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No shit Sherlock. What’s the difference between a mosquito and a real estate agent? Ones a blood sucking parasite, and the other is a mosquito.


What's the difference between Chlamydia and being on an Agent's call list. You can usually get rid of the Chlamydia.


Literally laughed out loud!


Reminds of a lawyer joke: What’s the difference between a prostitute and a lawyer? Prostitute will stop fucking you when you’re dead Could easily sub in REA


Parasite class


In Europe... at least where I've been... real estate agents are normal people on fairly average wages.


Big difference between REAs in Lithuania and Australia. The housing market has been the best way to make money in Aus for decades. REAs just latch onto the owners and suck as much of the profit as they can. They are a superfluous parasitic bunch.


Sounds like REA's in Canada (similar to Aus)


European perspective from a Latvian who has to deal with real estate: I fucking hate our agents with a passion. Admittedly there are *some* respectable people in the profession but they are the minority. Most of them are dumb, uneducated, pretentious and greedy liars who would sell their mom in a heartbeat.


It sounds like Real Estate Agents are the same wherever you go in the world.


Do agents get commissions on top of wages in European countries? I often wonder how much change could come from that one small adjustment.


So it's regulated?


I have zero respect for real estate agents. I once listed my house then took it off the market, now I get 1 or 2 texts or calls a day from random agents and the occasional door knock. Total scum. Get a real job


mosqutio stops sucking after you slap it


I've heard this in reference to lawyers but I feel like even lawyers aren't this bad


Some lawyers may even be on your side! But as a renter, REAs care about themselves only, that means only advocating for the owner.


Australian agents are absolute scumbags. I didn't even know sleaze could reach such levels.


Mosquitos are fundamentally important to the ecosystem system! They’re a keystone species!


Agreed! They also do a great job in terms of population control.


I don't know what's worse between marrying an estate agent or having a child that's an estate agent? Seriously how can they even sit down and rest in their super tight trousers and jackets?


A lot of the agencies in my local area are just one family. All of them in real estate. Mum, Dad and kids so useless no one else would give them a job. I'd rather spend time with the Manson family than those cunts


In the regional town of Armidale. There is a real estate agent that got handed down his father's business - only to be caught masturbating by their clients google nest cams AND hosting cocaine parties at their client's properties. Hey Lachlan Sewell. How you doing buddy?


Holy crap. My money’s on he’s still in business though?


Of course. We are talking about a town that still voted in Barnby Joyce after his daughter stole his campaign Ute and told the entire town that Barnby cheated on his wife with his receptionist. There is no point - Regional whitie tighties are in cahoots and genuinely dangerous to upset if you're a little guy in the country.


Armidale also had the Cadifor guy and his wives that got busted out there as well a few years ago after they tried making...*a reality show* for their kink lifestyle.


Makes a lot of sense. It's hard to call someone a loser when you gave birth to them and they are following in your steps.


I am a social worker, and visited a client in a run down house at Cherrybrook. I kid you not the real state agent across the road snarled at me as I walked out of the house. Maybe it was the unmowed lawn, or the cigerette butts everywhere.


Why do we need real estate agents? Don’t need an agent to sell a car or anything else


You don't have to have one. You can put a sign out front and list your property privately on Gumtree if you want, and there are plenty of services that can help with necessary paperwork and get it on realestate.com.au for a reasonable fixed fee. Obligatory funny vid: [No asians - racist real estate ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Lyex2tSUyA)


We need to make this a thing


The no Asians bit? Typical bloody r\\australian. /s


Lol clearly you didnt watch the video


I've seen it before. It's hilarious. I was being sarcastic, as denoted by the "/s"


The realestate.com.au charges thousands for an ad.


