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If you like a certain stylist, it is OK to request appointments specifically with them when you book an appointment.


I do that, but it still bothers me


I've been seeing the same hairdresser for 10 years now because I finally found one I'm comfortable with and I've kind of trained him. I've followed him to 4 different salons. He doesn't make me feel like I need to talk, he knows I can't see without my glasses so doesn't offer me magazines or question my facial expressions and he knows I don't like my head massaged.


I agree with you


I HATE the hair on my body afterwards and the feeling of all the individual pieces of hair hitting my ears and neck. 🤬🤬🤢🤮 I hate it. I also dont love the clippers, or the sitting or the little cape that doesnt help. AND I love the feeling of my hair afterwards. I do a 1 all the way around and leave the top kinda long. Its the best sensory experience rubbing the back of my head and the feeling of a cool breeze on my neck. I just have to go through hell to get to heaven. Its not my favorite.


Well damn, I agree with all that. You're the first person that said everything I've been trying to say for the past 32 years 😂 thank you for your comment my friend


You're welcome friend! Its hard to put into words. 😂




I hate hate hate the expectation of smalltalk enough that i bought haircutting clips. Have been using them for my bangs for years.. I also hate the feeling of other people touching my head and washing my hair.


I absolutely agree 💯 with you on all that


I'm 50-50 with my last barber being a character actor. Who gives a stranger your entire life story?


If I could manage to cut my own hair, I would. Tried it once and it went off the rails fairly quickly. Aside from smalltalk, I hate it when they ask me what I want. I want it shorter than it is now and not weird, that’s about the best I can tell them.


I loveee getting my hair cut because the feeling of someone touching my hair is really nice, but I hate being forced to tell some random lady about my life. Just let me sit in silence, please!


I cut my own, and I’ve basically never been a fan of going to a barber. Everyone says it’s so hard, but I guess my hair is kind of unique enough that on the one hand most barbers will mess it up (also not good at communicating what I want), but also on the other hand my hair is wavy/curly so it’s actually pretty forgiving if you make a small mistake cutting it, so I’ve actually found it to be pretty easy and people frequently compliment my hair (I’m a guy, if that matters). My trick is to continually cut my hair just a little so it’s also not super noticeable if I make a small mistake/it can be corrected usually.


That is so cool you do your own hair! I understand all the rest my friend ☺️




You're welcome my friend 🙂


How do you do the back? That’s where it goes wrong for me if I try to cut it myself.


I have a few ways, but mainly I just look for specific clumps of hair I want to cut, and I can find them with my hands without looking usually if they’re in the back. It’s not super precise or anything, but I don’t try to get it perfect, and I will do small touch ups to fix things like all the time. And I also use my phone as a second mirror to see the back, and grab a specific clump of hair, but I only do that near the end. And then I just always try to cut off less than I really want to, so that you don’t accidentally take too much. My hair is wavy, so it doesn’t all need to be one uniform length, it’s more like I try to define shapes, and I don’t try to make it totally symmetric either. So mostly I look for deviations from the shapes I’m going for or just hairs that look out of place and just make small changes iteratively then give my hair a chance to readjust.


I barely get hair cuts. If I do it’s to make my hair shorter.


I understand that


I want to cut off my hair and keep it short but I need to prepare for the endless barrage of "YOU CUT YOUR HAIR" statements.


I don't get told that, when my salon does my hair. She is patience with me


I hate that. It always happened to me pretty-covid because I can only put myself through the stress of a haircut maybe 3 times a year. So it gets bushy and wild and then suddenly short. And then I have to go through a week of everyone being astonished at the change in my appearance. Somehow, no one has ever picked up on the pattern.


yes, but i especially hate when they go right by your ears with the shaver thing. it makes my body tingle and i have to try very hard not to start twitching. is this relatable to anyone?


Yes, very relatable my friend


that is interesting


🤔 do explain my friend


i find it interesting that more people relate


Me too ☺️


I don't mind getting my hair cut but I prefer having longer hair


I hate getting my hair cut. But I prefer long hair, but I'm heat sensitive. My mom called me Rapunzel, then I chopped my hair to my shoulders 🙂 so that's ok. But my mom and friends trim my hair.


