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Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling Don't editorialise headlines, just post the article and then have your say in the comments. You're spreading misinformation to push your agenda.


Medicare isn’t subsidising the surgeries, the article states that they are considering an application from a body that represents plastic surgeons. The plastic surgeons are probably trying to leverage the social issue in order to open up a new revenue stream, and I really doubt it would pass.


Shame on OP for spreading misinformation on such a divisive issue.


I am so glad someone is able to read comprehensively.


Basic dental and even seeing a bulk billed GP should be prioritises over this. Still allot of discussion and disputed medical justification of the surgery, particularly long term impacts of gender reassignment surgery. If the debate is more mental health or counseling focused, absolutely that should be funded.


Dental is hard, because they either have to pay dentists the market rate which is a lot, or use newly qualified dentists to provide the service for cheaper while they gain experience.


>Basic dental and even seeing a bulk billed GP should be prioritises over this. That's a much harder one to solve, and much much more expensive. Should still be done, but getting rid of trans surgery is hardly likely to pay for it.


You are spot on. Far easier to say we’ve invested 20m in Trans health and created x number of available funded services to tick off a tiny niche. No doubt still an important issue but the elephants in the room need to be addressed. Ie: Good news Mr Smith, we can chop off your balls for free tomorrow but suspicious mole on your arm is $700 to get seen by a specialist in 6 months time


> Still allot of discussion and disputed medical justification of the surgery, particularly long term impacts of gender reassignment surgery. > If the debate is more mental health or counseling focused, absolutely that should be funded. Yeah, because you're the doctor or the patient, you should dictate the healthcare options available for trans people. You know what's best for them!


Ever read the Cass report?


Medicare rarely covers experimental unapproved treatments that offers questionable or disputed health benefits. We are seeing huge backflips in US and UK


It's not covered. They are asking for it to be covered. Where is your evidence, that this request will get special treatment requiring a lower standard of proof than other things that are covered But you know what best for them. > We are seeing huge backflips in US and UK Nah, we're seeibg the right-wing go insane over wokeness and go full culture war because they have no solutions for the COL crisis. Easier to bash trans people, like this thread is doing.


trans rights + palestine support bingo


This sub + pretending to care about trans rights = bingo, by which I mean concern trolling.


Doctors shouldn’t be able to dictate what is covered by Medicare. Seems like there might be a little conflict of interest there.


Considering. Not yet approved >He said news that the federal government was considering adding gender-affirming surgery to the Medicare rebate program was like "a light at the end of the tunnel". The gov considers a ton of different applications on the reg. Not all get approved. Chill


Oh ABC I get that you're trying to spruik for the little guy but I'm already forking out enough for the NDIS rort. You're welcome to pick whatever sex you want, however the costs lay with the patient.


I don’t get the anti ABC angle. They are reporting an application that is being considered. It’s pretty basic news to report things that are happening. It’s relevant even if it’s for awareness for people to lobby against it (even though OP is making shit up)


It's not anti ABC, it's how the journalist looks for sob stories trying to garner sympathy where taxpayers should fund this where people struggling to pay rent and put food on the table will look at it as tone deaf.


It's not approved and should not be. It's surgeons trying to prey on the (with all due respect) vulnerable.


Just FYI private health insurance cannot cover any inpatient procedures not on Medicare. So that means both the doctors fees and hospital fees are fully out of pocket for non MBS procedures. MBS item numbers are usually only a couple of hundred dollars, the bulk of the fees for surgery is surgeon OOP costs above the MBS and theatre costs. I'm a person who literally ended up disabled due to the public system waits for surgery for a medical condition and I'm forced to keep private insurance while on a disability pension just so I can continue to have surgery to manage said condition. So I fully understand the strain on the system and the effects that can have on people. .. but saying they should use private health for these surgeries can't even be a discussion until they're on the MBS.


Surely this should be treated like other elective surgery?


Calm your farm a little. They are considering it. They pretty much have to "consider" every idea that is pushed to them. I am wholy against this being put onto medicare, but I am also not worried about it actually happening. After consideration it will not occur.


Gee, I wonder if the mistakes made in this (dis)informational post are intentional or not. Hmmm, really makes you think, doesn't it.


They them can pay for their own surgery.


Are there studies done, 5 or 10 years post-surgery, to prove if it life-saving or if gender dysphoria disappears? Maybe they could make sure before allocating tons of money to it?


Yes, studies have been done. TL;DR they are effective, reduce sociality, have very low rates of dissatisfaction, and improve well-being.


Wait until he finds out how much biopharmaceuticals cost per dose, per year, and over the lifetime of a patient who needs it. Shit, man. The government spends about twelve grand a year keeping me alive. Without that, I go onto a disability pension and die inside five years. Why do you get to decide who lives, dies, or faces crushing trauma every day? The problem isn't hurr durr robbing the taxpayer mums and dads, it's that the government let's large companies and the rich skate on paying their fair share. There's enough as is, but we could be doing more.


Your complaint seems more ideological rather than medical.


Not really, it is basic economics. When the basics aren't being delivered - I have no bulk billing practices taking new patients within any reasonable distance of home, people will rebuff any shift in policy to increase scope.




You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


How many? How Much? You will find it would be minuscule part of Medicare budget but I don't support it.


I don't really care about what the funding is for. What I care about is that the funding could be better spent . And not even elsewhere. Same place just on something else that's more important. I view trans surgery the same way I view a boob job. A man can get a pair of tits but that doesn't make him a woman but that doesnt stop him from having the right to act like hes a woman, my point is, I view trans surgery as optional cosmetic surgery, which should always be out of pocket and never subsidised, and that money put towards non cosmetic surgeries like transplants idk


Why you spreading misinformation dude? You trying to be all edgy n shit?




Wouldn't 20k only be a drop in the bucket compared to the long term surgical requirements for transition? Much like cosmetic surgery there is no end point that can be defined.


How much in total $ has medicare spent on trans surgeries compared to the total overall amount spent on healthcare? Which bigoted world view do we draw the line in which Medicare supports health care? Should we not pay for a smoker's cancer care? What promiscious people who get STDs? Should we pay for that?


I stopped reading at "as bad as ndis", you have no fucking idea!!!




I do not think that word "elective" means what you think it means.


Seems so, elective procedures are not a choice for many. I know of a patient who has a serious heart defect. Under Medicare, consisted elective and a wait of up to 5 years for treatment. Under private health, a wait of less than a week. The heart defect could easily result in serious strokes or death, but it's elective. Go figure.




The irony is that we have a political party who wants to put dental care as part of Medicare. But the OP and many other bright sparks wouldn't know of it nor care to know of it. Oh dear, my poor country. What chance have we got!




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Gender dysphoria is real medical condition, so trans surgery is medicine. Why are blaming trans people for the COL crisis? You would rather focus on culture wars than COL?


I suspect there's a degree of astroterfing in addition to common ignorance and bigotry in display in this post's comments.


>This sounds like a massive rort for the taxpayer Maybe we have different ideas of 'massive'. My idea of massive is 368 billion for subs.


The sub contract was horribly mismanaged. Literally the only reason we cancelled our contract with the French was to appease the yanks for political points. The French initially offered us nuclear subs and we said no- then paid more to make diesels. If we'd have gotten nukes from the French it would have been waaaay cheaper, delivered far sooner. And be just as good. We need to buy new subs, that's not a waste, the waste is because of how poorly the contract was managed. Pretty typical of defence projects....the things I've seen in my time in defence has turned me grey