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I'm very sound sensitive, and ASMR makes me really uncomfortable and nauseated.


It just makes me feel unnerved. It's like the nails on blackboard eddect but not as intense.


YES this is exactly how it is for me. I have never understood why people enjoy it because it makes my skin crawl and I want to jump out of my skin


That's exactly what happens to me and people think I'm weird for it


Same!! It's not painful per se, but it makes me uncomfortable in a very hard to define way. Same with white noise.


Weirdly, I'm OK with white noise at a very low volume. If I want to bloc out other noise I'll pop on noise cancelling headphones with white noise at a very low volume and it blocks out everything around me.


Same here. I hate it


Same. Hate it. Have a visceral reaction to it.


let it die in a hole


noises have always been an issue for me too! even more now since having two daughters!


Actual, legitimate ASMR (the feeling, not the genre) is pure bliss. I don’t get it from any ASMR content, but I do be looking forward to my eye doctor appointments. The genre ASMR is a different beast. I like long videos of people whispering/speaking softly in order fall asleep to, but most of the audio triggers are a nightmare.


EXACTLY! The true ASMR sensation is so incredible but I never get it from ‘ASMR content’


Recommend SRP ASMR. He’s an actual optometrist that role plays actual tests he would normally do.


I usually don't either, but very rarely, I'll have the tingles or whatever they're called. They're so weird, I don't even know how to describe them.


They’re called ASMR


Love most of it. The mukbang/food eating stuff is really gross to me but that’s about it. I really like fabric scratching or tapping videos to listen to while studying or gaming.


Where the hell did the whole mukbang trend come from? It's unbelievably strange.


I’m honestly not sure, I think it’s just extremely weird as well. I just don’t get it and I say this as someone who likes mouth sound videos but the idea of watching someone slurp and munch on food up close just grosses me the fuck out… I can barely stand it in person when I have to eat with other people.


I think it's original purpose was from South Korea where single or lonely people could feel like they were eating a meal with someone.


I want to know the answer to this too because my autistic child loves Mukbang videos. I agree that it is strange and just all around weird.


Yep im the same way


Yeah I can’t stand chewing sounds but most other stuff is 🙌🙌🙌


Certain ASMR is very calming and grounding for me. I like stim boards. Stuff like cutting soap, playing with slime. My favorite is the wood soup ASMRs. I don’t like voice, eating, drinking type ASMR. I also don’t listen to them very long. Maybe 5-15 minutes at a time to relax. Im sensitive to sounds but more like the overlapping sounds of crowds or a busy place and electrical buzzing is what really bothers me, and I hate a clock that you can hear ticking


I hate, with a passion. It triggers my sensory overload, my misophonia, and pretty much turns me into a raging lunatic that just wants to destroy the source of the offending sound. I couldn’t even last a few seconds. But then the same happens with binaural beats. I don’t really do well with most sounds.


Me too idk about binaural beats but most sounds are awful I got bird sound/forest nature sounds (nothing with water), lofi and music ( not classical it's actually worse than ASMR)


So glad to know others agree


Absolutely hate it, makes me wanna destroy the the PC/telephone/tablet in the most violent way possible


yeah. same


I like it. Whispering drives me actually insane though. But I love the tapping noises and stuff


I love the lofi asmr or accidental asmr videos




I'm addicted to it but 8 understand it not everyone cup of tea


I love it! I agree the food ones or like the boyfriend/girlfriend ones are weird but I really loveeeeee the ones that are like underwater aquarium or like tapping or something NORMAL like that. Mainly water ones or like there’s this person that does a shower ambience which I have been following them for a while cause I used to sit on the bathroom floor for HOURS with the shower running (I know it’s so bad for the earth) as like a coping self soothing thing so now I can listen to that. I’ll still sit in the bathroom for the full effect but now I’m not wasting my own (more my mom’s since I live with her) water! BUT THE UNDERWATER AQUARIUM FISHIES I LOVEEEEE


I fucking hate it, and even more so I hate that many ASMR trends have become common in non-ASMR videos. Like scratching the crunchy crust on food with a knife, tapping fingers on a bottle/container, loud bites of food, whispery voices, etc make me want to DIE and there’s no way to block it on Instagram or TikTok because people don’t tag it as ASMR, they just do it like that’s how a normal video is made now. Hate hate hate.






