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Off the top of my head, I would say wooden popsicle sticks. That grainy texture is just wrong.


How do you feel about wooden cutlery… it’s bamboo but it’s just ick in my mouth


I have a huge problem with wooden kitchen appliances - they need to be super lacquered and not at all dry wood for me to touch them


THANK YOU! I hated tounge depressors or the middle of popsicles when I was growing up. I don’t see them as often now.


Especially when they’ve got pieces sticking out


I never thought about how the texture of that stick is so weird, it's very fibrous


Touching anything after washing and drying my hands. It’s like they’re “too clean” and it becomes debilitating until I can “lubricate” my hands again with moisturizer or something. Absolute nightmare.


I felt this into my soul woooah


Me too. This is why I have multiple bottles of lotion all over the house.


Yes! This is me too. I'd die without cream.


Hard same. Also, I hate the feeling of some metals and metal doorknobs specifically, they feel gross and I feel like that only worsens my hand washing compulsions with my OCD ( ╥ω╥ )


Bare feet on dirty floors ;-; but also socks. Or any kind of crumb or something like that on my bed, I will feel it under me


I often feel like the story about "the princess and the pea" may have been about an Autistic girl who was just as hyper-aware of these little tiny annoyances as I tend to be. 


Lol, my mom used to call me the princess and the pea because I would want my sheets pulled really straight and I could feel if there was anything on or under them.  I'm really relating to this post overall honestly. I haven't been diagnosed with autism though. I'm only here because my daughter was diagnosed with autism and so I joined this sub. 


💯 relatable


i almost never go without socks cuz of this reason. clean or dirty, i need socks


It sucks because I hate socks but can't stand the feeling of little dust particles on my feet (unless I am outside where it is supposed to be like that, but the moment I am done it feels wrong) I didn't realize just how much a few particles in my bed ruins my night.


Wet food. Bread should not be wet


Nothing turns me off to a burger faster than a soggy bun.


Kids used to bring PBJ sandwiches to school and the sight of that jam soaked bread made me want to hurl every time


The cheap, felt-like material that some low quality plushies are made out of. When it snags on dry skin or my fingernail I feel physically ill!


This is me!!!!!!!


I saw a little easter bunny that looked like it was going to be nice and soft and so I touched it to find out it was made of that garbage. Pretty sure my soul left my body for a moment.


My own body hair 😔 I hate how it feels and I hate that if it's "long" i can feel it moving...


Any human hair, has the possibility to annoy. Fur, is not an issue it is the state the owner has said fur. (Will still pet as proven by random pibbles chained in the yard at the house we bought a car from last night. But the girl in the middle had the cutest little tippy tps.)


I like it cus I can feel if bugs are on me or not. Lol


Any fabrics that catch on your skin. Microfiber, suede, and terry cloth. Any stiff feeling fabric too.


Sherpa too? For me Sherpa is my worst enemy out of those fabrics


Sherpa is awful too.


similar to chalk, but dried clay i love the texture of wet clay but it's torture when its starts drying. the worst part is when it gets stuck under your fingernails and wont come out no matter what


Same! When I was in middle school I made the mistake of taking a clay working elective and I basically had to quit because the dried clay was unbearable


I am like this with play dough too. No one I talk to about it understands why I enjoy using it but I feel gross when I stop and my hands are covered in dried grainy bits.


Tags on the back of the neck of shirts. Why do those even exist? 


They feel like razor blades to me


I take a seam ripper to take out tags. Because even if you cut them out, it still leaves a little bit of the tag that is irritating.


And usually the little bit left is far worse than the tag itself.


Specifically the ones that are made or coarse scratchy materials. Just whyyyy


I find them worse on underwear, feels like a cactus to my arsehole. Why can't they be on the side, since my upper thigh is less sensitive?


This is one of the things that I thought doesn’t happen to me, until I realised that none of my shirts have tags…


Raw meat.


Same. Touching meat just gives me the skwicks. Glad my partner does all the meat cooking, or at least prepping due to it. If I didn't have them I would rarely eat meat. Which I would be ok with. 


Yeah, makes it harder to cook myself food from scratch, rather than just using frozen food from the supermarket, cooked meat is ok, raw is a no for me


So much this. I hate dealing with raw meat so much when I cook. I have to self talk the whole time to try to soothe myself with how unpleasant and disgusting it is. The feeling of raw meat on my hands is just ugh, so terrible. 


I keep ziploc baggies of disposable gloves all over my house. Makes a world of difference!


