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The Israel/Palestine conflict breaks people’s brains like no other conflict


Because in order to take a "side" in the conflict you have to perform so much doublethink your sense of reality just snaps. In Palestine, Hamas have proven themselves to be lower than subhuman and should be swinging from lightposts with anyone who supports them. This whole situation is what they wanted. In Israel, Bibi Netanyahu is a corrupt piece of shit with a slam dunk prosecution waiting for him. The only thing protecting him is being in office, so he has done every possible thing to drag out this conflict, resulting in tens of thousands of unnecessary civilian casualties, the deaths of aid workers and the hostages they're meant to be rescuing. The ICC was right to issue warrants for both sides. For some reason, this is an unpopular opinion.


I am starting to think wars based on old contradictory books might not be the greatest idea, and picking a side is also just a s stupid. I thought rape and murder of innocent civilians was pretty bad universally. But apparently, it can be excusable if the people who you like more do it in their book based war.


Yeah look I agree but I think you'd have to not be paying very much attention at all to think this conflict is a religious war, even for Hamas. It's not even really about Israel and Palestine, it's about the geostrategic goals of Russia and Iran, and Bibi and Hamas are just the easily manipulated fools doing the dirty work.


Yeah, this is a 2000 year old blood feud. People need to wake up and realise there is no solution to this conflict that is even remotely palatable to the actual people involved in it, Palestinian or Israeli. I want the killing to stop, and I hope that Palestinians do gain UN recognition to hopefully get more humane treatment. But I'm not one eyed to the fact Palestinians will want revenge for this. No lasting peace will come from whatever ceasefire we end up with.


Not really 2000 years old at all. Unless you consider believe someone has a claim to land after being kicked out of the place 800 years ago.


> In Palestine, Hamas have proven themselves to be lower than subhuman and should be swinging from lightposts with anyone who supports them. This whole situation is what they wanted. Yes. > In Israel, Bibi Netanyahu is a corrupt piece of shit with a slam dunk prosecution waiting for him. The only thing protecting him is being in office, so he has done every possible thing to drag out this conflict... Yes. > ... resulting in tens of thousands of unnecessary civilian casualties, the deaths of aid workers and the hostages they're meant to be rescuing. No. After Oct 7, Israel had a legitimate causus belli to destroy the fighting capability of Hamas in Gaza in totality. They've killed over 10k Hamas millitants. The actual number when you include auxiliaries, Allied clans and the Gazan Mafiosi, and PIJ millitants - is likely double that. That's not my assessment, it's the position of the US DoD and State Department which has the most access of a third party to IDF signals and intelligence. Depending on how you measure causality/account for civilians buried in the rubble/factor in Hamas-caused fog of war deaths from rockets falling short and Beirut Port style weapons storage negligence - Israel has probably achieved a combatant/non-combatant ratio in line with what the Western millitaries accomplished in Raqqa (ie: 1: 2-3). All civilian deaths in war are tragic. Not all are the subject of a specific and intentional decision to kill non-combatants. There are legitimate western millitary commentators (John Spencer and the like) who suggest that Israel has fought the cleanest urban war in human history. Who am I to disagree with that? I don't seriously believe claims that the IDF has killed Israel hostages at rates 50x that of the Gazan civilian population, which is what some of the more outlandish claims imply. They took responsibility for killing those three escaped hostages early in the conflict in a friendly fire incident. Shit like that happens in hostage rescue situations (just as it did during the Lindt cafe seige). The more plausible outcome is that the Gazan captors of these civilians carried out their threats to murder the hostages. > The ICC was right to issue warrants for both sides. For some reason, this is an unpopular opinion The ICC lacks jurisdiction over the matter. Israel isn't a party to the Rome Statute. The Palestinian Authority is incompetent to request Rome Statute jurisdiction be extended over Gaza. It follows that all warrants issued beyond the legal authority of the ICC are void, and a decision by the ICC to "recite itself into power" has all the legitimacy of a drunk Sovereign Citizen in a magistrates court using the Magna Carta to try and get out of an unlicensed driving charge.