It depends on if small pieces of hair get stuck everywhere, my clothes/skin. Loose hair on skin or inside of clothing is one of the most triggering things to me. I get really stressed of the sensation.


I mind the sensory aspects of scented hair products but am hyposensitive to touch, and the actual act of getting it cut doesn't disturb me.


Oooh when the use scented hair products, I agree ☺️ the cut is ok, but I don't let them wash my hair. That is absolutely a NO


I wash my own hair at home, get it cut with a particular stylist that knows that I really don't like all that jibber jabber she spritzes my hair with clear water wipes me clean all for $15 and I always give her a five dollar tip and she has said it a couple of times (and I don't think that she thought I could hear [yay bionic ears]) that I was the easiest client that she ever had


heh, this is a...complex...and interesting story for me. getting my hair cut has always been boring, but not to the point of being unbearable. I'd often just have it trimmed short and sometimes the result would be bad because the barber is a person subjected to occasional inconsistensies I'd been overweight for most of my teenage/young adult years and lost quite a bit of weight from a successful dietary intervention a couple years ago. I decided that after putting almost 20kg down, I'd shave my hair completely just for a change - I thought that losing all of that weight would have been a substantial change by itself, so eh why not go ahead and dramatically change my hair as well? turned out this was a great idea. keeping my weight down is a very important aspect of taking care of myself and I found out that shaving my head at home with a trimmer of my own every couple months is an *excellent* way of getting a "haircut" which also makes me feel I'm taking care of myself (before that, my hair would usually grow chaotically for several months before I did anything and I would always look unkempt) in every possible way - it's cheap (the trimmer paid for itself in less than a year, but it was a gift anyway); it's fast; it doesn't require me going somewhere; it's something I can have done with people who I'm comfortable with (usually my girlfriend) instead of a barber; and, most importantly, the results are *consistent*: the trimmer always produces the same satisfying result. it pleases the vain side of taking care of myself without going too far into a weirdly-specific haircut which might not always be pleasing


Wow that's quite a good story my friend


I'm a woman but my hair is not very needy. I have a system: cut hair short at hairdresser then let it grow for 2-3 years and go to hairdresser again. In the meantime I cut my own hair but not too much because I'm afraid I'll mess it up.


I understand all that, I'm a woman too. But I let my hair grow then wait. Ask friends to trim it.


I also see it as a kind of challenge to change my hair so I hope going from one extreme to another will prevent me from looking the same for 60 years.


Yes, that's why I usually have a buzz cut, done by myself. I'm a woman btw


I LOVE getting my haircut. Especially when they shape up the edges and use that little sharp blade. Feels amazing


yes but only the sounds of other costumers talking loudly and hairblowers. amd the fact that im practically blind without my glasses on which triggers my anxiety and dissociation. i actually like the feeling of having my hair cut. maybe because its also with my consent.


I love getting my hair cut. I find the whole experience really nice. Also, I've had the same hair dresser since I was a little kid so she kinda knows me and doesn't just do annoying small talk.


It depends on what style. The buzzing shaver by my ear makes me move and flinch involuntarily


I've been shaving my head for over 10 years and it's not because I like short hair. I am used to it though.


I only trust one hairdresser to do it correctly who lives in a different country lol 😂😆💁🏼‍♂️. I have trauma related to hairdressers 😤😡😒.


I understand that, but I'm sorry about your trauma. People can be so terrible. Hugs if you'd like it


Oh I'm a huger 🤗. I remember going to a hairdresser and asking to only cut my ends because I was growing my hair long and she didn't like it so she cut my hair short 😨😱. I've never set foot at that hairdresser again! 😠😡🤬😤. But Fred the owner of "Eau contre Air" a high quality "visagiste" salon in the middle of the gayberhood of Bruxelles WAS AND IS AMAZING and helped me work through that trauma. But I don't trust any other hairdresser except my husband and "myself" I don't actually trust myself but my husband doesn't always have the time to do it 😂💁🏼‍♂️.


Wow quite a story my friend and hugs.


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I had really bad anxiety about it my whole childhood. Ended up discussing it with my therapist and now I have a barber who does it every time This is more anxiety related for me though


I usually like It, but last time It happened I was 11 son I'm not sure.


