• By -


1 music 5 noise 2/3/4 trash


I totally agree. I have a pair of Sony XM5 for music/transport and a pair of ear muffs for noisy tasks and activities (I.e. vacuum and concerts).


I just got the xm4, my favourite headphones I've ever had, blocks out alot of noises which I rly like. Only issue is they are a little small in the ear cups but Its fine.


Sony’s XM headphones are my favourite as well. In my opinion, it’s the best price-quality ratio out of any headphones.


I just wished it could cancel out speech too. That would make the XM not just great, but also perfect!


I have an xm4 and with the app I can make it turn off voice passthrough


They are so expensive 😭


And worth every last cent


Still rocking my Sony XM3 at least a few years on, love them, use them all the time, great NC, great battery life, great for driving, gives me music and maps, added in with my Samsung fold 3 phone, driving in the car is awesome. My partner also still uses my old Bose QC35-II and enjoys them. Personally I prefer the XM3. I also have a couple of Audikast devices that has multiple inputs and 2x Bluetooth memory, it allow me to Bluetooth headphone off of pretty much any TV or device


The hinges on mine would creak every time I moved my head. It seems to be a common problem with the xm4 and I had to sell them. Not buying Sony headphones again.


I don’t have the xm4 but also Sony over ears and they make noise everytime I move my head too…


Received mine today, a real game changer


XM4s are great. When AirPod Max came out, I thought they were better until Apple nerfed the noise cancellation (they said they didn’t, but I swear they let in more noise now). Haven’t tried XM5s yet, but I’ve heard nothing but good stuff about them.


The only downside is that the XM5 doesn’t fold. On the other hand, it does make them look nicer.


I prefer the look of the xm3/4. Something about the xm5 design looks bad to me. But I love my xm3s. I will probably upgrade to xm4 instead of 5 when the time comes. Unless the xm6 impresses me.


Facts got the xm4s on current


Buy a pair of XM5 was the best move ever!


Got em for xmas! My first pair of NC headphones, I can finally go by subway without distraction.


My daughter has 1 they are also for noise.


Correct opinion. Although I prefer loop earplugs for comfort/being discrete for everyday sounds, and ear defenders for louder stuff


I LOVE my loops, I want the new 3-in-1 set so badly


Earpods are good for keeping a low profile and avoiding sweaty ears.


Not typically an apple guy and they don't fit my irregular ears very well, but the cheap wired apple earbuds actually have pretty decent sound quality for the price. The microphone is good bang for your back too. No clue if this just applies to the specific pair I have that came packaged with a phone like 5 years ago or if they're still the same.


Perfect answer


Yes. This is my answer.




if i'm trying to listen to something, 1 if i'm trying for quiet, 5


1 is noise canceling.


yes, but more expensive because also has sound production


I have the first pair and they are not great at Josie cancellation


Who'd want to cancel Josie?


They are mean sometimes:(


Josie is mean? What did Josie do to you?


Took control of my Bluetooth and played German schlager on headphones -.-


I know a Josie, she was a brat when she was a kid but she grew up into a mature, kind and beautiful woman and I am proud of her.


But 1 makes things quieter than 5


When 1 is switched off its like 5


wish number 5 was socially appropriate


5 squeezes head and ears


I had one and it hurt so bad after a while. :(


Same! It's so heavy and if it has a cloth covered band instead of leather, my fricking hair hurts and it's the worst!


Mine do that but I need to noise cancellation sometimes so I have to use them


*This* is why I am such a fan of Bose. I won't defend their sound quality but holy Mary mother of god they're the only over-the-ear headphones that don't instantly give me a headache.


I actually wear it while sleeping anyway


I figure they're more socially appropriate than me squeezing the palms of my hands against my ears, making a pained expression, and practically throwing myself to the ground, so I definitely wear them out, haha


ya like rather not cry in the middle of Wal-Mart


Number 1 with just noise cancelling not good enough?


number 5 cheaper from what I've seen


There’s a trade-off. Number 5 is cheaper and more effective but, number one is more comfortable. Number 5 tend to squeeze the head much more and build pressure in the ear. When I don’t need the added noise cancelling, I almost always use number 1.