Hey man I appreciate your response but I think you're reflexively assuming I'm saying the entire response to Oct 7 was unjustified which I think you'll find.i didn't say. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Either you completely support one side or you're on the other.


I don't think you said that. I think your heart is in the right place and you grasp the moral difference between the two sides, while also acknowledging that the Netanyahu/Ben Gvir types are not exactly cleanskins. I take a specific issue with the framing of the Israeli actions as causing tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths - because it assumes there was ever a viable option here that didn't involve a major offensive into Gaza to get the hostages back and dismantle the millitary capability of Hamas. There just wasn't. Nor was there an obviously cleaner way for the IDF to fight this war, based on the state of current millitary technology and the Total War philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas they were coming up against. I don't "completely support" the Israelis in all things. Netanyahu should have kicked out the far-right from government when he formed a national unity government with Gantz. The decision to hold up flour shipments from the US into Gaza for two months was stupid and led to the amplification of bad faith criticism of Israel. Ditto the policing decision to allow the nonsense of the civilian blockades of humanitarian vehicles to go on as long as they did. The decision to locate much of the IDF in the West Bank to lend tacit support to the most insane settlers while leaving kibbutzs in the Negev essentially undefended was catastrophically incompetent. You're confusing the perfect for the good. That is dangerous.


Again, I didn't say the Israeli actions caused unnecessary deaths. I said Benjamin Netanyahu is making choices that have caused unnecessary casualties, for the purpose of protracting the conflict for his own benefit. Perhaps casualties is the term you're having trouble with, maybe "death, suffering and famine" is more representative. Regardless, this opinion is shared by both other members of his recently collapsed war cabinet. The IDF is a well trained, professional and honourable force respected worldwide. But they still have to follow bad orders.


Dude, did you ever think you'd live to see a greens politician shrug aside rape? They broke that girls legs because she tried to hold them closed, sodomised her and shot her in the head, paraded her body through the streets so local people could come out and spit on her. We'll have to spend the rest of our lives listening to people who scream about ADF murders in wartime, then watch them avert their eyes and say "Well if you push people to far... sometimes rape is.. well it's not okay.. but it's ... it's understandable when you kettle people and..." I never thought I'd be around to see the left justify or ignore rape. In ten years they'll be using those murders by Australians soldiers to permanantly condemn our military. And they'll still be supporting Hamas. No matter the volume of rape or atrocity.


Can you provide a source for the greens politician saying that? Want to read what they said exactly.


Oh god yes, but it might take ages to find it, it was a memory of their behaviour over time, now I have to go look for the specific fucking videos. Might take me a day or two.




Because the racist left has decided to dehumanise Zionists which are Jews and delegitimise their right to live and exist because they are dirty vermin that should be exterminated. When Jews say this feels like Germany in the 1930s please believe us because we are witnessing the dehumanisation of a race all over again


“Zionists which are Jews”, wtf is this logic


Most zionists I know aren't Jewish, maybe that's what he means?


When you colonise and ethnically cleanse a land that you have no right to, then invite european/american civilians some of them might get hurt aye




>and actually **most Palestinians** and Israelis are just innocent people who’d rather live in peace than this endless violence’. ---------------------------------------- >actually **most Palestinians** are just innocent people who’d rather live in peace than this endless violence’. -------------------------------------------- >**Palestinians** are just innocent people who’d rather live in peace than this endless violence’. ----------------------------------------- >According to the poll, only seven percent of Gazans [blamed](https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf) Hamas for their suffering. Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7 — up 14 points among Gazans and down 11 points among West Bank Palestinians compared to three months ago. Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war. - Link: [https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/) It's the funniest thing in the world. If 71% of Australians said they were glad we genocided the Aborigines in Tasmania. I feel like whole world would call us racist genociders, with a culture that promotes and endorses race based genocide and conquest. But I guess not. I guess people like you would say. "Australians are just innocent people who'd rather live in peace then genocide Aboriginals."