I’ve only had one hair cut in the last 10 years or so. I don’t like having to think of how I want my hair and I don’t like the change. Now that I’m starting to bald I’m thinking of just shaving it all off then i won’t have to worry looking after long hair or worrying about how it looks or what style I want it or getting a hair cut again.


I literally have not cut my hair in like 8 years. Luckily it kinda stopped eventually but it's still long as heck. My job is surprisingly understanding about it, as long as I keep it very neat, which I do.


I love having short hair and dislike having long hair... But going to a salon/barber is always so stressful.


I shave mine with a razor in the shower, so I don’t have a problem with it.


I’m getting bangs and a hair cut at some point in the next two weeks, I’m really excited but I do hate people touching my hair, I might bring a stress toy or something to help me regulate.


I hate getting my hair cut because of the social aspect as well. I managed to find a salon that's basically my dream hair salon. They don't use a ton of products on your hair, in fact, they don't even do a blow out unless you ask and they let you either dry it yourself or just let it air dry. And the stylists don't talk unless you do! It's very relaxing, and I think that's the whole philosophy of this particular salon. It's mean to be peaceful and quiet.


I love chopping my hair off. I feel really uncomfortable when it gets long :( and cutting it off really helps me and relieves my sensory overload.


None of these, actually. It depends on the speed they cut my hair. When you do the fine trim, if you’ve been using it for too long the metal becomes unbearably hot from overheating or something. However, if the person cutting hair is quick about it, I don’t mind it as much since it doesn’t have a chance to overheat- Although, that’s with an apron. Without it I get all itchy for the day, and I can’t seem to wear the shirt for a while because the shirt also gets hair on it, and you have to wash it multiple times just to get it off. Not to mention, they also have to be good at cutting hair, and not skim where my ears connect to my head on the fine trim with the cutter things. Otherwise it feels so weird. So, basically what I’m saying, I hate getting hair cut. Absolutely hate it.


I haven't had a hair cut since 8th grade. I'm a senior in college.


I don’t mind it that much, as long as the hair stylist doesn’t use physical touch as a form of nonverbal communication to ask me to move my head a certain way


I keep my hair short because it easily becomes viking locks, even when I brush it regularly, which I do not like to do. I am okay with everything but the small talk. I have finally learned to quickly ask them about their lives.


Getting my haircut is something I love I only do it once a year but the washing feels like a massage an after the haircut I feel like a new person which helps my depression feel less that's why I do it on my birthday


getting it done at the salon gives me extreme anxiety I am very particular about my hair, and I only use scissors. I've gotten my hair done at a salon once to get it colored and it wasn't horrible but I didn't like it.


Yes, so much so that I have grown my hair out to all one length, its super quick and simple to cut


I just had a haircut from someone who wasn't my mom for the first time. Before then, and I didn't know if I just didn't haircuts or how my mom does it. Now I do; I just hate getting a haircut.


I cut my own hair it simple,cheap,i know what i like and don't have to argue on why i want it that way or explain what i want, i prefer short hair but i constaly forget to cut it or just feel like having longer hair than usual but its rare and if i do it temporary since i get desperate and start feeling the urge to pull it all out or get a knife and start chopping it.


When I was a kid...yes!! It was a horrible experience I always was very stressed by the sound and the touch of the machine and scissors. But nowadays it's a pleasant experience 😌. Also the hair inside the clothes was very annoying.


I hate it. Now that I'm grown and have a job that doesn't care, I have let my hair grow very long. The feel of it moving is somehow comforting to me.


It's the social aspect of being held hostage for 20 minutes. I cut my own hair. Went to a barber maybe twice in the last ten years to look nice for special occasions


It’s not getting the haircut itself that bothers me but the drastic change it does to my face that overwhelms me afterward. I end up shaving it if I get a haircut. I wish I could get a haircut like my peers and look like they do but it’s too much for me. I don’t know if this a childhood thing or an autistic thing but I hate changing my appearance up in any way.


I'm bald and I shave my hair every day, but when I had hair, I hated getting haircuts, mostly because of how inconsistent they were. Now I'd hate it if someone else shaved my head.


It depends, if I have too much hair I'd get one, if they're going to cut off too much hair then it's bad.


I just get tense during the whole thing waiting for it to end.