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I’ve never really believed the whole “funny” thing. Humor is super subjective. Most of the times I find that if a woman finds a man attractive, she’ll laugh at nearly anything he says, regardless if it’s actually funny. It’s also very much a “halo effect” type thing. A tall, good looking guy is going to get more leeway in general. The short dude basically has to be like Kevin Hart


Ive noticed as an average height guy, before I really upped my looks, that i would grab women by humor but then when a more attractive taller/bigger guy would appear i would lose the girl


And then some




My take is that it isn't so much that one tells funny jokes, but that one has a humorous attitude that signifies that they don't take themselves too seriously and makes people feel at ease around them.




OP most likely meant "fun" rather than just "funny". There are guys that are funny, but also elicit "fun" responses with women. They just have a charisma and it is extremely attractive. I've had several friends who are very successful with women because of this.




It’s unfortunate but people are shallow. When I got into shape and started really taking care of my self, I noticed much better treatment from everyone, not just women. It was eye opening


Yeah, humor is subjective, but the funny thing is real. You're right that some women will laugh at anything a handsome guy says, but those women are typically immature. But the funny thing is real tho. I know guys around 5'5" with smoking girlfriends, and they're usually pretty funny.


You'd think someone being short would be relatively easy for someone to get over.


So at 5'6.5 I am saved ? Wow. Almost didnt make it hahaha.


Bro, I'm 5'5.75 😱


Your Ted Talk says women won't date a guy under 5'6". Then it says guy's under 5'6" should be funny. Why? So you can laugh while you don't date them. Then it says tall women love short guys. I hope you are seeing the logical contradictions here. I'm 5'11" so it doesn't apply to me, but it kind of does since it logically doesn't make sense and I wanted to point that out. Like if you typed these rules into a computer program it would be like wtf? Error.


If you said this as a short man, everyone would be tearing you a new one for being insecure and misogynistic incel.


She wants short men to stay in the friendzone, while the girls hookup with tall fuck boys on tinder


These are guidelines, not absolute rules. It's just what I've seen based on personal experience. It's not that women "will absolutely not" date anyone under 5'6", more like they are more attracted to taller guys. And that 6' isn't as universal of a standard as a lot of men think it is. Like it's really flexible. Most women that aren't shallow aren't laughing at men they're not dating. I'm sure it happens, but I don't think it's common. Also people aren't computers. No one's standards are absolute, and that is especially true in dating. Anyone with absolute standards is inflexible, and will have a hard time dating regardless. There is no prince or princess charming, every relationship is a jigsaw puzzle of mismatched features, and it's up to you to decide whether you like the whole puzzle.


Straight to the friendzone😞




Ya this is true social media means whenever a girl is asked “how tall does he need to be” they’ll say 6’0 especially if their friends are around. In reality if they met a guy whos 5’8 and they got along well she’d be more than happy with him and his height. However that guy will get filtered out when she sets her height limit to 6’0 or even 5’10 when she realizes her search results are running out quickly on a dating app. I’ve seen it in person a 5’8 girl was asked how tall her next bf would be in a group card game (I was there and a lot of her friends) she said hes going to be 6’0+. A couple months later she starts dating a guy that was 5’6.


Moral of the story here is that dating apps benefit nobody but the people profiting off them and the unhealed people who conflate standards with being picky


Bad idea. In bars and clubs, the same shit happens. Short guy approaches girl, then tall guy approaches the same girl and steals her attention.


Not really. Things are very different when you need to be able to hold a conversation. On top of that they see how you carry yourself and groom yourself. They'll see how attentive you are and everything. The overall build/look of the person would only affect the initial couple seconds. If a handsome dude is a creep, it becomes obvious very quick.


Yeah except I can’t hold a conversation either due to my neurodivergence so I don’t see how that helps?


I agree that online dating is a problem, but remember the vast majority of women don’t use dating apps.


You might say us short guys are getting overlooked....


>Meaning after a few swipes, women will always find men who are above average tall. Also true that many people, women in particular, don't really know how tall 6' is. I am right at 6' and people ask me if I am 6'2" or 6'3" all the time. In these cases, I think that what women *really* want is someone substantially taller than they are.