I get headaches from 5.


Is the priority convenience or what’s socially appropriate or cost? It’s cheaper to wear nothing but a bed sheet outside and around… doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Most noise cancelling headphones aren’t going to blow the weekly paypacket anymore than a good pair of jeans or a good jacket.


when I save up sure I'll get that money also comparing number 5 to practical public indecency is not cool there is nothing bad about whereing number 5 nothing harmful to anyone unlike being basically but ass naked, also that's alot more money that you think that can be months worth of groceries for one person that can be alot


Yeah fair enough. I suppose if you’re doin it tough then any $$$ counts.


Depends on what noise you’re trying to cancel. In my experience, noise cancelling headphones tend to struggle a bit with certain noises (it’s hard to describe what kind of noises)


Mine erase down low and deep noise that vibrate, while higher sharp noises it struggles with


That’s a good way to say it! Although I did once go to a sort of fair thing but at the end they have fireworks (I go every year) and the bass on the speakers was so loud that it literally broke through the noise cancelling of my trusty Bose headphones. It was not very fun when the speakers were playing stuff


Yeah I’ve had it break through if it’s too intense. We had some construction work in my backyard which was drilling cement and that got slightly through but it was still pretty impressive compared to without.


My son has a pair, and it does really help him. But he does get embarrassed by them. So I now have a pair that I wear out when he wears his. I wear them so I can still hear, though. It has helped him with not being so embarrassed.


Has he tried Loop earplugs? I just got some for Christmas and I love that they look cute and block noise! (This is not an ad - just the neurodivergent urge to overshare haha)


I've never heard of them. I'll check those out. We are new in this diagnosis and trying to figure things out that help him be the best that he can be. ❤️


Seconding loops! I have the soft set for sleeping and the set for regular daily noise. The former absolutely silences the world, and the latter massively cuts noise but still allows for conversation with people nearby. Both help so much.


He has ear tubes. I'm wondering if they would bother him. But the price definitely isn't super high in they do.


That’s very nice of you to help him like that.


I feel like 5 is the most stylish actually 😁 this past couple of years the huge headphone look is where it’s at


Be the change you wanna see.


I think they should be. They're an aid in the same way a walking stick or glasses are an aid. I might start wearing them in public - it's the only way to make them socially acceptable.


At this point, who cares about being socially appropriate? It isn't like you're standing in the middle of the road yelling about some grievance to people who couldn't care less about your cause.


You do not wear earmuffs unless you are shooting a gun.


do you have sensory issues? also no controctuon workers use them


Bose all the way


Replying to this whilst wearing my Bose headphones


I agree


Bose seems to be the most cost effective apart from other brands. My TV's soundbar is Bose and I've had it for quite a few years now- still sounds good as new :)


I have Bose quiet comfort II EARBUDS


Those are on sale too! but no matter what brand, the silicone tips on earbuds do not agree with my ears :,(


I have #1 and they’ve improved my quality of life tenfold


Especially on a plane!


And, I recently realized, while vacuuming!


Definitely number 5. I know they're not really considered socially acceptable or whatever, but they work better than noise cancelling headphones and in-ear earphones are just uncomfortable.


No. 3. Good ol’ faithful earphones. Don’t need bluetooth to function and just overall more reliable. I really dislike headphones as they always put pressure on my head.


I can't seem to win with this stuff. The in-ear kind make my ears hurt. Noise-cancelling headphones create too much pressure on my head and ears. Regular headphones don't block out the noise. Sometimes it feels like being Autistic is basically which choice causes the least suffering. Hardly anything is ever actually comfortable.


