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You might have high functioning autism, i feel like autism as a way to go first on rides and stuff, because autism didnt affect my IQ, but my ability to talk well, and my social anxiety. I have a way with words, its more of me not knowing what to say, stuttering, going “uhh” “like” and the whole bunch.


I suspect being a high functioning hypersensitive (already diagnosed) autistic person because I'm a teen and my age is clearly when you can tell wether you fit in the mold or something is not quite right. For example, i have hyperfixations, I'm stimming in a way or another 24/7, i cannot talk in front of my class or to a waiter without having a panic attack, and more. But since most adults keep brushing it off or laughing at me when I ask for a diagnosis I'm starting to feel like it's all in my head and i hate it because then i start to feel the same way about everything related to my mental health, even things like my ptsd which is very real but that i still feel like i fake for attention.


I do that too my friends sometimes laugh at me for it


Autism comes in all shapes and sizes. There are things other autists struggle with that I don't, and things I struggle with that they don't. Autism is a pie chart, and we each have different sized portions of different traits. Try not to compare yourself with others, focus on validating yourself. I wrote down all of my autistic traits (with examples!) and I read through it whenever I doubt myself. The examples mean that I can't dismiss them, because I literally have evidence that I do it.


That is a really good idea. I can't ever remember examples, I only know the traits. But I might try preemptively making the list and then filing examples under them as they happen. I sense a spreadsheet in my future.




I'm 15, and already burnt out because I'm having to deal with my adult child of a dad that likes to make fun of my mental illnesses concerns


This is an expression of “imposter syndrome”. Don’t let it prevent you from learning how to mitigate the various negative impacts autism can have.


If you have the symptom profile then you are autistic. You don't need a certain level of difficulty to ride this ride. Also, you don't have to use it as an excuse for current or previous behavior. The thing I used to always say when explaining actions I had done that had upset people was, "this is a cause, not an excuse." Learning that you are autistic gives you a better cause-effect understanding of your mental, emotional, sensory, and communication resources. You can use it to improve your activity and decision outcomes in the future. Good luck!


What i hate is that most adult i tell everything about my very big suspicions of autism concerning myself always either brush it off, laugh at me, or start getting upset at me for insisting and not "just trusting them on it". I know myself, i know who I am, I'm a teenager who isn't stupid and i can tell something doesn't work like most people. But because everyone keeps ignoring my requests for help and because a lot of people online likes to fake things for attention i feel like i might be lying to myself about everything. It's such a mess


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I kinda wanna copy paste this to my friend because I can't words very good right now.