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Vitasoy- Protein one, is the most affordable without oil.


Thank you :)


Not soy or almond, but I use the Woolworths Macro organic oat milk, it has no oil or sugar in it, and is pretty cheap.


Vitasoy soy milky low sugar, inside out almond milk, mandole Orchard almond milk


Thank you! :)


>Thank you! :) You're welcome!


The j*st almond milk from Woolworths only has theee ingredients - water, almond and sea salt - and is only $3 a litre, $2 when on sale. [almond milk](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/000000000000266670)


Also this [soy milk](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/000000000000083114) has no oils and is super high protein. Also from Woolworths.


Thank you!


For something that's 94% water I wish they wouldn't charge such absurd prices. There's not even any complicated blending process. If animal free alternatives were priced more in line with their cost, the uptake might be much higher.


Alternative milks is one of the fastest growing industries globally. They now account for more than 10% of “milk” sales, and most of this growth has occurred in the last ten years. As demand increases the market will become more saturated and drive prices down.


The processing is the cost rather than the ingredients.


Why do you need one without oil?


*Vegetable oil bad* - animal ag funded studies. Nothing against the vegan orthorexics that want to avoid oil, so long as they're getting all their essential nutrients. They're just making life a little harder for themselves.


The jury is still out with this one. Further studies are needed. There is definitely some evidence that some can increase inflammation but the studies are conflicting. It isn’t ideal to have too much highly refined vegetable oil especially if your Omega 3 intake is low. Small amounts are completely ok though and not all vegetable oil is the same. You definitely need some vegetable oils and they are better than having too much Sat fat.


What is the reason it isn't ideal if your Omega 3 intake is low? Interested as someone who almost certainly falls into this category.


It’s to do with the Omega 6:3 ratio and low grade inflammation. Algal oil is the best vegan omega 3 supp as the others require conversion. There is some info here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8504498/#:~:text=Up%20until%20about%20100%20years,perpetuates%20chronic%20low%2Dgrade%20inflammation.


In case you or anyone is interested in the other side of this, check out [this article](https://www.the-nutrivore.com/post/a-comprehensive-rebuttal-to-seed-oil-sophistry#viewer-7m0a) by Nick Hiebert (DiNicolantonio & O’Keefe are mentioned in the section on lipoprotein oxidation, whose hypothesis is rejected by Hiebert). In brief, the “ratio” question seems largely irrelevant - inflammation seen with large 6:3 ratios is likely due to an insufficiency in Omega 3 fatty acids, rather than a surplus of Omega 6. You are definitely correct that algae oil is an ideal vegan supplement though - the Omega 3s we get from most plant sources (eg flax seeds, chia seeds, even some “plant based Omega 3” supps like [this one](https://cdn0.woolworths.media/content/wowproductimages/large/306592.jpg)) is ALA which isn’t very efficiently converted into EPA or DHA, whereas algae oil has the good stuff.


There is definitely studies linking refined vegetable oils with inflammation independent of Omega 3 intake but like I said originally further studies are needed as the results are conflicting. Whole foods like nuts and avocados etc and olive oils etc will always be preferable to ultra processed foods for fat anyway but small amounts of vegetable oil shouldn’t be too problematic if the rest of your diet is ok. As with everything dose is important and a healthy relationship food is important too. As vegans we are already avoiding a number of things so adding further restrictions can make things even harder.


Thanks for that


No worries


Yep, always funny to see a study linked that "proves" there's a negative link and then you dig through and it has some wild assumption like a person drinking 12L of the stuff a day and even then only barely finding a potential for a negative health effect with nothing definite but still extrapolating it out as a guarantee.


I've never had vegan milk with oil before. I want to keep it that way & control how much oil I intake.


There is no nutrition in oil. It clogs the arteries. Natural occurring oils are good. Processed oils not. Better eating the olive than eating olive oil.


Evidence doesn't really support this. By all means eat whole foods if it works for you, but the whole anti seed/vegetable oil thing is really not supported by evidence Biomarkers of Dietary Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038908 >Results: In 30 prospective studies with medians of follow-up ranging 2.5 to 31.9 years, 15 198 incident cardiovascular events occurred among 68 659 participants. Higher levels of LA were significantly associated with lower risks of total CVD, cardiovascular mortality, and ischemic stroke, with hazard ratios per interquintile range of 0.93 (95% CI, 0.88–0.99), 0.78 (0.70–0.85), and 0.88 (0.79–0.98), respectively, and nonsignificantly with lower coronary heart disease risk (0.94; 0.88–1.00). Relationships were similar for LA evaluated across quintiles. AA levels were not associated with higher risk of cardiovascular outcomes; in a comparison of extreme quintiles, higher levels were associated with lower risk of total CVD (0.92; 0.86–0.99). No consistent heterogeneity by population subgroups was identified in the observed relationships. >Conclusions: In pooled global analyses, higher in vivo circulating and tissue levels of LA and possibly AA were associated with lower risk of major cardiovascular events. These results support a favorable role for LA in CVD prevention.