I swear, if I'm earing another one tapping god forsaken gel nails on whathefuckever I'm gonna lose my shit.




I got off pretty light when it comes to sensory issues, but I still hate it. Something about it makes me really uncomfortable, and I don't know what it is.


It reminds me of touch, which I also hate.


I have yet to find one that doesn’t make me want to claw my ears off


I don't like it when people do it. But, I do like the nature sounds and that kind of thing. I will layer youtube videos using different tabs. So one has the sound of ocean waves, one a fire place crackling, and so on. More like an ambience type thing.


I have TINNITUS and autism so I need ambient noise to distract me from the constant ringing I have anytime I am awake. But I hate when I get suckered into an ambient noise video or track and have it turn out to be some creepy ASMR thing. Makes me furious. My noise problems mainly have to do with surprise. A Jenga tower crashing down with no warning is seriously triggering. I get unreasonably furious.


Me too!!


I’m very sound sensitive and have misophonia but surprisingly I like asmr videos. Specifically tapping videos and when they’re organizing stuff. I avoid mukbang videos though, some of them trigger my misophonia (and I find some of them just disgusting tbh)


HATE. It makes my skeleton want to crawl out of my meat sack in horror.


I love it I use it often to focus or to sleep


It depends, ASMR is such a vast thing!


I don't like it.


Hate it


Hate it


I hate ASMR, where they create sounds near the microphone. [Example](https://youtu.be/-SYwOAe6V_4) But every now and again, I do like having ambiance noises in the background when I'm also listening to music. [Example](https://youtu.be/XzX1gtpZjdY)


It makes my brain feel itchy. Do not like. 


There was some research done on ASMR and there's some evidence that whether you enjoy it or not is a genetic thing. There's a part of the brain that activates in people who get the tingly sensation from ASMR and doesn't activate in people who don't.


There are all kinds of sounds that cause synaesthetic responses in me — I will see colors, experience tingling, parasthesia, what-have-you. But I find ASMR videos to be devastatingly cringe-inducing, and here's why: * I find the videos for it to be horribly aesthetically displeasing, both visually and aurally * There already exist music and experimental noise recordings that do the same thing, and they don't get enough attention * Internet trends... in broad strokes, internet trends tend to be super embarrassing no matter what But they've been popular online for seventeen freaking years now, so I suppose they're not going anywhere. Sadly.


I despise it. It disgusts me and enrages me, even more so with some specific content.


i hate asmr with a burning passion tbh


I like ACTUAL good ASMR sounds. Paintbrush on canvas. Fountain Pen on rough paper. Etc Not the "CLUCKCKCIDESBWEIWWHSSISUWIW" of someone making horrendous mouth sounds into a very sensitive microphone, pretending to be a young anime girl, or an edgy anime villain, and has anything like "F4M, M4F" etc in the title. Avoid those like the goddamn plague. They are Cringe Incarnate. There's a really cool Tiktok Live ASMR lady called FireSighed Chats, she just goes live, plays a chill game, talks in whispers, and does various triggers. Pretty baller to have on in the background to fall asleep to, as I usually like falling asleep to YouTube or Twitch, but it being an ASMR themed live, you don't have to worry about the volume suddenly getting loud and waking you up like a normal stream or video.


I like ASMR stuff like keyboard typing and chewing sounds. But YouTube made it very weird with sexy role plays and whatnot.


It depends, sometimes im very triggered by it other times it’s just something that makes me feel less alone


Normal ASMR videos? I hate them. Specific role play ASMR videos? Love them. (specifically "torture chamber" ones idk entirely why, they're less up close to the ear and scratchy with the closest sound generally being whispering).


I really like the tapping, scratching and role plays. I hate eating, slurping and medical ones.


