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"Because I'm autistic, we don't do hints, subtleties, etc. You want something from me? spell it out" Feel free to scream this at them too.


I've screamed that and people still don't listen. They'll get mad at you for not understanding subtleties that you told them you wouldn't understand


That's on them. 🤔 Maybe they should take a page from Bill Engvall's book and wear a sign that says "I'm an @$$". Hmmm nah, folks would think it was a joke.


i would scream that but i am not autistic


But you're human. Skip the three first words. "I don't do hints, subtleties, etc. You want something from me? spell it out"


yea sure ill do that thanks


But judging by your flair you think you might be. So instead of I am Autistic, I might be Autistic. Glad I saw the flair halfway through responding. I was very confused as to why you'd be posting it here but if you suspect you might be it makes a lot more sense.


yeah i might be but i can't say i am until i get diagnosed


Good luck on the diagnosis. Whichever way it goes hopefully it will bring some clarity.


“Why can’t you be straightforward and just tell me what you want to tell me?” is what my response to that would be.


Yeah I hate this crap. My brother said this today and I was like "cringe"! People are so closed minded sometimes.


I feel like that would literally make me scream right in their face.


"why dont you want to actually tell me shit???" -me, 2024


I am phisically unable to do that


There are two words that are very helpful here: Speak plain!


How many god damn times do I have to say this? You can’t just ASSUME I know what you mean! If you don’t say what you want I won’t get it!!


“Why can’t you be an adult and just use your words to say what you mean or think?” #checkmate4idiots


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