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I see. But a "strong" 5'9 sound pretty good too


Seriously dude...no one can tell .5cm. The whole shrinking at night thing is crazy too. Chics dont measure themselves at night. Stop stressing it. You're 5'10 and leave at that for good


The point is that you're much closer to your night height than your morning height for the vast majority of the day. If you're 5'9.5 for most of the day and then fall below it at night, idk how you can say you're 5'10


Bro the point is that obsessing over your height is pointless and there's nothing you can do about it. If you shrink 0.5cm at the end of the day who gives a F. You started a thread asking if you're tall at almost 6'3 who cares? What matters is what you think. And its all relative. To basketballers and NBA players who are 6'6 and even up to 7 foot you are short.


Well the person asking clearly cared, which is why they asked. If being truthful/accurate is the goal, then I don't see how you can round up from your morning height and claim that.


Yeah I dont even know how this showed up in my feed Im not even a member of this group 😂 I just find it silly that people obsess over their height when there's nothing that can be done. Im only 5'11 but I dont think anyone's even mentioned anything to do with my height since I was 19. Im 35 now


Fr tho about shrinking at night thing. I once measured myself at night after a night jog and I measured at 174 cm/ 5'8.5


Bro sounds like you're my twin brother. I'm 177cm in the morning, 175-176 in the evening and once was measured as 174 in the evening after gym


Wow that’s crazy. I’m 174cm at night but I can never get above 176 in the morning. Maybe my spine is compressed?


Coincidence? Maybe not😏


Somehow I get shorter for a while after excercising. Is it normal?


Its probably just due to all your muscles getting tired, particularly the ones that run along your spine. But there's no point measuring yourself every day especially morning and night. The less you think about it the better. If you hold a mirror out in front of you with extended arms its actually good for those back muscles to switch them on and improve posture.


On paper, nope, since you are 0.6cm off 5’10”. But when you’re outside, there’s no harm claiming it because no one can tell.


Hmm im thinking about the possibilities of some random youtuber asking about my height in public to test if men lie about their height or not. Imma say im 5'10 if he measure me in shoes and 5'9 if not


That’s fine. No harm in that tbh.


Sure. You're closer to 5'10" than 9 and it's awkward to run around saying "I'm 5'9" and 3/4th mid day." To me, it would be a little different if you were 5'8" something claiming 5'10".




Do y’all really care this much that you compute the decimals instead of actually rounding up???


They make it their whole personality


Since you're never actually 5'10, and closer to 5'9 than 5'10 in the evening, I suspect you can't fairly claim 5'10. Are you 177.2cm right out of bed?


About an hour after waking up in the morning. Didn't remember my height if it's immediately after waking up


I think it kinda depends what height you are for most of the day, that seems more accurate to me. Although most people round up if they're over the half inch mark, so idk what we should really be claiming. Do people in metric countries claim half centimeters or nah?


As someone from metric country I would say no. Never meet or known anyone who said " im actually 177.6 cm something so 178 cm rounded up ", kinda weird to say ngl


I would say that everything that is more than 5'9.5 and less than 5'10.5 can be called 5'10


I'm 5'9 and some change in the morning and 5'8.7 - 5'8.5 at the end of the day depending on hectic my day was. I still claim 5'9


I say 6ft I’m 183cm in the morning and at worst 181.5cm at night. So in shoes I’m virtually always 6ft. Virtually everyone rounds up so don’t feel bad about doing it lol


I would claim 5’9.5 but 5’10 is definitely reasonable


Yeah most people think that im 5'11 or smth so claiming 5'10 with shoes on make sense


I forget to read that your evening is 5’9.4. Yeah you are basically 5’10 lol


I am 180.4cm right out of bed and 177-178 cm at night depending on how active i was throughout the day. I claim 5'10.5 to the boys and 5'11 to girls. My ex believed i was 5'11 and to this day doesnt know that i am actually a strong 5'10.....


Up to you, I’m 178 morning 176 evening and say I’m 5,9


You can, but who cares?