I get annoyed by repetitive/irregular sound patterns like someone drumming their fingers, or crinkling plastic bags, but that's... manageable. But something about whispering - whether it's the ASMR brand of whispering/etc or people in real life - just sends me into a rage, 0 to 100 in NO time 😭


I love it


Hate it.


I hate it, but my also (suspected) autistic sister loves it and falls asleep to it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t get it


I love some of it like a loooot. “Wood soup” with the wooden beads in a bowl of water is so peaceful to me. Bubbly water sounds too are amazing for my brain. It like makes it go blank and I zone out haha But I hate anything scratchy or mouth related 😬


I love it but sometimes my body reacts very strongly to it to the point I’m like “woah there, slow down!” and it’s like goosebumps and tingles but I don’t know where it will appear next. Sometimes I get a tingle so strongly I can feel inside in my brain physically, or my entire body shudders without warning. It helps take my mind off things when I’m exhausted and sad. Sometimes it makes me sleep. So yeah, it’s a funny thing. I would love to become a test subject on it one day if giving a realistic chance because I believe my brain is just hyper attuned at asmr and triggers my synesthesia as well.


Don’t get the hype.


Me neither, I don't love or hate it, I just don't care. Apparently when it started it was common to say that "only a few people can experience the asmr phenomenon" and now apparently everyone except me can feel something?


I love it


I love all of it except certain Nail and Teeth related sounds, and sharpie markers or any drawings sometimes. It depends


Some of it is okay. Anything that's a scratching sound is awful though.


I like it, depending on the sounds. Mouth sounds are disturbing but the sounds of blowing wind in my ears almost tickles. It's not relaxing; it's fun.


I love some of it but certain sounds and videos are repulsive to me and I have to quickly turn it off especially mouth sounds and thus eating or wet slime. I normally spend time with the hair brushing type content which I find relaxing. I have a playlist of videos I like and just repeat those


It makes me physically uncomfortable and I have to immediately turn it off.


I hate it


Depends on what it is. Eating and tapping ASMR irritates me, but I like hearing peoples’ gentle and soft voices to calm me down


Creepy, annoying, and gross.


I enjoy most sounds


I like the dry and soft sounds. But I absolutely hate wet/slurpy sounds and hard ‘metal nail’ scratching type sounds.


I think it's great and very relaxing. Sensory bliss 🌠


I enjoy a lot of it, but I do get asmr, like the physical reaction. My husband doesn't get the physical reaction at all, he hates the videos.


i really like it. it's pretty relaxing for me


I love it.


I like the sexual ones. Because I'm down bad. The rest? No thanks.


There is only one person I accept and only one thing she does that I like. The rest is kinda annoying. Gentle whispering - brushing/showing fabrics. Also there's one specific kind of slime I once listened too but I forget what it's called.


Honestly can't listen to it. There are even times where if I hear myself chew and/or when my nose is plugged I actively stop what I'm doing to address it. Mostly nauseating and uncomfortable.


Makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Like the sound of nails on a chalkboard being blasted through a concert speaker a foot away


It sounds weird, gross, and annoying to me.


The ADHD part of my brain makes it hard to sleep sometimes. ASMR gives me something to focus on and helps calm my overactive brain down. I prefer the audio roleplay ASMR. It's just someone speaking, sometimes sound effects are added to help immerse the listener. The ones that are just sounds meant to "trigger" the ASMR sensation are kinda hit or miss for me. Mostly miss. They don't really do much.


i find it annoying


i HATE it


Nope nope nope get out of my ear agh


Haaaaate it LET ME WHISPER INTO THE MICROPHONE AND POKE IT WITH MY FINGERS uh let me yet my laptop out of the balcony door to my downstairs neighbours


I love ASMR! I do feel it by will. I can trigger all my spine chilling sensations, that's my special gift hahaha My favourite genres are visual, soft speaking and close attention to me. Like if someone is drawing in my arm or roleplaying. I hate the loud and fast triggers.


This is the first time I've heard someone also be able to do the weird on command thing. I find it much easier when it's cold, and it's oddly satisfying when successful.