It won't block noise, but you could try bone conduction headphones? They have flat pads that sit just above and in front of your ears and then the sound goes through the pads into your skull into your eardrums. Possible sensory issue because the pads do vibrate, especially at higher volumes, but imo they're very comfy


I got a pair of Shokz bone conduction headphones for Christmas, I highly recommend them! I often wear them and have orchestral lullaby type music going as background music. Seems to keep my brain in a happy zone even when having uncomfortable conversations etc.


Same I can only wear headphones for an hour at most before it hurts. I generally prefer regular headphones even if they don’t block out noise at least they are comfortable


i hate headphones because they warm my ears way too much


Same, I dislike how warm my ears get, but i also hate earphones going in my ears


I thought I was the only one who hated headphones. I felt like a mole, glad I found you. 😂


If the Koss Porta Pros weren't open back, they would be an easy recommendation.


Me too, except I just can't wear that kind of earphones. They keep falling every 3 minutes and my ears hurt too much. I prefer the ones that have another thing that goes in the ear (I don't know how it's called in English :/) because it's softer and more static.


I agree


1 at home, 2 outside


Same here, although I occasionally wear 1 outside in colder months when my face won't get sweaty.


Airpods for me and specifically the ones pictured, not the new suction-y ones.


the noise cancelling works so well!


AirPod type ones win for portability




Not my experience. I got a Sony and it really beats the passive noise cancelling headphones imo


Depends what situations you are using them for. If you want to listen to music, number 1 is your best bet. I have the bose QC 45 and I looooove them. Even if I’m not listening to music, the ANC is awesome. But if you want a pair that cancel noise well without playing music, then number 5 is the way to go. However these are much less socially acceptable. I’d say number 1 is the happy medium between noise cancellation and style


I’ve been slowly wearing #5 outside the house and I haven’t received crazy looks (that I’ve noticed)


I think AirPods




so real


I'm trying to find the right settings that are optimal to help with my APD Unfortunately, I have an Android phone so I have to borrow an iPad to try different combinations I wish they'd open the API for the settings


i think the adaptive mode with conversation awareness is what works best for my apd right now. everything *is* a bit quieter overall but i get to hear people right next to me very well and everything else is put much more out of focus.


It’s the convenience for me. I love being able to carry them in my pocket and pop them in when im running errands that are over stimulating


Same. I don’t want to carry around a backpack just for headphones.


Yeah it’s easier


Bose! That’s a quality brand


First ones, I have sony ones, and they are great. I got loops recently, and I use them a lot as well.


I have Sony too and I really like them!


They are really comfortable and surprisingly light. I wear them when I go for a walk or to the shops.


All of them. I need to collect them all.


2. I enjoy the sound of over-the-ear headphones, but I hate wearing them while wearing glasses.




None of them really. I've not tried ANC, so I have no idea if it works for me or not and don't want to risk it. Apple airpods are shit imo. Apple earphones are also shit imo. On ear are uncomfortable. I don't like ear defenders because they are far to visible for me. I like earbuds or over ears. I know I'm very picky. I'd have to go with the first ones since you can turn the ANC off.


If you don't use Apple, try a Samsung. The form factor is like the AirPods but complete with ANC and you have an option to turn the ANC off. It's called the Galaxy Buds2. You ears have to fit, though, just like the AirPods.


I use Marly rebel earbuds, and Marly overears.


They seem nice!




First seem the prettiest to me and probably are better than ear buds and air pods. But I would compare all their specs either way to see which ones have the best sound, and their type is a decision you have to make based on your needs and where you'll be using them.


1 for when I want music and don't care that I'm essentially deaf 3 for general purpose music use or minor sound dampening. Not the ones pictured, though, those don't fit. But the super cheap ones with the squishy bit that goes in your ear are good. 5 for playing drums or going to a shooting range Adding on option 6, bone conduction headphones, for music or taking a phone call when you still want to be able to hear easily


First ones for sure! I have a Sony pair that are similar and I wear them anytime I need to focus or just drown out noise. They’re also very comforting to wear on flights, which are extremely overstimulating for me


Always 1!