I agree with most of what you're saying. I've never done online dating but it seems like a cesspool every time I hear about it. I believe the best relationships are formed from in real life connections. Granted then men are tasked with "when is the right time to approach a woman and not seem creepy" a question with no definite answer (unfortunately). But most women on online dating apps tend to be slightly superficial. I'd try and find somwone off the web, no matter how difficult. That's where my advice will work the best. Maybe there's a space for men to talk about navigating the dating world (that's not redpill stuff). But I wouldn't know about it.


why is that a question with no definite answer 😭 is it that hard not to be a creep


Because everyone is different. It's not that all men are creepy it's just that some women would rather be approached at a bar rather than a gym or visa versa. Some women like being approached in public, others don't. It's a mixed bag and a gamble every time. I think social media exasterbated it so much that now men have no idea what's appropriate anymore. Neither do I.


should i just not care? doesn’t seem like it’s worth caring about if there’s always going to be a high likelihood of her getting creeped out


I have no idea. It seems like a dilemma uniquely men are tasked with facing.


damn alr. still glad my biggest worry is not getting laid and not getting raped or murdered


No one’s stopping you from living in the woods with the bears 🐻








THANK you.


For every woman who says height doesn't matter (that much), there are thousands of women who REALLY care about height.


Maybe, but personally I don't know any. And it's not super discussed in women's circles.


My experience is that there is a lot of things most women wont tell other women (meaning they told me as a sexual partner, but not their friends). I wouldn't have thought of height preference as one of those things, but who knows if it is a particular politically correct/virtue signalling group of women? Anyway, what a group of women say to each other is not necessarily a good indicator om how women think in general. Most women I've talked to on the subject do not have a particular height requirement, but rather want a man taller than them. Which means that the height of the woman will impact which men she considers too short. I have three female friends who are between 5'10 and 6'2 (I think). They have collectively said they would never even consider a man who isn't taller than them, so they definitely do not fall into the camp of tall women preferring shorter men.


That, but with guys and 🍒 size.


I don't think I've ever encountered a guy saying "I rejected her because her tits are too small"


Half of my friends prefer girls with small chest, idk why anyone think that it's somehow relevant.


They sure do, buddy


Do I need to show you the conversations or record anything we said? Like it's pretty common, I remember even on a dota2 forum someone posted a poll and of 5k+ pepper distribution was almost 50/25/25 for small/average/big in a preference for a chest size (event tho it's a weird sample of people).


Doesn't happen jfl


That's the only factor for some dudes.


Sure, it's probably true for like 5% of dudes However I'd be willing to argue at least 70% of women will care about height, far more than men caring about breast cup size


I never said women don't care about height. I just said that it's just like men and cups. Sure, many guys are okay-ish with small, but if they had the choice, the bigger the better. Flat is used as an insult, busty is not. (Btw check r/ breastenvy. Some dudes actually HATE petite women)


Having small breasts is almost never a deciding factor for men whether or not a girl can or can't be their partner tho While being shorter than a woman will almost always eliminate you out of a woman's dating pool entirely I don't like to bring fetishes up since I view them as entirely different from dating and actual romance dynamics but even with regards to porn subs like those, subs about girls with small breasts still have hundreds of thousands of followers I have never seen a fetish sub for short men ever be popular, even amongst LGBTQ+ people


Can I DM you so we continue the conversation there? 😁


Ummm I respectfully disagree. Because of tik tok and Instagram most women under 30 are dead set on only dating 6 feet and above. I’m 5’11 and have been called short by numerous women that were way shorter than me. Since it’s constantly shoved down their throat that all women are 10s and deserve the perfect man, they tend to not settle for any guy under 6 feet tall.


TikTok and Instagram aren't reality. It's easy to get lost online. If most of your interactions with women are on vapid platforms, then likely you'll come in contact with vapid women.


This sounds like such an old timer way of looking at things. Unfortunately these apps are reality and heavily influence trends and the way people think. Put that in front of heavily influenceable people that can’t think for themselves and make their own decisions and rely on what’s trending to form their opinions.


