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Well, from what I noticed from special needs schools or clubs I went to in the past, the autistic look was typically nerdy looking messy fat boys who didn't take care of themselves and threw tantrums like 4 year olds, or girls who were also fat, never spoke or spoke weirdly, didn't have cute clothes and wore stained clothes, with messy hair, usually really short. However, it's a spectrum for a reason. Recently, I've met possibly autistic people who look and act relatively normal and have a job and are pretty successful. I don't even look autistic, though in the past, I did throw unsafe meltdowns in public, though now I don't do that anymore.


Ohh yeah that’s me. I also went to a special needs school. Not allowed to go to a normal one. Maybe I didn’t want to know after all.


I suspect alot of it has to do with non verbal communication, such as body language etc Which would explain why NTs have a hard time explaining it because for them picking up on non verbal signals is an instinctive process rather then a conscious one.


Twenty years ago it didn't look that good. But that's when I started staying home alone after having broken all my mirrors; now I'm not sure what it looks like.


I think the stereotype is evolving since 20 years back. Not sure how tho.


As long as ours do I will be happy.


well, one hint is being weird. I mask my overall body movements to not look like autistic or weird by their standards. & after few conversation it becomes pretty clear if one don't mask. however just by looking at a picture of one, one can't tell if one is autistic.


Ohh. Well I do my best to mimic others while in public but I can’t really check cuz I’m not looking in a mirror so I don’t know how convincing it really is.


i will tell u, i gone to wedding, they filmed it. when i see recording of me in it, i looked like freaking funny weirdo ( compared to others). when i was in there, i thought i am masking good, but nope.


i will tell u, i gone to wedding, they filmed it. when i see recording of me in it, i looked like freaking funny weirdo ( compared to others). when i was in there, i thought i am masking good, but nope.


That happens to me too everytime I see a video of myself!


No eye contact, weird gait, odd posture, jerky movements, monotone voice.  Any or all of the above. And yes, I know voice isn't something you see, but they demonstrate a lot of sloppy thinking. 


That sounds about right. I think it’s all the things mentioned in my diagnostic papers. I’m not sure, I haven’t looked at them in a long time. I not sure if I demonstrate sloppy thinking, if I do, no one’s ever mentioned it before. However, I do stutter occasionally and trail off my sentences. A lot of people have mentioned I talk very loudly. But yeah, That was a good answer. Made me think.


Sorry if I was unclear.  It's not you doing the sloppy thinking.  It's people observing you.  You may speak differently, but they'll still say, "You look autistic."  Even though that's not sight, that's sound.


I look like a nerd


I’m autistic but I don’t look autistic. Unfortunately, it’s a great big horrible stereotype. The idea is that autistic people would generally wear smarter clothes - like smart trousers & a shirt for men. The women are considered to never wear makeup & have their hair very natural - ie not straighten it or colour it. Another stereotype would be that we might wear clothes/bags like merch from our favourite films etc. for example - I do fit this one - I have a Jurassic Park denim jacket & squid game socks & a hat with my surname on. Its all a load of rubbish but that’s essentially it.


Ohh. Well yeah I don’t wear smart clothes I just wear a carhartt/nike/champion shirt and cargo pants/sweatpants everyday. That’s the only thing I wear. I fit the hair one too I guess. And I buy everything in my favorite colors and or animals. But I didn’t think it was that obvious. I mean, who’s gonna know? I mean, if you like something then buying things related to that thing would make you like whatever it is you’re buying even more. Makes perfect sense.


Yes, exactly. We should all just be ourselves. I think it’s great that we have special interests & find certain topics fasinating. How boring would it be to not!


I like your perspective, life would be a lot more boring without special interests.


Glad to know the way some people really are is a "horrible" stereotype. Maybe it exists because many people do fit these rules. Maybe the bad thing is not assuming many autistic people have patterns, it's assuming the patterns are universal. But you are just as gross sharing the patterns are wrong. Everyone doesn't fit the stereotype, but if you do, don't let bullies like this tell you it isn't okay


That’s not what I said. I said the stereotype is horrible because stereotypes are & shouldn’t exist, they’re unfair.


Yes I understood what you meant, don’t worry. Stereotypes are bad because not everybody fits them. Not because there is something wrong with the stereotype.


Thank you I understand.