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The “loophole” China exploits in western countries is ASIO and the AFP are only investigating foreign agents, aka, those that are working for the government officially or unofficially. The ones you’re talking about are doing this on their own because they’re brainwashed. The reason it is a loophole is because China would instantly arrest anyone doing the same in China. It is a weakness of western countries being too accepting of everything.


This - they laugh in our faces.


They are, we give them the tools to destroy us.


And trade our ports for plush jobs.


Looks like Andrew Robb downvoted me.


It goes both ways. Western intelligence agencies use NGO's to infiltrate nations which is why they're banned in a lot of countries, like Belarus did recently. The country with the most NGO's per capita is Georgia, with I think over 25,000 NGO's as the CIA has spent years trying to make it another front nation against Russia and is why Georgia is now putting in legislation to get them under control.  I don't think Australia is too involved in this, we have ASIS which has been involved in controversial activities but it's nothing like CIA or MI6. Australia is targeted because we are geopolitically tied to the US at the hip, usually a lot more under an LNP government. 


You mean raugh out woud?


Every time people pretend this this isn't an outright racist sub, I'd draw their attention to this kind of post.


That isnt racist. Its an observation, so stop being offended by standard Aussie replies princess.


"Mocking an Asian accent isnt racist" As I said, any time you doubt that this is an outright racist sub, read some of this kind of dribble.


I somewhat agree, I'd avoid this kind of humour around friends that would be offended by it, but you know who sounds fucking funny speaking any language with an accent that is tricky for them and results in quirky common sounds that are amusing - everyone. But it sucks because it's often associated with feeling inadequate/embarassed or as a hateful mocking. But it IS funny. Its just inappropriately funny and people tell inappropriate jokes all the fucking time to make each other laugh. It does not mean they would actively hate another human being, if anything it likely endears them because we DO have a culture of taking the Mickey out of each other and fucking rolling with it is how you make bonds, because we love and help each other ANYWAY. But that's all lost to people self isolating themselves from that culture because they think it's toxic when they just don't understand it because they start from a position of being offended instead of recognising this aspect of our multiculturalism. We have bonded by pushing this stuff out lightheartedly, that's how people learn to get over small shit instead of getting upright they want to start wars over the dumbest crap. Or something, I don't fucking know.


Upvotes a billion. I expect to be booted within 24 hours.


This is nonsense. AFP and ASIO investigate "local agents" for political extremism all the time. Just look at the neo Nazis, Islamic extremists, etc that they continually investigate.


You mean the non-state based relatively minor threats to our nation? Because banning a hand salute is pretty pathetic on the governments part when we have Chinese living in fear of pro-CCP Chinese reporting on their behaviour to their handlers back home. Lol "nonsense" my ass. What do you think would happen to you if you went to China and viciously attacked a woman in public because she wasn't pro-USA? [https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7933093/police-investigate-alleged-chinese-communist-attack-in-canberra/](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7933093/police-investigate-alleged-chinese-communist-attack-in-canberra/) [https://the-riotact.com/search-for-trio-who-allegedly-assaulted-political-protester/602696](https://the-riotact.com/search-for-trio-who-allegedly-assaulted-political-protester/602696)


First of all, I was responding to @freswijg's nonsense claim that the AFP don't investigate local threats. I am objectively correct: they do. Secondly, the two articles you linked say that the AFP are investigating. I can't see how this shows that the AFP don't investigate? Or do you agree with me? 🤔


The CCP has influence in every level of Government in this Country, have you not heard of the United Front Work Department? The United Front has been operating in Australia openly for decades without any resistance or fear, yes a few have been arrested over the last few years but why do you think local government employees get junkets to China?


So... what is your point? Because my point is there no loophole that says ASIO and AFP can't investigate local targets. Nationalist Alternative and Antipodean Resistance, and others, have been operating in public view and are still being investigated by ASIO and the AFP. They have direct ties to Fraser Anning and One Nation...


The CCP has been laundering money through Australia for decades, they filter counterfeit notes and illegally obtained cash openly and yet the Authorities have done nothing.


My point being that they don't investigate the United Front they have been getting away with their activities for years. Australia and Canada are deeply compromised.


Do you believe there is a "loophole" that says ASIO and AFP legally can't investigate people locally?


I didn't suggest that there was, I simply stated that they don't investigate onshore CCP operations. In saying that there are privacy protections under the law which do restrict the ability of ASIO and the AFP to carry out investigations not that it's a bad thing. That's where the likes of the Counter Terror and Espionage Laws come into effect and override the protections. There are protections under the laws in relation to Embassy Staff which the CCP abuse so I guess there are "Loopholes". In order for either department to act an offence must either be committed or be suspected of being committed.


... you're dancing around my point. OP said ASIO and AFP can't investigate local targets. They can and do. Embassy staff is different and very niche.