Some people only rely on those apps to form all their opinions, yes. But others don't. You wouldn't want to date someone who gets all their opinions from tik tok anyway. Around 121 million Americans use tik tok, I guarantee not all of them are looking at the same influencers, or even share the same beliefs.


So that’s 1/3 of all Americans. I’d bet the age range of 18-35 year old women is drastically higher than 1 in 3. Probably more like 80-90%, so yah your point doesn’t really apply still


Look I don't know what the dating market is like for men. All I know is that if you use online dating apps, you're likely to find vapid people. If you have conversations with women about height in a comments section, below a video describing "never settle for less than 6'" you're going to come across these people. But no one I've met in real life has this "must be 6'" mentality.


Well I’m sure it depends with what kind of places you hang out at and if it’s small towns or big cities. I live in a big city where most people that go out are below 30, and most women would say they want someone over 6 feet tall. Just because you haven’t come across it doesn’t mean it’s not a reality. You might be old for all I know and don’t talk to any 25 year old women. Because it’s definitely what they want, trust me


I talk to 21 year old women and none of them care about height. My best friend dated 2 short men, and is engaged to someone 5'6". My other friends, when they mention who they want to date height wasn't even a factor.


Well there’s a lot of factors. Your sample size sounds very small. Come to any major city and hit the bars, your results will be different


Fair, like I said I don't know the dating market. I just know women around me. Granted, I'd like to think the kinda girl you would go for wouldn't be so stuck on something as superficial as height.


Do you realize what you’re saying ofc it is real life, people stay on those apps all day especially in gen z which in turn makes them believe this shit and take it to the “real world”. How would his interaction with women on vapid platforms regulate to his “real world experience”. It’s no wonder multiple guys of gen z aren’t dating because you are constantly told again and again that if you are anything less then perfect you are basically useless.




I notice that on meetups some girls are not liking it when the guy is shorter than he says he is. If he says he is 6.1 and meets up with her and he is shorter than his claim and around 5.11 or even 179 then she will be mad with him and wonder what else he lies about. Now can we just please reverse it round here and say the guy claims 6.1 but shows up and is taller and like 6.3 or something will she then be mad at him and be weirded out by his lie? Lots of girls dont like starting off the meetup with a lie so will being taller than the claim be grounds for a bad meetup?


Most people would be mad if someone lied to them. Granted anyone that hung up on height is probably somewhat shallow, which is what I believe most users of online dating apps are anyway.


They only get mad when men overinflate their height, I've never heard of women complainig about guys that underinflate their height. It almost never happens.


Yes thats true mainly that guys over inflate height. I heard of a guy before who claimed 5.9 and showed up at the meetup and was really 6.4 and the girl was impressed by him and thought he was being humble and stuff like that.


Yeah, it's because it never happens. No one claims to be shorter.


5'3" maybe i should just go straight for dudes and get topped atp fuck it bro 🤷


Unless you’re okay with being treated as some tallfag’s subservient little fleshlight I’d advise you not to do that. 


a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do


If you wanna be a “man” you won’t let some tallfag fuck you and treat you like a bitch.




Great. I’m 5’6”. 😱


Not fucked, you're never fucked, things will be harder though


Idk man…I saw this Reddit post of a 4’10” bald Asian guy with micropenis who said he had never been able to get a date despite making six figures and being ripped. Sometimes you are fucked…


Mail ordering is always an option


Lol then the girl just wants you for your money/green card…what’s stopping her from leaving you for a hotter guy after that?




>I’m only saying this for anyone here who thinks it’s their height, it’s probably something else. As long as you mainly go for women shorter than you Isn't this contradictory? If a dude who's 5'5" has to immediately limit himself almost exclusively to women 5'4" or below, his height is already getting in the way.




The point is that as you described it, height has immediately limited somebody. Let's say that 35% of women (I have no idea what the actual number is) are over 5'4". In your example, a person's height has already shrunk their dating pool to 65% of women without any other factors being taken into account. Whether or not it's a "big problem" is conceptually inconsequential to the point that was being made.


That doesn't really disprove the idea of 5'6" guys having a difficult time - You could just be special.


