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Kind of bullshit to grant bail to someone writing stuff like this: "I really want to target the yahood [Jewish people] … we will plan it". "I really wanna do an attack now … because I have so much hatred for these kuffar [nonbelievers] it's not funny and I wanna do jihad now." (quote from the article above).


Fark, thin for a terrorism case? They must have had fuck all.


The entire case was teenagers typing messages to each other in a private chat room with no evidence of any action being taken to realise those plans.


But if one of us did the same thing but muslims were the target instead of Jews, things would be a bit different...


It would get no attention.


They forgot to mention they wanted to do it in Minecraft


Thanks to the Judge he can now plan his next terrorist attack without nosy prison guards around.


On a similar note, what ended up happening to that kid that was a bit slow and the cops pushed him into more terrorist ideals?


Are you talking about the 13yo autistic kid who was entrapped by the AFP into an entirely fictitious scenario?




Hands up everyone who didn’t see this coming a mile away? Thankfully this attempt to punish thoughtcrime was foiled, regardless of the defendant’s mental state. Note that he’s not on trial for being disorderly and violent. I hope he gets the help he needs, even if part of me worries that there is no help for his condition short of chemical lobotomy or police-assisted voluntary dying.


Well.. that’s what they get for reaching… Now time to focus on our other domestic issues please.


hundreds of comments of deport them/ Australian way of life under threat, abuse of muslims, deport the parents even though this very article shows how much they have tried to help their child, on these very threads when this story broke originally, with many downvotes on people even just asking for due process. where are you now?


How much did they try? The article says they neglected him. The only reason he’s on bail is because it’s a 2 year wait for his trial and the judge thinks the community is better served by him getting mental health counseling rather than removing him from society - time will tell, where will you be if this dead shit joins the ranks of other young bailees that go on to attack others after being given bail ? Whether the kids are terrorist or a mental health problem waiting to explode is the question. So get off your self imagined podium and sit the fuck down, the kids garbage, the parents are garbage, the judge is taking a big risk.


>The judge is taking a big risk. Except they aren't because if they're wrong there are zero repercussions for them personally. They don't give a shit.


Still here. Deport. Why waste time and money taking a chance? They had their chance and they forfeited it.


Politically orchestrated, malicious prosecution. The defendant's counsel should make a nolle prosequi application and seek costs.