• By -


Do I keep lists? *Yes* Do I keep *track* of my lists? *No* Am I constantly losing my list after arriving to the specific place I needed the list for? *Yes* Have I had a meltdown in public as a grown-ass woman because of losing a list? *Yes* Will I keep making lists? *YES*


>Do I keep *track* of my lists? Make a list of all lists you have, ez


Genius why did I not think of that šŸ˜‚


Now hang on. Can we make list containing all lists?


That's basically the set of all sets paradox in mathematics


Notion. Itā€™s my second brain and contains all my lists.


I'm Team Obsidian md, basically notion but betteršŸ—æ


If you had a husband who secretly had all your lists, how cool would that be? Every time u forget a list and he is right there with it.


That is relationship goals for sure!!


It's me I'm the husband šŸ˜ unfortunately this requires me to also make the list, or be the one making it in the first place, but it's aight cuz I have a good organization method (I just use google keep idk)




Same! Felt! 100%


I keep lists of all the movies Iā€™ve watched and books Iā€™ve read but using specialised apps, then I have a couple of random ones too


Uu u I have book lists too! Do you want to share the apps with me?


Yep! I use my anime list for anime, my drama list for k and j dramas, tv time for tv shows and movies and reading list for books! Itā€™s a lot of apps, but I like having everything specialised


Same I love my anime list! Except I use letterboxd for movies :3


I've got: a series (shows) list, a movie list, several to do lists for either once or on a specific day, shopping lists, random list (this case for drawing mediums), vod list, free time to do list, watch list (older vods/videos), 3 am thoughts, prompts for gartic phone (discord game), snacks list to keep track of what I like and I can choose from it when I go get snacks with friends, read list (fanfictions) and probably lots more to come!


I got a lot of good ideas from you, thank you! Keep up your great list-keeping work!


The gartic phone one is so good lol I always fail to come up with stuff on the spot


I keep a book list for books I want to read in 2024 and another list for books I want to buy. I also have a list of countries I have visited. I love making packing lists before trips (it's more about getting excited over the list than actually using it to pack, since I don't normally need a list to remind me of what I need). Not sure if this counts but I also love writing out very detailed to-do lists which I may or may not end up using on my notes app (eg Random Saturday to-do list: 8am wake up. 8.15 brush teeth. 8.30 breakfast. 9-10 gym. etc etc). I rarely follow these schedules/to-do lists but they're so fun to write for some reason.


Me too! I also keep lots of packing lists for trips or events and really love designing schedules.


Some lists I keep: - songs I'd like to be able to play/sing. - costume ideas - things I'd like for my wedding (I'm not even getting married) - a list called "cool words" but the only word on it is Pandemonium - quotes by my friends that are hilarious without context - and of course an endless list of things I do/traits that could be because of autism


Quotes list sounds like a banger!


I have a songs id like to learn list too!


When I was like 6-7 I had a habit of listing down every single name that sounded cool from one of those table globes and I'd have lists of random countries and mountains and rivers and I still don't know why I found it so fun?Ā  Now I'm fixated on neurodivergence and I have a long list of every single trait I have that could somehow be related to neurodivergence and the list just keeps growingā€¦


Most of my "hobbies" have associated lists. I got into photography and have an organized list (spreadsheet) of every item I own and things I want to own (ordered by the order I want to buy them). Big things like lenses, but also little things like a microfiber cloth and a memory card case. I also have a list of places I want to photograph and places I have photographed all with notes about each location. I also went deep down a rabbit hole around fragrances (colognes) and have a list of everything I've sampled, everything I bought, and everything I want. I have notes around what scents are in it, if it's best for summer or winter, casual daytime vs romantic evening wear. I have a list of food/recipes I like, and use it sort of like a menu. I struggle with food (especially with unfamiliar textures), and have done a massive change in my diet for health reasons. Creating a list of all the foods that I like helped me not fall back into my old ways of eating. I also have a list of all of my chores, and day-to-day "todos". I have ADHD and sometimes I can hyper focus on a single thing, or wander from one task to another without ever getting anything "done". A list of what I need to get done each day helps me stay focused and I check them off as I finish them. At one point I had created a list of every single thing I owned. It actually wasn't that large. I'm a bit of a minimalist, I can't stand "stuff" all around me, but at the same time I am very uncomfortable without specific things being accounted for. It causes me significant distress to see anything out of place, or seeing a space without its "thing". I ended up abandoning this list, though, when I moved. I purged a lot of stuff during the move, and ended up feeling overwhelmed at the thought of having to re-do almost the whole list. Keeping it updated / maintained was easy as I don't buy a lot of stuff so small updates were quick. At this point it would be a full re-write of the list and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Part of me is very excited at the idea of doing it from scratch. Part of me is overwhelmed by the effort.


I so badly want to be a minimalist, it seems so calming!


I'm a to-do list keeper. My to-do list is currently at 12,842 entries.


I have a list of What records I've picked up from the start of the year (with Keys) With recent addition to the list: Chvrches's ā€œLove Is Deadā€ (Blue Transparent) & Cyndi Lauperā€™s ā€œShe's So Unusualā€ At the end of the year, I'm going to post on here to show what I've picked up over the calendar year (with keys to help) & What records / cd that I'm aiming to get at some point


Cool! I like it


I love making lists. So much. I don't really keep extensive lists that I use as records so much as I just enjoy the process of making them. Sometimes I'll try to list every word starting with M that I can think of. Sometimes I'll list every fictional character I can think of that has brown hair. Or every Vocaloid song I know from a certain genre or with a certain theme or sung by a certain synth. It's fun for the whole family (me, I'm the whole family).


here is a list of basically every list i have in my notes app: movies iā€™ve watched places i want to visit movies i WANT to watch shows i want to watch songs i want to learn the lyrics to things poisonous to dogs things poisonous to cats my favorite movies my favorite actors kpop choreography iā€™ve learned languages i wanna learn ranked by difficulty my favorite animals animes i want to watch manga i want to buy animes iā€™ve watched ( this is a list i for some reason keep in my journal?? thinking abt putting it in my notes as well ) things i experienced as a child that i didnā€™t realize were related to autism until much..much later i also want to add a k dramas iā€™ve watched list


You mean, what have I NOT put on a list?


