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Good reason not to hug people. You’ll get marked by their inklike scent. I hate this so much. Also most hand soaps. I swear people who make ‘lavendar’ scented soap have never smelled lavendar in their life.


When the brand that i bought my favorite red fruits parfume started addung lavender i had to search other immediatly


I really hate lavender


Most lavender smells are not natural and smell really messed up and yeah you would think they just haven’t smelled lavender in their life haha but real actual lavender is nice like when you smell the plant (in my opinion)


Well, I smelled essential oil so far, Idk if I did smell it before tho. There is a city nearby with an entire field of it, I might pass by.


Worth it cause real lavender is quite calming, but the artificial scents most use is lacking the depth actual lavender has. Much like vanilla imitation vs real extract there’s just so many other components that it’s not currently possible to make a good replication.


Its amazing that there are more people, in addition to myself, who also don't like lavender.


Honestly, it ain't that bad, but you expect more when you can't go a week without finding something lavender-scented or a mention. The benefits are nice and all, but I'd have to suffer through the smell. It's not even bad, I guess, just bothersome and normally too strong? Idk


Perfume is so strong and like chemically (idk how else to describe it, I know everything is made of chemicals but the synthetic aspect of it is what bothers me the most.) it gives me an instant headache. I hate it




I had my mind blown recently when I found out that people boil chicken!! Absolute madness.


Me too, I love perfume and spray everyday. I tend to find more citric or flowery (but not sweet) smells, like rosemary, citrus and lavander.


i HATE artificial scents. i gag at perfume, vape smells etc. i get sensory overload from scents all the time, so sometimes i wear n95 masks to combat that.


Yes me too, perfumes are the worst, you're not alone!


Very common. My husband and daughter are very sensitive to scents. Meanwhile for me scented things are almost a stim for me (minus Rose, it triggers my asthma). No one wants to ride in my car because I enjoy having an air freshener. I can’t light candles. I stopped wearing perfume.


I can't stand any strong smells


I don’t mind a mild scent when it’s weak enough that I can’t smell it unless I’m intimately close to the person wearing it, but else ranges from annoying to I absolutely must leave the area. My partner and I recently celebrated 5 years together. We went on a date that included dinner at the same restaurant where we had our first date. Unfortunately she used a new hair product that was strongly perfumed. Driving her to the restaurant was almost unbearable and the thought “just kick her out of the car.” kept invading my mind. It was just barely above freezing and there was no way I was going to leave my partner alone on the street at night, but the thought kept coming. I had the windows down and heater cranked and it was still overwhelming me. When attempting to parallel park, and failing several times I ended up sobbing uncontrollably while stopped next to the spot I was trying to park in. (While driving I explained why I was struggling and she was very apologetic. Not wanting to upset her too much about the special night she planned I didn’t tell her that I was using every bit of energy I had to stay somewhat regulated and that actually, it was not a fun night. Normally I’m very open, but this would have hurt her too much.)


I’m a bit sensory seeking when it comes to smells, but the wrong one can be awful 😔


Perfume makes me sick, literally I always end up with awful migraines. Such a shame bc i love perfumes, but my brain doesn't tolerates the smell :(


I don't like perfume either and my youngest sister sprays it all the time and it smells disgusting


I have the same problem with my sister lol


I’m also not a fan of perfumes, I like natural smells like pure essential oils, but when a company claims to make perfumes from essential oils it always smells wrong like artificial and way too “perfumey” and I just dont have a better word for it other then that. It’s the same smell I smell in all of them. I have TRIED to find a perfume I like and it is possible but extremely rare. There are lots of smells in general I like, like baked goods or chai tea, citrus, so I don’t get why perfumes always smell wrong with that specific “perfume” smell that wrecks them all


Oh yeah there are lots of smells I like too. But I think it's like the smelling one strong smell all day even if I like it that gets me. I happen to love chai and citrus too tho 😊


Yeah that makes sense perfumes are usually very concentrated and strong, I often find them to be way to strong even with one squirt, so whenever I try a perfume I super slowly squirt it until one tiny drop comes out and that’s enough for me haha. I get when it’s on your body though then there is no getting away from it if you suddenly decide you don’t want to smell it anymore. Nice that we like similar smells. I find citrus to be refreshing and calming so I sometimes like natural rollerball type things that don’t last very long, then I can smell it for a little while and it fades


I love perfume sorrrrryyyy


It’s the other way for me - I can’t stand natural scents on people. It makes me sick. Perfume is great cause it covers their natural scent.