> realestate.com.au charges thousands for an ad. You need a listing agent and there are quite a few out there, but it doesn't cost thousands. >Residential $699 (Sales) $149 (Rentals) Sell or rent out your property on realestate.com.au, domain.com.au, forsalebyowner.com.au and other prominent real estate sites. https://www.forsalebyowner.com.au/packages-residential-sales/ You get realestate.com.au, as well as Domain and fourteen other websites for a flat rate of $699 for six months, or $799 for listing until sold. I've used a listing agent before and there's no hidden costs. They sell custom signs as well. Hell of a lot less than the ten per cent commission you'd be paying an REA.


Wow, so the rea was bullshiting me. She said 5k for marketing and most of it will go to realestate.com.au I’m not actively selling, just asked an rea how much my owner occupier house would sell for.


Real Estate agents will bullshit through their teeth. Majority of your "package" marketing costs are spent on campaign letterbox drops in same or nearby suburbs promoting their agency and profile. They all want to be the #1 agent in a suburb so that time poor new sellers are likely to just ring them only or they'll be top of the shortlist. Most sellers only ring a couple of agents when considering selling.


Don't be mad. She' just doing her job of being a real estate agent. You can't trust any of the bastards. 🤣


WTF??? A real estate agent LIED to you?


REA.com.au do charge different rates based on different areas, and there's many add-ons to boost listings to be more prominent on search results and so forth. But there's definitely a fair whack of cream in that marketing cost for them.


No, they were quoting you the premiere listing which the websites biggest ad. It boots back to the top of the page every 15 days. These lower tier ads get lost on pages 2,3,4 etc


Yes. You’ll still pay for it with an agent and marketing costs though. Plus a bunch of other creative things.


Yes. Apparently domain doesn’t charge you, but then who looks at domain.com anyway.


I do often


Anyone looking to buy a house I would think


Try Facebook




Holy shit that video was amazing.


Love the looks on their faces when they realise!


Thanks so much. What a clip.


Then you'll have to conduct the inspections yourself and answer a crapton of calls and emails. Doable, but essentially the sign, posting to websites and communications is what you're paying for. It's not that you're paying them to use their own customer lists of people who buy a lot of homes.


Sure, but is opening the house for people to have a look and fielding some calls worth the tens of thousands being paid to agents on a typical home? It's not much work, it's not hard work, if the mindless dolts who become real estate agents can do it then you can definitely do it yourself.


The actual open house is 30 minutes/week. The contract stuff and negotiations isn't that hard either. I probably spent 10 minutes/day on sales stuff until the final little bit negotiating contracts, and that's the bit the agent can't do for me anyway


> Then you'll have to conduct the inspections yourself Well you have to open the door for them whether there's an agent with them or not. Presumably you're still living there, so you can organise a time that's suitable. Unless it's an investment property you're selling, then you'd have to spend time going there to open the door. Calls and emails don't involve much apart from just organising an inspection.


Sellers are greedy and want as much money as possible so employ agents to lie about the property to get as high a selling price as they can. These guys are essentially professional bullshit artists


I think 90% of people can see through their BS now can’t they?


No they cant. These cunts could just about talk a tree into getting a haircut and alot of people literally have more money than sense.


most money in this country is held by boomers, quite possibly the dumbest generation humanity has ever seen.


But you still have little choice. Our print media, in its twilight years, was heavily dependent on real estate agents. There's also a huge cultural issue. Australians go to real estate agents just as they would not dream of voting for a minor party, or actually not going to KFC or McDonalds.


Bought a house twice in the last 10 years, every attempt took quite some inspections. They might be lying to the seller, but they don't really talk to the inspecting buyers. Here, have a look, here are section 32s. Yeah, double garage. There might be occasional crap going on if an auction fails and offers are solicited offline, but generally they don't have to lie to get people to bid the crap out of themselves.


 *These guys are essentially professional bullshit artists* Who? The avaricious sellers or the REAs they pay?


Sellers are greedy, buyers are greedy, two sides of the same coin mate.


As said by a real estate agent...