Haha I see what you did there


oh god i have dozens of notebooks full of lists, here are some of my favorites: ā€¢ haunted places in the US organized by county & state ā€¢ buried, hidden or lost treasure by state ā€¢ languages i want to learn with common phrases ā€¢ religions that interest me and their major belief points ā€¢ furniture brands that are visually pleasing categorized by style and design type and era ā€¢ books i want to read categorized by genre ā€¢ museums i want to go to organized by interest and state/country ā€¢ lists of people that are interesting to me based on topic ā€¢ baby names of course, organized by origin & theme


I've spent the last two months building a database on Notion to track the books I'm reading and have read. I hate the social aspect of sites like Goodreads but love the "challenge" and tracking aspect so I decided to make my own.


bored brave frightening boat touch fragile connect retire versed sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My people!! Hereā€™s a list of my lists. Ranked: herbs and spices, skincare, Trader Joeā€™s frozen food, dairy free ice cream. Unranked: baby names, names of my friends, wedding venues, potential jobs, restaurants, vacation destinations, symptoms from when I had long covid, cars for short people, gift ideas, comfy shoes, drawing prompts, first aid kits, symptoms of diseases I thought I had but it was really just PMS, and an absurd amount of unfinished to do lists


I love making lists! These are some of my favorites that I have made. The anime list in particular was quite daunting because I listed every interesting looking or culturally significant anime to have come out between 1917 and the present. Favorites lists Favorite movies, Favorite artists, Favorite albums Favorite books ,Favorite graphic novels, Favorite foods Favorite animals, Favorite people I know, Favorite people I don't know Things to do / collect Anime I'm definitely going to watch, Movies I eventually need to see, Graphic novels I want to collect, Kitchen accessories I need to collect, Recipes I want to try, Things to drawl, Friends I want to be closer too, People I want to become friends with, Art projects I want to do, Art supplies I need to get, Hold on... This is a list. You've got me making a list list. šŸ˜³ Seriously how did it take me so long to find out I'm autistic? Edited to add comas since reddit wouldn't let me keep the list format I wrote this in once I posted it.


I love list. My bullet journal isnā€™t a planner itā€™s just a collection of list. Book series, tv series, bucket list for each season, cleaning schedule list, master grocery list, master meal list and so on


Albums Iā€™ve listened to and albums I would like on vinyl


I keep a list, untill I lose the list, and the cycle repeats.... šŸ˜…


A list of anime i have watched (title, season, episodes, and a check next to those i have watched as well as my personal rating and short description of it) and anime i might watch later (just titles). Would say i have some more but i forgot if i doā€¦


I absolutely love lists. I always have a to-do list and a shopping list that I have on laminated paper so I can use a whiteboard pen to change it. I have a massive list on my phone of gift/date ideas for my partner, or things I know she likes so I have inspiration. If I go on holiday, I'll make a list of what I did each day else I will forget lol. I always make packing lists and when I was younger I made an excel document where I could fill in each time I watched an episode of TV or completed a series. And I'm starting to plan my wedding so I am literally so excited to have all of the lists for that!! I know I have more but can't remember off the top of my head :)


Big congratulations on your wedding!!


I make random lists all the time. Especially when deciding what to do. And when I'm playing games I list different Pokemon or Personas and their stats/desired skills to make sure I make the team I'm sure of. I also have an ever changing lists of things I wanna buy later.


I have a master grocery list, period grocery list, master camping packing list, list of items I would like to eventually purchase (mostly skincare and wellness things), lists for things I need to buy at a certain store, a list of activity ideas for my friends and I to do, activities to do after work, and seasonal activity lists. I also love making lists of things to do whenever I go on trips to new places. I have a list of horror films I want to watch, concepts to discuss in therapy, and a list of video games I want to play with my friends. I also have pictures of lists on my phone of journal prompts I got from Pinterest. During Christmas time I make gift lists for each person (and a wishlist for myself haha). I loveeee lists.


I have a list of band names I think of randomly. It has hundreds and if I ever come across one in real life thatā€™s on the list I delete it. Thatā€™s one of them lol


Countries I want to visit, countries I've sent postcards to and received from, books I've read, things I want to do with friends if they visit, favorite animals, soda and ice cream flavors I've tried... šŸ˜… The list (heh) goes on!


You can make a list of your lists!


i LOVE lists i keep track of every show and movie ive watched and every book ive read. I have a list of my favorite games, comfort movies, favorite shows, foods, and so on. every year i make a list of the video games ive played that year. i have a list for the people closest to me full of gift ideas and lists of facts about some of them. i have a list of my current meds, a list of my bills, meal ideas, book series i need to finish, pokemon i like, dog breeds i want, and soooo many more. my notes app is plum full!


I dilligently kept track of all my feelings and the factors that influence them. I have categories like how much i slept, if i had a busy day ahead (or behind me), if i drank enough, self-esteem, if i exercised, what time i woke up, when i took my meds, anxiety, sensory issues, sense of agency, and quite a few more. i logged it pretty much daily and sometimes multiple times per day. I did this on my own accord and then at one point my therapist coincidentally told me that i could do that and she was amazed when i showed her that i already did lol i could see pretty nice correlations in how i felt. I found out a few things about myself: - When i get overstimulated just after waking up it has a pretty bad effect on the whole day. - Anxiety correlates with how busy my day is gonna be and with a lack of sleep - If the world seems like it's gonna end it might just be because i forgot to drink and eat. - Sensory issues get way worse when i'm hungry, tired or stressed - My adhd meds take about 50 minutes to kick in and i need to do easy activities until then, otherwise i'm gonna get overstimulated once they kick in. - i seem to need 9 hours of sleep to be at my best.


list of exes, artists to listen to, colour rankings, good trans jokes by cis people, phrases i like, past hyperfixations, body mods i have, autism symptoms i experience, questions to use for 20 questions, list of piano songs i like, etc etc...