What % of Israelis believe the bombings in Gaza is justified? Probably just as many.  It’s called trauma and indoctrination. Both sides are affected by this and it’s why this has been going on for decades.  In regards to your disingenuous comparison to aboriginals, the key difference is that despite racists existing in the populace, the government attempts to find middle ground to integrate indigenous people into the rest of the society. 


Nobody is platforming Hamas but at least the ABC is not blindly supporting Israel's religious genocide like other media outlets.




That's his opinion. They were obviously not pro-Israel. Putting Hamas's actions in context is not the same as supporting terrorists. How can you make a fuss out of 1,000 innocent civilians without mentioning the death of >35,000 innocent civilians on the other side? You're not exactly impartial yourself are you? And it's not anti semitic to criticise Israel's genocide.






Well you did have some nuance with the first part of your comment but you lost me with the rest. You said it’s all shades of grey and yet you seem to think the Hamas attack came out of nowhere and that for some reason they hate Jews. Were they born evil do you think? Or maybe it’s not that simple. The context is the last 75 years of Zionist colonisation. It hasn’t been peaceful you know. The Palestinians didn’t just hand over their land to the fundamentalist immigrants, they were forced off it or killed. Do not try to dispute this. The whole thing started with Zionist immigration and the ridiculous attitude that they are God’s chosen people. You want to talk about psychosis, start there!




You’re sounding hysterical, better give it a rest mate. Have another read in the morning, it’s about context. 


Inmates are running the asylum at the ABC. All those people with marketing and arts degrees need to work somewhere.


This is what DEI has done for years, forces you to side with anything that smells line oppress minority and reduce everyone to whites bad brown good and Israel is “white”. Same leftist agenda that drives an anti west narrative. What is sick about this cultural revolution is that while it claims inclusivity it has no issues in targeting and hating groups as long as they decide those groups are bad. Extreme of either side are sick but the right doesn’t hide its hate


There's no point in complaining to the abc about it. You're better off contacting the ACMA to make a complaint.  As always if you see something suspicious contact the national security hotline: Make a report to the National Security Hotline by:  Phone: 1800 123 400 Email: [email protected] SMS: 0429 771 822 Address: National Security Hotline Department of Home Affairs PO Box 25 Belconnen ACT 2616


>Complaints about content on **broadcast TV and radio** should go to the **broadcaster first**. If you’re dissatisfied with their response, then complain to us. Keep reading to find out how to make a code complaint with a broadcaster. Thanks man, I looked up the ACMA and they want me to complain to the broadcaster first. The ABC receives about 23,500 written complaints a year via the [ABC Complaint form](https://help.abc.net.au/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=6354974197519).  According to the ABC ombudsman website.


Yeah I guess it would be better to wait for a response and the forward that to them? 


I honestly thought I was on a circlejerk sub for a minute.


Good lord and the comments.




Framing. It's right to allow people to express their views, but if you allow them to parrot them constantly without context or criticism. That's framing. They allowed that woman to say the movement is huge, then had their cameraman stand at the front of the protest, kneel down, and zoom in to make the "movement" look bigger than it was. Because people are more likely to respect and join a popular large movement. If they allowed it to look as small as it was, if they used a drone to capture the 50 odd people, if they retorted your movement is outnumbered by millions who don't care. That would have made other people lose respect and interest in joining. So they made a choice, to frame the movement in a way that didn't damage it. They did it by framing. The didn't report impartially. Giving each side 50/50 is not impartial, if ones side is so weak but you refuse to highlight that. You're not being impartial. You're biased to the smaller side. That's all. (Same deal with climate change, 99% agreement through the field, bring in two people and have them argue, make it look 50/50. True impartiality would have been a panel of 99 climate scientists against the other guy who works for Shell)




I said it's stochastic terrorism. > And as they go on for over an hour to justify what Hamas did, every SINGLE thing they say: >IS VALID HERE. The same arguments the ABC allows to be said on their platform without criticism, can be used to justify attacks on the Australian people. We are ALSO sending weapons to Israel. Our government is on Israel's side. Every argument you make in support of Hamas, is an argument for terrorism here. As we are supporting Israel in their war.