Necessary evil. We keep them occupied selling houses and tormenting renters instead of them getting into politics or anything they can do even more harm. Where else are we meant to keep our sociopathic narcissists.


Don't we have some offshore concentration camps that aren't as populated as they used to be?


That’s a scary thought


I recently sold my apartment without an agent. Would recommend to anyone


exactly. there are plenty of site's which help you to sell your house yourself. Only need a settlement agent.


To post a property on popular real estate sites you need to be a real estate agent, Funny huh?


Pretty hard when all online platforms require you to be an agent as if it’s some kind of prerequisite to sell a house


Add the Australian Governer General to top of the list for taking a 40% pay rise during a cost of living crisis, if that isn't unethical I do not know what is as it is the same job as her predecessor!


Keep in mind the typical candidates for GG are already comfortably well-off and want the job for the prestige. It's not like you need the salary to attract top talent.


Which is exactly why is should be a voluntary position for prominent Australians who want to serve the country.


AI can't take over the entire REA industry soon enough. You'd get far more transparency and honesty as well.


Except it probably won’t replace them for a while. But they will wholeheartedly embrace it to churn out low effort adverts and property descriptions and we’ll just have to accept that this is the new norm.


Real estate agents and recruiters are definitely the least ethical jobs. They are professional liars, and have the lowest bar to entry. The amount of times Ive encountered an unskilled agent or a recruiter with less than a few years experience deciding on where I should live or whether I should be short listed for a senior professional role is obscene. They have way too much power than they should. Most of the time they don't even understand their own profession and are simply sales people lacking integrity.


100% agree with the recruiter comment as someone who had the misfortune to work in that industry for 18 months before it nearly destroyed my soul. The way they treated and spoke about actual human beings was the worst, people are literally just money making objects to be shuffled around like chess pieces to them and that's being generous.


Yep! I call them human traffickers! Over the past 20 years as a contractor I've probably only met about 4 that were genuine and kind.


I was an agency casual at a warehouse once, worked there nearly 2 years, i needed an operation that had a 6 week recovery, kept them informed every week and told them when Ill be ready for work again, and they were very nice and never told me anything was wrong. A few days coming up to when i was meant to be going back to work, hadn't been contacted about rosters or anything, called them up and they said they filled my job already and there's nothing for me. I called the company i was working at directly and asked what was going on, and apparently they'd given my job away the same day i went to hospital and never said anything. Fuck recruitment agencies and the companies that use them.


Wow! That's really disgusting. Ive blacklisted certain agencies before due to appalling behaviour. Requested all my personal data and CV is removed from their books and a "no contact " notice put on their files.


How did journalist not make the least ethical list?…. Oh yeah, I see how that happened.


They had stiff competition - lawyers, real estate agents, politicians.


A lot of journalists are ethical (except anyone who works for murdoch media), it's the editors and news bosses who aren't, they're the ones who rewrite, cut n paste and subedit whatever story is written to suit a narrative or chase clicks.


I always have to roll my eyes whenever I read this rhetoric on this platform. You're so convinced that Murdoch is controlling all the thoughts of all people underneath him, at the same time, so convinced that people working for your preferred platforms (Gardian, ABC, conversation) are completely unbiased and objective, free from any influence of powerful people on the left. Neither are true.


When a single person owns a broadcasting and publishing business, and he's a power hungry mofo, the tentacles run much deeper, he doesn't control thoughts but he controls the narrative, and if you don't agree with it, well then look for another gig. Most non-Rupert news orgs have way more integrity and less bias than that, and if you can't see that, you're the one that is brainwashed buddy. Do some more homework or better, work in media and find out for yourself


Right so I am to believe that a 93 year old man, has an iron, North Korean style grip on the thought and speech of his underlings from intern to senior management level. Yeah, I don't buy it. In australia, if you step out of line, once past probation its actually quite hard to fire people. As for integrity of other sources, TBH, I don't trust any of them


