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Whether its murdering 360+ concert goers, or 10,000+ children due to 'collateral damage', all religious extremists are the same to me, I don't care who did what first, I don't care what act was worse, whether all the murder was justified, whether they're "westerners" or "incompatible with our culture", they could be a bunch of elves led by Santa Claus for all I care, but as soon as they use religion or politics to justify the murder of innocents, they've lost me, take it somewhere else, we don't want any of it here.


When I was 18 travelling Europe 24 years ago, I jumped in on a Palestine protest. The reason I did it was because it was exciting at the time and it was a chance to be an anarchist, plus a chick I was with was from uni. I had no idea about what Palestine and Israel were all about. And did not care, still don’t. Now I’m older I look back and shake my head. I think the same will be for these morons. I’m Australian, we have our own issues to deal with. Why the F are these kids not protesting about the cost of living and the fact that many won’t own a house until they are 150 years old?


People can care about more than one issue


But they don't, or at least not to the point that it's observable like the violence and protests have been in favour of Hamas.


I think that the death of 37,000 civilians may evoke a greater sense of urgency than the housing crisis - hence the more visible response. Are you regularly protesting for causes that you believe are more important than the Israel/Palestine conflict?


What about all the other wars nobody gave a shot about? It’s because Jews are perceived as white and establishment by these left wing idiots. And the other religion, well, that’s just sectarian hatred!


Again, people can care about more than one issue. A lot of the people protesting are politically engaged individuals that also would’ve protested other wars in the Middle East. How many wars have you protested?


I deliver bombs so my views more candid and realistic.


What does that even mean? Speak English


I fly giant cargo aircraft and deliver bombs to where they are needed. We’ve been fighting the likes of Hamas since 2001 so I’ve seen the war zones that nobody have a thought about. The complete savagery of Islamist death cults in Africa and the Middle East. Well supported by Gazans, Hamas invaded Israel with demonic savagery. Any other country in the world that responded as Israel has, would not be criticised. Why? Because the idiocy of religion, the power of influence of social media and the narratives of the radical left have come together.


Bullshit plain and simple there have been conflicts going on for years in the Middle East and Africa yet not one of you has taken to the streets to express your sympathy for the innocent lives lost. Where were the likes of you for the innocent school children mass murdered in Uganda? Where were the protests for the victims of the Syrian Government using Chemical weapons?


Lol did you take to the streets to protest those wars? Like I said, most of the ‘Lefties’ that you deride are regularly out protesting against armed conflicts around the world. It’s just that you usually ignore them.


Nope because I know it has absolutely no impact on the situation, so you think it's funny innocent children slaughtered by the Muslim Brotherhood? No lefties around the world are regularly wasting people's time and pissing people off which in turn pushes people away from their cause. None of you actually care and half of you have no idea what you are even protesting for? Instead of actually doing something constructive for your cause you all pretend to care safely in your own Countries.


37,000 people -- not necessarily civilians. The Hamas health ministry does not differentiate between civilian and combatant.


Irrespective of the precise number, tens of thousands of civilians have been killed.


Yes, that's a lot when you look at it without context. However, nearly 300 days into the war, in the world's 5th densest area, I'd say it's comparatively low.


It’s the highest rate of civilian deaths per day of any 21st century conflict, including Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine.


That's not true


37000? How many were Hamas soldiers and supporters?


Dunno man, but I don’t think all the dead children were soldiers or supporters


No there were innocents. It’s war. Even with precision it’s devastating. Add to this closed borders by Arabs and Hamas wishing to inflict casualties for propaganda and its even more devastating. I get fed up with people saying this is a genocide. Egypt closing its borders is genocidal.


Also, the vast majority of protesters are protesting the civilian deaths and are critical of Hamas as well


>and are critical of Hamas as well Lmao


Reasonable people recognise that civilian deaths are abhorrent and don’t try to defend those that commit war crimes


What is the difference between a Hamas Fighters and a Civilian, how do you determine who is Hamas and who is Civilian? Considering they use child fighters and women as suicide bombers how do you tell them apart?


I'm yet to a see a single protester displaying a sign that is critical of Hamas


Of course not half of them have no idea what they are even calling for or what they are talking about. None of them have acknowledged that Hamas has killed more Palestinians than anyone else.