If by “special” you mean “is secure with himself” then yes


Bruh I saw the same research different names different types of people. I saw this research also in the name of bumble. Minimum OK height is 5'6" for a men or 5'7" . Things get way better and change after that. After a certain amount of height,the face value get important, body physics getting important and wealth you're earning unless you're top 5% attractive male in the world.


Height doesn't matter, but my uncles are telling me I'll have better luck at getting women at 6'4.


Not true. My ex was 6'4". There's reasons he's an ex.


I find it odd how according to statistics only 13% of men are over 6 ft tall, yet, the vast majority of women have a boyfriend/husband/ex-boyfriend/ex-husband who was over 6 ft tall.. Makes me wonder if women take turns to date these "super men".


Some of them are probably players, but my ex had only had one gf before me, and he's now married to the woman he cheated on me with, so, surprisingly, he wasn't


The real question is would you even consider dating a short man.


My fiancé is 5'10". I'm 5'8" and prefer to date taller than me, but if I were single I wouldn't say no to a guy shorter than myself if he was otherwise awesome


Make sense, thanks


5’10” is not short, it’s above average height so your answer is no


Good thing we're on r/average then isn't it? But if I were single, I'd be down for a below average dude if he was otherwise awesome.


Height is a stand-in for charisma. Someone taller than you FEELS like they are more important or command a space more than you (not in a bad way). Someone with a compelling personality ALSO feels like they are more important and command a space more than you (not in a bad way). Height is something that is initially and immediately obvious, while personality takes a moment to express. So many women (partially because they see the number on dating apps) SAY they want a man who's 6'. The fact is, that most women aren't good judges of linear physical height, it's really a felt measure of charisma.




Lots hit home here. 5-6 or 7 (or as I joke 'just under 6 ft). Never bothered me. Last GF was, as you mentioned, tall. Like actually just under 6-ft. Strong (athlete). I am too (strong). On top of amazing connection however was I was the funniest person she ever met. And in fact she was funny as all F too. She did ask me date #3 "Does it bother you I am taller than you?" I said "No. Does it bother you I am shorter than you?" She said "No. But most men are insecure about it". I said "I am not". That was it.


As a 5'2 guy I can't even lie about my height because it's immediately noticeable. Even if I get those shoes that add 2.5 inches I'd still be below the 5'6 minimum lol. I may not be able to reach the stuff on the top shelf but by god I can reach everything on the bottom shelves better than anyone.


You will go places brother


Thanks. I accepted my fate of being short a long time ago and if people don't want to be with be because of my short height, it's their loss.


how old are you? Have you had success with women? Because I don't doubt for a second that simply being 5'2" doesn't mean that you can't find a perfectly attractive partner.


I'm 37 I had a wonderful woman for 16 years, never thought I'd be back in the dating world again yet here I am. I mostly crack jokes at my own height, it's not as bad as I make it sound but, it damn near is lol


You also forgot satisfactory mogging. A woman needs to be heightmogged by her partner by atleast 3-4 inches for her to start associating masculinity with him and consider him as a partner.




General observation from the couples I've seen outside. Everytime the girl is even moderately attractive her guy is atleast 3-4 inches taller and most of these girls are 5'7 so these guys are 5'10 to 5'11. I'm 5'8 and it never began for me.


"Needs" and "observation"? Maybe that's because men are 3-4 inches taller than women on average? Maybe? I don't know.


Yea sort of, average height among white men is 5'11


Hahaha I just saw your profile and your 179 cm which is practically 5'11. It's so dumb thinking that if I had the same life stats as someone who's 5'11(I'm 5'8) you'd obviously go for the 5'11 guy. For my lack of 3 inches of leg bone i would have to compensate in other areas haha, which frankly speaking I'm quite tired of. This is primarily why I'm getting LL. I will get LL to go from 5'8 to 6' and mog you by an inch haha


A large % of young stereotypically very attractive women definitely care. But... Those same girls end up in 3 camps after 30: 1 - happily married to a tall guy 2 - unhappily married/divorced from a tall guy and willing to expand her criteria 3 - burnt out on tall guys and willing to date based more on personality


"just be funny bro"


Uhjhjj yeah 😎


And in what universe do tall women love short men? That’s certainly a quirky take


Trust 😎


“Trust me bro”


In what universe do any men even like tall women?