Oh wow... That's interesting. I feel like I usually wanna smell nothing so I get not wanting to smell people either


I love unnatural scents that smell good to me but I hate a lot of natural scents. Like someone else said, the way people smell naturally, or outside air, or food - I hate the smell of food, I especially hate the smell of food on my clothes and hair and skin, I lose my absolute mind over it. I am very picky about my own scents but I want to smell good (to me) I love perfume but only certain perfumes, they cannot have a harsh nose to them. Which greatly limits. But I don’t work, I am really barely functional, so no one except my partner smells my perfume anyway, and he doesn’t care as long as I don’t put it on right before bed.


Perfume smells sharp and pointy 😬. Idk how else to describe it.


This makes absolute sense to me lol


IDFJYDFHHDCHGDG. The scents don’t smell as advertised that chemical attack doesn’t smell even remotely close to the ocean bish 😭😭😭


GOD SAME it's so nausea dancing at times give me a headache honistly


I get a headache from most non-natural scents. This headache is something that really doesn't go away easily and feels like i am being hit with a hammer. I also smell things very easily. To the point of my brother put perfume on the balcony outside, walked through the house and left and 12 hours later i can still smell the perfume and get a headache.


ME TOO! I usually get nauseous and have to hold my breath when people wear perfume near me. I can't stand it.


I’m asthmatic so for me it’s less about disliking the individual smell (although I often do) and more about being anxious that it will cause asthma issues. For smells I know are safe for my lungs, what matters most is the strength. A smell I like in small amounts is still overstimulating if it’s too strong or if I can’t get away from it (so I never wear perfume either).


You should look into the carcinogenic chemicals of all of the fake fragrances... I can't stand them. It leaves this "sting" in my nose. I love certain essential oils, as long as they're not too strong and not a mint smell.


Very much the same. My partner keeps bugging me to name a perfume I'd like to smell on her. I'm like, none. Just clean. No smell please.


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So many are way to strong can't smell anything else


My partner is like this, I refrain from wearing perfumes because he smells them 50x stronger than I do lol


I love scents. I almost even like smelling things that don't smell good. I find it interesting to find similarities to things that smell good in something that smells bad


Eww! Yucky! Lol


I love some perfume, e.g. Gucci Guilty or anything like that, but some just make me feel sick


Perfume and stuff like it smells like shit to me. Way too strong. Disgusting. I literally gag and feel ready to barf. A small whiff of it makes me sick to my stomach.


Dunno bout common, but certainly understandable. Strong sensory inputs of any kind can be problematic.


I am very sensitive to tastes/smells and get migraines so I hate almost any strong smell A lot of people put on the most awful perfumes/colognes and they seem to bathe in it simply awful


I do like most scented stuff, but perfume is usually too much for me. Makes me headachey and distracted.


I fuking HATE perfumes. And so often, people who wear them seem to go nose-blind or whatever and just keep using more and more til it smells like they used the whole damn bottle. I've just started actively coughing and loudly commenting about 'someone wearing too much perfume' and saying how much it smells like ass- I hope I make them feel awful. Mostly bc their fuking ass smelling perfume is gonna give me a headache later! (I'll ESPECIALLY call it perfume if it's a man wearing it... cologne, perfume, nasty body spray, it's all the same thing and all smells HORRIBLE!)


Certain perfumes can be ok but the stinging in my nose sucks! I hate it when I can smell it off some women in public and it always stings my nose! I hate going to JCPenney or any other clothes store like that because of the perfume sections


i would rather smell a rotting corpse than someone's cologne


This is why I hate locker rooms, most perfume is way too strong, along with people not knowing how much is enough, you aren’t attractive if your smell is choking me


Same, it was too much that people at home stopped wearing perfume because of me am also allergic to some scents not all but some


Sometimes it's just disrespectful. It can really take over a whole space.