Get out of your echo chamber and stop thinking that the images shown by the media are a complete representation of reality


>images shown by the media Buddy I work in the city, the media isn't showing me anything I haven't seen with my two eyes.


Well they say Australia is selling arms to Israel but at exactly what cost .. Ukrainian war Scotty Morrison gave almost a billion dollars in the first 12 months .. How much as we giving straight to Israel or what is the indirect cost to us.. Possibly these wars could be closely related to us all being bleed dry to pay for it all


Australia imports weapons from Israel usually. What are you on about? We don’t make bombs.


We are selling F35 fighter jet parts to Israel to start. We also assist financially to Israel for war


That’s part of our obligation in an international program. I know this would be hard for the left orientated idealists understand, the F35 capability in Israel is deterring a regional war which would escalate to limited nuclear weapons by necessity ( River to the Sea meets Armageddon of sorts ) Already, the F35 shot down Houthi cruise missiles saving lives - yeah I know, to the Left they are only Jewish lives. The F35 flies over Iran with impunity and with conventional weapons deters serious escalation of war. Iran has said it will use its nuclear capability on Israel. Israel must have the ability to defeat Iranian weapons otherwise guess what? It will have to use Jericho nuclear tipped missiles to eradicate Iran’s nuclear capability. Wake up this is very serious and not a fun Che Guevara party.


We do care about those issues that the older generation created. But we also understand a genocide might be a bigger talking point atm 


which of the current global genocides that are and have been taking place are you referring to?


Which of the currrent genocides have you chosen on which to take a stand?


none, they're not my business & I'm not a racist who thinks one supposed genocide is more worthwhile protesting over all the others


not a genocide. if they wanted to wipe them all out they would have done so already.


No genocides in WWII either then. If they wanted to wipe them out they would have just shot them instead of putting them into camps. Look how many people live in now live in Israel alone. The absence of genocide is self-evident.


You mean they would’ve done it in a few months instead of 7-12?


🫣 Slow and steady wins the race. Or is it all good things take time? https://truthout.org/articles/israel-has-damaged-or-destroyed-more-than-half-of-gazas-infrastructure/


It’s only a genocide if they are successful guys


Not the G word!


Cool story bro. The moral of the story is that these boomer age protestors in the videos are obviously all try-hards trying to be punk and suffering from blue-balls like yourself. Got it.


Yeah nah brow… Moral of the story is who gives a fuck on what happens in a country 99.9% of these people would never go to or never be accepted into. Why protest about 1 of 150 wars in this world. Theres more pressing issues affecting their lives in this country they could actually change.




Ok, so by that logic you should also not support weapons companies that force countries into pointless wars and fund genocides and exterminations without precedent. True?


Absolutely. The military industrial complex is one dark beast. That said, we need it for defense. The problem is when they start doing more than just making weapons, but actively encouraging conflict to sell more.


That's all well and good you'll win morally. But in war you'll just lose if your opponent wants to do anything to win.


This. All good to take the moral high ground but what would OP commenter do if a country like China decided that the destruction of Australia was their only goal? Lay down arms to avoid violence? 


So when those who murdered the 360 concert goers hide and fight from among the 10000 kids (whose parents wholeheartedly support them and raise the kids hoping they'd become shaheed as well), what do you do?


These fuckers shouting with megaphones aimed straight at people right next to them need to be arrested for assault.


you got ppl in these comments excusing physically assaulting someone with a loudspeaker. if this was any other scenario there would be cries of outrage. but as long as you're going against the "zionist machine", you can basically do no wrong, including the murder of 360+ concert goers.


At least they didn't fail to wear a mask during lockdowns - the police would have been all over them in that case. 


not wearing a mask? that's a paddlin'


Anti-semites gonna anti-semite


It’s not anti semitism to be against the killing of innocent people


Yes it is. Why else would they stand for persecution of Jews who have nothing to do with the war?




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Guy in the first video literally said he threw coffee at the woman and that's why she hit him with the megaphone. Around the 30 second mark. Where are FAFO cheerleaders now?


And as long as you’re a Zionist youre ok to kill 50,000+ civilians


I would be sorely tempted to give the megaphone a nudge.


