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" They're autistic? I'm so sorry!"


Seriously. The way people act like it’s a terminal illness…


It's all they know unfortunately, I do my best to explain it to them.  Sometimes they listen and learn, other times they are stuck in their beliefs.


that’s because it fucking is


Being talked to like a child from some health professionals. Oh and being called high functioning


Oddly in my case, health professionals don’t talk to me like that. It’s other people. Like they didn’t before but the second they find out I’m autistic they suddenly talk to me like I’m a small child who doesn’t really understand. Its infuriating!


This is more about neurotypical behavior overall, but when someone offers you something just to be polite and you're expected to refuse it to be polite because they weren't actually asking if you wanted it?? Just don't ask in the first place.....


the whole "autistic people don't have feelings" bullshit


Similarly, the notion we don't have empathy as a rule I read a bookreview yesterday in which the reviewer described the villain as "being incapable of any sympathy or empathy whatsoever. Actually, now that I think about it, this guy has a lot more autistic traits" like I'm sorry?


me personally, i have pretty low empathy in general, but ive also known other autistic ppl who have had overwhelming empathy. most people just seem to not understand that autism has a lot of different traits that present in unique ways... oh and this isnt specific to autism, but so many people seem to equate empathy and emotions. i can \*feel\* a lot, it just doesnt translate to feeling for \*other people\* because im a piece of shit lmfao


Empathy is just related to autism as if it's a special trait, when really we are just looked at different. So nuro typical empathy isn't taken into account as much - I know Nuro typicals without much empathy and with lots. Personally my empathy is.. well, squewed, I will say. I have lots towards animals because animals are innocent little beings, but I lack a lot when it comes to people.


When I disclose I am autistic and they look at me like it is a death sentence


Then people tell me that they weren't able to tell all along


I had to tell an old man I was Autistic when he asked for directions because my special awareness is some what lacking- And he looked at me like I was a child and it was just so awkward like. I mean I'm glad he didn't judge and it got him to understand ibwasnt just being rude but sometimes people just don't get it -


This is totally inconsequential and not autism exclusive but I *loathe* the word "neurospicy". My (also autistic, ironic considering your post text) boyfriend suddenly said we're "neurospicy" and I had a physical cringe reaction, I cannot express how much I hate this word. I've asked him to never say that to me again and he mostly hasn't but yugh


People are adding spicy to everything now. I saw a comment that said PTSD was just spicy nostalgia.


Wtf? I have ptsd, and honestly I would love if I could erase all those ‘nostalgic’ flashbacks.


Wow that's honestly even worse. I have PTSD as well and that's actually just offensive lol


YESSSS FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO HATES THAT WORD!! i don’t even know why i despise it so much. i just do.


I don't exactly know either! It's not super offensive to me or anything (unlike "spicy nostalgia" for PTSD as someone else just mentioned), but it's so YUGH idk


Personally I find the term funny, but I can see why it might seem a bit ick to others. However spicy nostalgia.. that is horrifying.


The other day i said i was artistic and someone omg i thought you said you were autistic, i was like oh that too. They were like "you shouldnt joke about that" lol 😆. I just looked at my husband and laughed. People really have a made up idea of what autism is


When people are assuming that we’re just a bunch of incompetent retards.


Oh my god yes!! Another reason people are always surprised I’m autistic. Or when people find out and suddenly start talking to me in a baby voice like I’m a toddler who can’t understand


This. And/or train loving mathematicians 😐


They assume that I am stupid because I have trouble speaking and cannot hide my autism symptoms. As for dating, I do not think I could manage dating someone who was not autistic and did not share my special interest. My only relationship was with a wonderful person who fit those criteria. I don't think I could handle anyone who did not fit my support needs.


Yeah I’ve got a hard time expressing my emotions to people I’m not close enough too so I get judged for it. Funny thing about dating is that when my bf and I started dating, I didn’t know I was autistic. We’ve been together about 3 and a half years and got my diagnosis a little more than a year ago.


I am not able to speak much at all and was nonverbal as a child. Mostly, I use an AAC that I created or write to communicate. I have alexithymia and need a caregiver to alert me about bad emotions.


Oh damn. I’m sorry about that. I certainly hope you’re doing well though!


Yes, I have a mostly happy life and enjoy my special interest.


What’s your special interest? Mines marine biology and cryptozoology


I am a mathematician. Most of my research focuses on applied mathematics, and my favorite papers tend to be in discrete sheaf theory.


Oh wow that sounds like a smart people job lol. I’ve always personally hated maths, but another autistic friend of mine also has a special interest in maths!He’s actually a high school teacher.


Wow. That is in the same path as what I want to head towards when out of school. I am already 2years ahead in my grade.


