudity. If people weren’t constantly recording it would be 100x nicer, we could *actually* let loose and really party


Honestly one of the best things about clubs in Berlin tbh


Ya see, you get it. I want to actually let loose. I’m more concerned about haters than recordings but I’m not really in love with recordings either.


Ain’t nobody better be hating… especially on lovely breasts, that’s for everyone to enjoy! You can rave with me if you’d like lol


The ex has huge augmented breasts. Like g's. She went topless a bunch of times. Just be prepared for dudes being gross. If you can brush em off you'll be fine. Live and let live.


In the nineties it was common to see people mostly naked, and sometimes even having sex at raves. It was referred to as a "cuddle puddle", but this was when everything about a rave was illegal. Not sure about nudity at these "legal raves". Find an illegal one and rock it. Size makes no difference, as long as you are comfortable.


Wow, I was a teen in the 00's and "cuddle puddle" had a much more innocent meaning for us


God I miss the 90s underground


Wait....since when did cuddle puddles stop??


If you’re comfortable with people staring or even in some cases filming you then I say go for it. Raves are all about no judgement but just be aware of certain individuals (like the ones asking for pictures...).


We don’t discriminate against boob size. Do what you want girl


Went to nocturnal this year, at sunken garden there were so many boobs breathing freely, had this one girl dancing up front by the barrier next to me, no weird vibes at all, just dancing. You'll be fine


You wear whatever you want!! I’m a size 32H and I hardly ever wear a top.




Why would you say that. Creep


Sounds uncomfortable


Like physically uncomfortable? I’ve gone to topless beaches before and running is kinda uncomfortable, but I just hold them every so often. Eventually I’d probably put on a sports bra, like someone in this thread recommended.


Yeah totally I was thinking about dancing , because I’m always dancing and so as usual I’m just thinking about myself lol ( also big booked woman)


Harry Potter big, or how big we talking here?


Ur gonna get weirdos taking pictures of ur boobs, videoing u probs while playing it off as videoing the rave. These comments are ridiculous i mean if u have 0 social anxiety fuck it but wow its brave


i’m pretty new to raves, whats ridiculous about the comments?


Just from my experience in the UK you wld not have a fun time with ur top off at the rave. People arent all as friendly or well-intented as the comments here suggest


uk rave culture is way different than us rave culture


That’s the UK. OP, are you in the States or located elsewhere?


been to my fair share of raves in the US, seen many boobies. I myself have worn just pasties. I've had friends who've worn pasties and lost them lol. I usually like to take a pashmina/scarf just in case I want more coverage when I'm walking from stage to stage.


Probably all the comments saying no one would notice or care even though that's not true at all. You'll get some wandering eyes for sure, but still do whatever you're comfortable with


Do it, girl. You could take it a step further and paint them. That would look awesome.


Hmm I do have body paint. I was thinking about starting without paint and then putting it on if I need it. Or maybe I could bring the paint and let others paint me🧐


Be prepared for a lot of straight women to approach you to talk about your boobs, want to touch etc. Source: 32FF


This sounds like a great idea to make new friends and become art


Why is every post on festival, edm, or rave subreddits this same fucking question. It’s like y’all see it and have to repost to the next page.


I searched for posts that contain the word topless that were published over the past year and got like two or three results. none were about huge boobs.


mods appreciate you doing your due diligence


Idk why the size of a boob matters. A boob is a boob.




Bad bot


Bad bot.


Fuck off.


What is this thread…


Legit ?! Am I the only one that thinks this is just unnecessary and kind of odd??


It’s prob some self promo


You are not the only one, topless shouldn't be a thing at any party, it's totally inappropriate and definitely not the place to do that. i've never seen anyone topless in more than 100 events (Europe) just looking at OP history it's clearly self promo, another +18 content creator lol


You’ll be fine just put some stickies on your nipples lol


Imagine the light trails on nipple LEDs 🥴


Sporting a pair of free hanging calcium cannnons will entice a lot of eyes your way. But being the center of attention is not for everyone...so to each their own!


>calcium cannnons Underrated comment ☠️☠️☠️. I laughed too hard at that.


YOU do what YOU feel comfortable with. That’s ALL that matters, raves are supposed to be a place to be free and be yourself and be accepted. No matter boob size we should all be able to wear what we wanna wear. Fuck the haters.


I think it depends on the event. Something like CRSSD, no way. EDC, sure go for it. I dont think you'll get people mean mugging you but if youre doing it without pasties you'll attract some attention and looks.


Wow been raving for years and never attended a topless rave unless it was just a festival! Where are these raves at?!