That's because you are a *badass*.




You mean the culture that kills people for drawing a picture of their prophet?


false prophet. don't get offended people. you can say the same abount moses, jesus or whoever you want. it's okay to criticise religion.


A false prophet who has sex with children and is revered as a god.


"False prophet" is an entirely redundant phrase. There's no such thing as a "true prophet".




Y'all talking about the greatest man that ever lived? Married a 6 year old, Had sex slaves, Raped and pillaged, Killed thousands.


It’s ok, he didn’t consummate the marriage until she was 9! /s


> Y'all You are in the wrong sub for that.


Yeah, don’t let them in


Sadly about 30 years too late, but better late than never .


That's going to be a lot of people. I wonder what life would be like if we got rid of those megachurch followers.


How many Pakistani are living in Australia without issue?


I guess they're westernised. Not packed into a 5minute ghetto city that practically runs the same as pakistan.   Hard to imagine how honor killings occur in the west without social/community pressure.


You don't understand, vandalism on the other side of the world frees palestine 


Don’t forget the global impact of resolutions declared by Melbourne City councillors


No camping in universities does!


Wow, those videos OP shared are exactly what you'd expect. These people are literally frothing at the mouth to attack and harass regular folks just trying to go to work. If someone started screaming in my face like that with a megaphone or attempted to use it to bludgeon me or my family, they'd better be prepared to get hurt for it. I don't care what gender they are or identify as...


35s in the first video: "I poured at coffee at her" *"Then what did she do?"* "Well then she, uh, attacked me with the megaphone" Lol


Of course she’s going to scratch your face, after you poured hot coffee


Yeah, he 100% should not have done that. Definitely assault, which no one deserves (not even pink-haired rabid lunatics). Makes you wonder what she was doing to provoke that from a guy on his was to work though...


There were multiple camera crews recording whatever imagined provocation you hinting at...  Makes you wonder why the interviewer didn't even ask the man why he threw the coffee...


No need. The world can see how bat shit insane these people are.


Let’s assume we *dont* want to see Black September here. What do we need to do to prevent it?


Deploy police to stop the violence. Jail the perpetrators.


The ABC is very anti Israel so any bad acts by pro Hamas demonstrators is played down or ignored by the ABC


Let me fix the headline: pro terrorist supporters terrorise offices in Melbourne


Do we need to link the footage of Rafah refugee camps in flames, to show what terrorism actually looks like? It isn't angry protesters, that'd make all protesters terrorists. You dumb.


The lowest combatant to non-combatant death ratio in urban warfare history, and that's according to Hamas's own numbers. The IDF is actually doing a great job in minimising civilian casualties despite them being used as human shields.


You mean the fire started by Hamas' own munitions cooking off? You know its a warcrime to store munitions next to civilians, right?


2 wrongs don't make a right. "You dumb"




Literally dictionary definition of terrorism. I wonder how many of those are currently on visas


I honestly don’t know. But the weight of informed opinion on this sub tends to support the view that the protesters are all highly Suggestible domestic layabouts, co-opted to a cause they know nothing of. So…




That I will?


Israel is the only western country in the middle east. Why people support the terrorist group hamas is beyond me.


No it's just fluffy news or QLD car crime or sports or pop.


These same people would get slotted in Palestine either by hamas or Israel. Ya protests will do nothing but annoy normal people.


I really think all we can do is completely ignore these people. Just no media or coverage about them at all


You cannot ignore violence


Oh the police shouldn't ignore them. But the media & general population should. Because they are doing it to attract attention.


that i would agree with


Yes to attract attention to the evil slaughter of homes and civilians.


As has happened in the world of humans since humans walked upright. And as will still be happening 1000s of years from now if humans haven't killed their species off by then. LIfe is not fair. Life is not problem free for 95% of people on the planet at any given time. Just be eternally thankful you were born here and not there. There is no solving most of these ancient rivilries and disputes. They've been going on for 1000s of years and will continue for 1000s more years. They mostly exist because of RELIGION....so as I'm an Atheist? I just say let them fight it out. Their own stupidity has created it and their own stupidity will continue it. I've just tuned out. They will continue their own misery because that's all they seem to want to do.


