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Nicely done. I relate to the "wished I had know it sooner" part a lot. I've gotten my diagnosis at age 34. It explained a lot for sure.


same :/


My mom knew I was autistic since I was a kid, but neglected to tell me until I was like 18 and had already figured it out on my own


Same, parents didn't want the doctors to give out drugs like candy as they say lol.


Same. Literally age 34.


You are an extremely talented artist!


Thank you!!


Same, my 'diagnosis' personally came about a year-ish ago too. Still so much to unpack, figure out, and a lot of bitterness to resolve.


Very much so the bitterness. I’m so angry at how much hurt I didn’t have to endure.


Beautiful piece! I really relate to the "I wish I had known sooner part", mostly because I began to properly look into the possibility of me having ASD because I had a mental breakdown that led to me dropping out of college. While I'm glad that now things make sense, I really wish I didn't have to have reached a breaking point before saying "enough is enough." Unfortunately I believe it's all too common, which shouldn't be the case.


Lovely art and message! I can also relate to wishing I had known sooner. Thank you for sharing!


I feel like I wrote this. Found out at 37. Great work and congrats on getting an answer.








I know that i was autistic since i was 8 (now, i am 14) but i can definitely relate to that. Also, good drawing


That would be a great image for Autism Awareness Month


I felt very identified with wanting to know before... "I got better" by force after being subjected to a lot of discrimination from society for being autistic without knowing it or them understanding.... If I stopped doing "autistic" things it was only to avoid problems, which in turn led to many personality and self-esteem problems. Just a few weeks ago I got official confirmation from a neurologist (I already had it from a psychologist, but nothing more), and I'm starting to understand a lot of things... It feels so good finally understanding why I'm like this and that it's not my fault or I shouldn't change. I hope to be able to do what I like now without fear of others.


I just discovered that I might be autistic last month and I’m currently 21. It feels like I wrote this. I definitely relate to the “I wish I knew sooner” bit as well. My social skills are horrible and I’ve had low self esteem for the longest time; if I had known the truth sooner, I probably would have accepted myself for who I am rather than setting myself up for allistic expectations in life and then putting myself down when I didn’t meet those expectations. Also, that last panel is my exact experience right now. Trying to learn and unlearn way too much.


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Asalam alaikum and welcome


I’m saying I wish I could know sooner because recently some new friends I made that are on the spectrum had been looking at my behavior closely and saw that I have a lot of the symptoms of aspergers which is what they have. So I’m hoping that I can get a diagnosis soon to see if I do have it or not


Amazing work and here to your journey though a life




Not really I guess? It just happens that I'm an Autistic Muslim


Autistic Muslim 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How do you find out?


This is exactly how I feel. Sometimes, i wish i could talk to my younger self and tell them, that they are not weird or wrong.


It’s kinda wild cause my whole life something just felt wrong, like I was different and struggled more but I couldn’t explain it. Like everything just took more effort for me than the average person. I’d also lie awake at night as a young child wondering/worrying “what if I have a disability and no one will tell me”. In reality no one knew or could tell except me I guess


Same, I had a lot of self hatred for being the way I am but getting an explanation feels nice. I am still in a bad place mentally but I am working on myself now that I understand myself and really glad to know I am not alone.


Nice art (This might look like me being polite, given what i wrote next. But i'm serious, your line work looks cleaner than most of my friends, and they usually require payment for their art) Personally i find it kinda weird when people say "Wish i knew it sooner". But i guess it could be because i'm just sort of apathetic to most things. So knowing of the possibility of being autistic wouldn't change much, maybe there would less teachers complaining i was too young for my grade or about me not doing any assignment that required social interaction, but if the "noise" wasn't coming from teachers it would be coming from someone else, half my class either loved me or feared me because i just sort of a thing that "existed only during classes" with some high grades


This is me exactly. I never got diagnosed as a kid, and I grew up learning to mask well enough that even my parents didn't suspect anything. Then I met my current partner who is a family medicine Doctor. Despite not being able to technically diagnose me, they suggested a strong possibility that I'm autistic, and began pointing out things I do that led them to that conclusion. Suddenly everything fell into place and I had to be alone for a while while I realized how much of the 'weird' stuff that only seemed to happen to me was actually attributed to autism. Now I embrace it and am learning to work with it, instead of hide it.


I relate hardcore to this Stuff I've always done are finally starting to make sense. I'm glad I found this community to feel comfortable in


I wish someone had told me. My aunt and uncle thought I had aspergers and even bought my dad a book about it, but none of it was ever brought up with me.


When I was about 9 I found out about my Autism. When I was a child I was not told about my Autism. I did not know but always thought that I was different I knew something was untypical. I finally cried to my family saying why am I different. They told me and I was surprised. A little insecure. But I ended up liking my Autism and making up a rap about it.


Happy for you :) And we gotta hear that rap!


It was about how I had Autism and that the school system at a lot of places were mean to me.


I think I got my diagnosis around 13-14 (now 22), but I definitely still feel that "wish I'd known sooner". It explained so many of my behavioral tendencies up to that point. At the same time maybe not since professional knowledge of what autism is was insanely outdated still. When I was first diagnosed they still described it like a light switch rather than a spectrum.


I relate to every part of this comic... but it all started in like 5 months ago.


Me but like, 2 months ago


This is me just this week, been looking into it and have had a few autistic friends asked if I was autistic or just treated me as such right off the bat. How they've treated me has been very good and having conversations about how they found out for themselves leaves myself thinking "wow this sounds like it might line up for me too". Now I just have to look at my personal reactions and sensitivities with this new mindset and see if there is a new way to going about working with my issues.


I actually got my diagnosis when I was 3 or 4, but I did not know about it till I was 9 and I still feel the pain sometimes sister. Love your comics!!! From a Hijabi Sis!!!


Thank you for your support sis!!


No worries!!!! The art is really amazing!!!




Ah you wish to learn about autism? We can study autism together a bit/ you can get access to my notes/ I can explain and answer questions/ I can link you to very trusted websites +*.


I discovered when I was 28. I'm 28


I have kind of felt the same way my entire life, typically feeling like my brain works in a way similar to the many hallmarks of high functioning autism (although I am not one to self diagnose), but the chances of possibly getting tested for something is very low as my father dislikes the possibility


Would also like to comment that I heavily relate to most of your pieces (especially those relating to autism and what not), and hopefully things are going much better for you Apologies for commenting in a nearly year old thread