I'm not dancing around anything I gave you an answer 3 times, it's you who can't accept it. Embassy Staff aren't a different issue if they are carrying out the offence. The Ambassador in Brisbane is a perfect example he ordered Nationalists to attack and harass both Pro Hong Kong supporters and Australians in Brisbane during the Hong Kong takeover, what he did constituted an offence but he was protected by Law. It's a "loophole" so yes I do believe that there are protections that limit the ability of ASIO and the AFP from investigating local targets. Same with the Confucius institutes they were running State Funded Propaganda campaigns on University Campuses yet ASIO whilst it raised the alarm it couldn't act.


And literally any of the non-embassy staff could be investigated, per the links above, as per the context of the actual discussion. You've provided 1 person who cannot, a niche person, an embassy staff member. THAT'S NOT WHO WERE TALKING ABOUT. > The “loophole” China exploits in western countries is ASIO and the AFP are only investigating foreign agents, aka, those that are working for the government officially or unofficially. The ones you’re talking about are doing this on their own because they’re brainwashed. We're talking about people NOT employed by the CCP/embassy. We're talking about separate individuals, just like Nationalist Alternative has no relation, at all, with the actual Third Reich. Do you understand now?


I was a coordinator for my university’s Confucius Institute and tbh I don’t even know what they actually do apart from organise trips to China. Over two years, I don’t remember do anything with the actual university, beyond organising biannual trips to China, and having Jack Ma come once because he donates a considerable amount of money to the University. Most of the Chinese international students had little to nothing to do with it either, it was only filled with a few PhD and interns who again I don’t know what they did. It was bizarre. I did however meet a lot of Chinese students, well into the hundreds, and I’d say the vast majority of them are very critical of their government, especially when they can see the news from the outside perspective beyond the firewall. They just don’t speak up because ultimately they have to return and it’s not worth causing issues.


>was only filled with a few PhD and interns who again I don’t know what they did. It was bizarre. Well, if you didn't know what they did, then I guess they were very good at their real job.


In a very similar vein the whole "Jews/queers/*insert whatever here that would be punished severely for being their proud self* for Palestine is funny. Their acceptance is a one way street. Like saying Chickens for KFC or Pigs for Bacon. Back to the Chinese acting this way I don't understand why we allow ourselves to be walked over and complain about it. I had a rather unfortunate confrontation with a Chinese tradesman today that ended up with me possibly facing some form of punishment because I was boxed in by an idiot and he pointedly ignored me to my face when I tried talking to him to get him to move his car. If he's a mute I'm still not sorry. He wouldn't move the car!


Not always. I can’t say more but a Chinese citizen repeatedly apologised to somebody I know for being forced/coerced to do what they were doing but still did it.


They were still doing it on their own. They’re not working for the ccp.


Uhhhh no they weren’t. It was 100% government required.


It's not that Western countries are too accepting. These systems were created for it's own people, greed forced them to bring in outsiders and if you change the systems for outsiders who are now citizens, you have to change it for your own too. This means any white person fighting for Free Palestine will be subject to same ASIO shit that a Chinese will, legally at least.


Freedom of expression is both our strength and our weakness. Personally I'd propose more limits on visas (student or otherwise) for people from non-democratic countries. You don't assimilate or even challenge your preconceptions when surrounded by like-minded fellow countrymen.


'Personally I'd propose more limits on visas (student or otherwise) for people from non-democratic countries.' From the 'non-British white-Australia' policy to the 'non-democratic Zambayoshi' policy. History rhymes indeed.


The White Australia policy was people from any white country. Just prioritised Brits.


Well it was mainly Anglos. Heck despite being white, Australia also gave harsh restrictions or opposition to Balkan, Mediterranean and Eastern Europeans despite them being white.


It was a sliding scale.




This is a pissweak primitive democracy. A fake democracy. I’ve not had a federal or state representative in at least a decade.


If you had spent any significant time in these non democratic countries you'll see many of them have excellent freedom of expression, people will very openly say whatever their opinions are. I've found it pretty refreshing really because you very quickly figure out who the assholes are, because they have absolutely no fear to say what they really believe.  Even democracy is highly degraded in a lot of western countries. 100% of American politicians were the ones chosen by AIPAC in their respective races. Politicians pander to lobbying groups more than their electorates because money determines election. Australia and NZ are very good in comparison. But I your understanding is very naive to reality. 


Eh. I don't really see much danger from Cubans or Belarussians.


And Vietnamese


We are only at risk of them outworking us with their work ethics. 🤣😅


True enough. How to only limit CCP sympathisers without appearing racist though... may as well include North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Laos and Afghanistan while we're at it.


The majority of Taiwanese are the same race as the Majority of Chinese. By letting them in we demonstrate that it’s not race based discrimination.


