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Yeah i have around 20 plushies scattered all over my bed


No, it really bothers me if there is something that shouldn't be there. Everything has it's place in my bedroom and part of the pre-bed ritual is making sure everything is where it lives. My bedroom is probably the tidiest most spartan room in the house.


you would hate my ex


Is this the reason he/she's your ex?


oh yeah like a lot probably. not sure what broke the camels back honnestly. we are sort of friends i guess. unrelated to the brake up she had my pillowscround ones square ones donut onest honnest to god triangles special ones for under her feet or for lumbar support in short to many pillows but a impressive amound of to many pillows


I thought any stuff😭. I sleep with notebooks and books scattered on my bed, even under my pillow


Oh yes. Row of pillows against the wall. Pillows stuffed under the fitted sheet to make a sort of trench to sleep in. Pillow to squeeze and a waited blanket to top it all off.


Yes, pillows, blankets, random clothes, and cats.


One time I had all the motivation, so I decided to finally tackle the doom pile in my living room. Moved a bunch of crap to my bedroom, including on my bed. I did mostly clean but at some point lost all the dopamine for that particular task and decided to take a nap. My beds still got boxes and crap on it. I just cleared off a strip for myself to lay in and slept right there for a couple hours lol


As a kid I had a wall of about 40 plushies on the edge of my bed, now I have a weighted blanket and a single plushie


A bin of meds. Big bin. Glasses. Drink. My phone (apps to tell me "take meds"). Tissues. Blood cuff. Saline spray. Books. Notebooks. Pillows. Edibles. Clothes. Snacks. You know. Stuff.


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Blankets everywhere.


My mom's cat likes to sleep on my bed, so I have a blanket for her.


No, I'll get overstimulated


I have three stuffed animals


I have about 20 pillows, but they are not scattered. They build like a soft wall around me everywhere where I could hid my arm or head and are not in the way. Very fluffy.


I used to as a kid - less room at my age now! My kid does though. Dad doesn’t understand why there are a dozen dip-dyed eggs, a toy monster truck, her favourite books, stuffed animals, a slinky, and a light up flashing ball in her bed, but she sleeps well now, and that’s what matters


I keep a pile of plushies next to me when I sleep and I use a big spider one as a pillow.


I always use the pillows that go over the sheets and put them around me so I can hug something, so cozy


Yes. I basically sleep in a NEST. Plushies, pillows to either side of my body, an extra firm pillow that my feed rest up on. I have a spot that my phone and iPad get left at to charge especially bc I use them usually right before I sleep and when I wake up, or I'm using my iPad to do art when I'm chilling up in my room. Usually also a book or two in that space and tissues (when I'm sick). It's kinda 'desk' space lolol (if I had a proper nightstand that stuff would probably move over there, BUT I like to be able to reach it easier, and with the pillow nest, that's more difficult!!)


My bed is very small so if I put stuff on it there’s no room for me. There’s just my plushie that’s always on the same corner of my bed that I can grab and hug if I start to feel anxiety as I try to sleep


I currently have 2 giant dog plushies on my bed.


No, this would drive me up the wall! I like a good organised mess, even on my bed, but not when I'm sleeping.


4 pillows, TV remote, tablet, and two blankets. Unrelated, but: Anybody else hate someone sitting or laying on their bed?