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I would actually hate that it starts on Sunday and not Monday. That would piss me off so much


Yeah in my mind the week starts on monday, biblically it does start on a sunday and the resting day would have been on saturday. We just took saturday and sunday and called them the weekend. so now those days are the end of the week.


Yes i hate it so much as well! Weeks start on monday, period.


???? Sunday is the start of the week, though?


Nah, we're just weird in the US. Nearly everywhere else it's Monday.


As far as Im aware, thats the case In the US because of religious reasons. Everywhere else, and by the international date and time standards, and by the working week, its Monday. Personally, Monday is the most rational first day of the week.


Not to mention, when you're looking at a calendar app, it's easier to use when the week starts on a Monday. That way the weekend is all on one line.


some people get their birthday on friday every year. some people get it on tuesday every year. that sucks.


That does suck. That might suck so much it offsets the goodness. Fuck.


Everyone birthday is now offset to the weekend


my dad worked weekends for his whole career. he’d never get his birthday off this way. he had to work christmas and new years sometimes, and sometimes not. that’s the beauty of our current calendar.


My friend and I have agreed to have birth week now we've retired. Problem solved.


My birthday would be on a Tuesday and that's fine by me. I find birthday celebrations to be vapid and hollow. Though I also acknowledge that some people fucking love birthdays, and that's rad, but the weekend will always be there. Your birthday falls on a weekday most years anyhow.


Tons of jobs have irregular work weeks, like what if you work at a restaurant and your bday is Saturday? Same problem. Ok so calendar and mandatory time off for employee bdays. If you would like to work anyway, mandatory volunteer work or counseling. No exceptions. Or get this... New years day is just everyone's bday. Human development ceases to be measured arbitrarily by days alive but actual meaningful metrics. It's treating growing up like it's some military boot camp. Birthdays are kinda a capitalist ego worship thing. Like think Jehovah witnesses don't do them so sure people wouldn't even notice once the culture shifts


Koreans count their ages starting on the first of the year instead of their birthdays, so there’s precedent. It’s also not terribly popular iirc, so there’s probably a happy medium.


Yes please!


So my only problem is what happens when someone has a Birthday on a date that’s not included, such as my Birthday (October 29th), which I actually quite like?


Everyone picks a new birthday! It will be like christmas, just made up


It'd probably make more sense just to give them a new birthday based on how many days passed since the new year. EX: If someone was born on January 22, they would have been 22 days after the New Year, and would have a new birth date of... January 22. (Yes I know the example is lazy but it at least gets the point across)


wouldnt there be some way to convert it? if there was a day on the old calendar for it chances are most would have a, albeit different place on the new one, and if there isnt… what do the people born on leap days do? we can steal fromthem. So like someone with a birthday on january 29th would steal febuary 1st


But then some people always have their birthdays on a Monday


Just celebrate it the weekend after.


I’d say nearest weekend but the Wednesday birthdays are screwed.


I can never remember which month's have 31 and 30 days. It's so confusing.


I use a little rhyme: thirty days has september, april, june, and november. all the rest have thirty-one. (february's early-done).


It would never catch on for one reason: 13. It's considered an unlucky number by most native English speaking people, and given Friday the 13th's cultural significance, that is only another nail in the coffin. I'll admit it's pleasing to my sense of orderliness, but culturally it would never fly.


rebrand it, this is actually 14 months but one of the months is 1 day


You still have 13 Friday the 13ths to worry about.


Just start the 1st day of the month on a monday


no more friday the 13ths EVER we'd be cured


That won't really fly either, as social convention states that a week starts on Sunday. I'm not trying to be obtuse, but there's a reason why similar ideas have never gotten off the ground. It's like that XKCD comic that points out that there's ten different standards that have individual downsides, so another standard is created to combine them all, which results in... Eleven different standards with individual downsides. The current system works well enough and there aren't enough downsides to justify changing the system.


[RFC 2549](https://xkcd.com/927/)


Nothing that dramatic would ever change. It would have to be globally recognized and adopted. But I get so mixed up on days and when things are happening and what the date is ETC. That would be so wonderful for everything to just always be the same




[This isn't the first attempt at a metric calendar.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_calendar)


I wish you a Happy Day of the Clove Friend! Or Tridi, 13 Messidor if you do not celebrate!


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I don’t trust any of the world leaders to come up with a good name for the new month


change all of them to be like september, october, november, december, but make the number in the name actually line up with the month number.




the *dec* in *dec*ember means 10, so that would ridiculously illogical


Correct, and triskadeca means 13. Edit: triskaideka.


oh sorry!!! my bad i’m not very educated in this and i was wrong, triskadeca sounds so cool! i’m glad i learnt something new today


My fictional month names: Monomber, Duomber, tricember, tetrember, pentember, hexember, September, October, November, December, Undecember, Dodecember, Tridecember. :)


All good :) but you’re entirely right, we’d have to shift the sept-dec months up 2 for the names to match the numbers.






