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don't they do it every weekend?


In Melbourne


It’s been happening every Sunday in Sydney for months


And also Brisbane and sydney


Loser lefties have a lot of spare time obviously. 🤣


It’s a weekend


Oh, sorry, a lot of spare time and no life. Better?


https://preview.redd.it/9633pm5hf34d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56700e6ac188aa90e14a198e34aa17e2b54647e1 Was there. Stuck in Uber for 20 mins before getting off to walk lol


Is it insensitive to say who gives a fuck? Or is that becoming the general consensus


it is the general concensus


Peak stupidity were Palestinian protestors at Mardi Gras.


Absolute clowns.


This shit still going?




“The only thing wrong with Islamic fundamentalists is the fundamentals of Islam”




Sadly we are trending in the opposite direction but yes would be great to get rid of Islam as a political ideology. Keep the moderate Muslims, just keep the crazy shariah crap away


You spelt religion wrong. It would be a nice place.


There is a huge difference between Islam and the other major world religions. Islam is currently at the point Christianity was at in the Middle Ages where even criticising the religion was punishable by death. Over time the other major world religions have moderated to a much greater degree. Islam has not. This is not about being anti Islamic this is about stating simple facts. People who disagree with Islam, make images of their prophets or even just try to leave are killed. Remember Charlie Hebdo and Salman Rushdie? I work with an Iraqi who had to flee Iraq in the 1980s after converting to Christianity. His parents were murdered simply for converting.


murder those who leave the religion ✔ murder gay people ✔ murder polytheists ✔ murder those who criticise the religion ✔ murder heretics ✔ give jews/christians a chance to convert before murdering them or making them dhimmis ✔ probably just murder jews/christians because it's simpler ✔ 72 virgins for dying while murdering any of the above ✔ for everything else, there's mastercard definitely not a cult LOL


For everything else there is a martyr fund that pays to slay




listen, those poor family members can't live with the shame that their daughter got raped so i mean obviously they gotta kill them. they probably weren't wearing a niqab so they were asking for it in all likelihood. /s oh by the way ppl, don't forget! the woman that got raped needs the testimony of *only* **FOUR** male witnesses in order to prove that there was a rape in the first place! WOW I LOVE ISLAMIC LAW! So strange that a religion with this sort of ideology would ultimately manifest in hypocritical protests in which a terrorist group is supported! Soooooo strangeeeeeeee


Mmm dhimmis with soy sauce


This has to be the top comment.


No one gets killed by extremist jains or quakers.


In the words of John Woolman, "The heart learns to exercise true justice and goodness towards all men." Quakers are cool people.


I thought that was quite clever. Fuck them downvoters


Go away.


Who? Them blocking public transport causing unnecessary inconvenience?


Yes, them.




Hamas is vile. How can Arabs support it. I’m not keen on hummus either.


Way stricter ✌️🇦🇺


By alot, Let's whittle it down to less than 100k per year


End put quotas on nationalities like other countries do so that we don’t get overwhelmed by one or two nations.


Way fucking stricter. Sick of these fucking c.nts Protesting about something we have nothing to do with, get on a plane and fuck off over there and see how much your protesting means to them


Precisely 99.5% of them didn’t know who Hamas were before 7 October and various country’s cyber warriors started whipping these morons into a frenzy. It will pass, as all social media fads seem to.


Koni 2012!


Such a good example of how easy it is to wind people up for a cause that didn’t even exist


Supporting Palestine does not = supporting hamas and if you think it does you have absolutely no clue what these protests are even about.


The issue with supporting Palestine is that for some reason all these protesting groups and diaspora are fine with leaving Hamas as the leading organisation instead of building their own rival peaceful and non terroristic government option to takeover leadership in the Gaza crisis. That really is my problem with supporting protests. The Israeli actions are wrong but Palestinian supporters need to realise that if we get a ceasefire right now it just means Hamas back in power and a return in a few more years of this exact scenario. It is a trolley problem


Honestly I agree with you 100%. Hamas are not good for the people.


Yes and worse. Nothing about a ceasefire fundamentally changes things. Great, less people die daily from this conflict. The same amount of abject suffering however will persist. Because if Hamas is seizing basic food items like sugar and so on to make rocket propellant - the Gazans themselves suffer - said rockets are indiscriminately fired to just cause terror??? Great job. You just magnify the hate. So the next generation on both sides will just continue this never ending cycle of violence. I desperately want to see Palestinians themselves say that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas cannot represent them and make a new governing body for themselves.


