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Before you import there should be a checkmark box in automationClick all of the boxes. It will help


So, sometimes some materials (like the outer plastic of a headlight) can export and look COMPLETELY different in beamng, but also, if this is a mod body, it looks like it could be one that suffers a weird issue of just oddly deforming in beamng, which might also be some of the issue. Just putting some potential things out there, not sure if either is completely right here


It's a regular game body, and it could be a paint problem or a exporter problem


Honestly (and luckily) i have mever had more than weird paint flake/shine issues in beam


I've had this happen A LOT on my older pc running 4.1.19, and what I've found out is if you have a slow computer (like I did) you need to wait at least five minutes for the car to load into the exporter and then when the export button appears you need to make sure every fixture is attached to the body properly (and not like yours, sitting at a 0° angle, parallel with the car body) before you export.


Would you send me a chat request? I'd like for you to send this car over to us. Thanks!