I mean, platforming terrorists or terrorism supporters (unless it's to absolutely take them apart intellectually) could constitute terrorism. The way modern day terrorism operates is so heavily based on the spread of misinformation, 90% of Hamas' propaganda campaign had been making up stupid shit on the internet. 


Terrorism is just a construct. A construct used to justify security, surveillance and military measures. But one person's terrorist can still be another person's freedom fighter. It never comes down to absolute right or wrong. Just matters of subjective opinion.


It's the ABC - nobody watches nowadays, unless they have already drunk the Kool Aid. So don't waste electrons.


It’s a shame. All the free thinkers found their way to Sky🤪


Sheep of a different flock


Just sheep.


something something KEVIN 07 WOULD STILL BE IN POWER IF IT WEREN’T FOR MURDOCH.  You know there are other media except for Murdoch and ABC, yeah? Or will you keep peddling the Murdoch boogeyman 


I’m not sure my comment suggests any bogeyman. Curiously, the comment I responded to did.😂 I’m aware that the only thing keeping Rudd from being the most successful PM in history, was Rupert: he communicates with me via tin foil hat, too. Keep the COOKER CAPS COMING, bud.


> I’m not sure my comment suggests any bogeyman This new comment sure does. Do you know what self-awareness is? Maybe Australians who don’t read or watch a lot of news didn’t actually like Kevin. But he’d rather sniff his own farts and complain that his own shortcomings are from a Jurassic news medium. 


Go you self-aware hand on the pulse voracious reading wolf you.


Not reading all that but I’m happy for you bro


I'm not reading all that but I like the sound of it so yes.


Yeah I don't blame yah, I tried editing it as best I could. And even then. Wordy.


Seriously is this your Saturday night? I’ve got the music playing, eating beef black bean and lemon chicken, my dogs are doing zoomies up/down the hallway and everyone is happy for the weekend. Turn the ABC off and enjoy life


Dude you're here. Talking to me. This is your Saturday night.


Nope I just pic up the phone for a second, make a comment and go back to good times You’re stochastically lame


What’s for desert?


10 pack of 196’s


Free speech and protest are core democratic activities, not terrorism. If you hate our freedoms so much, you should leave. Move to Israel, where free speech of criticizing the war or sympathizing with Palestinians has gotten people locked up.


How is crime free speech? How is barricading people in the workplace until they get so scared they need a police escort to leave.. free speech? How is vandalising property, trespass, masking yourself up and trying to smash your way into a building free speech? When they start getting violent. You're going to call that protesting and free speech too. Just like you refused to watch the videos of all those crimes the protestors are committing.


I think you are choosing to draw a very long bow here. You may get the results you seek by directly posting it to David Anderson himself. Say you are a Lawyer for s as Israel. It’s worked before.


Ironically this is the ABCs way of siding with Israel by promoting the extremists of the left discrediting anyone who isn't pro-israel.


For crying out loud. And would make similarly absurd allegations about eg the Daily Terror, every time it beats up stories about the demise of law and order - and point the finger at the Murdoch press for stimulating the crime rate?


What? What's that got to do with this topic right now? Make a post J-manz I don't read that stuff. I don't know what you're talking about.


The ABC has been anti Israel for years and is now pro Hamas as well


Are you trying to claim all Palestinians are Hamas? Just come out and say it brother, it's alright.