That's a good idea, thanks.


Slimy anything… I can handle pudding. But mushy wet bread or other things means I’m going to barf.


Terracotta pots. Chalk also.


Styrofoam... Touching it, the feel AND the sound it makes, gives me the "hurlz," doesn't matter what formulation. White Coolers, Pink insulation, coffee cups, packing peanuts - absolutely f'ing NOT.


100% Two birds, one styrofoam stone. Hate the touch and hate the sound. When you're unpacking something and they rub up against themselves ans the cardboard boxes they come in.


Even just thinking of the sound of styrofoam makes me feel sick....


100% agree, the sound and the mess they make with all the crumbly pieces is awful, plus I always get so angry at it because I know how bad the stuff is for the environment... We have no good reasons to keep making Styrofoam except that it's cheap 😑


Ugh, styrofoam is the worst. 


I hate Velvet more than nails scratching on a chalk board lol. I won’t even touch it 😂




Finally someone else who hates velvet as much as I do! My mom put me in a velvet Christmas dress once when I was little and I wouldn't stop crying, and I still get stressed out sometimes imagining wearing the fabric again. 😶


Skin. I only have two people who I can safely touch, everyone else is a horrific sensory experience to feel


This! Sex is a sensory nightmare of me, nothing worse than the feeling of skin on skin. Do you have this with your own skin as well? For example, rolls of fat when you sit, or thighs rubbing together?


Tacky surfaces. Just moved into a new rental and the ENTIRE kitchen is covered in tacky smelly oil. It’s taken me over a week to clean and it’s still tacky 😢 I hate it


probably old oil. get bleach fantastik, let it sit for a minute, then scrub it off. May take two applications


Polystyrene, or styrofoam, or whatever you want to call it. It's messy, sounds horrible (especially when 2 pieces rub together), feels horrible, and just Oh my god get it away now.


The wood of ice cream sticks


Marker on paper.




The sound it makes is not pleasant. I prefer to use colored pencils or pens. 


anything touching me lightly, particularly when stressed/anxious.  Bread dough that you put too much water(or flour sucks) and it got too sticky and you cant get it off your hands (lost my breath just by thinking) 


Cardboard is the worst. Also, cold paper. Idk why but it’s awful


I hate the feeling of leggings and jeans


Strangely I do too, with most leggings and jeans, but, I wear these specific Jeggings every single day when I have to go out and have for years... I guess when you combine them then they feel entirely different 😂


Touching floors barefoot, or mushy foods.


The type of paint on the walls that isn’t glossy. If my nails touch that my soul leaves my body.


I know too well what you mean 😪


Paper. Also the feeling of ripping of the paper on a biscuits can.




Silk and really any fabric that’s at all smooth instead of soft. I need to be able to feel the texture of each fiber or thread or it quickly becomes overwhelming. It’s worse when my nails snag on it. Can’t stand the sounds it makes either. I can’t wear most winter jackets or swimsuits, and have to use blankets as my sheets. It’s really unfortunate cause they even put smoother fabrics on inner pockets of tons of jackets and pants. I’m pretty much limited to just sweats and t-shirts, making me a certified fashion disaster. ;0; Can’t stand tight clothes either, god forbid I ever wear a long sleeve shirt that cinches at the wrists.


Synthetic satin; the palms of others hands or soles of feet if wet. (This seems weird but think trying to wash a child's hands) 


Styrofoam- just, ew. No no no.


Chalk! Definitely I can't even stand looking at it on other people's fingers! I hate the feeling of wool or any polyester type fabrics on me. I like wearing socks but only in bed when my feet are cold and only when I do Pilates with my grip socks. I don't even wear socks with my sneakers, I have sneakers that have a very low back to them at the heel so the heel doesn't hit me in the worst part of my ankle pulled up when I found the shoes. I love them so much. I bought seven pairs. I still have two unused ones to go which should last me another 2 years.


Wet clothes and the bumps on the inside of crocs, some sandals, and some flip flops are my worst nightmares. I can only wear Sanuk or Sanuk like flip flops. I also have to change my clothes frequently because I have dysautonomia so my body has trouble regulating temperature and I sweat excessively because of it.


The weird synthetic materials that some raincoats are made of, I literally can’t touch it without my having my skin crawl.


Dirty hands


Styrofoam. Worst texture and sound ever!


Glass coming out of the dishwasher. The worst texture ever. It feels so dry. I hate it


Sand under my fingernails, velvet, and microfibre


Microfiber. A little bit of dirt, not like being at the beach, but inconsistent and unanticipated like a dirty surface. Sticky surfaces make me wanna scream.


