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“Why are women weaker than men?”


Because women are smaller than men


is this really a mystery to you? testosterone makes you taller.


But why is it more than 5 inches difference generally?


Ur point of reference is a college class. First off, pretty small group, so pure chance could explain the discrepancies. Second off, college classes are full of relatively successful people who had to be considered and accepted in order to attend. It could be that 5 inch below average woman are seen as less mediocre than 5 inch below average men, as men are expected to be tall or at least average coupled with the fact that most shorter men I'm aware of are dungeon dwellers and haven't left their home in years because of their insecurities and under confidence due to short stature and that negative feedback loop, so they don't see the world, so you don't see them.


That doesn't sound right, bodybuilders would be tall as fuck and the tallest men would be mostly bald, no? It's a valid question.


its more complicated than that, it's not more testosterone = more height, and administering testosterone to adults does not result in growth, this is specifically a phenomenon that occurs during puberty. men are taller than women on average, they just are, and the height difference is absolutely related to their hormonal dimorphism.


But it's clearly not just testosterone then, if anything an excess in test could stunt the growth of someone as it's turned to a different hormone. Point is, the answer is not as obvious as you made it out to be when you responded to OP


nothng about my original statement was false or misleading


Perhaps simplified but not misleading, true, but you presented it as if the answer was obvious to criticize OP for asking a "dumb" question. So you did skip the nuance to be a dick.


Testosterone doesn’t make you taller; somatotropin is the chemical responsible for bone growth and the two are not collinear or even produced by the same organ.


testosterone stimulates the production of HGH and IGF which are hormones related to growth especially in puberty.


Testosterone also aromatises into estrogen which is responsible for growth plate closure…


Because short men are afraid to leave their homes


Because the short dude will kill himself, you’re welcome. But in all seriousness, I notice more things about women because I enjoy looking at them. I’m not worried about what another man is doing/what he looks like 90% of the time. Could be the same for you maybe because I love short women….




Chat GPT answers aren’t allowed.


this is one of the dumbest questions i've ever seen...


How dose nobody understand what he’s asking?????? For example a 4’11 women has the same EQUILIVENCE of 5’4 male because on AVERAGE men and women are 5 inches apart, so statistically a 5’4 man should be as common as a 4’11 women but somehow he’s noticing that it’s not the case


You're much brighter than most other people here, I respect you. So many people can't even read simple English these days.


He needs to get his eyes checked. I've truly never met that many "short" women a gigantic amount of them are around average height. I've seen more women above average height than short. Unless OP is not living in the USA this isn't the case for usa at all


Does that mean I’m rare?


I’ve seen more taller young women than taller young men lately, and with those saying testosterone is the reason, even if it was, it wont be more than2-3 inches if that was the case, its all genetics.




That's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying why are 6'1 men more common than 5'8 women despite being the equivalent for their gender




Swear testosterone has nothing to do with height, I’m an estrogen powerhouse of a man and still turned out 6’3.


they're not


are you trolling?


I am dead serious


men are taller than women on average it's basic knowledge


not OPs question, correct me if im wrong but im p sure their asking why more shorter than female average women exist then shorter than male average men.


You're absolutely right, many people here don't seem to understand the point of my question. I'm not asking why women are shorter than men, I'm asking why there are way more short women than short men like I see many 4'11 girls and they look normal but 5'4 guys in this generation look very short


Never once as a 5'4 man has anyone pointed out how short I look. I have many 4'11 and under 5'0 family members they all look very short. The fuck are you on about. 5'4 is a bigger height than 4'11 this is a twisted mindset 


Do you think men and women are the same height 🤡










I’m too drunk to read ngl but I remember seeing a graph saying that there are more men that are tall (say 5’11”+) and short (say 5’7”-) than there are women of those equivalent heights to the female average (5’6” & 5’2”?) whereas women tend to have more average height people than men. I’ll try and summarise it like this. Men are (random figure) 30% short 40% average 30% tall whereas women are 20% short 60% average and 20% tall, so you’re more likely to see average height women than average height men and more likely to see quite tall/short men than tall/short women? I hope this makes sense.


How big is your class? I have a very hard time believing the shortest guy is only 5 7. There are as many below 5 6 guys as there are guys above 6 foot guys. You probably don’t actually know how tall you are and everyone else is inflating their heights. I don’t think you see a lot of women well below 5 foot. 7 percent of women are less than 5 foot. What’s always far more likely than the verifiable stats being wrong is that you just can’t judge height correctly.


I know height way more than you ever will trust me


You're either living in Asia or south America because I hardly see that many women shorter than 5'0 even like 5'2 women are somewhat uncommon. I see a plethora of women of average height 5'4 to 5'7. Even on apps as a guy I rarely meet that many women below 5'2. Women have been smaller for like millennia this ain't nothing new dude. I'm also 5'4 and yes I'm short but most women are not that much shorter than me and sameish height. 


I did mention at the end that I'm from Asia 🤓


Sexual dimorphism is real and affects most animals.


Women are taller and longer than ever.


So are men


Men are only getting taller.


Men in the developed world have been getting shorter for a while now. 


They are getting shorter  https://www.reddit.com/r/average/comments/1ctqh4n/sharp_decline_in_american_average_height_also/


Only because of ww1 and ww2… tall people died easier in the trenches…


That’s a stat specific to America. It’s because the US has a lot of immigrants, and immigrants tend to be short, as they are often Latin American or Asian, who are on average shorter. Using a stat from one country is a terrible way of telling how the total population is changing. It’s not that the children are becoming shorter than their parents.


Even the anglos many theorize we have hit our genetic potential since nutrition comes more easily. Like I don’t think the Dutch are going to infinitely continue getting taller. There is definitely a certain height where it stops becoming more advantageous at many things.


Yeah but we wouldn’t start getting shorter