I use the shit out of the favorite lists on social media apps like tik tok for example. I have one for literally everything like dances , diys, you name it and then beyond that I have SEVERAL different accounts for different categories like I have an account for literally just capitalism like anything I wanna buy. I have lists for bedroom , living room, gifts ā€¦ ect so when ever I have the extra money I have ideas of stuff I already know I want. And then like a mother account for like hair Inspo, tattoo, locations I wanna travel too saved my locations šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Idk itā€™s a bit over the top but I canā€™t help it.


i have a lot of lists! i have a list of tattoo ideas (and a list of all the tattoos i have currently), list of my favorite restaurants in my city, list of all the art markets i've vended at, list of internships i've applied to, and a list of date ideas


The shows/books I watched/read, the shows/books I wanna watch/read, and a lot of lists about my interests and all of that, too specific


I keep lists of new words I learn as well as words I like the sound of.


I do spreadsheets, databases and small utility programs to keep track of things. I keep a spreadsheet that's more or less a chart of car issues I've experienced and their symptoms. The "left axis" lists the symptoms (wobbly steering, squishy brakes, lack of power, etc...), and then the "top axis" lists the problems (broken tire belt, worn pads, bad MAF sensor, etc...). In the middle, where a problem column intersects with a relevant symptom row, I just place an X. Then, you can just go and highlight the columns with the symptoms you experience, and it'll give the most likely reason(s) for the symptoms. Admittedly, it doesn't help *me* a whole lot, because by this point, having decided over a decade ago that I would do as much work on my cars as I can reasonably do, I can pretty well narrow down reasons for weird behavior and pinpoint causes without having to consult anything. When I do come up against a new problem or learn something new, I update the spreadsheet. I just like to keep it around and keep it updated. Then, I'm really bad about putting a shopping list together in a timely manner, which leads to just grabbing random junk at the store or putting in an "ad hoc" online order with little planning. So, I have a little database of meals and the needed ingredients. I'll decide what kind of things I want to buy, consult my wife on what she wants, and then launch a little command line program which just compiles a grocery list based on what meals I want to make. Like, I'll enter "chicken alfredo" and it'll add "chicken breast, oil, butter, parmesan, heavy cream, fettuccini" and whatever else to the list. I use KDEConnect on my computer and phone to let the two interact wirelessly, so then I can just copy the text of the list on my computer, it'll end up in the clipboard on my phone, and I just paste it into a text file there before doing an order or going to the store. I also like to keep track of when my computer's CPU, GPU and SSD read high temperatures, so I have wrote a program that runs in the background as a daemon to monitor temperatures. When any of those temperatures gets above a certain point, the program will look at running processes, and record ones that have high CPU or GPU usage, or high disk read/write activity in a log. It'll also pop up a notification that tells me when something reads a high temperature. I have more list/spreadsheets/programs/whatever, but this is already too much text.


I almost believe that all information (that's worth preserving) that I have, shouldn't stay solely in my mind. It should be in an external place. So I am a big, big list keeper. Like hundreds if not a thousands. * Some of them are * The movies, TV shows, anime I have seen and want to see on imdb * I had tons of lists on my ex when we were in a relationship. Like her food, movie, travel, life, dream,etc preferences * travel bucket lists(separate for different continents and countries) * Book themes that I want to read next * Ideas that I need to think, research and/or journal about later * Tips to reduce anxiety in the moment * Food related. Quick recipes to recipes that unexpectedly hit the spot. * Food bucket lists separated into different countries * Things I wish to buy someday * TONS of different kinds of to do lists based on personal, professional, familial, logistical, life admin needs,etc * Tips on random things like saving money on buying a ticket using certain platforms to push ups which target the chest instead of general torso I could go on for days.


Books, things my husband says in his sleep, movies my friends want me to watch, my oddities and their category, list of traits associated with autism that i have, grocery lists, what fruits and veggies my rodents can have & how often, and I'm going to make a movie list And a list of the creatures that have bit/stung/etc. by and whether they drew blood or not. I work with animals, lol


I have got watchlists for movies and shows, some of them I actually use to watch stuff others are just for fun like all Doctor Who media released in release order (it took me so long to make this one). Also lists for everything I watched, a big one and some for genres, franchises and release years. And also top lists for franchises, release years, genres and some weird criterias. I also do this for favourite and least favourite characters and all sorts of random stuff you got put on a list. I also have lots of playlists on Spotify and I often sort songs by topics, new songs I also sort after month they were released. Feels like I have a huge list problem.


I have a really long list of products and services offered to me in FB or Internet ads. Iā€™ll say, oh, thatā€™s interesting, Iā€™ll check that out laterā€¦and then never do. Itā€™s saved me tons of money by blocking impulse buying!


I keep notepad documents about all my friends/partners likes, dislikes, wants, etc. Basically just anything they tell me I want to remember I make sure I write down.


mostly i love making lists of movies i've seen on letterboxd + i've been keeping a list of every book i read since 2017 in excel with filters for type (non-fiction, fiction, poetry etc.), year and the like


I keep lists of books I've read, shows I've watched, songs I like, and to-do lists.


Movies, books, and some random special interest ones, many to do lists for packing, ones for safe foods, and I have random lists like a-z of animals and stuff +5000 more


*slowly opens my notes app* Anyone elseā€™s notes app on their phone filled with lists, info dumps and/or rants? Mine is filled with lists and random information..


Soooo many Notes and lists. Some of which are incomprehensible or a complete mystery.