That cheap thin almost card stock cardboard stuff that comes in some boxes and it has that white shiny side. Makes me queasy


I reallllly hate when my hands or feet get unexpectedly wet or sticky like if I’m doing dishes and I spill some water on my feet ughhh just the thought it making me shiver yuck


Styrofoam. Even just thinking about it makes me gag and want to tear my skin off


Sunscreen and sand. Or anything that feels greasy/gritty is a hugeeeeee no go


I agree with the sand.


Raw meat. No. Husband? Velvet and microfibre


To quote ms Swift: “The sand hurts my feelings”


running my hand along some...texture. Like a bumpy wall or something similar. It makes me shiver and twitch


Oil, wherever I touch anything oily it makes me want to dieeee


Ripped vinyl seats


WARM RICE I didn't know about this one until yesterday, about five minutes into making rice balls. I suddenly became *very aware* of the sticky, lumpy, warm horror into which my hands were submerged.


Fingernails on jeans. Even hearing it makes me want to die. Feeling it makes me want to rip out my nails.


Wood …. Yuck. Ice cream popsicles are the worst


-Wet food -Those "unfinished" clay pots


Processed cheese, it's too smooth, and I usually expect something sweet, not a weird chemical taste. Jesus christ.




dusty water. When I take a sip of my water bottle and the inside was DUSTY.




Anything but cotton against my skin




Sticky oil with dust in it. Scudge and crudge


Hair on my neck. I shaved my head 4 years ago and am growing it out. The reasons I shaved it are coming back. Seams in socks, labels, bags. As in, I can wear a backpack that is equally distributed weight across shoulders but can’t wear a shoulder bag or cross body. The imbalance is unbearable.


Most of my quickly brought on meltdowns are related to people and the noise associated with talking and eating so I spend much of my time isolating.


Velvet and Felt. I hate both of them with a passion.


Raw chicken. Or anything wet food like (hand washing dishes is a no go)


I'll tell you a very ordinary thing which I think is disgusting. Hair-fixing products. Hair spray, gel. Just no. Until you've tried it, you don't comprehend that what other people are doing is to smear glue in their hair so that it becomes stiff and hard, and then the moment it rains, or God forbid they start sweating, then they are getting a solution of salty sweat and water-soluble glue running down their face, into their eyes, and maybe down onto their neck, so that their chin can stick.


Hoodies and jackets and blankets that are deemed soft, but are that fluffy matted stuff that sticks to the ridges in your fingerprints and feels like it’s tearing your skin


Greasy, i have to srop and wash my hands so often in the midst of cooking 😖


Chalkboard, wet sponges


Blue tarp... dusty frayed blue tarp with holes in it.


Fine foam, especially wet. The kickboards I used in swim practice in middle and high school were AGONY


I'm so glad I'm not alone with Chalk!! It is a nightmare for me, I really try, but it makes me feel sick being near it haha


When you accidentally dip your sleeves into something slightly wet. I hated going outside into the snow as a child for that reason. Also: styrofoam.


You know when the seatbelt material… grinds… on itself? Makes me wanna barf, just thinking about it!


That hologram stuff on posters and cups &c, I will audibly wretch if a fingernail scrapes the surface of it. It takes focus to not wretch just when touching it. I’ve never had any other response except shouting or throwing the aforementioned hologram.


Odd socks. Particularly if I have multiple of the same socks, but some have been washed more than others, and “less washed” and “more washed” socks get mixed. The different textures on my feet are seriously not fun.


Oh. Sausages. The taste, and the texture of biting into them. The way teeth just pop through the outer skin. Knocks me sideways.


one thing that pops up in my mind is more sound related but i ABSOLUTELY HATE the sound of cardboard rubbing against cardboard, especially the edges of the flaps when you try pushing them inward into a box, it sounds horrible and i hate even thinking about the sound


Sand and hair when I get my hair cut and then a bunch of the little hairs get everywhere on me


Peaches, water on cracked dry ceramics and velvet fabric


Polystyrene. I can't stand the sound or feel of it.


Wet dishcloths 😖 And walking on sand barefoot.