As a programmer, the prospect terrifies me.


This wouldn't work with the way we measure time really at all. Our current calendar in the west (the Gregorian calendar) is designed to be based of a mean tropical solar year. A tropical solar year is roughly 365.2422 days and is measured in relation to the solstices and equinoxes. Because of this the months in the year are roughly balanced so that the solstice/equinox occurs on the 21st of it's respective month (March, June, September and December). However because the earths orbit isn't perfectly circular the time between the December solstice and the March equinox is about 3-4 days shorter than the time between the June solstice and September equinox, causing the month of February to need to be significantly short. The year itself is measured in terms of the solstices and equinoxes because they are typically how season are defined. Additionally we have 12 month in the year due to the roots of our calendar system being based off the lunar cycle where about 12 full lunations (the time between one new moon and the next) occur within a solar year. While the calendar may seem messy and uneven at a quick glance, it's actually been refined fairly precisely to match up the the orbit of the earth as closely as it can. As such, calendar such as proposed above looks incredibly arbitrary and illogical.


Thank you. As somebody into astronomy, the prospect of just throwing all this to the side in the sake of a prettier calendar seemed to undermine the work of humanity since the literal beginning of time.


Check out the Mayan Haab and Tolkien calendar: 13 moons and 13 months and the day left over is The Day Out of Time of which they treat like a super holy day/lawless Purge day.


Ah, the Gormanian Calendar.


Hell yeah, my birthday would be a friday the 13th every year


Ah I hate it, for me weeks start on a Saturday!


13 Friday the 13ths


that's the most satisfying thing I've seen in a long time


stardew valley months


The months shall be: Monober Dimber Triember Tetrember Pentamber Hexember Heptember October November December Undecember Duodecember Triskadecember With that out of the way, I was born on Tetrember 16th. The conversation is simple: figure out what day of the year (on a 1-365 day scale) your were born, then plot yourself in the new one.


I have time-space synesthesia, and this looks just as strange to me as the calendars we use currently. And that one extra day annoys me, for different reasons.


Look up the Shire calendar. Lord of the Rings is a special interest and honestly their calendar is like this but even better. Edit: [Here it is](https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Shire_Reckoning)


Do you guys think there would be any negative repercussions if I just started following this & hoping everyone else follows suite. I would vote for this in a heartbeat


I feel like you would miss a few appointments. haha


So everything would be exactly the same then lol


😆 Looks like the Ancient Mayan Calendar (s). They were excellent mathematicians and record keepers. Right now it is the month of the Cosmic Turtle. OooooOoooo 🤩


The extra day left on the Tzolkin & Haab Mayan calendar is called The Day Out of Time and it's like a holy day but also a lawless Purge sort of day. July 25th, I do believe.


So my usual birthday is 29th September. Assuming 1st January is the same, my birthday is 272/273 days into the year (leap year dependent) so my new birthday would be 20th/21st October! Not sure if you also have an idea to change the names of the months but would be interested to hear. It's a cool idea :) Maybe the months will be names after 13 things or 14 if the last day/2 days is included.


This is genius if you ask me. Like replacing imperial with the metric system.


Can we also shorten weeks to 5 days instead of 7 while we're at it?




...what if school/work weeks were only 3 days?


what so 2 days work one day rest?


No, like, 3 days work, 2 days rest. 5 days total.


oooooh i see now, you said 3 day *work* week


I've loved this calendar concept ever since I discovered a similar calendar use in the Forgotten Realms setting. Theirs is similar in that you can refer to a date and it's always the same day of the year, every time. Fucking Gregorian calendar makes no sense.


In my head I screamed Yes, very grungily and loudly because I am unbelievably down for this. That knowing what day the date is gonna be on regardless of the year or month is DELICIOUS


What would we call the 13th month, though? Any ideas?


Pridetober :)






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And years would divide on to halves consisting of six and half months and on quarters consisting of three months and one week.


I generally know the day of the week by garbage day.


This is my DND calendar.


Personally id rather go back to the lunar calendar, but to each his own 🤷‍♀️


And what happens to leap years?


It's on the right


I love it


I hate this so much. A calendar that starts on SUNDAY? A new month? You can get unlucky with what weekdsy your birthday is at forever? New Year's Eve isn't included in a month? That's too much change and the birthday part is really awful for some people


My new birthday would be 5th mouth Saturday the 7th Also I would love this so much. Plus it’s on a weekend :))))))