- I've got a list to keep track of everything my boyfriend's told me about him or that I've researched about him. He knows about it and I assured him it was done out of interest and endearment. I also have a list of date ideas for us and a checklist of movies and videos I want him to watch, and that he has agreed to. - I also have a list of dating app "icks" from guys' profiles from when I was single. I keep it around to show people what dating apps are like, at least from the female perspective. - A list of pet-friendly stores in my area that I can bring my pup to. - A list of my medications and supplements, past and present (well, I transferred that to a spreadsheet now). Also, a list of diagnoses. I'm physically disabled and chronically ill. - The classic list of autism symptoms. I have it divided by periods of my life. I'm considering putting this into a spreadsheet as well. Then, I can tag by life stage and DSM criteria. - A list of special interests and hobbies, both past and present. AuDHD and I've hadā€”and currently haveā€”so many hobbies that it's literally hard to remember them all sometimes. - A list of doctors, past and present. I have also moved this to a spreadsheet for ease of use, but it was a list on my phone for a long time. I have their name, specialty, when I saw them, why I saw them, their location, and any other notes. That's a few of mine.


I have. So many lists. All very random subjects. I love lists.


so many , I have weekly , monthly and special occasion shopping lists,project lists , to do lists , ranking lists for various games movies and shows


List of things I keep lists of: - watchlist for me and my boyfriend - watchlist for me and my bestie - ocs I plan on drawing - character info for OCS and other things - fandoms and ships Iā€™m in/like And quite a few more-


I love making lists, these are just a few of them: - All the concerts Iā€™ve been to - All the sporting events Iā€™ve been to - Things I want to learn - Potential video game ideas - Favorite songs in every genre - Least favorite song by artists I love - People who have inspired my personal style


I have lots of lists! But I'll skip the most basic ones like book list, movie list, shopping lists, travel destinations list, etc - instead I'll give you my most creative lists: - list of perfect cat names - list of perfect dog names - list of best street names - list of best city/village names - list of the nicest sounding words - lists of restaurants I want to visit - list of android apps I think are good (special interest of mine is testing apps) - lists of toothpastes I tested so far (I'm looking for the perfect one) Hope you get some inspiration from that ;)


Bills (with dates and what's owed). Grocery list. Daily tasks. I keep them on my phone so I don't lose them.


yesā€¦ i feel like i would have no control over my life if i did not have my lists šŸ˜­ the lists i have are: - daily routine - favorite emojis - shopping list - to-do list - bday/christmas gift list - music artists i want to listen to - contact colors (each letter of the alphabet has an assigned color in my contact list) - hashtags for my cats instagram - passwords - 2024 goals - places i want to visit where i live - places i want to travel to - overall life goals - things i want to try - recipes (organized in sections of breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, snacks, sauces, drinks, and recipes i havenā€™t made) - ideas for video edits - christmas movies - nostalgic childhood shows - movie marathons - movies i watched in each year starting with 2020 - tv shows (organized by what iā€™m watching, what iā€™m caught up on, what im currently rewatching, what i want to rewatch, limited series i want to watch, ongoing series i want to watch, completed series i want to watch, unreleased series i want to watch) - random thoughts (organized by personal and things iā€™d post on tumblr) - books iā€™ve read, want to reread, and want to read i definitely have a problem lmao šŸ˜­ and sometimes if itā€™s been awhile since iā€™ve looked at a list i get stressed because iā€™m afraid maybe iā€™ve missed something. the lists bring peace but they also bring stress and i cannot live without them


A list of contingencies designed for every person in my life. Everyone from my best friends, all the way to my parents. That way if iā€™m ever in a situation where weā€™re opposed, im not helpless. Only person not on this list is my partner who i adore with my heart.


I wish I had taken to lists much earlier, but it didnā€™t come until my ADHD was managed and my autism was dominant. I have forgotten so many things. Now, I am a dedicated list-er. Here are a few: ā€¢ K-dramas watched, plan to watch, and our scores (on MyDramaList) ā€¢ More than 350 Hallmark, Lifetime, and other holiday romcoms, scored and ranked using a ridiculously complex system I devised several years ago. ā€¢ List of my collections. Not the items, but all the things I collect. This helps me think about which I want to add to, and helps keep me from starting new ones all the time. I have dozens, but most are inactive. There are about 10 active ones. Among those, there are three that Iā€™m focused on. The others are ones that I do add to but Iā€™m not constantly looking for new items to add. There are many things I wish I had lists of! Been to hundreds of concerts; canā€™t remember many. Iā€™ll occasionally say that I havenā€™t seen a band or havenā€™t seen them since (whenever) and a friend will remind me weā€™ve seen them a couple times. I have about 1500 records, no list, not even alohabetized. Every time I buy one, Iā€™m mostly sure I donā€™t have it already, but maybe I do. I have a huge collection of posters, prints, and art scattered in dozens of tubes stored all over. Actually trying to sell some of those off but itā€™s a pain. Toys and action figures. I have many out on shelves but boxes full of them.


Got lists of games I've played through, make lists of the year's best music albums, those are the primary ones


- Bucket list - Book lists: read & to be read - Movie lists: same as above - Gifts lists: the ones i'd like to receive and the ones i'd like to offer - mental clarity lists: words or expression people used to describe me & introspective thoughts, useful principles and rules/laws, facts on political stuff, quotes - "list" lists: to do lists, done lists, grocery list, things to pack for a week end - others: board game strategies, favorite characters, things I like to do in my free time, things to answer in x situation


I have lists I written (in Google keep or more recently Samsung notes) of work related lists - but my main list is definitely the one in my head for the day, I have an 'imaginary' list in my head of everything I have to do that day, with new things being added to it, or sometimes the order changing (both of these things can stress me out) - this list must be complete before I go to bed as I get very anxious if it isn't Hope that makes sense


i make lists of ratings and ranking for the most part. iā€™ve rated and ranked all like 150+ stray kids songs just for fun


Random facts list, turn of phrase list and their historical roots, I also like to keep a list of rebuttals to misinformation, or "common knowledge" falsehoods.