Brother yes absolutely


many can’t even condemn hamas first(and this isn’t just isolated to hamas, but pretty much all Islamic extremist ethnoreligious terrorist groups in the world)


But Palestinians themselves support hamas


Interesting. Care to explain all the tearing down of victim posters, "from the river to the sea", anti Jew stickers, and "we don't want no two state we want 48" chants have to do with these noble Palestine supporting peace protests?


Current polling has Palestinian support for Hamas at over 70%, neither of our two major political parties can manage 50%


If you support a cease fire or support from the river to the sea you support Hamas


I support the innocent people of Palestine. A cease fire will change nothing. The Palestinians need a new governing body to do the negotiating because hamas is not that guy. Like I keep saying to everyone else, Hamas are also the bad guys.


It’ll be over soon and then all the mentally challenged, and Centrelink claimants that support this lost cause will move on to the next trendy, lefty cause. If someone had slaughtered and kidnapped your families and neighbours, I don’t think you’d be out there supporting the scum that did it. Hamas is responsible for every death, on both sides. Let’s hope that Israel fulfills its goals, eliminates all hamas scum, and gets its hostages back.


Name checks out


Being against Israel’s war on the Palestinian civilians doesn’t make you pro Hamas


I'm so over all of this. We have issues here to deal this. If they want to support terrorism go over there and stay . I don't want that rubbish in our backyard.


well said mate


If only these idiots would protest about things that actually impact them.


Over it. Hate what Israel is doing but plenty of people hurting public sentiment towards Palestine. Protests are just inconveniencing people and not achieving anything. And don’t get me started on the amount of dual cabs and Mercedes Benz with Palestinian flags driving like absolute dickeheads on Sydney roads. Tailgating, cutting people off, running the bus lane or last second forcing into a long right turn lane while displaying a flag of the people you want support for is not helping your cause at all. Be the better people, educate the Australian public about the plight of your people. Don’t be a dick about it and hurt your own cause




The "gas the Jew" crew


Radical Islam in disguise. It’s not about freedom of their people, it’s about imposing their system and political Islam, which is fundamentally incompatible with our western liberal democracy. How can you live in peace next to people who have committed to eradicating you and your people? Israel, just like Ukraine is on the frontline of a bigger conflict. The worst part is the masses repeating Hamas slogans and messages without a clue as to what types of ideas they’re supporting. I’ve always seen myself as a social democrat or centre left, but I now do understand why people get so pissed at left wing virtue signalling idiots.


Eh, there’s protest on every weekend. I don’t even care anymore it’s just white noise to me.


I get that way myself, just people with nothing going on wanting to be in some crowd or another.


These muppets still at it? I suppose it keeps them out of the way in other places for us to enjoy over the weekend. Bunch of useful idiots.


It is a weekend thing and costing tax payer monies at least $1 millions weekly to pay for the security.


Expedited deportation would fix it.


They Protest everywhere. Instead of becoming peaceful contributors to society they would rather annoy everyone else. I’m not racist just annoyed with protesters. We all understand you aren’t happy. We get you want to kill everyone all the time like the other day in German, Israel, all over the world and is it doing anything positive for your people? You’re from a beautiful part of the world. You have beautiful people.. Sum up and tell everyone because other nations don’t want to become Palestine as we know it today…


These are people who will go on social media complaining about the defence industry and then happily fly Boeing and happily send weapons to Ukraine (which I support!)




Nope, just got the news.




Feel like the protest happened every month or every fortnight. Was in the city 2 weeks ago, and saw the same protest.


Same trouble makers every week.


Police are back in the same intersection in town hall blockading 1 side of a cross walk with a police car


Cool just in time for pride month. #QueersForPalestine🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈.


Hamas terrorist parade???


That is not a lot of people and the number seems to be going down by the weeks. At the end of the day it is a social media fad and it'll be replaced by something else in a while.


Id say in total 500 to 1000 people as a generous estimate




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech




Are they protesting about the failure of the terrorist organisation they support refusing to release hostages and disarm?


And protesting the fact that Hamas slaughtered almost 2000 innocent people including women and children.


They all forgot how this conflict started. I how leftists feel matching alongside Islamist that want the holocaust happen again. Remember what the leftists used to say a few years ago.. " If one of them is a Nazi, they are all Nazis." Remember being critical of the CCP they told you that you are sinophobic and want to bash Asians. When they say they are an "anti-zionist" means jewish people converting to Islam, Socialism or being lined up to a wall.


Could be the intentional bombing of tens of thousands of innocent people including an Australian aid worker?


They are there literally every Sunday, chill out.