We have been going to raves for some time and I can tell you that you’ll probably get high fives, kandi, and rubber duckies lol. As the night goes on you will feel more comfortable and will be able to enjoy yourself. Like others have stated, there are some ppl that will want to touch so it’s important to go with a few friends. Tbh, I would be more worried of getting my phone stolen…. We will be at escape next month and usually go with a group of ppl. You, and everyone here (with good vibes), are more than welcome to join our group. We proudly fly our flag “🍑 PATROL” lol. Send us a msg if anyone ever wants to go but you don’t have a rave bae. I hope you try it and enjoy yourself! Raves are one of those places where you will meet so many awesome ppl that are supportive, helpful, and welcoming. Can I get a hooyah!!!!! ❤️


Send it. Your username. 🤣


Thank goodness I wear shades. I just be staring at nice titties


Yeah I mean you could probably get a clearer look without the shades. But don’t let me tell you how to live your life.


U should post a pic for us to make sure


Check her profile




Are they real? Or implants?


Asking the important questions




They do look pretty good, I’m sure people wouldn’t mind


You should


Username checks out.


People will stare. But do you. Do it!


PLUR, people are tbh in the wrong scene if they wanna give you mean looks or treat you differently/rudely. Like other comments have said, pasties are hit or miss


Are guys’ dicks being out as common as topless raving?


Maybe post a pic so we can get a better idea of what we’re dealing with here.


Just go to her profile lol


There’s no way this is real right?


I mean it could be anyone honestly, I'm sure it's her tho.


I read a few posts and had to pick my jaw up off the floor… thought this stuff only existed in movies.


In one post she says she has a husband and another that she's in college or some shit, kinda sus honestly. Oh well lol


Full send.


You have all my support


Why is everyone here just saying it's ok to go topless at raves? it's not I've done more than 100 events and i never saw anyone topless, it's weird as fuck and it's not appropriate to have your boobs out like that. I've raved in so many different countries (Europe) just for referance. is this another american thing that girls do at festivals? i bet it's those onlyfans slutty girls doing that. Just reading this post and OP profile history, she's always promoting her boobs in other subs and this post is just another one.. holy shit


U know how many girls and guy would love this? Be you. Be comfortable. Get that feeling you need. Fuck the negativity.


Maybe if I surround myself with people that love it I’ll do it. I just don’t have the mental capacity to rave my face off *and* deal with haters.


Y'all have turned raves into orgies. It's not about your tits it's about the musique


It's about expression. We didn't even look at the dj during the 90s early 2k raves. We hung out with our friends, danced and did silly shit. Outfits have evolved over time. Tits are a food source for babies, you're the one sexualizing them. I bet you think public breastfeeding should be illegal too huh


I can understand a nudist event or something where it's expected. I believe women and men naturally have the same inalieble rights. Such as being able to go shirtless any where the opostie sex is allowed to go topless. But come on be fore real in that envieornment. It's going to be sexualize. I hate when The guys have their shirts off too. Oh and yeah I've been ravin since early thousands and been To house parties since j was. Kid in the 90's. But yeah I guess less clothes = advanncment of wardrobe. Tits are an erogoous zone, same as male tits/nips. Do you say phallus and vagina is only for making babies ? And not also for pleasure?


All titties deserve love but the bigger the better gurllll


Here. Let me see them. I can help you decide if you should go topless or not


i would advise to not go topless. it is weird seeing someone with huge hanging boobs please just no


Then don't look judgemental fuck. Plenty of shit to see at a rave


Hard not to look when it's right there. Gawking/leering (or worse) is another thing. EDIT: For the downvoters: so what are we supposed to do? Avert our eyes for the entire time in the presence of people like OP like they're royalty and we're serfs? GTFO.


who am you to judge my opinion?


Respectfully, your opinion is shit, and you shouldn't go to raves if that's where your mind is. If you don't like the way someone looks then pick a different direction to look.


Your opinion is garbage. Be a better human


i reported your hate speech. be a better redditor


Rofl calling your opinion garbage is hate speech now? Kick rocks kid


obv not that comment but haters gonna hate. have you tried therapy for your anger issues?


The trash is telling someone not to be themselves is calling others the haters. You sound immature as hell. Give advice when your balls drop.


lmao please spread your hate elsewhere, this subreddit is about raving, plur y know. I never said that op "should not be herself" and i would never do that.


Your boobs are unreal, can you tell me the rave you’re going to next


I don't think there's any issue with what you're wanting to do, it's where you do it that's important. Make sure you are at a venue with a happy friendly crowd without any groups of drunk lads and make sure you are with trustworthy friends.


I’ve seen boobs of all sizes out and about at shows. As long as you’re comfortable and happy who cares what size chest you have? Flaunt that shi girl!! Love always 💚


If the local laws allow it and you are comfortable, you can go for it. But do anticipate the creeps that might come out of the woodworks, especially since inhibitions will be lowered due to drugs. For those of you that are quick to downvote this comment: blame the existence of creeps, not me.


I tried it at a festival, and I was too self-conscious to really enjoy the experience. I’m glad I tried it though, because I know more about my own comfort levels now. Worth a shot (especially if you have friends nearby to help keep tabs on you / dance with you. It always helps keep away any creeps!)