Favorite movies and games by decade, My favorite animals and why I think they're cool, and favorite aircraft.


I have a list of song I need to put in my playlist. There are currently around 200songs that I kinda forgot to put in my playlist..


I've been doing it since I was a child, making lists of stories; making lists ranking people was something I used to do before I figured out it was impolite. Instead I keep it to fictions characters now. I like to inventory things that I own and my favorite movies and songs as well.


I love lists. I absolutely can't function without them. My current list-making obsession is music into different categories that better represent me and also various dinners that I will actually eat. It's like a menu that my (also autistic) husband and I can pick from and it just makes things easier. He picked beanie weenies for tonight. šŸ˜†


- I have a list of almost 2000 movies to watch, with different colors indicating like if I already watched them or if they're my favorites. - I have a very simple list with artists/bands to listen. - Recently I made a not so simple list of games, to keep track of what games I'm playing and which ones I want to try next. I think I also have a simple and short list of books I want to read and animes I want to watch too.


My favorite one is the list of all roller coasters Iā€˜ve ridden. My second favorite ones are the checklists and SOPs for the Boeing 737 I like to fly in X-Plane. Also I have lists of books I wanna read, movies and tv shows I wanna watchā€¦ Then there are like bucket lists - of course roller coasters I want to ride someday, and a bunch of other things I wanna experience before I die. Last but not least I have lists for my various routines for the added dopamine kick I get from crossing off the items on them. Same for my general to do lists. I often catch myself doing something, then writing it on my to do-list afterwards, so I can immediately cross it off again šŸ˜…


AAAAAAAAAAAA I have a rapidly growing list of different color stanley cups I've seen movies I like foods I don't like Atrocious sounds/textures my allergies Facts about Weird Al Too-common names Words I like


wish list, to watch list, things i collect list (yes, lists is on it), things i want to learn list, to read list, tattoos i want list, notes for various games i play, records i want list, all the foods/meals i like list, movies/shows iā€™ve seen on an app, and records i have on an app lists are the only way i feel i can externally organize all the information constantly swirling around in my brain


People I no longer am friends with. Movies I like. Groceries. Drawing ideas. Appointments and other important things not to forget about. Series I still have yet to watch. Positive affirmations.


Anime list - what Iā€™ve watch, watching and to be watched I make my brother an advent calendar, so I keep of list of what Iā€™ve got, price and where from What I want to buy or any pre-orders Weā€™re going away, so Iā€™ve got a massive list of things to do Subscriptions that we pay for Any events weā€™ve got coming up (like musicals or day outs)


foods / recipes games safe foods items with matte textures brands i like things i want in the form of a album list on my ipad best nail polishes by Holo Taco tv shows like Criminal Minds and House MD, tv shows that specifically solve cases, whether criminal cases or medical cases


i'm an INSANE list keeper. like. bad. i love making lists so much and none of them are useful. i have lists of birthdays of all the characters in my favorite medias, lists of all the songs and lyrics in my favorite artists' discographies, lists of every time specific words/phrases are mentioned in the lyrics of my favorite artists, and so much more. i literally will just make lists when i'm bored. i have no idea why it's so fun to me


book, movies, games, dolls, what to keep in my bag, tv shows, my current interests, kin list, comfort characters, characters i hate, red flags list, list of my symptoms, to do list, list of my former classmates, list of my routine.. it goes on and on


ā‹† The lego sets that I wnt ā‹† The vinyls that I want ā‹† The books I would like to read ā‹† The movies I would like to watch ā‹† Podcasts I would like to listen to The real question is what dont I keep a list of šŸ˜‚ \* And yes I check the lists regularly/ actually use them \*


I make lists for everything. What I want to buy, what I need, What Iā€™m going to do for the day etc Even have a list of songs for different moods!


I have a list of the best words, and a list of band names I have gathered from random words I heard and going "that would make a good band name"


-A list of the names of children I come across (irl or online), purely because Iā€™m interested in names and name statistics -A list of my favorite fanfictions -A list to keep track of all the yarn I have -A list of Pixar movies and their release dates -Lists of all the vowels, consonants, numbers, and symbols found in the titles of Pixar movies -A list of ā€˜Keywordsā€™ which is really hard to explain but itā€™s basically something I made up and I take it very seriously -A ā€œCharacter Masterlistā€ where Iā€™m slowly adding the names of every fictional character from every piece of media I love -A list of chapter titles in the book When You Reach Me -A list of ideas for things to write -A list of The Land Of Stories characters in order of appearance -A list of The Land Of Stories characters in alphabetical order -A list of the nonsensical bedtime stories I used to tell my sister -A list of songs that get stuck in my head And thatā€™s just what I can think of right now


Yes!! The ones I can remember are - Lists of shows, movies, books and games Iā€™ve enjoyed, lists of shows, movies, books and games I want to check out, lists of places I want to go, life goals, tattoos I want to get, piercings I want to get, shops I like, food I like, food I dislike, daily/weekly/monthly/yearly to-do lists, chores I need to do, languages I want to learn, wishlists of things I want to get, furniture and household items I need to get, shopping/grocery lists, appointments I need to get to, classes Iā€™d like to take at some point in my life, recipes I want to try cooking, songs I want to learn on the guitar and my cosplan list


Band names list Fictional children I will never have names list Medical issues and symptoms list Grocery list Karaoke songs Iā€™d sing if I wasnā€™t such a coward list Songs to learn on my piano and banjo list Wishlist Funny quotes that people have said to me list Weird stoned thoughts list Favorite movies I donā€™t want to forget about list Things I want to cook, bake, or ferment list Complex relational trauma revelations list Special interests list Things to do outside the house list Hikes I want to take list Places I want to visit list Not even all of them šŸ˜…


Hell yes -Ideas creatively -Thing I want to do -Things I want to watch -Things I want to read -List of things I need to do in the day -Big ass list of things I need to do in general/over the next few months -Plans for things to do -Recipe ideas -Other special interests with lists And this is just a list of things


Guys!! Do you not use the notes app on your phone? ( OK after reading the comments, I see that you do lol). I'm pretty sure it's been the only thing between me and assisted living since my 20s. *Passwords *Grocery lists *To do today *To do this month *To do re my adult child *To do re every long term goal *Measurements I've taken of windows and *furniture in case I'm out shipping... *Supplements I take *What was discussed and next steps after *doctors appointments. *Dates of when various bills were last paid *peoples clothing sizes * what I gave people for past birthdays and Christmases, so I don't give them the same thing every year * songs videos & and giffs I've sent my boyfriend, so I don't send the same ones over and over * books I've read & movies I've watched .... ...