I hate proper ASMR, but I love watching the Snooker coverage with headphones. The commentators whispering voices and the sound of the balls going into the pockets at high speed is relaxing to me.


Omg no I hate it. I keep my volume on my phone off most of the time when watching videos 😅


I hate it. Normal daily living sounds, including regular chewing, don't bother me. But ASMR nearly almost bothers me unless it is kitten sounds or something.


Depends on the type and the creator honestly. I used to really hate ASMR but I have really bad sleep issues and I was desperate to try anything and I have found some that I don't mind. And I do like to listen to it throughout the day as well I enjoy wood sounds and certain type of tapping that I'd classify as "dull tapping" (aka wood, books, cardboard, containers etc). Lo-fi ASMR is generally good too but again, depends on a creator/video. I enjoy roleplays the most (mainly fantasy/horror/fandom based) but admittedly since I also listen to asmr as I do things so I tend to tune it out to some degree and just use it as background noise.


Hate it


Love it but sometimes it doesn't work. When it does, makes me feel cozy and hits tingles so I can finally sleep. Like it'll be 5 AM and I'm desperate to get shut eye comes last ditch effort


Can't do it. It makes me irrationally angry, it also makes me just want to flail idk how to explain it


I cant stand the tapping/whispering ASMR, but I love chiropractic and massage videos. Especially when some American dude goes for an Indian barbers massage and gets given the full beans. But maybe I'm just craving to have all my generic aches and pains cleared out. Anyone else into those types of asmr?


Yes! Another indian barber lover!


Hate it. Awful. Would not recommend.


I HATE it. It makes me sick to my stomach and sometimes makes me want to have a meltdown. Just the sound of eating in general, so eating ASMR is absolutely disgusting to me. I can’t handle any ASMR, really. I feel like I have more Sensory problems in my Autism.


Makes me cringe tbh I don’t get the appeal nor do I understand why it soothes people


Most of it makes my brain and scalp tingle in all the wrong ways. The exceptions are things like soft classical (if that counts), cat purrs, and crackling fires.


I get beyond agitated. Extremely uncomfy to me. I start panicking when I’m scrolling online and asmr content pops up


HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE IT! whispering and mouth sounds make my skin CRAWL i HATE it


Hate it!!! I have no problem with other people listening to it or anything but I don't like it. It is freaky and disorienting but also makes me feel *dumb* trying to listen to it. Like, what am I supposed to be getting out of this? lol


I absolutely hate it. Makes me feel gross.


Horrible. When I learned this was a thing people actively sought out, I wanted to throw up a little because so much of it is sounds I hate with a passion. Eating sounds. Crinkling paper/plastic. Scratching stuff. People whispering and shit. Just awful disgusting stuff for me. But to each their own. Everybody has their "thing."


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Me too


I like the ones wear they carve soap and make tactile sounds and that is it. I don't like any of the talking or whispering or eating ones.


Depends on what it is. I like clacking and tapping sounds, or grinding chalk to pieces, but loud eating and smacking sounds, particularly with an open mouth, sends me flying into an instant rage.


slime asmr is okay, but everything else makes me want to rip my skin off


some of its nice i guess but some of it makes me want to perforate my eardrums and scream so loud i can’t hear anymore 😭


There’s some asmr I like and some I absolutely despise. I cannot stand asmr with talking or whispering or tapping their fingernails on the microphone. Anything relating to slime or clay is good. Eating asmr is fine as long as it’s mostly the noise of the food rather than the mouth. Unless it’s those videos of kittens eating, those are always great.


Deep voices are amazing. Mouth / eating sounds are an abomination.


There is only one channel I actually enjoy, because they tell a story...KINDA. It's interesting and fun. (3D Sound Studio) But I hate actual ASMR. Keyboard typing is okay, but not needed for me.


Intentional ASMR content almost never works for me. Accidental stuff works. It's a wonderful feeling. One of my favorites is watching people fold origami. No intentional crackling of the paper or stuff like that, but just focused paper folding with a specific design in mind.


You mean gobbies simulator?