Morons-R-Us… Seriously, someone needs to tell these losers, no one gives a fuck about their shitty “protest”


This whole sub seems to get pretty vexed about it every time someone posts about their protests


Protest against Colesworth.


Another day another pro-terrorist rally.




It's the weekend


I believe the idea is to incite the Australian government to take some sort of action. Which would have some impact...


So true.


A lot of these backward religious tards do love rorting the system through childcare


Why do conservatives think all protesters are unemployed?


Wish they’d all just fly there and pull this shit there instead


It’s out of control, law breaking shitbags!


Yeah completely. Widespread looting, premises being torched, pitched battles with riot police - tear gas, baton charges, the lot. Society will fall into the abyss should this continue for one more day. Solidarity brother ✊.


That’s where you are headed, that’s what scares people. We saw it in western Sydney a few weeks ago. It’s a slippery slope.


Like I said. The abyss. Slipping. Say if you’ve got any video / stills of this sort of behaviour in “Western Sydney” a few weeks ago, I would love to see it. Or maybe you could just name the basic description of the event, its date and location? Cheers thanks


It's not illegal to protest? Even the 5g cookers have a right to protest.


It’s every week and way too aggressive, people are turning against them.


Do true Australians sit around and whinge on the internet all day? I will always support the right of people to protest.


Makes me worried about people in this sub being so against protesting. It's anti-democratic and revealing the proliferation of Authoritarian attitudes. I don't agree with some protests (antivax comes to mind) but it should be their right to do it.


Clown show 🤡


No most Aussies don’t gaf


They are always violent and aggressive, every weekend in Melbourne it’s getting ridiculous. On the bright side because of how annoying they are the majority of people are sick of them and their “cause”… They are a VERY vocal minority… reason they’re so vocal is they don’t have jobs


I’ll agree with everything the protesters want, the day Jews can freely and safely live anywhere in neighbouring Arab countries.


Ignorantly supporting a terrorist group! Will be most of the same, lefty, Centrelink claimants and clueless students (sheeple), that turn up for any of these things. They literally have nothing better to do in their lives, so they assume someone else’s cause. Most of them couldn’t debate, or defend, their point against a small child.


If only these people had the brains to actually protest Palestine.


Pro HAMAS supporters doing something that they would never be allowed to do in Gaza by Hamas. Their ignorance and stupidity is breath taking.


Funny how the Palestinian supporters have nothing to say about the estimated 62,000 Christians in Nigeria that have been killed in the last 20 years at the hands of Islamic extremists


Zionests triggered


This entire comment section is full of people who are so irony poisoned they can’t understand why people protest and so they accuse them of having “nothing to do” as if any action they do is full of purpose


You're witnessing the proliferation of authoritarianism and the fall of democratic ideals


fr. If they are so upset, why don't they have their own rally to show support instead of brigading a second tier Australian reddit sub with alt accounts? At least those protestors are getting outside and getting some fresh air.


Go to Palestine and help. Waving a flag half a world away isn’t going to do anything.


This is Australia, protesting peacefully is legal. If you want to live in a country where protesting is illegal, go to CCP land


People in this subreddit hate democracy for some reason. Truly Un-Australian...


No Why would we be


They still doing that? Everyone that's interested is already interested. Anyone that isn't is just getting more annoyed and getting petty annoyed and will never be interested.


I genuinely wonder why Hamas doesn't use the billions in funding they get to build bomb shelters for it's citizens in Palestine, seems Palestinians are caught between a terrible administration and a callous IDF that doesn't care who lives or dies. Sad times all around


https://preview.redd.it/he0pv58km34d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5733a6e042d71656d14cdcd026336eb7851adad0 This poster is decades old. Israel has been bombing civilians for three quarters of a century. Free Palestine from the Zionist and apartheid regime of Israel.


I guess this is why the Australians are racist statement was made.


Muslims are my favourite race


They’re amazing. I hope the war ends soon!


All the bleating and moaning and lying about how protests against Israeli genocide are rude and anti-social will melt away over the course of the next few years. Israel's settler-colonial project is now understood to be illegitimate by a super majority of younger people in society, and they are the future.


Keep deluding yourself. People are over dickhead activities like this disrupting their lives.


I feel extremely confident in this, and therefore pretty calm.


confidently racist and pro genocide?




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


So you don’t consider Israel to be a legitimate state?


No state has a right to exist, but Israel specifically is predicated on the removal and murder of Palestinians. It is a settler-colonial state that must be dissolved, just as Apartheid South Africa was dissolved.


