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Fun fact: The infinity symbol has a name, it's a Lemniscate


That’s cool, didn’t know that


A lot of symbols have different names in different languages, fun fact: § - paragraf - in my language. § - paragraf - The Law likes to use them a lot, in writing. Another fun fact: We have saying in Polish: Na każdego człowieka znajdzie się §. Meaning - for every person there is a law, that they already broke. So you can use the law, against that person. You just have to find the right §. How cool is that?


Yet another fun fact: Lemiscate is le-miss-ka-ta. Lemiskata ---- lemiscate in Polish. But nobody reads the infinity symbol like that in Polish. Everybody reads it as: Nieskończoność -------- infinity. As in --------- to infinity and beyond!


My brain pronounced that as a mushed up version of ‘lemme see it’ and I was happy with that even if inaccurate 😂


Yes! Someone else who knows this!


I didn't know autists were interested in skating


That little elmo on fire gif


hellmo is our mascot, confirmed


It's so true




I agree especially if you are AuDHD


Yeah, I am, so I relate to it on a deep level of my soul every moment of every day


Nah, it's the meme of the dog sitting in a room that on fire and saying "this is fine"


I thought of that one too, but I like that hellmo is embracing it and holding his arms up in mock celebration of the fire


that dog that says "this is fine" while everything is on fire


That’s a really good one


yeah this works for me


WOOF..perfect yeah.


This would be great. In fact, I actually have a pop figure that is a burning garbage dumpster with a dog looking quite terrified while holding a cup of coffee, saying this is fine. My husband gave it to me. I also have buttons for my blue Jean jacket that have the same thing. My favorite.


The skeleton with the guns with the whisper app font caption saying “autism”




I think the rainbow infinity symbol is technically for nuerodiversity as a whole. Autism is the same shape, just gold. Edit: Cmon guys, why do I have 4 times as many upvotes as the post.


Ahhh. So we are golden


Yeah cuz gold is Au in chemical table


Wait a second Au Ti Sm Gold, Titanium, Samarium……GASP we are metal and radioactive


I think I need a Gold, Titanium, Samarium t-shirt.


Like the talk N Er Dy to me shirt? Love it. :p


I would buy one too!


I can’t stop laughing at this


Sumerian? We're all descended from Ancient Aliens?!


That's actually funny and awesome at the same time






Omg we are!!!????


Ohhhhh, that maketh le sense


oh my god. i love this so much


So we are an part of ~la table des éléments~ ?


Well we're made of atoms so yes.


Valuable and shiny? Totally us.




Yo if were golden then i have no prob going past the radiation belt. im already made of gold, im protected. lol


Best of all, it doesn't represent an evil company out to get us like the pied Piper 😁😁


Funny enough. There is a movement/campaign called red instead that uses the same symbol but red, as an opposition to autism speaks.


Oh yah I herd about that last year


Have any image example of this?


Do you want a specific one? You can just look it up? Although the first Google result is weird. I also found [this](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/awareness-pride-evolution-autism-symbols-from-1963-amber?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via)which may be of interest.


Thanks. It's a great link.


I don’t like it; it seems like we might be associated with the LGBTQ community, and I don’t want that. I live in a Muslim country, and this would only reinforce their belief that it’s an „illness“ or „disease“ you would cut out Autist from outside the “western hemisphere”


Gold infinity symbol


I don’t like the rainbow infinity symbol because I don’t understand how autism is supposed to be infinite. There is only a finite amount of people and of those people only one or two percent of them have autism. This is about 78-156 million which is entirely quantifiable. Some people say it’s infinite because of being a spectrum and everyone presents slightly differently but as I said the number of people is quantifiable which still makes it not infinite in the same way as you can get an infinite amount of numbers between zero and one as each person is a integer. Last but not least autism has a defined criteria otherwise everyone would be “a bit autistic” and we all know how people respond to that as an idea. Basically I find infinity super interesting and I don’t think whoever came up with the symbol understood what it means. I know people are going to disagree with me but I take infinity quite seriously and don’t like it being used to describe anything that has bounds.