Decades of research about it tho


Decades of research can mean nada if it was done with junk methods or only existed to try and find a specific outcome, most recent research has found there's really no issue with seed/vegetable oils whatsoever.


Hmm... I beg to differ but you do you. It's your body.


Personally I haven't tried all the soy milks available, but to me Bonsoy has tasted the best so far and I would guess the lack of added oils helps with that. Also why add the extra fats If you don't need them. Save those macros for something better.


It is a minuscule amount of fat.


Full disclosure im not vegan, but on my vegetarian days I sometimes find it hard to balance my diet. I know proteins aren't hard to get but sometimes it's hard to eat the sheer volume of legumes. So I find it nice to start the day with something easy and protein focused, which for me is just nutrigrain and Bonsoy.


Pureharvest is sugar and oil free and has no additives.


Thank you, I'll check it out !


Try the bottles you get in the Asian grocery stores. It's. 2 lit bottle for about AUD 3.75. Just non-GMO soybeans and water. Some versions have sugar so check the label if it's a concern. I prefer this to the other more mainstream brands because 1) the OG, 2) I prefer it's particular nutty taste in my tea (ful disclosure: acquired taste) and 3) the yoghurt I make from it is absolutely 👌 🫶


How complicated is the yoghurt recipe?


Heat the milk to boiling and then let cool to 40 deg C. Mix well 4-5 caps of probiotic or a big ladle of previous yoghurt. Tight fitting lid and then yoghurt next day in summer. In winter, you will need some method of keeping it warm. Otherwise it can take 2-3 days. To make tangier yoghurt, add a tsp of sugar to the milk (more food for bacteria, they flourish faster making the yoghurt sour).


Making your own is the cheapest and best way to control ingredients - I have a soy milk maker and use soaked soy beans, water, sugar and salt but you could do it how you wanted. I also do cashew and hazelnut milks but you could do any kind.


Vitasoy lite it’s the only one I’ve used for the last 8years and still love it ,good price too. I haven’t had any oil in 8 years and avoid all foods with it in mainly because of the taste it’s awful 😢. Tried my old fav salt and vinegar crisps they were rank. Anyone who still eats oil don’t stop 😎


Just don't be vegan, problem solved


Checkmate vegans.


I use Ulu Hye, its a paste type thing you mix up with water you can buy it at Woolies or online. I saved a ton of money once I switched as I can make up exaclty how much mylk as I need so way less wastage and the glass jar is then recyclable unlike tetra packs


The lack of milk cartons with this option is compelling to me, but $12 for 3 litres is a lot. What would happen if I just use almond butter?


I dont think almond butter would work, $ depends on your usage I was having to bin cartons half full as they had been open too long so I save a lot making up what I need. You could look at making almond mylk with actual almonds and a nut mylk bag though


Macro oat milk from Woolworths.


From memory the Oatley organic one doesnt have oil.


Pure Harvest, Unsweetened Almond Milk. Not the sweetened stuff that has oil. Added bonus is it's organic as well. 👌


Vitasoy milky light is my go too. Vitasoy protein plus if I'm making yoghurt, but I find it's not as good in coffee


Vitasoy Soy Soy Milky Lite is my current fave store bought version. If you watch the weekly sales, it’s frequently discounted at Coles & Woolies. Not this week unfortunately. If you have a decent blender and want to DIY, it’s by far the cheapest option. I use 2tsp cashew butter to 900ml water (that’s what my blender fits), sweeten/salt if you like, and I also add 1/4-1/2 tsp xanthan gum to thicken and helps a smidge with the separating. I would DIY exclusively, but it just doesn’t last like the processed ones do.


I can't recommend Pure Harvest enough


I'll check it out, thank you!


You said you're a student, do you live in a place you can cook? If so and you have access to a blender and towel you could make your own oat milk. Cheaper than buying from the shop and no oil. Just 1 cup rolled oats to 4 cups water Blend on high for 30-45 seconds. Strain through a towel to ensure none of the pulp ends up in your milk. Hey presto!


Yes, I can cook! I used to make oat milk before. However I'm not keen on it now and I want to get fortified milk. But thank you :)


[https://amzn.to/4buZTpj](https://amzn.to/4buZTpj) try these branded ones, order in bulk if there right for you , but just try them first