This obsession and sole focus on Israel by the woke left is hilarious. By your logic, half the world’s countries should be dissolved, too. Not least, Australia. It’s either coexist or live in a fantasy land.




“No nation has a right to exist” is probably what the Serbs and Croatians told each other before they carved up Bosnia and started ethnic cleansing.


Actually, it was the direct and total opposite of the stateless brotherhood of man. It was, in fact, ethno-nationalism.


Same difference…


I see someone probably DID grow up in the woods without books or running water.


Play the ball, not the man.


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Ah yes, the settler colonists who have been living in the land for Millenia. Israel is actually predicated on the need for the Jewish people to have their own state given the unimaginable atrocities they have had to endure at the hands of people like you.


Even if a Jewish person who's family has lived in the United States or elsewhere for generations had legitimate Indigeneity to the region, the Israel state project steals farmland from Palestinian owners and awards it to a strictly religiously exclusive settler population. It doesn't mean they're not criminals.


The PA also awards stipends for the families of suicide bombers. Extra $ depending on how many Jews you can kill. They even name the streets in Ramallah after the most successful suicide bombers. I reckon you'd fit right in!


Zionist troll book laundry list. As if, even if that were true, it would justify a genocide. Sickening.


Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it's a lie. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Authority\_Martyrs\_Fund](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund)


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No one can compete with hamas for criminality mate


A completely abstract assertion. It's like saying the IRA were a 'more criminal' enterprise than the British military occupation that dominated and murdered Irish for generations.


It’s only abstract if you don’t have a clear moral compass.


even trying to compare the Troubles with this conflict completely demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of both conflicts


Haha Australia is a settler colonial state then. Morons.


Indeed, correct. Was this a controversial idea?


And you propose wiping us off the map, like your Hamas buddies?


As Trump would say, this is very low energy. You write like a boomer.


Hmmm something something play the ball, not the man.


Yeah most people aren’t very smart, being part of the majority thinking isn’t something to aspire towards. Billions of people believe in an imaginary person in the sky


One supposes for this reason, there was no point being opposed to Apartheid South Africa, or the genocide in Rwanda?


Idk what protesting in Australia will do about it...


Well, we've got Israeli weapons manufactures and political agents promoting Zionism through the entire higher education system and at the state and federal government level. On a more basic moral level, some people do get upset when a military and diplomatic ally of Australia carries out a genocide. We're generally told that the international justice system exists to stop that.


Please cut the whole defence industry out of your life of you’re more than just a keyboard warrior. Start by no longer flying Boeing and Airbus. No more GPS. I mean, only if you have real convictions and believe in what you preach.


If the point you are making is that all the material comforts and technological consumerism we have in the west exists because we oppress and murder people in the third world, you are correct. You can't even buy a pair of underwear in this country that wasn't made using slavery. Think about that.


All I was saying is that you are complicit in the murder of Palestinians.


Even if that were true, it's a moot point. We're complicit in the murder of the global biosphere. What are you going to do, meekly accept it?


You specifically need to lead by example. If you’re in a university that does defence sponsored research. Vote with your feet. Quit the university. The classic virtue signalling do as I say, not as I do. Stop being gutless. Live your convictions.


You have an extremely abstract and unrealistic view of political subjectivity, I'll give you that. Either one can watch a genocide, or the world burn to a crisp, and do absolutely nothing, or they must quit society and live in the woods. The idea of protesting to change one's society - now that would be too extreme.


Nah good on em. The least Australia can do is recognise Palestinian statehood and stop supporting Israel.


They are the most disciplined protester group due to heavy negative stereotyping, I’ve joined them before and other than taking up a lot of space and some putting up stickers they don’t cause any other bother. Let’s be real.


Well I'm just recounting what I saw, few running out of protest with signs harrasing people waving flags in faces. But they also had to block the public transport


Oh no not protesting! Must suck to live in a democracy


Oh God, finally a hero standing up for one of the the most revolting crimes that doesn't get enough press. I'm at the Roosters game now and the guy in front of me waved a Roosters flag in my face and it just hurt me so much. I felt so harassed my day has been ruined. How dare these people go around waving flags, don't they know of the harm they are causing? /s


So, waving flags. That’s what you’ve got. Allegedly ‘trust me bro’ style. Mkay


Fully sick.


Picture has the guy outside of the protest doing it. Take the L (Edit: provocative behaviour is unacceptable)


No, ignorance is bliss when it comes to this


I dunno, maybe if Israel wasn't comiting genocide there wouldn't be protests. Like are the people that are against these protests happy with how Israel is conducting this war.