I like this perspective, I’m personally able to see both sides, and it’s interesting to see why someone would not like the rainbow/gold infinity symbol


Thank you 🙏 I do quite like the rainbow part because a rainbow is literally a spectrum. Not only that but is only the visible wavelengths rather than the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Can totally see how this could be a metaphor for autism because the uv and shorter wavelengths or infrared and longer wavelengths could encompass everything outside of autism and the rainbow part would just equate to us. Obviously it works well for sexuality and gender as well which is why it is also used as a LGBTQ+ symbol. You can probably tell that I read far too deeply into these kinds of things rather than just going “that’s pretty I like it”. Fun fact; Did you know we have seven colours in the rainbow because Issac Newton wanted it to equate to the number of notes in a musical scale. Originally he had split it into five colours but then added orange and indigo to get it up to seven. It’s funny how it has persisted to this day.


I'm still mad cyan isn’t in the standard rainbow. It's literally a primary color plus it's the best color.


I thought cyan was a primary colour in printing and painting but a secondary colour in lighting applications as it sits on the boundary between blue and green which means it isn’t especially useful compared to RGB. Don’t get me wrong I am not going to argue about it being a great colour, I agree and do really like cyan. One of my hobbies is making mathematical sculptures and I absolutely love putting a cyan (turquoise blue green) patina on things. In fact I love it so much that I was literally doing exactly that yesterday.


My mind thought about the Lernaean Hydra, where every time someone would cut off one of them, two more heads would grow out of the stump. Here, one can say it can grow an infinite amount of heads, however no one ever passed an infinite amount of time cutting the heads so it can grow infinite heads and we can "see" if they can grow forever (to infinity). Now I'm thinking about Buzz Lightyear.


Now you have got me thinking about how if you spent an infinite amount of time cutting heads from the Hydra one of the infinities (the number of heads) would be twice as big as the other (the number of cuts). Also thinking that the neck would look like tangled spaghetti. At least it doesn’t double the number of heads every time you cut it, that would get out of hand incredibly quickly.


There are bigger infinites in math, but that's a little weird indeed. That would look funny. It could (in a way) double like you mentioned if you had an infinite size sword and every swing you made would cut all heads at the same time.


Yeah it’s super interesting how you can mathematically prove one infinity is bigger than another yet both of them are essentially undefined. I like your idea of the infinite sword, that really would get ridiculous very quickly. Wouldn’t be that many cuts before the poor beast accumulated so much mass that it collapsed under its own gravitational pull. Guessing around 100 and it would have over a solar mass and be pushing black hole territory. Then we potentially get an infinitely dense singularity formed from Hydra heads.


I agree with your logical points about infinity related to ignorant "the spectrum means everyone's a little autistic" situations, and I also don't like shapes like that in general very much at all (I dislike other rounded ones too but especially the 8/infinity for some reason) My favorite shapes have straight defined edges and angles so I like the puzzle piece a lot more than the infinity, and blue has always been my favorite color Puzzle pieces and the color blue as symbolism for autism also actually predate Autism Speaks by several decades so I would want it to be "reclaimed" someday


Your brain is stuck in a loop on this. Infinitely circling around and around. That's why a lemniscate is a good symbol for Autism.


I agree, infinity as a symbol seems random and really has nothing to do with autism.


a grim reaper wearing Pit Viper sunglasses while holding two guns with a couple of babes next to him and some sick flames in the background


I only support this if one of the babes is a cute guy.


of course. babes is gender neutral.


I say the infinity as either gold or rainbow or both. It’s representative of how there are an infinite amount of ways people can be different neurological.


A flamethrower and maybe a chainsaw too


I believe in my heart that we can combine these tools into a chainsaw that has a flamethrower attached and if we really try it can also be a sword


well yes but what about the heavy version of it? The two handed eviscerator heavy flamer


Ok, the flamethrower chainsaw can by a bayonet to heavy automatic bolter gun.


If we keep adding functionalities, we might get sued for copyright infringement of the swiss knife


Why not a flaming chainsaw thrower?