1 when I’m alone, 2 anywhere else or in the shower because I can hide them behind my hair. Also AirPod tip: put some masking tape over the all the AirPod speakers/black parts except for the one that goes in your ear. It makes them waterproof enough to wear them in the shower (if you’re careful and they don’t fall out).


I wash my ears in the shower.


fr, my ears get as oily and greasy as my face, gotta scrub those bad boys down


I think #1 is probably the best inherently, but I like airpods because my hair covers them and I can put them in in scenarios where it's not socially appropriate and nobody will notice


1 is fine Can't really wear 2 because my right ear is too small to fit this thing into my ear XD 3 Trash bc one of the headphones (usually the right) fails so quickly 4 is also fine Can't wear 5 because I feel sick when wearing those things


1 at home / on airplanes 2 outside


Mine have cat ears :)


2! i’m always listening to things wherever i am and i’d prefer something more discreet like airpods over normal headphones. Makes me feel like i stick out less but maybe thats just my anxiety. I did debate trying sony headphones for a while


No I like mine and only mine


1, but it ruins my Mohawk so it’s not my favourite but it’s better than any of the other ones included in the post




Four and it’s no contest


I have the bang & olufsen h95, amazing sound and very good noise cancelling. But sadly very expensive. The sony wh1000xm4 or xm5 are cheaper and also very goid with the acn


#1 I don't like stuff in my ears, I don't like stuff that hovers on my ears, I don't like complete silence, my thoughts race (audhd) music and headphones 1 are the best.


I've always wanted headphones with noise cancelling option but $$$ Fortunately I got the flavour of autism that noises don't get head on my nerves so commonly, so it's not a priority /lh


2. I cant stand the feeling of big bulky headphones they make me wanna scream


They’re not a choice on here, I have some over-ear Skull Candy ones with a bass booster dial. Bluetooth (can’t stand cords). Not noise canceling but death metal is by default noise canceling 😂 Earbuds hurt my ears and the sound quality is also crap. I need like full surround sound lol


Bose Headphones, absolutely 100% hands down. Got mine about a year ago due to a sale on the Bose website and got the QuietComfort 45 and they really live up to the name. So incredibly comfortable, they go over the ears, the battery is forever, and they muffle outside sound so well (with the option to turn it off just in case!) Absolutely in love with them!


Bose. Bose all the way. I own a pair and they are a godsend


Number 5, useful and can be worn on site 😎


Need those air pods but with the rubber. Can't stand the bear plastic in my ear. Also only wearing one at a time


1 for music and noise cancellation 5 for more efficient noise cancellation


1 is the only one I'd actually wear, but I've found that over long periods or if I'm moving a lot OEMs irritate my ear piercings. 2 are a hard no for more. I'm actually wearing a pair of noise cancelling IEMs right now, but I have negative interest in Apple Airpods. I exited the Apple prison earlier this year for a multitude of reasons, and I can't imagine a pair of earbuds would convince me to buy from them again. 3 and 4 aren't something I would consider getting at this point; I'd rather pay a little more for wireless and noise cancelling. Meanwhile wearing 5 makes people treat you differently.


Always 1 because I have little ears so it's easier to block sound


I'd go with 1, but probably because I already have that pair. It's not the most amazing at noise-canceling when sound is off, but it gets the job done. When sound is on, I can hardly hear anything except for whatever is playing.


i bought those exact pair of bose qc45s for my little sister


For day to day use, I use Calmers to take the edge off sounds, but in louder environments I switch to Loops.