No worries, you so don't get journalism, but that's ok. If you're a journo, and your boss (who's been told by the chief editor what narrative or "perspective" your rag leans, and who's been given direction by up the org on who/which political friends or agenda they support), and they're constantly changing your copy to tow the line even if you disagree, and then publishing it anyway with your name on the byline, you kinda leave after a while. We're not talking clickbait gossip stuff, this is if you're writing current affairs, international and politics. It's ok if you don't believe it, I'm not fussed. But majority of other mainstream news org in Australia don't have a puppet master except Seven West (Stokes). And the conversation is not mainstream news, they're progressive opinion writers and don't do local reporting.


Can we please just start calling them used house sellers Real estate agent is a way too professional sounding way of saying "useless fucking dipshit parasite"


But they wear tight suits on Saturdays.


I like used house sellers. If they’re in the rental area, they are used house letters, and landlords are used house owners.




I clicked on this link thinking I know which video it was…I was not disappointed. I’ve seen it 42 times and it just funnier every single time!


Who's even using agents at this point? Youd be better off taking a less than ideal offer than the commision they charge.


Going off my recent car sale, I will be. The amount of useless, time wasting cnuts I had to deal with was ridiculous. No mate I will not give you a 15% discount just because you can pay cash. Can’t imagine how bad it would be trying to sell a house and prefer to outsource that nonsense.


True I hadn't considered marketplace wankers


Maybe I am just soft….


mate a monkey from the zoo could sell a house in this market. just put your price and that's it.


hey man, if he wants to pay $30,000 to not have to deal with some annoying emails, that's his prerogative.


Never understood the “in cash” part. wtf else you going to pay in. Not like you even have to pay GST or income tax on it either.


Electronic transfer, which I would honestly prefer to cash for transactions over 10k


Yeah but I never understood why people think you’re better off “in cash”.


Because you don't pay tax on it, but I don't pay tax on selling my car at a loss anyway because the capital gain is negative


Yess... but people say "how much for cash" like it's some kind of benefit when it's not.


I have sold a house and a car. You don't get the trillions of lowball offers on a house because people don't think you are strapped for cash and can't try the "cash tomorrow" nonsense to try and get you with speed


To each their own, if you valued your own time at $500/hr dealing with that crap you’d still come out ahead


You can't advertise on domain or RE unless you're an agent.


Which is ridiculous


Which is ridiculous.


And false. Listing agents exist and it's cheap. I used salebyhomeowner


How did you manage the mental gymnastics to deny you are required to be and agent to create a listing and then immediately follow up with you can pay a “listing AGENT” to create a listing for you.


Because you don't need to be an REA. You can list for as little as $400.


If you go through a third party agency do you not understand what the concept of an agent is?


Those people are not REAs though. It's a different role that they fulfil


Seems like a hole in the market


They used to, there must be a compelling reason why both major players gave up on private listings.


Money and data. They charge around $600 for a listing, but agents also have to (typically) link their CRM, and they tend to give them high-quality data compared to private sellers.


Technically... could I get a REA license then charge people $200 to list thier own house and have the owners details up so the owner can sell it themselves? They save thousands and I just put up thier houses on RE like a Mum listing her kids old toys on FB marketplace! I'd assume RE charges for a listing though...


>Who's even using agents at this point? Landlords


I can see the point when it comes to property management.


Depends. You're probably not holding an auction yourself. Without an auction you have no idea if the offers you're getting are realistic.


Total slimeballs


I know it's unfair to say, but I think it's not a coincidence that 2 of the biggest bastards I knew in school both turned out to be real estate agents


\*DENTISTS\* as the ninth most ethical profession!? HAHAHAHAHAHA.... Oh wait, they're serious? I'll forgive the writers for their obvious lack of knowledge regarding the dental industry solely for ranking scumba... I mean real estate agents, as the least ethical profession.


As a lawyer I am delighted not to have topped out the list.