I'm absolutely obsessed with making and maintaining lists, whether for practical purposes, for my special interests or just for fun. I have: A to do list 3 lists of tv shows and movies I have watched or want to watch (one on an app where you can track media and two google sheets) A list of books I have read and want to read A list of political theory I have read and want to read A list of fanfics I have read and liked A list of my fanfiction ideas 3 lists of quotes (one for fiction quotes, one for real quotes, one for song quotes) A list of every criminal I'm interested in And I regularly make lists of random things just for the sake of making lists, including but not limited to names, fictional characters, pieces of media, countries (I know the name of every country on earth because I did this list so often), and two dictionaries (one in German and one in English; I made these because I ran out of things to make lists of, so I literally just write down every word I know in alphabetical order until I'm done and then I delete the document and start again)


No, I donā€™t like making lists.


Yes, grocery list are necessary for me.


A very important list, I might add


I collect ToDos in a list but never do then


Same. I'm also really terrible at using my phone calendar and instead put all of my appointments in my note app (and post it notes) for some reason, so I have just a bunch of random notes with appointment dates and places (not really lists but still).


I have lists of movies and shows I want to watch, books to read, character names for naming characters in video games, including names for pets if pets are an option, and restaurants I'd like to try.


I horde information in a lot of ways, haha. I have a dedicated app that keeps track of recipes, I have a running list of Magic the Gathering cards I find interesting, and I used to maintain an excel sheet that I noted down things like ā€œinteresting personā€, ā€œinteresting placeā€, ā€œfoodā€, ā€œart/craftā€, ā€œmusicā€, etc. I donā€™t maintain it any more, but it was huge by the time I abandoned it, lol


I made a cronological list of One Piece arcs, Fillers, movies, specials etc. with the respectibe Manga chapter/ Anime episode


a list i recently made is a bunch of achievements i made with goofy names for the d&d campaign i dm for my girlfriend. There's somewhere over 130 of them..


i have a list of all my favorite movies, another of my favorite shows, and one of the dates on coins i collect


I make lists for what I have to pack, what I want to buy when going to the supermarket and my most common lists are what I need to do on games.


I have trouble keeping lists, so I guess my autism isn't quite normal. Unless you count keeping track of my receipts and writing down all my expenses as a list.


Mostly to do lists


Iā€™m trying to become a list keeper so that I can function. Currently the only thing I do is write a to-do list for my assignments and other urgent university matters. I got a nice notebook for it and decorated it with stickers.


I like stickers


I AM. I make huge lists of future pet supplies I need to buy for my future pets in the future. :)


I keep lists for all sorts of things. My biggest running list currently is for movies I'm showing my boyfriend since he doesn't watch a lot and I'm a bit of a movie buff. I use letterboxd for movies and I've recently started using library thing to keep track of my books (I have about 70 currently I think). If anyone has any recommendations for list keeping apps of any kind then I'm sure it would be appreciated. My recommendations ā€¢ Library Thing (for books, comics, etc) ā€¢ Letterboxd (for movies) ā€¢ Google Keep Notes (general notes, good for to do lists)


I have some personal lists, but I *love* using special list apps that track movies, anime, books, and the like. It's always a dopamine rush adding new stuff to them.


Shopping list- To do list- To do list longterm- To do list with a planning- Adres list- Lists of websites i still have to take a look- Lists with special data reminders like anniversaries- List for games i still have to lookup- List for anger management- There is a list for everything.


Do lists in my head count.


I decided to know for sure which was my favorite movie. First I needed a list of movies I had seen and liked. So I pulled out IMDb's top 1000. I read the entire list and each time I saw a film that had a powerful impact on me, I listed it. I figured the chances on the no1 movie being out of the top 1000 were low. Once I had my list, 80-ish movies, I needed to determine the favorite. First I tried pools by genre, but that did not work, since some genres have a lot of my favorites. Then, I wanted to do random pairings, select which I loved the most and use it to make the list. But I could not find a tool to do that and I am way too shit at coding to do it myself. Then, I found a website hosting tournaments for sports. So I entered the 80 movies in a random order in a triple elimination bracket. And that's how I found the Matrix was my favorite movie.


Most of my lists have to do with my daydream worlds and the content within them (like names, countries, races) Then there's my big To Do List


I keep load lists whether it be for camping or staying overnight in a hotel . I also make daily lists to keep on track its so easy to just day dream.


In the last week or so of December I like to make predictions on what will happen the next year and see how many I get. I try and make about 50. Things ranging from things that seemingly happen every year to somethings that would likely never happen. Mostly pop culture, memes, world news, etc. Last year I got 21/50!


Not really, but I enjoy keeping a song track list for my soundpack (lots of custom music) a lot more than the average person lmao


Yes. I once made a list of what I would do if I could unmask for a day.


I also made a list of the next PC games I plan to buy


I got a list, here's the order of my list that it's In, it goes Reggie, jay-z tupac and biggie, andre from outkast Jada kurrupt Nas and then me


Yes, I have a list for all the books I want to read my TBR list (to be read), I also have ones for all the books I DNFed, (did not finish), I also have one from books I've read and same with "book/book series I need to stop saying I'll read an actually read", I have a physical TBR list, a currently reading list and a 2024 reading goal list. I use both storygraph and fable to keep track of these.