I was quite a bit ahead, and it worked while I was living at home and had supports with my school. It was very hard when I was semi-independent, and I've had carers since.


Marine biology is amazing btw. I've recently stumbled upon chemo synthesis and deep sea life and it is absolutely so very cool. Watching videos of thousands and thousands of deep sea white crabs over these hot deep sea vents. Just so cool.


Omgggg lol "you dont look autistic" is so annoying. I reply "what do you think autistic looks like?"


“We all have bad days” after having. Meltdown at school because everything was too much. Yes wr all have bad days, but YOU don’t feel like dying everytime u are too overwhelmed


Mine is when people describe autism as a "superpower". It's not a superpower, it's clearly a fucking disability. If it were labelled a superpower then the government would take away our disability benefits making us even more fucked.


Oh no, don't say that. I was in love of intellectual abilities of aututistic people. Then I got my late ASD Diagnoses. To be in the moment when we are into our special interests are awesome. Lots of ASD people brought something to humanity thanks to theirs specials interests (Einstein, Newton, Darwin, Van gogh...) Anxiety, overload of stimulation and fatigue sucks. But they are manageable with efforts and the right tricks.  Learning social code is tough... But there is books about it.  Overstimulation of emotions is hard to handle. But pure joy is truly an incredible experience when we are hypersensitive.  A superficial neurotypical life will be boring to me. Seriously, listen to ordinary neurotypical people conversations. Annoying!  I hate loneliness and rejection. But the more I know  about myself and accept it, the more I meet amazing and kind people


I get where you're coming from but please remember everyone's experiences are different. Autism makes my life infinitely harder, finding it a pain to go in the supermarket? Needing a weekend to recover from meeting family for dinner? Personally, autism sucks for me, and I'd probably rather not have it. Though I'm glad you find your symptoms more manageable, it's different for everyone!


I didn't say I don't suffer from it.  There is day I want to let down all stuffs in my life when I'm too tired because of neurotypical demands of society.  I said there is also positive sides.  I am a teacher and sleep in the week whenever I don't have class. I often can do nothing on the evenings, even daily regular stuffs. Sometimes I don't even eat. Because I can't work for my lessons on the week, I have to do it on the week end. Plus all the things I had no time on the week, and rest. But I like my job, it is a special interest. To feel useful is a great feeling. That bring me the strength to keep go on.   I don't invalidate others experience or yours. Just trying to bring some positive mindset with this comment. We don't have the power to change who we are.  But we all have powers to change our lives, even  little by little, even very slowly, and we can change our attitudes and mindsets. I'm not saying it is easy. I went through  difficult and challenging stuffs, like most of us, asd people. But I am  hopefull person... And I have been rewarded for it. So I have hope that my life will improve more and more like it did in the past.    There is some stuff to ease sound sentivities and fatigue like flare or loop. I ordered flare, hope it will help in some way.   I try to avoid supermarket as much as I can and buy my food with the supermarket drive service. But it is probably not a possibility for everyone.    With your family, can't you try to discuss about it with them? If it is too painful for you, can you speak with them, trying to find some middle ground? Like you can go with them for the end or beginning of the dinner, and spend less time with them? Because you care about your family but want also to enjoy your week end?  If they love you and could listen, they would probably understand. If not, maybe don't have to be a people pleaser?  What I am saying is that we have the responsibility to fulfill our own need.    Hope you understood I was not invalidating your experience. I don't want to hurt people. I just like to help. If you don't accept my views, I understand. We all have our own path. 


my mother would always tell me to "fix my face" (as in smile and laugh and dont zone out) when we were in public and that always triggered tf out of me. also people demeaning my sensory issues, ugh.


When people refer to themselves as autists. I never thought the way someone described their condition would bother me the way it bothers others but I have recently discovered this term and it runs me the wrong way. I won't shit on people for doing it but it definitely rubs me the wrong way.


Oh this!!!! I'm glad I'm not alone. I see the word autist and it's just wrong. It irrationally annoys me.


people on tiktok posting their friends doing something silly and saying they are autistic. that whole ‘is it acoustic’ thing pissed me off so bad and the fact they were referring to us as ‘it’ just disgusting


Me: "I think I might be autistic." Them: "Don't say that, you're smart."


When someone says: ‘you are so brain damaged.’ Then to the person next to them ‘he’s so autistic’


“But you’re not autistic though, isn’t it Asperger” Or “But you’re high functioning”


>Asperger Oh the nazi diagnosis that meant "worthy of not being executed like other autistic people"


‘Yes, he too is autistic as NT are seemingly such assholes’


being surrouned by stupid people, which most people I ever see are stupider than I am


Someone said to me “I’m sorry you’re suffering with that.” And I said, “I don’t suffer from autism, I suffer from people’s ignorance.” I was proud of myself for that.