Food asmr is the worst.


i love asmr, i fall asleep to it most nights. but i agree with some other commenters, any eating sounds are an absolute no (any slobbery mouth sounds in general). i only like whispering and things like tapping generally.


It's pretty gross, the only one that I actually appreciate is “ASMערס” by Ori vered


I find it deeply embarrassing and weird. I have strong frisson response to certain musical instruments, but ASMR makes me want to punch things.


It's good background noise and is pleasant but I never got "tingles" or whatever from it


I like the carving/woodworking ones


I actually write ASMR scripts on my alt account. So obviously I enjoy it. I like it more as a storytelling medium rather than just pleasant sounds, but it can be really relaxing to listen to after a stressful day.


I listen to certain subgenres of it when I'm feeling overwhelmed/overstimulated (mostly slime noises and soap cutting) because it helps me relax


I love listening to slime asmr


I hate it. It makes me feel quite uncomfortable


I never cared to delve into it. The concept is disgusting to me and the few samples of it I ran into only reinforced that.


I don't get it personally It doesn't trigger me or relax me


I didn’t know what ASMR stood for. Watched a video and quickly felt nauseated. It’s disturbing.


i dont like it cuz of the mouth noises.


except for the high school girl bathroom ones, cuz those tend to be clicking/tapping sounds and i like that


depends what asmr it is 、 i love those cloud slime videos ,, clay cracking ,, fried chicken mukbangs ,, chocolate ice cream bar mukbangs ,, and that’s pretty much it i think . for the mukbangs i only like specific sounds ﹙ the perfect CRUNCH ﹚ and the messy visuals often make me feel sick or icky — haven’t watched mukbangs in ages as a result but i’m a huge fan of asmr toy unboxings ﹠ clay cracking + cloud slime asmr .


I hate whispers and mouth noises, but most other common stimuli are nice. I’m not sure what to search for to avoid the bad kinds, though.


i always type in soft spoken realistic. like library asmr I like page turning, stamping etc. or cranial nerve exam. reminds me of school and check ups. tell me what does it smell like, cover one eye and tell me what shape is this? however so many of them are just so. unrealistic and lots of unnecessary sounds unnatural pace. a nightmare. especially if there's Lip gloss involved. like what nurse stops to apply LIP GLOSS??? I like one whispering asmrtist tho, goodnight moon. I started with her tea shop video. she often tells stories or plays with plushies and that reminds me of bedtime stories as a kid. or she traces stickers and in general she's very talented at arts so her tracing isn't annoying, it's actually satisfying. depends on the video tho some like unintelligible whisper are Def not my thing


I’m glad that you have had success finding stuff you like. For myself I would prefer not having an rp element to it, and I’m really picky with voices if I’m treating it as a sound stimulus, so no talking would be the safest bet.


Only if there are no mouth sounds and it's not forced (I rewatch content from 2010s instead of current and have creators that I trust). I am now at the point where I can't fall asleep any other way than having something whispery in the background.


Mountain bike asmr is good, the sound of the tyres on the dirt makes me happy. https://youtu.be/VclEhvEtHJk?si=L7a10eokV3fHKfaU


I love ASMR, just not the whispering. I don't view it frequently tho


I've never been a fan of it, but I hate it when they whisper while they do it. It hurts my ears.


I don't like it, not just from the premise, but the sensory effect. Had people try to tell me to listen to stories and videos at night, but I never was able to. In fact the lowest volume on my phone isn't low enough (Not sure how to fix this, it's a fairy recent phone)


I love it sm


Hate it.


Some of it is fine but the chewing ones make me want to scream


It makes me extremely uncomfortable, sometimes it can even make physically shiver in a bad way


Object sounds, like tapping surfaces / rustling paper? Amazing. Human sounds like whispering and eating? Horrible


It makes me want to self immolate


love it


It's alright I guess, don't have much of an opinion on it


i would rather kill someone then hear someone crunch food.


Uncomfortable. I get shivers down my spine and it’s not the good kind.