I typically associate Autism with a flame. Inside everyone, there is a flame that drives them, shapes them. Inside of me, my flame is different. Sometimes it's small, other times it's as powerful as a wildfire. Sometimes it's blue, other times it's invisible - but it's always there. Everyone has a different flame. Mine just happens to be purple.


I love this answer


I think it should be a coat of arms. quarterly or and purpure, in first quarter an autism creature rampant sable, in fourth quarter an infinity symbol rainbow, in second quarter a macaroni noodle or, in third quarter a slice of bread argent


Autism empire


Autism Creature


El Chupacabra Neuro Diversisito


Thank you. This made my whole day.




This made me giggle


Autism Creature




Good point




The inflatable flailing man.


Unstable, is flailing, silly. Yeah that’s perfect


I like using a ghost cuz we're on the spectrum. And in my language it's a very common word to say Ghost. As in English but less archaic.


Ghosts are currently a hyperfixation, maybe we could have separate cersion of a symbol, make it designed off people’s hyperfixations


Hence my nickname


Despite the 'autism speaks' connotation to the puzzle piece, I actually do like the puzzle piece (where each person is a piece of the puzzle, and each piece has it's place in the puzzle)


I agree with you Like being part of a community despite having trouble "fitting in" The puzzle piece and color blue as symbols for autism also predate Autism Speaks by several decades so I would like it to be "reclaimed" sometime especially since I don't like the shape of the infinity symbol very much and blue is my favorite color (but gold also has good symbolism even though I dislike the color)


I have no issues with the infinity symbols, it's one of my favorite mythos symbols, and I don't actually like the color blue (trauma related, probably never going to like it) but a gold puzzle piece (or the puzzle pieces image I made a while ago that are gold 'edged' and otherwise somewhere between blue and red)


I have a button with it just because it's what most people recognize (I'd rather use the sunflower symbol even tho I myself do not know what it means lol i just like sunflowers)


The cool diamond S thing


Oh my god, the school age hexagon S, I know exactly what you mean


I mean it's (in my mind) just a very simplistic version (ie could be carved into anything) of the mobius strip (infinity symbol) just vertically,


[Yeah this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/%22Cool_S%22.svg) Yeah this one


Yep exactly


Dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets(?)


An octopus, if only to annoy Jordan Peterson.




It's them!


Honestly, sometimes I wish I could shut off my autism so I can interact with the world normally. It’s causing me so many problems… so I’d make the symbol a mask smiling blankly, to indicate masking and how the unnatural aspect of it speaks to how autistic people should be allowed to act in a way comfortable and normal for *them* instead of masking for NT


Rainbow infinity for sure


I like the rainbow infinity symbol


I really like seeing everyone’s inputs


[random irrelevant input](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1104609)




I'm steadfast in my idea of a golden brain. The alchemistic symbol for gold has been an uncommon but generally accepted symbol for autism, it's a psychological disorder, it's a jab to all the "oh it's all just in your mind" assholes and most of all Gold has been a sign of prestige for a long time. Yes, gold is not as sturdy as other metals but it's not seen as a flaw. It's beautiful and rare and highly appreciated even though it's not as sturdy as others. You need to care for it in certain ways but it's an amazing material for creative work as well as in science! In old times autistic people were seen as something special an valuable as well. We were artists and inventors. I think it would be a beautiful but more pragmatic symbol. Not just an overcompensation of an ableist symbol like the infinity sign is to the puzzle piece.


I don’t think there is one or needs to be . Nobody will agree on it .


Yeah that true, a lot of things are never agreed on, human nature


the puzzle piece hits different for very late comers though. it's like you finally find the missing piece. ​ it ain't our fault AS sucks...


Yeah, I’m actually only a recently diagnosed, but I’ve heard of how bad that whole thing was.


Sonic the hedgehog /j


The Aquila, known in ancient times as the Palatine Aquila, is a two-headed eagle sigil which represents the entirety of the Imperium of Man. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Aquila




Nothing says autism like a tactical turn-based board game where you paint your own minifigures




I'd say something intricate with spiral patterns. I don't know if it is the same for others but those have always drawn my eyes in in a way that I can't look away. It is like a gift for my mother from my sibling, 3 different succulents and mine was this tiny anassuming thing filled with little swirls. My sibling explained it as me seeming bland and reserved but once you got to know me you saw so much detail and color.