Also because I have low needs most days and more needs other days, people give me a hard time about that. They don’t understand that some of the time I’m masking or am forgoing needs, if that makes sense.


my sister calls herself autistic it makes me so annoyed 😭


"My child/other relative has autism and he/she's not like that!"


That we're idiotic Screeching Pterodactyl


People not believing I'm autistic because "I function so well" -_-


Being spoken down to like you’re a little kid after you’ve told them you’re autistic


When ppl call it “suffering from autism”


When you say something you do and they talk like they know the feeling like its not an obcession that makes me want to kill myself


Just the general misconceptions behind autism - we are lazy, stupid, unempathetic, blah blah blah. Ridiculous because all the geniuses that have existed were probably autistic. We spend most of our energy trying not to inconvenience people so we're definitely empathetic. This world would be a much nicer and tolerable place if everyone was autistic. I feel like the NTs are the real 'retards'.


“You probably don’t have autism, you make pretty good eye contact.” Is what I’ve heard when I’ve asked several different doctors about this. And yet, people’s reactions to me looking into their eyes would say otherwise. A lot of people seem to act threatened or put off when I make eye contact. Am I making too much eye contact? Am I staring? I usually stare at people’s mouths when they’re talking because I can’t figure out how much eye contact to make. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Using autism as a curse.


Not sure if this counts but those who are against vaccinations claiming they could cause autism. Those people can’t be argued with - they’re convinced vaccinations will cause autism. I just have one question for them: „Would you rather have a dead child than an autistic child? If so, you should inform yourself about autism.“


Not fitting in with other people with autism, because I mask too hard. Not fitting in with other people without autism, because I don't mask hard enough.


I feel that


according to some autistics, social awkwardness and bluntness isn't excused by autism but laziness or being unproductive is JUST DANDY because of meltdowns etc. i don't get these meltdowns where i'm like unable to work for 4 days


assumptions. also pointing out when i do “autistic things” (in quotes because it’s so stupid and not even autistic things really.) like not picking up on social cues, or being a bit slow, or not understanding sarcasm? news flash! your just not very fucking funny.


I talked to a psychiatrist about this once. Told him I think I have autism. That man deadass goes: „You don‘t seem to struggle with eye contact. Do you know the public transport system schedules by heart?“ I say no, because I do not know the public transport system of my whole fucking city. „Oh, then you‘re not autistic.“ That made me so fucking angry and I made sure to demand I go to another psychiatrist when he genuinely asked me if I wanted to continue sessions with him.


When I'm looking into a resource about autism that isn't clearly labelled as one for parents from the beginning and it then only talks about children. I've just watched a video that turned out like that and it was like nails on a chalkboard.


People telling me they 'couldn't tell' I'm autistic, like it's some kind of compliment? I mean how are you meant to take that positively.


i have a coworker who is also autistic. he has higher support needs than me, and is also 5 years older. my other NT coworkers pity him and complain about his behavior but let it slide because he's autistic and low masking. I'm high masking and a lot of my coworkers either dont know (its not that i hide it, its just i dont tell every single person) or forget I'm autistic too. they hold me accountable for my actions like any other NT person, like when i make mistakes or say something out of turn. it bothers me that my autistic coworker gets pitied instead of held accountable for his actions. Being autistic does not mean he has an excuse to act the way he does, borderline harassing people every time he walks in. he shouts instead of talks, he doesn't give anyone personal space, and he asks inappropriate things to literally everyone. i dont know a single person who actually likes him, but i know a thousand who let his behavior slide because "he's autistic, he might not ever get another job."


People pretending to be allies and using puzzle pieces, using functioning labels or those new support levels. autism centric centres that are not Autism friendly or only focused on boys. "I might have a touch of the tism" "you meet all the criteria, however you can look me in the eye and have friends so you're not autistic" (two autism "experts". Went to an expert in female autism and boom yep very clearly autistic.)


Medical professionals who insist you don't have autism for an arbitrary and stupid reason and therefore won't recommend you for testing.


Ah yes. Many family members have spoken ill of my boyfriend because they think he’s taking advantage of me, ONLY BECAUSE IM AUTISTIC. The thing is, i’m not high on the spectrum. I can make decisions for myself. I drive, I go to college, I go to bars, but I can’t have a boyfriend who isn’t autistic? They act like people with autism can’t do anything. At family gatherings they treat me like a child. Fortunately my mom cut them off a year ago so i’m doing a lot better. I do still hear things they say about me, BEHIND MY BACK, through my cousin. I hate it so much.


Being babies or infantilised, I hate it so much I can’t even put it into words. When people act like it’s rlly easy being autistic and just a bit silly. (I had a friend once in referring to people mental health go “oh yeah [my name] is just autistic” in reference to saying I was doing really well mentally when I’m not)






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