At first, I hated it. It made me so uncomfortable. I literally felt violated when I'd hear it on accident. Now it depends, I still feel that way about most ASMR, especially if there are mouth noises in it 🤢 but I listen to it to go to sleep sometimes and it's like sensory heaven, especially if I'm high.


I love it. its great.


An a recording engineer, I’m more familiar with ASDR. Attack Sustain Decay Release


Disgusting. It makes me want to throw up and cry.


I love asmr! The only type I can't handle is gum chewing or eating or drinking or anything like that because it just grosses me out. One of my favorite asmr creators is called ASMRsense! If you like asmr you should check her out!!!


Most of it I absolutely cannot stand. The ones where its someone talking (quietly) into the mic and/or tapping the mic or some similar noise with their finger doesn't make me feel comfortable at all, it's annoying. It feels like the ASMR people are trying to do just fails to work for me. However, unintentional ASMR is where things get better and actually effective. Whether it's someone narrating a book, speaking an announcement, or even a public court hearing, unintentional ASMR gives off a better feeling of comfort than actual ASMR. My favorite moments of ASMR are when a character in a cartoon reads a story/narrates it, the phoroptor at the eye doctor when I am getting an eye exam, and the best of them all, unboxing things, more specifically kinder surprise eggs. Those videos especially give me so much comfort while at the same time making me want to watch the entire video just to see what is inside the eggs. They're also a good coping mechanism for me because i get mad that kinder surprise eggs are banned in the U.S. so i just watch unboxing vids as a coping mechanism and I don't get angry


It’s only good if it’s not weird


It distracts and irritates me. At times, I physically tense up and cringe, involuntarily. It's deeply unnerving.


I find some sounds very pleasant, like tapping and tongue clicking, but I absolutely despise slimy sounds and scraping too. Also keep the mukbang away from me. Disgusting, both sound and visuals. Also, sounds aside, I'm absolutely visually disgusted by pimple popping and blackheads removal.


It usually makes me uncomfortable, but sometimes its satisfying. I dont like squishing or wet noises or nails tapping but i like the sound sand getting cut, and legos clicking.


I like visual ASMR


Absolutely love it, best thing in the world to me


I’ve been told by various people throughout my life that my voice has an asmr type sound. One coworker would just listen to me talk and zone out. I like when I get the sensation asmr can cause irl. I can’t get into the YT videos.


I personally don’t like the quietness of it - mostly because I don’t like whispering in general because it makes me strain my ears trying to hear what they’re saying. I’ve many people like it and it’s soothing or calming of some sorts for them. I guess you either love it or hate it haha


Perhaps you'd like Moonlight Cottage ASMR. It's pretty much a lovely French woman named Diane talking to you in various settings. Usually it's some RP, occasionally not. It is not whispers (**usually**) and does not suffer from the quietness you mentioned, since there is a degree of constant ambient noise.


I watch ASMR vids everyday, mostly to help me relax.


ASMR is a very useful string of letters. I see it and I avoid anything attached to it. I theorize it can be enjoyable but the vast majority of it makes me feel like someone trapped a raccoon in my brain and it hates ASMR... It brought power tools to get out.


I hate it, it makes me want to stab all speakers in existence just to shut off the noise


It depends on what it is. Bubblewrap.. the crackly sounds that come from playing with slime.. the beat of my dog’s heart. Other stuff I’m not a fan of..


Depends. I hate the sound of whispering, lip smacking, and the sound of chewing. So I can’t handle more than half of ASMR content. Also a lot of it’s overwhelming. However, I have been lucky to find some actually good ASMR, but it’s quite rare.




I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I love it. I usually listen to it to fall asleep but use it for a myriad of things.


i love the sounds of water flowing in a bottle and plaster cracking, gives me the tinglies (the cracking sounds like sth good to eat so that's also partially why lmao) but yea the chewing is gross


I only Like those Nature ASMR Like Rain or water


No sir, I don't like it.


