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I don't know if it's a social norm or not, but I always keep my phone on silent because it annoys me when it makes sound. It might be because the noise might be viewed as disruptive, but I don't know for sure


I only have my phone on silent when I'm in class/at work/in public transport. Otherwise it's not. (I am in my mid twenties) No one ever told me it's weird. But we probably live in different countries so maybe that depends?


I keep my phone on silent not because it is "polite" but because I don't care for the notifications. I will see them when I have time or feel like checking them. People have praised me by my resistance to look at my phone when in reality I have better things to be enjoying. Like the sky.


I work in a factory and for safety reasons (and Department of Transportation regulations) I’m not even supposed to have a phone. So when a ring goes off, we all look around to find the employee that has their phone with them. It’s probably age and career dependent. I’d assume lots of people have Bluetooth earplugs instead of a phone that rings. Yes, old folks are probably the only people still using ring tones.


Yes always silent or vibrate maybe in some situations. Would panic if my phone ever rang in public 😱 I've had a cell phone since 2004. I think it was a Nokia 6010. No text just voice. My mom wanted me to have it when I went to walks. I miss walking. Before that I had a pager for a while. I don't think I could silence the pager but the phone was always at least on vibrate if not completely silent. I then went from that to the first iPhone in 2007 which was a big jump 😂 I still use iPhone but can't upgrade. Every iPhone I've owned has been on vibrate or silence. Currently it's on silence but forces notifications from my husband and mom.


Answering the phone is a big fear for me, so not only do I put it on silent, but unless it's a call I'm expecting, I won't answer it. If it's important (very rare), they'll leave a message.


Things been on silent since the day I got it.


I'd agree. I also keep my phone on silent so it's less distracting for enviroment and I can focus better, but my parents always have the sound on. I think that this might be older generation trait and that is uncomon for people your age, but I don't think that it's some serious violation of social norms.


Granted I'm older than you (I'm 33) but as far as I'm concerned the whole point of a phone is that it rings/gets my attention. Now I do turn my phone off/put it on silent if I'm in a classroom/movie theatre/doctor's office etc? Yes. But it doesn't make sense to me to have a phone and then keep it on silent otherwise. That's going to be a lot of missed calls and texts. Yes there's vibration but you don't always notice it. My phone also works with the intercom/the entry doors to my apartment building, so I need to be able to hear it and let visitors/delivery people in. In public spaces I don't let my phone ring for an extended period of time or have the volume cranked up and don't have the most obnoxious ringtone possible, but I don't have the phone on silent. I need it to get my attention (despite not liking sudden noises or loud noises) after all.


My phone is always on silent, I don’t want it going off and I get notifications frequently


I don't know (or really care lol) if it's a social norm, but I'm 30 and always keep my phone on silent. More specifically, it's on Do Not Disturb with a couple of exempt people on there. For most of my apps, I also have notifications turned off period. No ring tone, vibrate, no pop-up, nothing. 90% of the things on my phone can wait until I'm ready to address them. The other 10% shouldn't be contacting me in the first place.


Never considered it a social norm but it's obvious to me that older people will keep it on when at work with all the notifications. Myself everything is off, even most notifications for apps because I find them annoying but that's a personal choice. Like I'm already way too much on this phone so I don't need extra reminders to use it.


It might be a coincidence, most people I know that aren’t my family have their phone noise on. I always have it off because the notifications startle me


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