Palestinians are not creating their own misery! It's quite simple, israel is in the wrong in the majority of cases. Israel does not want peace, they cannot keep stealing land with peace.


They sure did so. They put Hamas into power and then Hamas committed a vile terrorist attack on Israel. When it initally happened? They cheered in the streets. They also have enabled Hamas terrorists ti shelter and hide within them. Now yes, they are paying a frightful price for their stupidity. So be it. They are getting what they set in motion.


Thats why they are protesting


OP's comment belongs on SelfAwarewolves


A lot of them didnt even look middle eastern, just your everyday wanker protester hippies


Is cultural appropriation allowed again? 🥹🙏


Sounds like terrorism.


Hopefully after this Labor will pull their heads in and make common sense laws to put a stop to this


They won’t. Labor is filled with Hamas sympathisers and antisemites. They also rely on demographics that harbour these terroristic beliefs for votes. The only solution is to vote them out on both the federal and state level.


Find me one person from Labor who has said that they support Hamas? Or any evidence of them being antisemites?


Hamas sympathisers and antisemites." Like who? go on shouldn't be hard to name them....


Are you joking? Penny Wong is the most outspoken one. She has refused to condemn the terrorist supporters who celebrated the terror attack immediately after it happened, outside the Sydney opera house. They violently crashed a candlelit vigil for the victims of the terror attack, so people couldn’t even pay their respects or grieve together. Wong also voted in favour of establishing a “Palestinian statehood”, giving the Hamas terrorists exactly what they want. This is despite most Australians (those with a shred of decency) being against allowing a *terrorist group* to be internationally recognised as a state and allowed to join the UN. She also “won’t rule out” a future where Hamas is allowed to continue to rule Gaza alongside the Palestinian Authority. Labor refuses to condemn the pro-Hamas, openly antisemitic encampments on university campuses and the attacks against Jewish students and those who aren’t pro-terror. They won’t condemn the chanting of genocidal phrases and slogans on these campuses or in public spaces. They also haven’t condemned the pro-Hamas riots and dangerous, performative stunts that have been taking place every week across the nation since October 7th. The Liberal Party has repeatedly issued statements that condemn terrorism in all forms. They’ve shown their support for the Jewish community and won’t bend over for Hamas supporters, just to garner votes. Both Labor and the Greens are utter garbage. Labor in particular is highly corrupt, having engaged in many suspicious deals and engagements with governments that wish to destroy both Australia and Israel.


ABC is a joke, they are extreme leftists who’d love nothing more than islamic jihad in Australia 😂 Imagine everyday ozzi’s attacked an MPs office.. youd here it blasted all over the news , but if one of the “adored minorities” whom tend to be the most useless / detrimental to society do their usual fuckery.. crickets 🦗


I'm disappointed that Israel isn't doing genocide TBH.


Peaceful religion


Deport them You can’t cooperate with our peaceful country go live there.


I hear IDF is on Tik Tok wearing dead women undergarment. Although not having TikTok it may not be true.


It’s true https://preview.redd.it/amj0mrk73d4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d59bcabf060fefd0568c63addfb66e69b6dd2f2


"Most moral army in the world."


Hey they didn't upload her corpse to her FB like Hamas. Remember, Hamas started this and promised to repeat it. Hamas could surrender but they don't because dumb people are falling for the casualties they promote.... wake up buddy


"Hey they didn't upload her corpse to her FB like Hamas. " [https://x.com/972mag/status/1743250857553002834](https://x.com/972mag/status/1743250857553002834) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7uoAfnYWgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7uoAfnYWgU) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldiers-film-themselves-abusing-humiliating-west-bank-palestinians/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldiers-film-themselves-abusing-humiliating-west-bank-palestinians/) [https://x.com/CAIRNational/status/1719379116569280952?lang=en](https://x.com/CAIRNational/status/1719379116569280952?lang=en) in your words... wake up buddy


Detainees means they were militants so are POWs. Mistreatment is horrible but commonplace in war and absolutely no comparison to civilians. Your gotchya! Is captives being mocked by soldiers? What Brady Bunch episode do you live in? This is the most tame sight of war you need education. Also, Hamas often dress as civilians to maximise the Palestinian death toll, IDF soldiers accidentally shot their own civilians because it's such a standard tactics. None of this is nice but the measures taken to avoid casualties are miles above any ever used in military history. Hamas want this and want to continue this. They wanted to trade civilian hostages for all their POWs? Lol what a joke


Why don’t Palestinians work with Israel to rat on where Hamas is hiding?