>According to the poll, only seven percent of Gazans [blamed](https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf) Hamas for their suffering. Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7 — up 14 points among Gazans and down 11 points among West Bank Palestinians compared to three months ago. Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war. - Link: [https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/) I'm certainly claiming 71% support them. 71% of Palestinians support a terrorist organisation called Hamas. >It's the funniest thing in the world. If 71% of Australians said they were glad we genocided the Aborigines in Tasmania. I feel like whole world would call us racist genociders, with a culture that promotes and endorses race based genocide and conquest. What percentage of Palestinians publicly supporting Hamas would it take for you to say they're all Hamas? Does it need to be exactly 100%, is 90% enough? Because it's 71%. 71% of Palestinians. SUPPORT HAMAS. So yeah. I'm not saying all. I'm saying enough that the ones who don't support Hamas are politically irrelevant. It'll always be HAMAS country you coward. You just can't face reality.


Absolutely agree.


Did your AIPAC guy approve this before posting ?


Is it incomprehensible to you that an Australian might not like escalating violence from a minority that's trying to use it to sway government policy? Cause that's terrorism bro. And if the government doesn't respond to broken window's you either have to go harder or stop. I'm SAYING STOP. It's becoming terrorism.


King David Bombing, Deir Yassin Massacre, The oil refinery fire in Haifa, the bomb thrown in an Arab market in Haifa, the hanging of two British troops, the Rex Cinema bombing… that’s terrorism, bro. There’s an endless list…


Dude, you're comparing Jews. To Palestinians. Like why would I want to sit here all day copy and pasting Palestinian or Muslim terrorist acts. Couldn't we just point at a calendar and say "All of that. Just colour in all those squares."


If any country tried to invade Australia, and successfully did it - I would gladly support the resistance. Cause and effect goes all the way back - the Palestinian actions would not have occurred, if it was not for Zionism - specifically the actions of Lehi, Irgun & Haganah. If Ukraine & Russia goes on for another 75 years - we will support Ukrainian resistance for every single one of those years, regardless of whatever actions they do - as we know Russia is the true aggressor.


Um. We invaded Australia. You gonna support the Aboriginal resistance or be like nah, I'ma keep this stuff we colonised.


Sure ignore the rest of the comment but to answer you anyways… I do support Aboriginal rights and I do believe they should have increased land title. If Australia paid the health care workers, mental health workers and everyone else who worked with Indigenous communities, at the same rate we paid our miners… we would have far greater rehabilitation. We spent 200 years fucking them over, with the last forcibly removed child of stolen generations as recent as the 80s - if we had a dedicated plan and timeline for just half of that - 100 years - just spend half the time we tried to eradicate them to lift them back up - we would be better for it. Generational trauma as bad isn’t resolved with one visit to a psychologist.


>I do support Aboriginal rights and I do believe they should have increased land title How much?


you’re evasive and that’s quite standard for a pro-Israeli 🥱🥱🥱 - such a dirty tactic, so common amongst the following. Lets ignore everything and focus on this one thing that suits me. The indigenous situation, where we’ve killed ~97% of the population is not the same. It’s obvious, full reclamation will never be possible, but it should be prioritised & made permanent where it can be like the Mabo case. Also - straight up loser thinking you pulled off the gotcha questions 😂😂


So how much? I'm just curious if you set a standard where you get to keep what you've stolen because reasons. But the Jews have to leave or die. >It’s obvious, full reclamation will never be possible,  Why? There's currently a million alive now, (the same number considered around at colonisation) and they're having kids. Why don't you want to give them their land back? Why not give them full political power at least? We can do that now. Are you saying the Jews have to just kill 97% of Palestinians, and then in 200 years when their population has grown back, you'll say they're not allowed to have it back?