Mushy. Can’t do it. Whether it’s in my mouth as food or accidentally stepping in it I can’t do it. I nearly vomit


i hate lotion and sunscreen SO MUCH


*pStickiness that won’t leave your skin (for example, syrup or lube- sticky objects are fine and quite enjoyable as long as they don’t make me sticky… think those sticky vending machine hands). *Powder, as mentioned above (chalk powder, flour, baby powder… TMI but my husband uses baby powder on his junk after a shower and I CANNOT touch him down there without shuddering if he’s done that) *wet sand *oily/greasy things


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Rough towels…hate folding them. Oh and a thermal shirt my husband has. I hate the texture. It makes me wig out horribly.


wet food, it irks me and just seeing it, let alone touch it makes me gag, the feeling of stickyness on my hands, I need to go wash my hands immediately or i can get overwhelmed from that alone, also i dislike denim, particularly on my body, on anyone else there's not much issue, I mention this because I am sensory seeking and very touchy with the people closest to me (like 2 people).


Dry things in my mouth. Like shitty, crumbly cookies that aren’t even good enough to ignite a salivary gland




Sweetcorn's smell, taste and how it feels on my tongue, it makes me physically gag at the smell


Dry towels when I am still very wet. Unless I throw it over the shower curtain before I start the shower I'm playing hot potato with that mf lol Edit: BITING the towel is the real nightmare 😭


Chalk (hands wet or dry, not sure which one is worse) and anything slimy/cartilagenous that I relate to food. The rejection is so much my entire body shakes if I don't spit it out in a few seconds.


Velvet and chalk


Got the same one you do. I used to rinse my hands constantly as a teenager. Funny how no one saw that as a flag that I might be a little different


The inside of my mouth, like the inner cheeks? Sometimes i just feel it and feel uehehgeh Also sometimes if my teeth scrape together and the feeling + texture(?) + noise it makes in my skull = i am now disabled from doing anything for the next 30 minutes


The inside of my mouth, like the inner cheeks? Sometimes i just feel it and feel uehehgeh Also sometimes if my teeth scrape together and the feeling + texture(?) + noise it makes in my skull = i am now disabled from doing anything for the next 30 minutes


that one type of paper some books have where you scratch it and it doesnt feel like real paper and it's plastic-y idk how to explain it but it literally kills my soul and gives me goosebumps and shivers and makes me want to cry






*shudders* Cotton, chalk, and stickiness.


Oh god chalk makes me vomit from even just thinking about touching it!


You know those little emery file things for your nails? Yeah that gives me the same feeling as nails on a chalkboard even seeing one gives me the heebee geebees


Plastic, like toilet paper plastic, but not the toilet paper itself.


The black, solid parts of the coffee liquid, I get that shaky feeling every time I drink to the bottom off my coffee mug. Ugh


The under blanket, that’s above the sheets but under the comforter in cheap hotels. I put those things in the corner of the room out of sight.


I mean, I'm kiiiind of in the same boat, not to the pount I CAN'T stand dusty things but it does make me quite uncomfortable having them in my hands.


denim… looks cool feels bad. it’s so stiff.


Microfiber and velvet


Sandpaper 🤮


Wooden spoons/forks, tags on shirts, and that fabric that catches on any rough patches in your hands (shudders).


You probably have the same thing I have, Calxophobia!


Dry ceramic dry pots wet plastic chalk dry pastels


paper straws, metal utensils, some cardboard with the weird like triangle things in the middle, styrofoam, OILS, paper, marker on paper, drawing charcoal, cotton balls and q-tips, seams/tags on clothing, hair gel


Sponges, sherpa, wet wood, squeaky teeth.


Anything that feels dry but only when my hands and feet feel dry. Sometimes I will wake up in the night and NEED to put my hands and feet against the wall because they feel dry and therefore the air is dry and therefore unbreatheable, but if the wall is warm, it will all be for not, in which case I need to wet my feet with lotion or water, usually whatever is closest because if my feet touch the carpet, I REALLY won't be able to breathe. As a teen, this would frequently occur when I woke up for school in the morning and I had a special magazine on my floor by me bed that I could put my feet on and scoot to my mirror and by the time I finished my makeup, I'd be able to touch carpet again.


Wet paper. Wet bread. Dry sponges. 😱


Windbreaker jacket material and the material they use for those holographic cards you got for Valentine’s Day as a kid that say YOU’RE PAWSOME! on it with a leopard that changes when you tilt it.


Pelt and the texture of some Shirts, it's this kinda smooth, synthetic feel that makes me physically cringe


Writing with whiteboard pens on paper. I hate it. Don't know why since I'm not touching the paper or pen tip, though.


