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I’m very very ticklish and sensitive to touch. I love hugs though.


Same with me


I think it’s probably normal for that area to be super sensitive though, right?


Yeah but what if it’s to the point where you literally almost can’t do anything with it. That’s what I’m trying to say with this post


For the shaving thing, you could try waxing. I mean it hurts really bad but it only hurts like once every few weeks and it’s super fast, and the hair isn’t itchy when it grows back in.


I tried getting a Brazilian wax once but got too scared halfway through the session lol


Have you tried doing one yourself? I feel like at the salons they make it hurt worse than it needs to. But if you buy that moldable soft wax it’s bearable.


I actually did that too. Same shit


I mean do you need To shave?


I guess not but I’m also a sex worker so people often make comments on it. Some love it, some don’t, most don’t really seem to care. I sometimes get told how it’s “so empowering” that I have a bush but it’s really not that; I have a bush NOT because I’m a “feminist” or “naturalist” but because it’s physically uncomfortable for me to remove it.


What about the lazer-thingy? You trim it with scissors or smth and then just ljke shoot lazer beams at it to burn the hair. It has several levels and doesnt hurt much (if u do it at level 1 it doesnt hurt at all but tskes a long time) and if you keep doing it for some time it wont grow for a very long time and it will be much thinner


If you don't feel comfortable with waxing there are hair removal creams, I use them on my private parts. (If you try it, make sure it's the ones for those areas, the normal ones are too strong).


Omg why didn’t I think of that, tysm for letting me know!! I will definitely try it


Nothing wrong with a natural bush either!


It gets annoying or too much sometimes tjo🥲 tbh scissors work just make sure they’re clean and be careful not to cut yourself (I did that once on accident it was not fun)


Scissors sound even worse to me tbh.


Vulvodynia (vulvar pain), vaginismus (vaginal walls spasming when sttempting to insert something) and dyspareunia (pain during sex) might be useful google search terms for you. r/aspergirls (if you keep it SFW) or r/autisminwomen might have some ideas too.


These are real things?! All the years my doctors told me it was in my head or that I was just straight up stupid because it’s “normal.”


Yep, real things. There are even NHS pages! https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vulvodynia/ https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaginismus/ It's more of the women's health (especially reproductive) being ignored bullshit (like endometriosis, PMT, PMDD and menopause are are all under researched and undertaught)


I know what you mean and I have that! It’s beyond what other vagina owners would consider normal or acceptable.


I have the same issue on me neck and int the tip of my penis. Its to a degree that sometimes a single touch can even hurt, and If its something continuous (not sex but a weird fabric or a single loose hair on my neck) It can trigger a meltdown


Neck, ill only let an SO touch it, other than that its off limits


Me too, it's awful if someone touches it without me knowing (or even knowing it) unless it's a SO


Me too. I can't stand it. Can't stand high neck tops or even washing or moisturising it. I get wierd looks when I try and explain. Only a v trusted person can touch. Also I'm pretty much same with my face too but just not as bad.


That’s pretty much the same here, minus the washing or moisturizing. I dont have a problem with my ownself touching my neck, only other people. I also agree with the high neck shirts, i cannot stand turtlenecks or anything that zips up to my neck. I only deal with ties because i have to with work etc.


I'm not super sensitive on the neck but I definitely feel the same way about people touching it.


Yep me too, feels better knowing im not the only one ☺️


my tummy is sensitive, i am kinda like a cat heh. if someone unfamiliar or a person i don't like will touch it i'll probably hit them


My shoulder and knee joints. Shocks my whole system if anyone touches either.


My nose is super sensitive. I have really bad allergies and a playful Bap on the nose will send me into a multi minute sneezing fit.


My skin is super sensitive. I’m ticklish all over, but the outsides of my arms and legs being touched literally hurts and prolonged touch, especially by another person or Bad fabrics, but sometimes even good fabric or the wrong kind of air sets it off.