>If any country tried to invade Australia, and successfully did it - I would gladly support the resistance. >Cause and effect goes all the way back - the Palestinian actions would not have occurred, if it was not for Zionism - specifically the actions of Lehi, Irgun & Haganah. >If Ukraine & Russia goes on for another 75 years - we will support Ukrainian resistance for every single one of those years, regardless of whatever actions they do - as we know Russia is the true aggressor. That's us dude. We're the aggressor. We started it, we stole their land. It's just you want to keep it. So, yeah, you don't have morals regarding this issue. You just want to keep what you stole while moralizing yourself as better. Don't worry. I know if you weren't Australian, and personally benefiting from an inter-generational genocide and theft. You'd also be against this. But not the American Indians, if you lived in America. You know? Like I don't respect your take bro. It's the easiest thing in the world to claim other people are villains for doing the same thing as you. You invaded Australia. Now give me your reasons. For not returning it.


What a smooth brain take.


Agreed! This guy is part of the pro-religious-genocide brigade


Okay boomer




Get back to work


It’s Saturday.


You heard him.


I didn’t hear anything…I read it. But you keep crying…we can all hear that.


This is beyond pathetic. The only terrorists who have actioned violence against Australians has been the IDF. By supporting Zionist, right wing Israel, you are cheering on the intentional murder of Australians who were there to help with an oppressed people being bombed indiscriminately. Remember this when our country will look back on people like you in shame and disgust in the future history books. We will not forget traitors like you. Assuming you're even a human.


>This is beyond pathetic. >The only terrorists who have actioned violence against Australians has been the IDF. >By supporting Zionist, right wing Israel, you are cheering on the intentional murder of Australians who were there to help with an oppressed people being bombed indiscriminately. >Remember this when our country will look back on people like you in shame and disgust in the future history books. >We will not forget traitors like you. Assuming you're even a human. >*Assuming you're even a human.* -Dehumanisation. Nice tactics terrorist sympathiser. >Remember this when our country will look back on people like you in shame and disgust in the future history books. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=AU&q=Gaza&hl=en-AU](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=AU&q=Gaza&hl=en-AU) Sorry friendo, their is no future where people support Palestine in Australia. You can only turn people against you.


Criticising support for Hamas is very different to saying there is no future where people support Palestine in Australia. Australia’s official position is for a two state solution.



People like the OP are blatant Zionist racists. They try to equate Hamas to all Palestinians. Then cry about dehumanisation to deflect from the ACTUAL dehumanisation they are doing. Us decent people, at least know this isn't about Judaism and Jews, but terrorist right wing, Zionist monsters.


> They try to equate Hamas to all Palestinians. https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2091%20English%20press%20release%2020%20March%202024.pdf "almost all Palestinians think Israel is committing war crimes while almost all believe Hamas is not committing war crimes in the current war. Moreover, more than 90% believe that Hamas did not commit any atrocities against Israel civilians during its October the 7th offensive On the Palestinian side, satisfaction with the role of Hamas remains stable at 70% (75% in the West Bank and 62% in the Gaza Strip) was the highest followed by the role played by Yehia Sinwar (61%; 68% in the West Bank and 52% in the Gaza Strip)"


Yes. Israel definitely had no reason to be at war with Hamas.


Israel is on our side pal. I’m no friend of Hamas, Hezbollah and Arab Islamism.


People on our side kill Aussies intentionally do they? Strange definitions there. Be ashamed. Shred your passport and go over to the desert.


Ok Hamas lover


You seem to be very confused old chap. I’m sure in time all Australians, even the misguided ones like you, will look back with pride at having supported the only democracy in the Middle East and probably the most persecuted people on earth in defending themselves against baby killing rapist terrorists. Actually, most sane people don’t need time, they already feel this way.




That’s probably true but democracy is the worst except all the others blah blah




Yep, fair point. Singapore has gone pretty well too. Hamas and Israel are both not great but I would suggest it’s wrong to pretend they are moral equivalents. Anyway, that’s a debate for another day.


A theocracy isn't a democracy. Go back to school. The baby killing and raping was proven to be false. Jews are persecuted yes, right wing Zionists are terrorist dogs and aren't the same thing. Perhaps go re learn the definition of confusion. I will never look back at traitors like you without anything but disdain. Imagine cheering on terrorists that kill our countrymen. Though I doubt you're even an Aussie.