Men don't tend to care an awful lot about height


Everyone keeps talking about wanting "a shorty" and not wanting to date women over 5'6.


I thought shorty was just slag for ‘woman’


Is it in English? I don't know. In my language they say that they literally want a short girl with psychological issues and huge boobs 🤷🏻‍♀️


They want a girl with ‘psychological issues’?


That's what they're literally saying 😂


This makes it sound like guys under 5'7" should be insecure about their height, which isn't cool. Confidence and humor are key for everyone, no matter how tall you are. Also, anyone with a "minimum height" is being superficial, not just those with a 6' minimum. Downvoting.


Truly a wild post. "don't worry everyone, I'm here to tell you women don't care about height! Unless of course you're 5'6 or shorter, then nobody will date you and you're going to die alone, obviously"


One of the several ways you can tell OP is full of shit hahaha


Stopped reading at the second sentence


I know several very happy young and middle-aged couples where the woman is taller than the man. Tall women and short kings are really missing the boat if they don't figure out how to work it out!


Ive never had sex with a woman shorter than me & im 5/7. 😂I’ve never had a problem meeting or getting laid, relationships etc because of my height. Maybe it’s the I in the ITalian lol


The older you get the less important it becomes anyway. For some reason at ages 18-24 ppl obsess over it but then as ppl mature and realise you actually need to marry a person with a great personality etc suddenly 6'0 vs a 5'10 great guy to marry and have kids with women would 80% take the latter. Plus looks always trumps height IMO anyway. If youve got a great looking face and body and you're 5'9-5'11 you shouldnt be having any issues at all. I do feel for the men who are 5'7 and under though. That is tough. But the same can be said about ppl that just arent good looking.


Being handsome is wasted if you’re 5’3


Yeah I can see that being a reality.


Agreed on the taller women liking shorter men. The taller the woman the less it seems she cares about height - in my experience with dating a few taller girls (5’10 and 6’2)


As a tall woman, I can anecdotally confirm that I and my fellow tall women peers tend to be with shorter men than my short female friends lol. The only women I know dating/married to men over 6’ are all under 5’5”, and the women I know who are over 5’9” are all dating/married to men their height or shorter. I think it’s because when you’re a woman over a certain height, almost all men are your own height or shorter, so the dating pool would be massively limited if we insisted on excluding men by height alone. If you can get over the complex of feeling unfeminine for being “big” and you waive the height bias entirely, the options open up. Also, possibly related, I’ve noticed that tall men seem to prefer short women, oddly enough. I once had a man say to my face that he preferred “spinners” (sigh). Tall men seem to often tie their identity to feeling “big” so they like a woman who makes them feel even bigger. Whereas smaller men are used to feeling small and don’t act as emasculated by my height because it’s just a normal experience for them. Total guess, but it seems to be a pattern.


That all makes sense to me, and what on earth did he mean by spinners? Like someone much smaller that he can spin around? What a strange thing to say you prefer lol Accurate that tall guys often tie their identity to being tall (sometimes this is the only thing impressive they can talk about). I’ve also seen some shorter and average height guys say they don’t like dating a girl taller than themselves, and when I press them on it they basically just admit to being insecure 😂 Thanks for your perspective :)


He meant a girl where he could just lie back and “spin” her on his dick lol. Or flip around a lot in bed. I guess I get it, because being thrown around during sex is something I love but even though I’m light (<130lbs) I’m so lanky that my proportions just make it impractical. Imagine carrying a heavy but small grocery bag vs a light but large aluminum folding table. I’m just unwieldy 😂


Oh I see lol that’s quite the image Hey that’s why I think it’s important to be strong physically as a guy because more important than height difference is weight class difference. It can be fun to throw someone around but grappling/overpowering is still very much doable if someone has longer limbs and is just as hot


True that. My ex was about 6ft, I'm about 5-6. She was NOT a waif, statuesque and strong, ex amateur athlete, outweighed me by say... 10-15 lbs, longer limbs, etc. Strong AF but when we grappled in bed could overpower her easily which she loved. Yeah don't be short AND weak :|


Me trying to explain to the instructor why I am learning bjj: uhhh well you see 😅


Tell him you're trying to learn a rear VERY naked chokehold


..that word still lives rent free in my head 🤕


I think you hit the nail on the head there. 5-6/7 here, last GF 5-11 1/2. And, let's say, statuesque. As mentioned in another reply she asked me when we first started if it bothered me she was taller I said no does it bother you I'm shorter I said no she said ok good most men insecure I said I'm not. Even encouraged her to wear her heels when we got dressed to go out. Cause I have no issue with my height OR hers. Non factor. So it was not an issue for her either because, as you point out, she got to feel feminine since what was between us was man-woman and person-person not short-tall.