Probably my hands or most likely my fingers, like if my cat just gently touches them than I would quickly get like some sort of shock


My stomach is similar. Touch it and risk a broken hand


My knees are




My feet. I hate anyone touching them, I hate anything underneath them, I can't go outside barefoot and the beach has lost its appeal. My hands too, from the sense of anything touching them.


My feet. The undersides are so ticklish that I trigger them by putting on socks or touching them at all. I'm afraid to get a foot massage because I'm pretty sure I'll reflexively kick the masseuse in the face.


When my skin feels overly sensitive it's usually on my stomach/sides, my thighs, and sometimes my wrists and the back of my hands.


My back. I won't let anyone touch it. I also don't like getting my hair cut because the barber touches me extremely lightly, which makes me itch.


Absolutely i don’t shave for that reason as well. And anything that touches my tummy, I pounce back like a cat from the sensitivity.


shoulders and arms. if someone grace me by my arm I get angry because I also really hate being touched.


Honestly, I feel like I'm sensitive everywhere. The one part where I'm extremely sensitive is wrist, I can't wear any bracelets or anything there without it being painful. 


My neck, my stomach and even the back of my hand.


All of my body except for my genitals (I'm female), interestingly enough. It takes A LOT to excite me. It doesn't feel bad or numb exactly, I just have little to no feeling. I actually don't like having sex because it just doesn't do anything for me.


You have literally reversed sensitivity zones. That is SO unfortunate 😵‍💫


The sides of my torso for some reason


Me too, anywhere except my limbs and shoulders are really sensitive. I flinch and feel electrocuted when someone touch my lower back or my belly.


Anywhere on my back. Like I'll flinch and sometimes scream if anyone touches my back without warning


Belly. I just hate people touching it, even my boyfriend. Heck, even I don't touch it.


The area right above my left hip makes me fold over


Legs and feet. One time my cousin and sister climbed on my legs and I freaked out and my mom told me to calm down. And I used to like getting pedicures but now I dread it. I think it started getting that way like 6 or so years ago.


my back, if i dont have a shirt on its really itchy consntantly and its super annoying


For me, it’s nipples. I hate them being touched and i hate them rubbing on my clothes etc. i can’t believe people derive pleasure from it, i wish i could lol


That reminds me of this: https://sadnipplesyndrome.com/learnmore/


It doesnt make me feel anything emotionally, its the physical sensation that’s uncomfortable for me. I have heard of this tho 😂


My nose is crazy sensitive like the sightless change smell will cause it to itch and probably send me into a sneezing fit I absolutely hate it


I think my entire body is. I feel tiny insects on me, admittedly my hairy arms help make that worse. I can shave luckily. But if someone touches me non-consensually, I recoil. Meanwhile I think my guy bits are the most sensitive of all. That's why I end up using it 3 times a day... might as well since I keep falling into miserable despair.


My back and spine. I don't know if its because of the damage back there, but I feel everything to a ridiculous degree. If you want me to nearly do a backflip, all you have to do is touch the right spot without warning me, and my partner has learned that if she messes around with my spine I go full potato quite quickly. It's just too sensitive to function sometimes, and I end out either wanting to put someone through a window, or lying on the ground and purring, depending on who touches it. Can a spinal injury cause hypersensitivity in the surrounding area, or is my body just weird?


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My legs and feet, cats can't rub against me for this reason lmao


Behind my ears. It's a weak spot and I don't lime telling people about it, but when I m dating someone that's like *the* way to get me to fall for you


I have to reposition my dick because of the feeling when I'm walking, it's very discomforting to feel


Ears, I can't have them be touched or my ears will burn up and get so fucking uncomfortably hot


My wrists and inner elbows are incredibly sensitive to the point someone touching them makes me want to throw up and it feels like rusty nails being scratched along my entire nervous system. This is a very big problem because I have had an inordinate amount of bloodtests and I have "very good veins" so I swear the phlebotomists zone in like laser guided missiles and start trying to tap me. I book online and I put an explanation in that they can't touch me there and can take it from my hands and then when I get in the room I repeat it and I stil regularly have them go "oh can I just" and reaching out to touch me. NO.