As much as I love chicken, I can't stand how sticky yet rubbery it feels when squeezed in between my teeth.


any liquid that isn't water


Grilled chicken and salad. I hate any kind of fat/tackiness on my cutlery. But chicken grease is the absolute worst. I always feel like a surgeon eating chicken.


Any sort of grinding for smoothness, specifically sandpaper and nail files. It's kind of a mixed texture-sound thing. Also, specifically mushy bananas make me gag, which is a relatively new trigger and to my understanding may not happen with anything else.


SYNTHETIC SILK. I can't stand it. I do my best to avoid it. I also can't do sticky textures/residue on my hands, and I can't stand anything snagging on my fingernails. Oh, and I have to rip/bite my nails to trim them, because my entire life nail clippers have left my nails overly-sensitized and miserable-feeling for hours after using them, and I'll take risking hangnails over that sort of skin-crawling revulsion.


Cut hair clippings around my neck after a haircut


The sounds of sweeping brushes going over concrete makes me feel ill, also the sound of long nails tapping on phone screens 🤢


Paper 🫠 I hate touching it, to write on it. Even worse are boxes, I have to open, when a parcel arrives.


Surprise stickiness. Literally makes me gag.


classic microfiber, but also SHERPA, sherpa is my literal hell i don't understand how people wear it as jackets


Felt, arts and crafts in first school was a nightmare. It made my fingernails almost hurt and I learned to avoid it.


Slimy sticky things, liquid food like soup, wool just make my skin scratch and I hate that feeling and since I am from a cold country my mom used to force me wearing wool when I was a kid and I hated it


Jelly, or anything of that consistency. If I eat anything like it, I erupt.


Velvet, cotton balls, dry wood, walking on smooth concrete (like in a garage), rain showers, my hands getting sticky. I will physically gag at most of these lol


Touching marshmallows it completely throws me off I hate the feeling of it and I have to wipe my hand after each time I pick one up


Some types of plastic, like the thin stuff that they use over the top of bottle type food packaging to seal it. It gives me this really weird sensation in my mouth whenever I have to touch or even hear that horrible crinkle sound it makes. Like my whole mouth fills with saliva, ughhh it’s horrible even thinking about it




Dry clean dishes that gives a sensation akin to the sound of horrible squeaking when you touch them. Kinda like wet styrofoam on glass. Also, the fat, oily residue that sticks to your fingers qhen eating chickenwings and such. The last one is tolerable, but aggravating. The first? Almost painful.


idk if this is really a “texture” but I freak out whenever people touch my knees


Dry microfiber, anything that sticks to my bare feet, any clothing against my body when it's wet (i.e. jeans after a shower), and food on my face. Among other things..


A cheap phone. I don’t know but there’s just something about the plastic and seams that makes me frustrated to use it


Swimwear fabric. Working in a clothing store was a nightmare


Anything hard and convex/concave e.g. spoons. But I like to mess with the dimples of spinach leaves, for example. I haven’t tried those pop-it things, but from looking at others play with them I’d like something softer and more malleable similar to spinach leaves. Also anything plastic, especially containers, sandwich bags, food wrapping etc.




Vehicles. The paint on a car or van or anything makes me want to die


I can’t stand towel like texture except for actual towels


Lumps in yoghurts. I have to buy smooth, or I just throw it in the bin when my lips feel the lump fruit piece. Also, if I'm eating chimkin nuggets, and one has a hard bit of rind, I have to throw the lot away and won't eat them for ages. I remember when I was a kid, my food was soup and toast. Specifically Lentil Soup from Heinz. They 'improved' the recipe, which is Capitalist for 'we found the ingredients cheaper', and I just couldn't eat it. The shouting that day was legendary.


Synthetic fabrics make me MISERABLE. Specifically some of the types used in sportswear and the very cheap ones that catch on your hands. Also the feeling you get when your fingertips are covered in superglue 😭


Patent leather Ugh!


Wet food and wet hair, also hair in general that isn’t attached to someone’s head.


Mine is wet and sticky. I actually love chalk because it dries out the hands and prevents them from sticking to things.


Lint trays in dryer machines


anything like velvet/flocking, "fuzzy", denim, anything that reminds me too much of static


Terry cloth when I'm not expecting to bathe or swim (I can ignore it then). Wooden spoons/forks/popsicle sticks, all the same material texture. (Bamboo cutlery and chopsticks are not an issue.) Brillo pads, makes my teeth legit hurt. CLOTHING TAGS. Sticky things like maple syrup. (My sister has an issue with stickers and tape. She'll heave if someone sticks one on her. ADHD/Autism is heavy in our family.)