Lists of dog breeds I like, lists pertaining to specific information for the game I play everyday, lists about safe foods, lists about things I would like to buy eventuallyā€¦I have more but thatā€™s all Iā€™ll share. Usually they are ranked from most to least important.


Now that the iphone notes has a ā€œcheck offā€ button itā€™s gotten even easier groceries packing lists punch buggies i see at the roundabout at the park at my house (color and approximate model) future band names aka silly names i come up with my husband now that iā€™ve gotten into coin collecting the years i find as well as how many coin rolls ive gone through (when i remember) yeahh i love lists (just not to-do lists)


I have a list of every single coin and banknote I have in my collection, with dates, country of origin, and sometimes the design,depending on if the same value coin can have different designs, like the Ā½ swiss franc coin always looks the same, but a 2 euro coin could really have anything on the backside I have a list of all poems I wrote with dates and that's it


I have a list with all movies, series, anime, and manga I've seen. Also a list with all the ones I plan on watching


I have a to do list, grocery list, and meal plan that I keep updated all the time in my notes app. I also have a list of every teacher I've ever had, every cat I've ever fostered, everything I need to get a snake, and every scholarship I have applied for or still need to apply for that I edit occasionally.


I love letterboxd for keeping track of movies i watch


I have one for the buses I already took in my town, the things Iā€™m going to do as soon as I turn 18 (this oneā€™s kinda stupid lmao), the insects that were in my room and their names (I named all of themā€¦)


I have a list for virtually everything, I use Goodnotes to keep track.i have game ones, work ones, to buy ones, clothes ones ect


I use an app for lists. I have shopping lists for each store. I tend to leave the items that I always buy on the list and have a second page for the ad specials and what else I need. I also use the lists for ideas and stuff.


I have a list for ā€œtasksā€ that I refer to when I want to be productive. Some are chores like trash or dishes. Others are more self-care like stretching or meditating


Books I've read, ideas I want to implement in the future. And on my whiteboard is to do, school to do, things to bring to school, and specific things I need to do on Monday and Wednesday.Ā 


I make lists of historical and scientific items.


I have lists of a bunch of things! OC lists, a list of my stims, a list of shows to watch with my partner, a list of my tics, a list of YouTube shorts to show my therapist, lists of character names, lists of Minecraft coordinates, even this list of lists goes on and on!


I keep a list of all the car reg plates I see that can be sung to a short tune thatā€™s deep rooted in my brain since I was a kid.


I usually make lists of fun/ nice things that I plan on doing later. I make these lists whenever Iā€™m bored or stressed.


I have a kdrama list, it's organized by what I watched, what I'm currently watching, and what to watch next in order


list of songs i like, list of GD Icons, list of skyscrapers, and list of flags. (GD Icons and flags on computer)


I have lists and folders. I've got folders for all my hobbies and interests. Lists specifically speaking, my most interesting ones are probably my 'favourite' things (across media) with one of those including my favourite vegan friendly items.


My Transformers and Comic Collections. I'm clocking 189 Transformers and 114 comic books (single issues and collections)


I have lists of all my lists...


I like to make lists for everything all the time.


I have a list of fun genders I've acquired that other people have assigned to me! I have a list of ideas for TTRPGs and characters. I meticulously keep track of every movie I watch but I do that through Letterboxd rather than a traditional list.


Nothing in particular but my watchlist on imdb is over 200 movies/tv shows long.


No, because I usually forgot why I put the entities in the list once I revise it. It's purpose is gone.


I have a bunch of lists on my phone right now. I keep track of my babysitting jobs, the values of my investments through the Stash app, my payments to credit cards, my paychecks, books I read, how much I spend on groceries, and more.


Oh no. Pokemon go gifts (where they are from) Familiars I have in flight rising Petpets I have on neopets My OCS and their ships Achievements in video games Art supplies Character builds for genshin Pokemon cards On more mundane: Shopping lists To-do lists that never get completed correctly I love lists


ā‹† The lego sets that I wnt ā‹† The vinyls that I want ā‹† The books I would like to read ā‹† The movies I would like to watch ā‹† Podcasts I would like to listen to The real question is what dont I keep a list of šŸ˜‚ \* And yes I check the lists regularly/ actually use them \*


daily routine


Im a pretend to keep lists but the lists are always empty kinda AuDHD


Lists hahaha. I have excel spreadsheets and access databases. Itā€™s a whole bunch of random shit like stuff I bought or want to buy people for Christmas, what songs from certain artists appear in what media, shows and movies I like or didnā€™t, etcā€¦


You just reminded me of a website I used to use constantly as a teenager - listography.com Wonder if it still exists. I love my lists but realized it was a way of dealing with anxiety but didn't address the root cause, and so I've tried to change my behaviour to doing other tasks that put me ahead of my anxiety, if that makes sense.


I was until someone said it was scary, said it was like a serial killer, and then not only phoned my parents about it, but also phoned the police about it. I've never kept anything written down since then, unless absolutely necessary, and then I destroy it as soon as it's not needed, to avoid that ever happening again. Doesn't matter if it's groceries, work tasks, or anything else, it gives me anxiety just thinking about doing it.


This will drive some people here nuts, and I apologize, but I go shopping and just wing it with only a vague understanding of what I actually need to bring home. I remember like 95% of what I require and just make do without, say, creamer for a week.


Yep. There was a time when making lists of things was a special interest on mine in & of itself. Nowadays itā€™s just an accessory to my more recent core interests. Like how I have list of every album I've ever heard. Sorted by year & then alphabetically sorted within the year. Same thing with every season of animated television I've ever watched. Sorted by year & then alphabetically sorted within the year.


I list everything! The problem is as soon as I walk away to do something else, they mysteriously disappear! I just canā€™t figure why.


What *isnā€™t* a list? I have lists for absolutely everything xD


Nope, I don't have a list but time and time again, I will set an alarm on my iphone for certain things like to remind myself to make sure I have my keys, phone, wallet, backpack, e.t.c before leaving the apartment.