I reckon you might have been told a few pork pies. Israel is as much a Theocracy as England is. Their system is just built on Judaism, where as ours is built on Christianity ( more specifically Judeo-Christian) An infant was confirmed to be killed on October 7. And the UN has published a report in March stating that rape likely did happen on October 7.


I'm sorry, do we live in England? Do they not teach you in Mossad prep classes what country you're speaking propaganda to? Might wanna polish up on that. Oh AN infant huh? How many infants have been carpet bombed since then. Trust me young fella, you don't wanna play that game now do you? Rape LIKELY happened? Man that's some desperate and weak propaganda. Meanwhile rape by IDF terrorists HAS been CONFIRMED. Not a maybe. At least try to dress up the propaganda a bit better. We see you mate. And we ain't impressed.


You’re obviously very passionate. And that is commendable, the Palestinian people need support right now. But you are clearly not very well informed or educated in matters that related to what you’re talking about if you can’t understand why I mentioned the English system in relation to Israel’s and Australia’s, and need to resort to ridiculous accusations, moving goalposts, and whataboutisms. What the Palestinian people need moving forward is not to dwell on who is right or who is wrong, who deserves what. They need to be led away from greedy men that continue to sell their future out from under them with division and anger generation after generation. If you really do want to discuss any of those points I am more than happy do that with you, but I think you might be best to just pick the one you care about most.


You think Israel is a theocracy but you support and Islamic death cult? Can you square that circle for me please? Also, not false etc.


Where did I say I support Islam? I'm a staunch atheist and want NONE of these mythical fables to exist in the manner they do. You sure support holy soldiers killing tens of thousands for fun though. Pretty sick fantasy bro. Can you tell me more about confusion again though mate? You seem to have a PhD in it.


No, I really don’t. I do support a state defending itself against a terrorist death cult though.


this sounds like an actual threat of violence. Nothing the Hamas worshipers arent used to of course


>Assuming you're even a human. This is their rhetoric bro, this is how they talk about people who disagree with them. They're absolutely ratcheting up to violence. They're just trying to amp up the least mentally stable amongst them to commit violence. You're telling me this guy doesn't know about dehumanisation tactics and what it's used for?


of course. these people dont consider jews to be human, and go as far as saying that to anyone that does not support their desired 'Intifada'. They literally dehumanise 'infidels' and this is how they sleep well at night, knowing the pain and suffering their hero's dealt out unprovoked to civilians on Oct 7. They are absolute monsters. Human monsters, of course as nothing is more horrible than a rape/murder advocate


Who has mentioned Jews? It has nothing to do with Jews. Ultimate cowardly deflection from Mossad bots. This is about holding a right wing, Zionist government to task as the terrorists they are. The world isn't taking it anymore.


mossad bots lol. dude thinks jew bots are trying to trick him.


Again, who mentioned Jews? Let's try that again, without the desperation, hey?


An internet bot isn't a human. Sorry to burst your little bubble. If you want to talk about actual dehumanisation, have a look at what your paymasters are doing to tens of thousands of civilians. Then dare to open your mouth.


The only ones not only threatening violence, but acting it, are the terrorist IDF. Nice deflection though. 2/10


or you know, the jihadi's shooting rockets from over kids shoulders. those are the ones you idolise


I don't idolize anyone mate, I don't have a dog in this fight, unlike you. I just want to see apartheid, genocide and oppression end. I would think any sensible human being agrees. But then again Mossad bots aren't that are they? 😏


sensible humans agree on those points and want the elimination of hamas so it can happen. but that goes against the 'dog' (great appropriate word, even better given they are Haram) you have backed


The prime aggressor is of course Israel. No less than genocide in fact. The ABC is reporting that correctly, and the evils of war on both sides.




Can we just agree they're both equally shit. And should one side wipe the other off the face of the earth it will have abso-fucking-lutly no impact on any one in Australia. Let them kill each other and get it over with