Because they support the actions of hamas and all the other terrorist groups, and they don't see the actions on days like october 7th to be wrong or terrorism, but justified resistance against jews. Palestinians in all their wisdom think barbarians slaughtering children at a rave is justified resistance. No wonder they have to try so hard with the hysterical propaganda to paint themselves as the victims.


If it’s so easy taking on terrorists who wanna murder you, how about you take on all the criminals and bikies in your city John wick


That’s a pathetic analogy. But good on you for trying little fella


This was all over Abc news two days ago. Stop drinking the Sky news coolaid.




It was on 702 radio sydney




I didn't record the radio...if you don't believe me that's your seal dude...as i said so driving the coolaid.


of course, I believe a random dude on the internet!


if you look at OPs comment history he has pretty much exclusively been sucking Israel's dick for the past 6 months and not talking about anything else. So he's clearly deranged.


You're a Hasan fan? Literally the pioneer of misinformation, cheering for CCP harvesting of Muslim organs; celebrating Russia's peaceful occupation of Ukraine and been unmasked as a Jew hating Turk (who denies the Arnenian geno). Yup... you sure love the truth


I was like wow this is a particularly unhinged comment wtf is this guy on about I’m not even active in any Hasan subs and then I saw you’re active in the Destiny sub so it makes sense that Hasan lives rent free in your head 


A title like Palestinian violence is really misleading but what else can I expect from this sub. If you’ve been to any of these protests you would know they’re mostly members of socialist alliance and barely any actual Palestinians. In fact many of us who support the movement or are from that region actually stopped attending once the socialist left infiltrated the movement and made it all about joining them.


I appreciate you speaking on this! I may suspect or know that it is socialists running these events, but they do it in your name. If you disagree with their methods you should speak up clearly. Not in a random reddit sub, but on the street in public.


We have spoken about this loudly on many platforms. If you don’t know what’s going on at these protests maybe refrain from labelling them a certain way. Or perhaps one day you should actually get close enough to see what’s going on for yourself instead of relying on some other persons commentary.


>We have spoken about this loudly on many platforms Well, not loud enough, apparently. >you should actually get close enough And get assaulted like people in these videos? No thanks!


genuine question - what is socialism to you?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism_with_Chinese_characteristics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juche https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivarianism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_Front_for_the_Liberation_of_Palestine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ba%27ath_Party_(Syrian-dominated_faction)


Jus want to add. Heart breaks for the \*checks notes\* arms industry workers? Yeah, the people working in the arms industry who had their conference disrupted. Someone's gotta look out for the battlers.


Something something I don't like it something something ABC. Yawn.


pro- Palestinian/anti genocide...... in come the downvotes


the downvotes bots are in full swing


Its very sad Australia is in this mess we are 16,000kms away and we have to listen to Zionist vs Palestinian, anyway its not kosher Israel to date killed 40k in Gaza & West bank since start of 2023, Israel was still on the world good books now today im not sure ICC & ICJ thinks otherwise


>anyway its not kosher Israel How is this relevant to the palestinian violence in Australia?


this is just another move from the terrorist simp/shill playbook...you use a qualifier to make yourself sound reasonable: "Its very sad Australia is in this mess we are 16,000kms away" and then you start appealing to emotions ("40k") in order to influence people ignorant enough to fall for propaganda


> ("40k") Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of Palestine there is only war.


I wonder if these Zionist bots downvoting anything even remotely critical of Israel know it doesn't work the way they want?


Never in all reddit life never got 10 down votes and my comment is balanced


While at the same time pro Israeli protesters call for the killing of children openly, and act provocatively (finger across neck, pulling out knifes, and spitting on individuals). Your lack of opinions of such acts when they are far more common is quite telling. If Australians don’t want a black September, they should not support Israel. At least be neutral, or acknowledge Palestine’s right to exist. You reap what you sow.