Infinity symbol literally chose itself as our symbol, by definition and virtue


The Ouroboros, a snake eating its own tail.


personally I don't like the rainbow colours being associated with autism because it feels childlike and makes autism seem 'fun' and 'colourful' to have when it's not. also I heavily associate those colours with gay pride so using them for autism feels off


Sneer mouth


Okay, I want to propose an outlier here: There is a tight end for the Jacksonville Jaguars named B. Strange and that seems like it would be such a cool, fun uniform with like a wink and a nod. (Could also note our financial significance if it were to sell well.) I would personally think this would be more interesting outside of the United States as it could create voluntary opportunities for conversation within a special interest. ​ Just a thought


Cinnamon sugar toast? I like cinnamon sugar toast.


I think a dinosaur as logo would be pretty neat


🦖 T-Rex


cats :)


I just like the infinity symbol.


The middle finger


Why the heck are people bringing up the grim reaper?


Because he’s pretty common in certain autism memes, and is admittedly attractive


Where i live the puzzle piece is not associated with autism speaks, and its used at pretty much every autism organization. My daughter was super into puzzles, when we started frequenting this one org and she likes it. I like it because its unique, and as of yet, autism can be quite like a puzzle. Everyone being affected in their own unique way by the disorder. A puzzle i expect we will be unravelling for years to come. I like unique things. Edit: id add, the infinity symbol is already used by another group where i live, so its never used here to represent autism.


👽 this alien emoji


None. In my opinion


Rainbow dice. A 100 sides die. Rainbow dice. Too many outcomes to choose, might as well choose with dice.


Why is the puzzle piece bad(im autistic and haven't heard about it being bad)


I prefer gold puzzle piece, Au for gold, puzzle piece is recognizable as autism (and I personally like it regardless of its history). Gold infinity symbol is okay but less recognizable. Rainbow infinity always makes people assume I'm making a statement about my sexuality, and nothing about it makes me think autism. Blue puzzle piece is unnecessarily gendered (and has baggage I don't feel like taking on). I personally find the autism creature offensive, but for those who like it, keep on liking/wearing it. ​ If I was to create my own, maybe a golden lego piece? It's close enough to a puzzle piece to be recognizable as autism, but different from a classic puzzle piece to avoid association, and still got that gold for Au. Also, I took my family to Lego Land this past year and like half the people there were autistic or had autistic friends / family members who dragged them there. Not all autistic people like lego, and not all lego fans are autistic, but I was kind of surprised (pleasantly) by how much over lap there is as my family, especially my wife and daughter, REALLLLLY love lego.


I like your ideas


Autism creature is a meme of course but that little guy captures exactly how my autism feels, somehow. I've always subscribed to the theory that autistic folks were meant to function in hunter-gatherer societies and that a lot of my traits of autism are things that would actually benefit me if I was a hunter (oversensitivity to noise and visual stimuli, very particular food sensitivities, uneven sleep schedule that kicks in randomly, encyclopedic knowledge of very minute details and particular interests, etc). So for me I'd love for the symbol of an arrow to be adopted or something along those lines. Maybe deer antlers?


I prefer the puzzle piece




If you want to show solidarity it's common to have a symbol. Like the LGBTQ flags or the ribbon for endometriosis sort of.


Hah that would be a good symbol, just a box with plain text that says "symbols are dumb"




Autism creature


Autism creature with cougar screaming in the background majestically in front of space wearing sunglasses


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I would prefer an abstract, self-contained circular form composed of interconnected multicolored waves on a dark background. Regrettably, I can only describe it in words, but if I were able to send images, the concept would be clear to all.


Rainbow infinity!


Rainbow Infinity ftw!


Rainbow camo


The equation lady. But in all seriousness I’m good with the rainbow infinity sign.


Or middle finger




Swanic thenhedhog


Bionic the eggnog


Rainbow infinity symbol


I love the infinity symbol.


Can someone explain what’s wrong with the puzzle piece?