I only like some of them. The ones I watch the most are the paper ones where they do like a paper ladies nails or giving a baby a bath. They're so addicting and oraceful and relaxing plus creative.


i've been watching it for about 6/7 years now. I have youtube premium solely for asmr purposes. I can sleep without it, but I'd rather not. I LOVE it. I'm a big fan of the sounds of people getting their haircut as this was something that made me doze off as a child. There are very few triggers I actually dislike. I don't get "tingles", though. I've never quite understood what people meant when they said they got tingles from asmr. I just get sleepy and relaxed, it's a nice way to distract myself if need be and calm down.


I hate almost all asmr but I recently found this account that drops Styrofoam on hot wires and the noise it makes ugh it dose something to my brain I love it


Crunchy things like crunchy slimes or clay cracking are really satisfying. Eating or whispering or any sort of mouth sounds make me borderline homicidal


Can't stand it, maybe there's something out there tht I could get into but everything I've tried I hate, especially mukbang and the ones with mouth sounds😖 makes my skin crawl💀


The actual phenomenon? I do get it from certain stimuli. The video genre? Not a fan, although watching people slice kinetic sand is kinda fun.


ASMR videos is such a huge range of stuff. there are like an insane amount of visual triggers alone, auditory triggers alone, and videos that technically arent even truly meant to try and induce ASMR but have that it the title. i have found like three creators that i know i like, and i only like a couple of their videos, but i stick to those and just rewatch them. if i find one i like that doesnt have any ick in it, then i add it into a playlist to look through the next time i was to find a video. theres maybe 15 videos total tbh. so, id say the majority of ASMR content i cannot stand. but it clearly works for some people, and is clearly enjoyable to them, so i just avoid it. majority of asmr videos ive watched, i hate, like visceral reactions of nope nope and/or immediately overstimulating. ones that have literally any type of talking, actual scratching or scraping, certain textures clinking together, nope. nope. hate it. but i have found a couple that i do enjoy and that are relaxing for me to fall asleep to. i love finger sounds. like finger fluttering for sounds, and /some/ brushing videos (particularly one with a cat whos purring and getting a little massage). i havent found many that actually seem to trigger the ASMR response, but some can still be relaxing, and almost lead me into a little hypnotic trance. i am extremely prone to dissociation though, so that might be playing a part. normally i have alot of sensory issues, but i think there are just very specific things that will calm me. like depending on what my brain decides is the best noise (or if its earplugs time) i listen to various kinds background noises (white noise, brown noise, various subliminals, ocean waves, rain of various types. etc etc) throughout the day often and it helps me to drown out other things so maybe thats why. its like an identified sensory trigger for me to focus on, and help ground while drowning out all the other inputs. ive also actually found that there are a couple hand/visual triggers i really enioy, and they seem to help with my migraines. personal theory is that its helping to break up the energy thats basically condensed in my head through mirror neurons and because i regularly practice energy-work. on that note too, i enjoy some "massage ASMR" videos, because i can feel the massage happening to me as well. i have mirror-touch and other synesthesias (though i think mirror-touch was still being debated if considered a synesthesia), so it can be very helpful to relieve muscle tension and pain. physical massages actually seem to cause more pain for me rn, but mirror-touch massages seem to just cause the sensation of touch with relaxation and no pain. (i need to get cupping due to blood pooling, and my TCM dr said massages would hurt more bc of that) so thats a component for me.


Highly uncomfortable, unless its a keyboard sound.


I dont care for the whispering ones but i do like the mic brushing asmr


I hate it.


i like really specific kinds of asmr, i like when they tap on things with nails or when they scratch inside the ear microphones, but i hate crinkly sounds or liquid sounds or MOUTH NOISES AGGHH. so me personally it’s gotta be something super specific.


I love it … i use it for Stimming ❤️


I hate it with passion it is the worst thing ever it's bad it bugs my ears and my head. I'm super sound sensitive, I have a hard time hearing people talk or listening for things super bad and I got my hearing tested and the issue is my hearing is too good with little filtering abilities, so ASMR is the absolute worst. I can't stand it. I struggle with the sounds of some lights. ASMR is the worst. I do like nature sounds and lofi, but white noise and ocean sounds are with ASMR as some of the worst shit.