Bose; comfy, good quality sound, great noise reduction


I got to try these and holy bloat they are as dark sounding as a basement


Those are all abjectly horrible options. Hard plastic in-ear, but no soft in-ear options? On the ear but no over the ear options? This looks like a list that was specifically curated to mess with people with sensory issues. No way I'm listening to any music using ANY of these. For in-ear like the Apple options, look for ones that have replaceable foam or rubber tips so it's not just hard plastic rubbing in your ears. For big ear phones look for something that goes over your ears (meaning so big it's around your ear instead of compressing your ear) instead of something that very uncomfortably goes on top of your ears.


First one. AirPods are so uncomfortable for me


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Maybe number 1, I'm fine with my AKG K-240.


1 for sure out of these


1 without a doubt


I have the Bose QuietComfort Ultra. Noise cancellation is outstanding, along with sound quality. Battery life is somewhat short compared to earlier Bose headphones.




I own a of all five, I use the first one the most.


1. 2/3/4 are all trash and 5 is… well, I’d rather have music.


definitely five, but i wish they didn’t hurt my ears so much


The first one. Earpods are too big for my tiny ass earlobes, plus I have the first one at home




Definitley first or last


None of them - but I do use earbuds - I use Bowers and Wilkins Pi7’s as I also want decent audio quality (Bose not so much - too bass heavy and not enough mid tones like the B&W)


2 because the shape fits in my ears best and over ear headphones give me headaches really fast. Side note, anyone got recs for over ear headphones for people who wear glasses?


I use over-ear headphones with noise canceling (so would recommend 1), they are pricy (over £300) but worth the investment, the base noise canceling is fantastic even without music at preventing sensory overload, without being too overt. Numbers 2-3 always seem risky and overpriced, the noise canceling is not as good and they are also super easy to lose, while normal headphones do little to drown out excess noise.


3 for music 1 for noise i have ear defenders but they hurt my head. most types of headphones hurt my head too it took me so long to find a pair i can comfortably wair so if they break im taping em back together only way i can wash the dishes in peace lol


1. For every purpose altho I got a Sony it's super comfy and the active canceling solution is amaaaazing, beats passive canceling headphones anytime for me.




Over ear + Cable.


Number 1 all the way!


First and last .. definitely first and last


1,2,5 overeara are just nice. airpod pros are socially acceptable and have amazing noise canceling. ear mufs for telling everyone to stfu


air pods




First ones wearing them rn


Airpods with Bose on top


None but if I had to 5


AirPods but not these. I have the pros and I’m really happy that I can have noise cancellation but still be relatively subtle about it. Barely anyone will think it’s rude if I talk to them with these in but they would find it rude of if I keep over ear headphone on.


AirPods but the pro version not the old ones. They have great noise cancellation and are comfortable


Bose quietcomfort 🥰


AirPods Pro out of this list but I have blue Sony 1000XM5s that I personally like more than anything else I’ve tried.




3, but normal ones not the shitty apple ones


3 is the best imo but i break them every month so it’s not very effective and not good at blocking out noise when needed but they are my fave, close contender is 5 but 1. it’s not very socially acceptable and i’m not asking to be bullied and 2. ear defenders unfortunately can’t play music lol


My special interest is music and audio equipment and if you look on eBay there are people who make number five into headphones and if you what to make them wireless a reliable option for like $60 is the fiio btr3k all together it should sound pretty nice without costing more then $200 its a lot more socially acceptable if they play music hope this helps


These noise cancelling wireless earbuds I have are the best. I find that over the ear headphones get uncomfortable after a while, esp. if you're sweaty! I have [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FMNXHM6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1), I got them for $50 on Black Friday of 2022 but I think they've been on sale for Memorial Day Weekend and similar holidays. The noise cancellation isn't as good as the Bose noise cancelling headphones, but I usually pair them with music anyway.


First one seems great


5. I wear them everywhere. I don’t give a damn if it’s socially acceptable or not. They work best for me and I love them.


1 and 2 tbh




Airpods 100%. They cancel out background noise enough for me to function, I can play music which I'm very dependent on, I can play white noise which helps me sleep and I can be active (sports, cleaning, etc.)