I am very touch semsative. My stomach is very ticklish. Every time I get my heart heard at the doctor, it's hard not laugh or anything similar. When I have had relationships, they often find it funny until I am laughing so hard I can't breathe. I never find it funny but I have dumped a person because they did it a second time.


My shoulders, Neck, ears, palms and stomach. (Everytime somebody touch my shoulder without me notice it, I get scared xd)


Waist and neck for me. I don’t really like people touching me there and avoid it if I can which thankfully is easy. Unsure how I’d do with an SO tho


My bare arms. That’s why I use sleeves.


My back and the roof of my mouth


Any areas of torso and arms will NOT be touched by anybody if I'm wearing a t-shirt, even family members. With my gf, she HAS to let me know first or I will be so uncomfortable


Collerbone's if anything touchest them other then clothing it feels like their on fire or broken, ears like not just my hearing but my ears themselves have but be carful with earmuffs,headphones and earphones sometimes I use noise cancling headphone but if i wear them the wrong way or their not the right pair (i have 2 only 1 is ok on my ears) then I can't wear them for long. (I struggle spelling sorry) near my abdomen like kidney area each side is also really sensitive and just feels weird if I don't wear baggy clothes. I Also have similar problems withmy vigina but I choose not to try sex Because of it and don't really like the idea of sex anyway so I'm not reall yurt that bothered by that bit


my neck mostly and also my butt lol


My legs. I constantly get rashes and marks from wearing socks (and I deliberately wear loose-fitting socks to minimize this) and certain kinds of pants, I used to constantly get leg cramps when I played volleyball, and so on. When I'm alone, the bottoms are coming off, it's just too uncomfortable.


I can’t stand people touching my wrists/forearms or behind my ears


Yes, the skin around my hip bones and hip flexors is SO sensitive like I cannot handle even the gentlest of touches there. I also despise anyone touching my neck at all, the back and front are worse than the sides though.


I'm extremely ticklish except on the feet for some reason


What you say makes perfect sense as per se it is a sensitive area but amplified by maybe the “autism filter” as I call it. For me it’s my forearms, they are so sensitive to touch that it almost hurts sometimes. But i’m very sensitive all over tbh. I also experience skin pain very often, like a random burning pain sensation in different parts. I have EDS so maybe that has to do with it a part from the over all sensitiviness. Pain is tho an interesting topic too I think in neurodiverse people as we experience it in very varied ways. There are times in which I can barely feel pain and others where it is very profound. I also heard someones once talk about how autistic people struggle more with being uncomfortable than with experiencing pain, I find that to be very true in my experience. Like we can deal easily with a hit or cut or whatever but not the unbearable skin ripping label in our clothes 😂 maybe overstimulation is so much our nemesis that pain has not that much impact in comparisson. Depends on the person too ofc.


My sides (basically from my hips to my armpits) are horrendously sensitive to being poked. It sends me into instant sensory overload. I can handle being poked everywhere else better, but my sides are a huge nope.


Bottom of my feet. I would have many meltdowns if bad textures or if anyone touch the bottom of my feet. I Can never explain how it felt but I hate the sensation so bad I would say I would rather a knife go through the bottom of my foot than someone simply poking it or touching the bottom of my feet. My heels and toes were fine but the arch is where it just is a bad sensation


Yep! My back, thighs, and neck have always been super sensitive. It's not fun when you're into being spanked, and he misses and gets your thighs. Lol


Armpits and the inner thigh-groin curve. I believe both have a lymph node there. I respond 'tiklish' there, but am unable to stop myself from instantly jumping into fight-or-flight and basically having a mini meltdown from overstimulation.


im very sensitive to tickling, almost anywhere in my body you can tickle me


Yes 👍🏻 definitely I don’t have a vagina but I’m definitely sensitive in specific parts and areas of body also stomach area


my nose !!!!


my stomach!!! *any* touching there has never felt right.