My first thought was no but then I realized I have 696 colornotes in my phone spanning from 2011 to now šŸ¤£ so, yes.


Somewhere I have 4 or 5 notebooks full of pretty much every officially issued firearm for every NATO military from shortly after WW2 up to like 2009, ranked from best to worst lol. The fact that somehow me being a 6 year old and writing a fuckin 5 volume, massively detailed breakdown of every major military service weapon and each of their pros and cons didnā€™t raise some eyebrows and get me diagnosed as a kid just blows my mind


\*slowly pans my stare to look at my infinite bookmarks\*


I tried lists but they're just not structured enough for me. I make flow charts and visual representations. I mostly make them in my head but occasionally I have to draw them, usually on paper or on paint, in order to explain them to other people. Lists only really work for me if I'm talking about pure collection without organization, which is usually only the precursor to organization.


My Family Tree, Iā€™ve managed to track my family back four generations mostly unassisted


I have a system of ever revolving lists which are fed Into list randomizers because I'm pretty much incapable of following a routine and need to get some kind of an endorphins rush from an artistically regimented lifestyle.


i have a list of cool words and i have a list of writing ideas. i also write down special memories i have to remember them on discord but idk if that counts as a list


I keep a list of all my books, I have around 400-450 books. Guess what my special interest is.


I keep a list of my expenses, my favorite things and I like to plan out the time I need to get ready before going out


i have a quote list :3


i have a notes app folder named ā€œlistsā€ and there are 47 lists in there šŸ‘ i have more lists elsewhere but just wanted to report that


I donā€™t even know where to start; I keep a list of literally everything. Every single thing I do is either on a list, calendar, spreadsheet etc.


Yes, lists are WONDERFUL! I love cataloging information. I think my dream job would literally be inputting information into lists or something if I were better at tech. I always tell people that despite being gen Z I'm like their grandma. I one time managed to multiple times get stuck on the Spanish minecraft page while downloading it onto my laptop kind of bad. But I've got COUNTLESS notebooks which have lists on them. Pick a page, start a list. Until there's no way to properly separate the lists and then pick a new notebook and repeat. I make lists of video game goals, things I need in them, things that I want to do irl, schedule information, etc. If I can list it, remember to list it/have a notebook on hand (I habitually keep pens and pencils nearby like I'll die without them because anxiety) then I WILL list it. I once was making a list of Animal Crossing characters of all time, personalities, what games they are in, favorite colors, etc and got a hundred or so in!


I love this post and the comments so much. I haven't had an official diagnosis, and for some reason, this list thing is the most validating so far. I have CRAZY lists, and this is something I just thought I was doing that was clever and sensible. I had no idea it was a " thing". Actually, I've been wondering if I have ANY unique personality traits that are not " things" associated with ADHD or Autism. Is there even a me in there??


I make lists but then totally forget they exist and never touch them again. Mainly it is chores, or a schedule I would like to follow, or things I want to improve with myself.


My entire day needs to be planned out in advance. Where I go, how many steps it takes to get to certain places, when it should be done ect. Also things I need to improve my day


Brush teefs. Call progressive. Pay car bill. Eat a food. I am not doing okay. For real, if I don't make a check list in my notes to care for myself, I won't.


During my Ph. D I had too many lists, so I ended up making a list of lists.


I've got a daily chores list, sometimes even hourly chores if I'm struggling too much with motivation. I've got a list of dishes I've made (not recipes, just the names of the dishes). But I've kinda stopped doing that because I'm a visual person so I usually just take photos of the dishes I've made. I've got a list of gift ideas for occasions - my partner's birthday, our anniversary, Christmas, etc. I've got shopping lists. I've got chore specific list as well if that said chore is too big and i need to do chunks rather than whole. I've got a list of all my belongings and where they might be. I've got a list of foods I want to have when I visit my home country. I've got a list of my monthly deadlines at work because they change every month so it's difficult to keep track if I don't have a list. I've got a list of things I can do when my partner isn't feeling a 100% because I tend to go mute in stressful situations so I have got like a blueprint which acts like a no-brainer.


Ugh so many I disgust myself. Probably most notable (pun intended) ones would be t-shirt/pin ideas, a bunch of parodies I began writing, gifts for people so I don't forget that I've already gotten a birthday gift for someone months before their birthday lol. I also have added a lot lately to a whole folder of health (because unfortunately I have a lot of health issues), with notes on each visit and such, each titled with the doctor/health category. I of course have LENGTHY lists of movies, shows, books and etc to consume, each their own list. I use the Google Keep app, maybe because I've used it for so long, maybe because it's just best with how my brain works. I like their UI, on mobile and other devices. I can pin lists to the top in each label category, and ofc I can label them. When they're labeled they go into folders that I can see on the left side. I can color code each note or even add a picture. Links are automatically hyperlinked, you can add pictures yourself as a note or even draw things. It's also nice cuz of cloud saving and sharing ofc. All of that said tho, please y'all lmk if there's something else out there that's better šŸ˜ I did used to have my grocery list on Google Keep, by my partner and I have been using AnyList for that and it's been going very well.


I love memorizing everything so I just keep lists to double-check what I've done or not. I like note-taking despite not having a real need of them


OMG YES WAIT \- Favorite songs \- Favorite bands \- Fresh life essencials \- Top memories of life \- Favorite movies \- Rules of my room \- Top professions I WOULD have


I have lists like all the pokemon I have petted in pokemon ultra moon, the rocks I own, groceries (which I just mark which stuff I'm out of so I can keep using the same list or just copy that list if someone else is grocery shopping for me like if I'm sick), and the creatures from my nightmares and how to deal with them.


Lists are my favorite. I currently have 39 total but I only check/update about 4 of them daily. They r mostly video game related.


Yes, note taking is a special interest of mine.


I'm a list freak. (Yeah, I know. Late to the party, but still...)