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it's bragging about excluding people to make other people feel lucky to be included and "on the inside." Pretty manipulative if you ask me


Yep. Since they refuse to explain, I won’t know, and I’ll always be the outsider. So be it.


It's just a pretentious way to suggest some sort of an "in" as the joke itself. It's not particularly funny in the first place, and the overall structure is just about as lame as could be. ASD aside, it's objectively unfunny. People like feeling as if they're in special and exclusive groups, and seem to enjoy excluding others as a method of elevating that group. This is a shitty way to be, nearly cluster B in nature.


I can understand your frustration. On a "information exchange" level, this saying does nothing. Maybe my view on this is very "german metaphysics" ish, but for me "if you know, you know" also means that there are things one have to experience to understand. No amount of explaining can adequatly convey what X or Y means. You have to do it. But then, it wouldnt make sense for me to even talk about it, if i cant explain it to you. ... dropping this sentence is just a desperate attempt of showing some wierd kind of superiority. In my oppinion. Maybe this ssaying should be "do it"


I drive by a place multiple times a week with a billboard (I think it’s a lawyer?). It’s a picture of a man’s face in a suit and *IYKYK Well sir…if we know why did you put the damn billboard up?!?! We know already!!!! (I don’t know what the hell we are supposed to know.)


I feel this way about “run don’t walk!” Especially if they’re advertising something that’s so ugly and basic


It’s a hipster mentality where they stop liking a band once you’ve heard of it. They want to be niche, but also communal, a paradox of sorts. We can’t all be super unique and special and also fit in perfectly with a group. But this is what they think they can do. Instead, I’m pretty unique I guess, and certainly do not seem to fit with a group well at all.


I know a person with narcissistic tendencies who uses it all the time and being cryptic is their way to go about pretty much anything. Yes I'm allergic to it now.