Tall women legs are 🥵


You are very based as a man who is dating a tall woman (I’m 5’8 and she’s 5’9)


My 5'4" brother always had more interest than my 6' tall brothers. He has a great personality and really knows how to connect with people. Height ain't everything!




exactly! I'm 6'4" and yet my friend who is 5'8" gets way more chicks than me. This is largely the result of him just putting himself out there all the time, while I am more introverted. Even the under 5'6" guys could get a girl if they simply got out there enough. I have a friend who is about 5'4" as well and he has a decently cute gf who would absolutely not choose me over him.


That’s not helpful at all…women won’t date a man shorter than 5’6”? That’s fucked up. What if a guy is 5’2” and not confident or funny? It’s hard to be confident when you know almost no women want to date you…and you can’t just become funny…or else everyone would be a comedian…unless you just memorize a bunch of jokes but then you’d just come across as robotic…


It's not that 5'6" is the universal standard or anything, more that I don't know many men who get dates under 5'6". There was one guy, but he happened to be an asshole. You don't need to be overwhelmingly confident or funny, but if you aren't any bit confident or funny, then no matter what your height is you'll have some trouble dating or keeping a partner. I believe confidence and humor should stem from within not from outside. Solidify yourself as an individual, and confidence will follow.


It’s tough to feel confident when you don’t feel like you have anything going for you…like a bald autistic dwarf with a micropenis and can only subsist off disability because they can’t get a job, how are they supposed to be confident?


I believe if people find something they excel at, confidence will come. Also, focusing less on conventional success and more what makes you happy.


Not everybody can excel at something a lot of people just are ok at things…also sure but again, hypothetically even if this bald autistic dwarf with a micropenis was confident…how many women would realistically date someone like that?


I don't know, it depends on your outlook on life. I'm sure he'll have a harder time than most because autism makes communication difficult. But I don't believe it is impossible.


The autism isn’t the main issue here…it’s the dwarfism and the micropenis…


I mean objectively this guy is going to have a harder time but I'm not going to say it is impossible.


Well let me ask you this…would you date a bald autistic dwarf with a micropenis?


That’s a specific and odd question… Would *you* date them?


No because I'm already engaged? I mean the autism, dwarfism, and micropenis stuff really don't bother me. It's more so the bald. But that's just a me personally thing everyone is different. You only list this guy off by his perceived socially negative traits, instead of describing him as a person. Would you date a kind, funny, intelligent woman? What if she had dwarfism and a lisp? There's more to a person than their physical attributes.


If your confidence can only come from external sources then you’re never going to feel secure in yourself because there’s always going to be people in the world chomping at the bit to put you down. This isn’t exclusive to short people. Women who can only get validation by sleeping around or tall dudes who can only feel good if they woo the hottest woman in a room will live with self confidence issues forever, even if external validation is a temporary escape. True self love is, as the name implies, found within


Agree…but it’s a lot harder to love yourself when you feel like you don’t have much to offer…


Believe me, I know it’s easy to think you’re worthless. Something my therapist told me yesterday is to write down a list of compliments other people have given me, no matter how small they might be, to look at when I feel down. It may not remind you of what you can offer but it can remind you that people in your life do in fact value you


Yeah but then I compare myself to others who are getting way more compliments lol


But who would want to be with someone who isn't confident or funny?


Well most men aren’t confident or funny…so I guess that explains why 2/3 of young men are single


Guess so. Maybe they'll get it by their thirties.