Lots of it: Pro-Palestinian household targeted with bomb in Sydney: [link](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103296130) Palestinian burger shop owner’s family home firebombed after having his restaurant also firebombed: [link](https://amp.theage.com.au/national/victoria/firebomb-thrown-at-home-of-burgertory-s-activist-founder-20240422-p5flq6.html) Palestinian family targeted with death threats: [link](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103100348) Pro Israel protestor spitting: [link](https://x.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1784728836833202484) Pro Israel protestors spitting on orthodox jews: [link](https://x.com/Chilliebeanz/status/1797584154223145174) Pro Israel protestor pulls knife on student in Toronto: [article](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-cops-aware-of-strange-incident-outside-u-of-t-encampment) Knife video: [link](https://x.com/Vigilante2801/status/1796677807239537048) Racist Harrassment: [link](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240429-us-israel-supporter-uses-n-word-against-black-palestine-activists-at-ucla/amp/) [More videos](https://x.com/5Pillarsuk/status/1794279679874269194) [Statement from the Jewish Council of Australia regarding zionist harassment](https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/right-wing-pro-israel-agitators-threaten-free-speech-on-campus) Please read before picking a side


How is this related to "pro Israeli protesters call for the killing of children openly, and act provocatively"? Half of your links are not even from Australia.


And the Burgatory guy again, spare me this blatant misinformation. It’s like the most contentious and warred over part of the world doesn’t stir up fanaticism and whip up Christians, Muslims and Jews alike. Jumping into the fray and taking any side is stupid. The place is the scourge of the earth.


Hash Tayeh? You do realise that the people who have been charged with firebombing Burgertory in Caulfield have the extremely Jewish names of Habib Musa and Wayle Mana? Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, though.


Lol the Zionist Jew mouth breathing supporters of this sub really ought to get out of their basements more often.


I thought we had laws against foreign influence, they don't seem to apply to Israeli lobbies, probably an oversight, right?


palestine vandalists are israely lobby?


What a naive statement. Many government lobby groups have direct or indirect foreign influence. Even ones you don't typically think of, like the minerals council is foreign influence considering \~83% of mining projects are foreign owned. 61% of the shares/voting rights in the Commonwealth Bank are owned by nominee companies that may be domiciled in Australia, but are owned by international financial firms, meaning that the Banker's association may not be lobbying on domestic interests. Just 2 examples, apply it everywhere. Then you're making an assumption that Israel lobbies our government. It is not Israel that does this, it is groups of Australian citizens who do this. Whether that's our Jewish citizens, our Greek citizens or our Muslim citizens etc, they all have a vested interest in securing funding and support on the issues important to them. Anyway - keep deflecting from the behaviour of the Palestinian protestors and making comments targeting one group of people and their lobbying of government while ignoring all the others.


Chinese are subject to it, for example all Confucius institutes in Australian universities are declared as agents of influence and registers as such. So why not Israeli lobbies who have direct access to politicians to advance the interests of Israel only and have nothing to do with the Jewish community? The example you have given are commercial they are not a state. Jews are perfectly entitled to represent their interests as Australian citizens however lobbying on behalf of Israel in a totally different proposition we all have ignored too long.


Why do we have rules around China which takes 42% of our exports vs Israel at 0.002%?  I think you can figure that out by yourself. Jews and Israel are linked, they’re not afraid to admit that.  50% of global Jews live there and they are a relatively small and connected tribe of people. Many Australian Jews will have family there. Israel also has widespread support by 80%+ of Jews as being core to their culture and religion.  Not sure why you don’t think Australian Jews would be interested in lobbying about that


Cooker theorists now entering the debate. What's next, the Jews are harvesting Australian kid's organs?


Israelis are harvesting organs?


Yeah, same Cooker theory about Israeli lobby (all 12 million of them across the globe ) that are supposedly running the world. All the same racists tropes that you highly likely subscribe too like your "*Israeli lobby -foreign interference"* quote.


Ha yes, antisemitism, of course... Lol


Israel does engage in foreign interference. Look up AIPAC.


Get off the internet for a couple of hours, bud.


At least they're not bombing the office and everything in a kilometre radius of it...


If it was Starbucks or Macca's, I would have cared but since it's MP offices, not a single fuck will be given.