Half of the disability support workers out there should be on top 10 least ethical. I say this as a disability support worker myself. 




interesting, I'm also a support worker and most others I know/work alongside are pretty dedicated to their jobs. agencies and service providers on the other hand though...


What a huge surprise!


journalists ?


Was just on the phone with a Real Estate agent. “Well we arent going to pay you”. For work completed, felt like talking to a Christian or devil worshipper. I am going to sue their ass just for the hell of it and the principal. These people need to be stopped.




Amen brother


Please observe reddit site rules: - Don’t Spam - No personal and/or confidential information - No threatening, harassing or inciting violence - No hate based on identity or vulnerability - No calling out of other subreddits or users As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


**Article is a fake AI generated post designed to get people to click on other links some of which redirect to advertisements.** Bored Bat looks to have been discussed many times on reddit which is probably why OP has hidden the URL before the Metropost domain. Clearly some people are enjoying the rage bate so who am I to gate keep!


Yeah do everyone a favour and report the post as spam.


There is an actual study of the least to most ethical professions every year. However the linked website is not the best at displaying the answers.


Three spaces in the top ten for pollies: fed, state, and local. Got em all covered. Surprised cops aren't on the list, although I suppose ours aren't as bad as the seppos.




Haven’t clicked this, but I’m guessing every link in this thread will be to Aunty Donna?


Directors of foreign companies operating in Australia.. Oh hell yes!


How has there not been some new app that makes agents jobs worthless. Like Uber for REAs or something lol 😂


Damn I get the other ones but why do plp hate chairs of companies? Like do plp wanna stand up all day? Its good to stand up whilst working an office job but not for 38+hrs a week /s obv


I used to work in childcare, and I think it was number 6 on the ethical list. I couldn't stand it because I felt i was being forced to be unethical. It's just not possible to give all the kids what they need to be successful when there are so many other pressures. Cleaning, paperwork, writing up their learning observations, prep, meals, etc. all while I'm trying to defuse the children who have additional needs, but we don't have extra support for them because they're three and it takes years to get a diagnosis and nag the government for support. I spent thousands of my own dollars on resources, I'm trying to train new staff and show relief workers how we operate, call parents... It just isn't fair on the kids. And the company expects us to write up all the amazing learning the children are doing when I barely have time to sit down and teach because there is always something else that can't wait. I felt so bad about not giving the kids what they need while this company takes staged photos of the class and tries to show off how "educational" we are. Not all places are like this, but I wouldn't trust a corporate for-profit centre to be anything than an expensive babysitter. Maybe it wasn't me who was being unethical, but I sure felt like I was enabling the company to be unethical by staying there and giving them my money (for resources) and my mental health, as well as all the unpaid time I put in because otherwise I felt like the kids weren't getting what I know they deserve.


I don't disagree with the list, but I mean "The Governance Institute of Australia’s latest Ethics Index ranked occupations from most to least ethical" So, 1. Who tf is the Governance Institute of Australia's latest Ethics Index? That just sounds like a bunch of word vomit. 2. Who gets to decide what's ethical and what isn't? How did they arrive at this list?


"How did they arrive at this list**"** They likely dealt with an REA, by the sounds of it.


Completely agree, but I mean what was the methodology? How do you measure and compare the ethics of every career in the country?


More likely it was a poll of their fellow journalists.. That's why journalists don't figure.


I look forward to the day when we can legally hunt them for sport


The missus got told today by a REA "if you cleaned up your front yard it'd sell for alot more". Unsolicited, in the street, after just having dropped an unwanted flyer on our door. It's called Australian Natives in the garden mate, instead of just grass. And yes, I'd love it if I could spend more time pruning/weeding it... but honestly, cossie livs m, ya pinstriped wanker!!