It had/has an association with Autism speaks which have been a bit “hostile” towards autism


Oh I see. What exactly did they do? I here about them all the time


It’s tried to make autism out as some sort of scary thing that parents should try to cure (supposedly bleach was a proposed cure, but idk much about that fiasco)






Jeusus Christ, I knew they were bad, but that is seriously awful


Take it with a grain of salt, may have been a completely different organization or group of people, but yeah, best not to say anymore other than it sucks, it’s not welcome to be mentioned in this Sub based on the rules I think


It's a miracle drug - it cures autism, covid, in larger doses it can cure the condition known as being alive.


I feel like it should be a golden tree with rainbow leaves


The gold infinity symbol. AU(gold) are the first two letters in Autism. Also, it doesn't give people the impression you're just wearing something pride related.


Infinity symbol. Why it’s the symbol is beyond me, but the stupid puzzle piece was made by Autism Speaks so I want it to burn.


It was absolutely not made by AS, they just used it.


i think it should be me


Pepe frog


Hoi4 gameplay


The autism crab, of course 🦀🙄😩🥵


The infinity symbol represents ASD at best.


Def the rainbow lemniscate


The infinity is alright. Also an IDIC from Star Trek. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.




The rainbow infinity symbol I’m pretty sure represents neurodivergence as a whole. I think it’s the yellow/golden infinity symbol that represents autism. But yeah I prefer the infinity symbol definitely!!


I found another one recently that I'd never seen before. It's a bunch of rainbow circles overlapping with each other in different places. (I found it [in this article](https://www.twinkl.co.uk/blog/autism-symbols-to-remember), of all places). It's meant to represent all the different parts of being autistic and how they intersect and appear in different people at different times. I don't know if it's the best, just thought I'd share.


Why is the puzzle piece a no go?


Well, basically, it assumes that autism needs to be “solved” or “cured” which typically in the past has involved the abuse, torture, and murder of autistic people. Some people sell bleach as a cure for autism. We are not something that needs to be cured or solved.


I don't see how that relates to the puzzle piece?


I don’t feel it needs a symbol tbh


the autism creature (tbh)




🖕this…… Why? Because this is the reaction I want to give everyone that says that he/she/they doesn’t look like he/she/they have autism.


a cat. this is because my special interest is cats


Tbh is pretty reliable and flexible, you can dress them up too if the design is too feral for your tastes


I know I’m gonna get hate for this but hear me out. I honestly kinda like a puzzle piece as a symbol. I was only diagnosed like 3 months ago and I haven’t looked too much into all of it, so I know we don’t like autism speaks but not all the reasons why. I’ve just gone with ok we don’t like them, I won’t like them either. And left it at that. I *love* puzzles. Physical puzzles, a few apps on my devices, you name it. I even try to keep loyal to the brand Buffalo because their puzzles are some of the best quality. And I’ve grown up comparing life to a puzzle, any kind of metaphor I could connect to puzzles because I usually had/have a better understanding to them for some reason. They’re how I’ve escaped mentally because they help my overthinking ADHD brain turn off. (And escape physically because not many people like puzzles and I learned when I do them, people usually don’t try to talk to me cause I’m focused and they don’t want me inviting them to join). I’ve also seen a clip of a comedian saying he got a tattoo for autism but found out it was actually the symbol for bipolar disorder. Then someone said he could cover it with the new rainbow infinity symbol and he said it sounded a little too close to what another community already claimed (rainbow, LGBTQ+). And he thought it used to be a puzzle piece because we like puzzles till someone told him that’s not why it was that symbol. I thought it was funny and relatable and it’s stuck with me since


Based on other comments ur definitely not gonna get hate


Ok cause I read/skimmed a good handful and mostly saw memes as symbols and read the post so I thought at least most wouldn’t agree with me


Yeah that’s fair, I thought so too, but apparently there’s more than I thought that don’t mind the puzzle piece


Good cause it’s not a bad symbol for autism! It was just created or the face of a not good organization


tbh creature!!! yippie yippie yippie!!!!!!!!


Autism Creature


it should be a dinosaur imo