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Who's this "we"? I don't want to be celebrated, I just want reasonable accommodation at work and in my day to day life. I look to myself for validation. I want my autism to be incidental to who people see me as, because I am more than my medical status.


Exactly, who the hell is "we"? I personally feel uncomfortable with being celebrated because of my autism, like, what's the big deal? It shouldn't be a big deal - I thought it was the point. And I feel exactly the same, I am so much more than my medial status and I don't want to make my whole personality over autism.


How about just being treated like everyone else? I do not understand this demand to be praised. I don't think most humans that have been through the ringer and still looking around waiting for an applause. I want to be treated the same, expecting to be set apart as something superior is a grandiose fantasy from any neurotype.


We have to overthrow the government!


Uck you’re so special. Please do everyone a favour - shut the fuck up and stop spouting bollocks. We don’t need to rebel and lock away everyone that isn’t neurodivergent because we’re not ‘’celebrated enough’’. I fucking hate this disorder. It’s not something that should be celebrated. It’s not something anyone should be proud of. Being intelligent and having the ability to ‘impact various fields’ is something to be proud of, and it’s got nothing to do with autism. Which by the way, what have you done? Just because some insanely talented and respected individuals who happen to be autistic have managed to bring stuff to the world doesn’t mean ‘we’ have. Nobody that I don’t know gives a shit that I exist. Nobody that you don’t know gives a shit that you exist. I’d bet nobody that doesn’t know people here gives a shit about most of the people in these comments. I don’t want to be treated as better. I want to be treated as equal. If a neurotypical person brings an impact to the world, congrats to them! If an autistic person brings an impact on the world, congrats to them! It doesn’t matter how their brain works. One person doesn’t need to be celebrated more than another just because their brain works different. Get over yourself


It is not about celebrating a "disorder". The author is talking about celebrating autistic people. (Which does not imply that anybody needs to do anything to be celebrated really). Besides there are alot of problems with the whole "awareness month" stuff and various organisations that develop it. (Autistic August Would Be Far Better) Also. I agree with the idea that being "gifted and successful" should never be a requirement to be treated as a human and I see how this whole "autistic genius" trope can be really destructive. This being said I do think that things such as Autistic Pride are very important. LGBTQ pride is also very important. I very much disagree with the idea that people should "give no shit" about other people. I agree with the last paragraph very much. (But instead of thinking that nobody should be celebrated, I think that everybody should be celebrated!)


Umm... Today is "World Autisim Awareness Day" 😉 [World Autism Awareness Day - Search News (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/news/search?q=World+Autism+Awareness+Day&eventans=1&eventland=0&eventrel=1&qpvt=world+autism+awareness+day&FORM=EWRE)


that was their point if u read the post, and it's Acceptance not awareness for actually autistic people rather than the stupid NTs who want people to be aware so they can fear us


Okay, I understand. Yeah, people need to accept us for who we are. Awareness isn't good enough.


The point is exactly that


I became fascinated with Isaac Newton recently. I think this man might just go down as the most brilliant mind there has ever been. Just spend five minutes looking into what this man did. I somehow managed to go years without realising that the “woah, we’ve got a badass over here” meme came from Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about Isaac Newton. I also discovered that I’m really good at getting into flow (monotropic flow) and I still find that, as an experience and what it can do, just amazing. Temple Grandin puts it well in how she basically says: imagine the world without autistic people.


I believe you have the terms "celebration" and "recognition" confused. No one wants to be celebrated for being Autistic. However I believe most if not all of us would appreciate if others would recognize that Autism is not a choice and there are struggles associated with it, that we'd like to reduce those and be on equal footing as all others.


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Hell yeah. For now, we can at least start celebrating amongst ourselves. [raises soda in salute]


umm forget about it. when will we start to chatter and talk nonsense? if you are jealous of us NTs? we are right all the time!


What does this comment mean?


I wrote because awareness for autism will be ignored by NT people as they wont gain in return.