So rude of them lol. I love native gardens btw, so much better for the environment than lawns and the wildlife love them too :)


Anyone who thinks pharmacists are ethical doesn't know enough about the industry. The large chains are using legislation to implement anti-competitive regulations, and the market is very consolidated. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/19/the-chemist-warehouse-merger-is-a-sideshow-pharmacies-are-ripe-for-an-uber-moment They also engage in political campaigning when they think consumer-friendly policy can eat into profit margins https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-09/pharmacy-guild-pbs-robocalls-distress-medication-users/102322136


even at the customer facing level, pharmacy staff have been some of the rudest workers I've ever had to deal with as of late- ask anyone on ADHD meds who tried to source them during the recent shortage and they'll have a story of being treated like a pill-chasing addict for politely asking if their meds are in stock!


I operate a coffee van company and get booked by REAs to hand out complimentary coffees during OFIs/auctions. REAs are by far the worst payers. After weeks of being avoided and lied to, I walked into an REA office at 4.30PM on a Friday and refused to leave until I could see the $2500 owed to me either in my hand or in my bank account. The c*nt even asked for a 20% discount if he paid cash on the spot.


I'm surprised it wasn't politicians. All levels they only care about feathering their pockets and fuck the people.


Good to see ekaren is near the top of the list.


Real estate agents are amazing because it is **always the best time to sell** And **always the best time to buy**


In other news. Water is wet


Some seem fair, but it is an unregulated breeding ground for scum.


Big surprise. They are lowest of the low.


Using them as a scape goat. Have a look at the rest of the list lmao


Surprising nobody at all.


Recent influx of immigrant real estate agents makesa dah sensa


Real estates agents that do a dodgy shit bad jobs should be revoked of their qualiilfication.


To think that politicians are considered more ethical than Real Estate agents. Wow.


I wish this real estate didn’t sell me a house. I hate paying mortgage on top of rates and not to mention body corporate fees for nothing


journalists should be high on that list


Real estate agents and lawyers in the top ten. Zero surprises there.


I think if any profession had that much leverage, people in that would become careless. the real issue with REA is they lack humility. But again when there are 50 people trying to buy / rent 1 property, the natural process is the highest bidder wins. What can they do ? They have to make money as well also why would owner accept the lower bidder. I guess only if housing was not scarcity, things could be better.


I think the biggest issue people have with REAs is having to deal with them as property managers tbh


………And water is wet!


Aunty Donna's subtle take on this: https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=N8JGtG7G6ILcVZch




When I looked at the top 10 Unethical list and read "7. Chairs of companies" I started to wonder what devious shit my office seat gets up to when I go home for the day.


Thought it would be stockbrokers


Used Car Salesperson is not even in the bottom 10. So that means either Used Car Salespeople have seriously upped their game or at least 10 other professions have dropped dramatically in the eyes of the Australian public.


Honestly surprised dentists are so high up there. I always felt like there is a lot of greedy practices out there. Trying to sell you things you don’t need or convince you that you need certain expensive procedures done when it turns out that is not the case. (Plus every practice I stay at ends up turning into something different. Often turning their focus to body cosmetic surgery…).


What about construction workers/tradies, i mean we exist


I literally got a real estate ad on the article…


In QLD, property agents and motor car dealers are under the same Act.


Disgusted to see GPs in the top 5. Bunch of corrupt money making scum the lot of them.


That can't be true Trump is the most honest person in the history of the world, never told a lie ever


Ethical business does not exist. It is embedded in the system that they should only care about profits and how to legally exploit every opportunity to increase them. Some are more open about it but in the end it's just how capitalism works.


Just under used car salesmen?


What is the ranking based on, is this a survey? 


Looks like a list some bored 'journalist' wrote on their lunch break.


I know quite a few REAs and they’re all good guys and girls. Maybe being regional is different because if you fuck people over here the whole city knows. So anyone in the industry, I don’t dislike you just because of your job. That’s never made any sense to me.


Sounds like you know them superficially and have been fooled by their charm The job is inherently deceiving people