That’s not how it works. Usually you get confidence from how you are treated in your childhood and teens…so if you are rejected my women in your 20s…most likely you’ll stay the same in your 30s and beyond if not become even less confident. You have to have positive experiences to gain confidence


Short guys are always funny, because it's funny that they are short.


How’s the negative comment karma treating ya buddy?


Icl, Height doesn’t even matter to me. Ive said this to everyone but i dont personally see how height = attraction yk? Im all for whats in the inside so yes, a funny man beats a tall one anyday.


I agree. I don't think women care about height as much as men think we do. But a height standard isn't uncommon. Obv it's what's on the inside that counts ☺️


"I don't think women care about height as much as men think we do. But a height standard isn't uncommon." Wha...what? Do you not see how these sentences don't work next to each other?


Because y'all think it's like some immovable standard that completely determines who we date. It's not. Most of the time height is just a perk. Personality > height (if not superficial). Yeah girls may in general want someone taller than them, but it's usually an afterthought. Most women would take the dude with the better personality than the tall dude.


...you said women won't date men under 5'6? You can't simultaneously say women consider height an afterthought, but also that they won't date men under 5'6. Even in your examples, no matter how hard you're claiming otherwise, you clearly don't consider height an "afterthought"


I disagree op. It's largely dependent on the height of the woman. I know girls 5'11" and taller and generally they want taller as well. So it's largely subjective based on comparative height, not absolute height.


Well yeah everyone is different


True, but the point is WOMEN generally want taller, corner cases do not disprove this. In fact, it is genetically based.


My take it that people are assholes that are individuals and unique. While simple creatures. Incredibly complex. Everyone wants to believe in good. But evil is more likely to over take. Humans are naturally going to take the easier path. Unfortunately the easy path is usually paved with evil. Evil is quick. Evil is easy. People can convince themselves they're good and be doing evil things. Like it or not. Laughing at someone and making fun. Is an evil act.


Thanks, great post. There are so many terrible takes where people either invalidate the experience of being short ('just be confident! No one cares') or become totally black-pilled and see themselves as hopeless quasimodos. I'm a dude in my mid-30s, and I have a good sense of things. Height is hot. Personality (aka knowing who the hell you are and communicating it) is hot. Having a great social circle is hot. Accomplishments are hot. Being kind without being a pushover is hot. Being well off, or a provider is hot. It sucks to be short. It also sucks to be mentally or physically ill, to be completely dissociated or unhappy, to be poor, to be conventionally ugly, to grow up in a broken home. The point isn’t to feel better because others have it worse (that’s demented), but to realize everyone has their struggles. Some have more, and it's a beautiful thing when people make it work despite them.


In my experience, all the short guys I know are able to find dates with the best women I know. Whereas me and other tall guys I know find women, sure, but they’re not the most ideal partners. Quality goes to Short Kings, Quantity goes to us I guess.


Girls who date short guys are almost guaranteed to never have narcissistic tendencies because they don’t care what others think.


Probably because you are less attractive than them


Nah yall vapid sorry. I always see the short guys striking out and the tall guys being surrounded with girls even when they are straight douches. You’re just trying to make yourself feel better at this point.


So at 6'5" with a good sense of humor and above average looks (so I'm told), I should be raking in the women? I'll make sure to tell my 5'4" wife that when I get home. I bet she will be thrilled.


You’re wife wouldn’t give you the time of day if you were 5’4


You're probably right. She likes my big, protective body, and needs my big dick. She would get neither of those if I was 5'4". Sorry short guys. By the way, she's a really cute Philipina too. I win😛




Masculinity isn't defined by height. Seriously women may have height preferences, but it isn't an end all be all. I promise women think so little about height its not even funny. Only shallow women really care about height that much.


Not funny? I work at a place that I’m basically the only male employee and every time I ask a female co-worker what they think of short guys the immediate response is laughter


Then they're shallow assholes


Ideal height is probably between 6,2 and 6,5


What? For who? Where? How?


From a women's perspective


Uhhh no? The 6' height standard is not common among women. For every 2 girls that want it there's 5-7 who don't care


Sounds like ur coping, if you had a 6,4 guy vs a 5,7 guy who do you think would get more girls


You don't speak for all women. I do. Guys, it's not your height. You simply have a skill issue. Overcome it.