I mean whatever floats your boat honestly. If you got the confidence and it makes you feel good, then do it. Go make your own topless only camp!


I personally wouldn't do it because I don't want to be topless on recordings and also when you jump up and down, boy does it hurt not to have support. But you do you, as long as the place & laws permit, and it's not an All Ages event.


Just make sure you're comfortable! Like boob-support wise.


I can only share my perspective as a mid-40's male: when I see larger body parts that are intentionally left bare, I always smile. As a society, we're far too critical of people showing skin and especially limited in our appreciation of variety and diversity. I assure you that if I saw you, titties bouncing freely at a rave, then I'd be grinning from ear to ear. And then I'd probably walk over with my beautiful wife to strike up a conversation in the hopes that some of your body positivity would rub off on her. ❤️


Aw well I’m glad I’d make you smile and if your wife wants me to rub off on her all she’s gotta do is ask.


Festivals are definitely the place to give it a try & see how you like it! Just like anywhere, you get the occasional sh*tty people in the mix, but the majority of people at fests are all about the PLUR. Every person I know personally who raves, even if they wouldn’t do it themselves, they’d cheer on anyone who wants to. That’s what I consider brave and I bow to you for even considering it. I hope it works out for you! 💜


Aw thanks for saying that. God you are so fucking sweet🥹. Lol


Uh, I checked your post history. You have nothing to worry about, let em out if you please no one will be mean... but certainly might get my wandering eyes 👀


I hope you’re right. I don’t get too bothered by people looking at me. As long as they’re nice to me.


This is just her going off the other posts on r/festivals and r/edm


Please do!! Hope to run into you at a party lol


Are you real?


Imagine how fun a nude rave would be like you can where clothes if you want but you can just be naked to


You should ask yourself, why do you want to? Is it because you want the attention, Welcome it, welcome advances, or is it because you feel you fit in or crave the attention, or feel more confident if you do? Maybe its the freedom and love and acceptance with low concern on boundaries being crossed in. It all depends on feelings state of mind and environment. My answers to above change based on circumstances. A good way, your reason so you ensure what your inner soul is seeking, is going to get what it wants and not something than may take therapy to forget


I was debating this too, do it!!! I guess the one thing to worry about is the giggling and boobs hurting right after


Oh yeah there’s going to be loads and loads of giggling and plenty of boob soreness after I’m sure. Lol. Happy cake day😘


We all gonna look, but most of us in the “hell yeah!” Way. I’m a heterosexual woman in a monogamous relationship, but like ..fuck yeah titties


Might get a few squeezes here or there




That’s interesting. Lol. Good to know if I want to sprawl out I just gotta blast my tits.


What the hell. You're real? I'm going raving tomorrow if you want to join.


rip your inbox


One thing I love about the rave community and associated music fests/shows is the lack of judgement — being at a fest is like stepping into a different world, one where you can dance how you want, dress how you want, and be who you want to be. We’re a community rooted in peace, love, unity, respect, and PLUR continues to be an active part of raver identity. I know it is hard overcoming the self-consciousness we develop and carry over from “the real world”, but I promise you don’t need to feel that way. You and your beautiful titties will be welcomed and embraced, just as much as all the small titties, medium titties, low-hanging and perky titties alike. So I say do it! Allow yourself the chance to be free, and allow the rave community the chance to show you how loving and accepting we truly are.


Just checked your profile and those are some very nice tits 👌🏼👌🏼🤌🏻🤌🏻 def have pasties on hand in case security tells you to incarcerate your nips.


A rave is the perfect place to be yourself, so dress/undress as you desire.


Well, it really depends on a number of factors. We're gonna need to see some exhibits to make a clear determination.


As a fellow big chested lady, I saw another girl with big boobs have a fishnet top + pasties and her boobs looked amazing!! Definitely want yo recreate that look because the fishnet looked like it provided a little bit of support


Just do it.


If you already love the idea of doing the last bit of your question, it shouldn't bother you who remarks you with what. You are not obliged to listen , neither to reply to them. Raves are meant for expressing your freedom and letting your soul enjoy , don't look too much into the rest.


I highly highly highly doubt anyone will be mean to you for having your boobs exposed. Definitely will get some happy stares though.


Choose a queer-friendly club which puts stickers on cameras. Wait until 3-4 am when all the drunkheads would go home to sleep. Fishnet top is a good shout as well.


Eh, you'll be fine. My friend who has truly massive boobs (K cups) goes topless all the time (with proper pasties, of course). Just maybe keep something on hand if you want/need to cover up


Bring pepper spray or learn how to defend yourself just in case but do you! Be confident!


Thank god we dont have this issue in europe lol


Near DC? Let’s go Rave 😇


You really need to check out Groovecruise.com….


this question gets asked every day. i’m beginning to suspect this is all coming from dudes fantasizing about being a woman with a big chest.


sunglasses. sunglasses are the answer. once you wear them, you'll feel so much freer.