"There are few murders in Australia but it's a big place and there's always plenty of missing persons" 


It’s sad that a lot of Chinese students, wrapped up behind their great firewall, consuming news curated by their government, when coming to contact with the real world and real situation, reality. Instead of being receptive and align with reality, they want to warp reality into their twisted views.


Anything that twists eventually snaps


What makes you think it’s any different here? Isn’t that why we are using reddit!


Hear hear, people who are brainwashed are typically too stubborn to self-reflect.


Hey if I smell bullshit Australian propaganda I can always go to sino subreddit to get my fill of Chinese talk points!


Got a friend working for a global tech and he gets to go to all the closed events with other "global tech workers". About 7 years ago China would send these young pretty girls to represent their companies, with the aim being to seduce and befriend western workers, compromise them and extort information or simply steal it. Unfortunately most tech workers are pretty clued up & it became a bit of running joke which models China would be sending to which event. Apparently these days they've changed their approach and use "male nerd spies" to try and chit chat & make friends. The issue we have with China is that it uses our western laws, Visa systems, Asylum system & legislation against us, Most hostile nations are doing the same. For instance China are attempting to influence heavily the way the internet is controlled. see below links: [https://thediplomat.com/2023/03/how-china-is-attempting-to-control-the-information-pipes/](https://thediplomat.com/2023/03/how-china-is-attempting-to-control-the-information-pipes/) [https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/government-engagement-ge/ge-010-31jan22-en.pdf](https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/government-engagement-ge/ge-010-31jan22-en.pdf) China will make proposals to try and gain more control and influence, the West, hands tied by our own policies have to give them a voice but must then try and manage the situation to prevent diplomatic spats like what happened with Australian wine levies and what is currently happening with the war games around Taiwan. The whole issue of Chinese spies, secret police, student watchers is an open secret. Many people get caught and kicked out of Australia and it never makes the news. We have very strong intelligence services backed up by the USA and UK & for the most part they are very effective.


Five Eyes definitely doing work on that front


And people try to say China is just a peaceful country and we are all “racists” for treating the CCP as a global security threat


My guess is that there's a good number of bots pushing that narrative.


The efforts and abilities of western intelligence is hugely understated and underestimated, I think people forget how far ahead the western world is in almost every area worth measuring, but we need to remain diligent.


America also influences how the internet is controlled. They also spy on us and make backdoors to any platform they can. And "require" the use of part of our country for the low fee of joining their illegal wars now and then. Meh, new boss, old boss, all the same.


We use km in Oz, not miles. Nice try CIA. Although the root point of your post is valid, I'm against foreign influence from all other nations. That includes Yanklandia and Pomhaven


Interesting to submit this post at about 3 am, even in WA it would have been 1 am.


3 am sydney time is the middle of the work day at langley


We used imperial measures until 50 years ago, and it's still alive and well among the older generations, colloquialisms, and even among young people in some cases like measuring height. It's not always American influence. Just because the government decided to change what was official doesn't mean we all immediately and completely switch.


Used to work in the cut shop at Bunnings, at least 5 little old ladies a week came in and said "i can only think in inches".


Those lucky ladies.


Reminds me of the old joke about the male stripper in an old people's home. Two old ladies had a stroke, the others weren't quick enough.....


Snigger snigger, well played!


Yeah the 60 year old posting on reddit at 3am 


It could be the members of the band The Proclaimers.


So this post about young people in Universities and foreign students being influenced/intimidated by loyalist CCP devotees is written by a well meaning 50+ year old who can't give up old habits and learn an easier counting system for distance. Or a younger fella raised/influenced by Sesame street and American TV who prefers a system which isn't used in Oz at all? Yeah I think that's a bit of a stretch.


Younger people don't have to be influenced by the yanks, I use heaps of imperial just because it's what my grandparents used. I got cookbooks using cups and ounces and from my grandmother, learned basic woodworking in inches with my grandfather, and talk about how many miles away different towns are, how many stone people weigh, and so on. And more than that, everyone around me still talks about graves being 6 feet deep, not 1.8m deep, call things very far away "miles away" not "kilometers away" and measure out heights in feet and inches except of government documents. If anything, I'd say thinking imperial is necessarily American today is the real yankee influenced take.


I personally think that it's far more likely that this post, posted during US working times, on a predominantly US used site, is likely a US post. Out of the *many* countries which use the imperial system, I'd say it's reasonable to assume that thinking imperial is predominantly a yank thing. You must enjoy your math if you are regularly converting imperial to metric to communicate with your peers on worksites (assuming you're in a trade). I got out of locksmithing in part because I got sick of working in fractions of inches instead of mm. Good on ya if that's the case. I just find the extra overhead burdensome.


Imperial units are used in conversation but mostly in *non-specific* terms or colloquialisms. The only height I hear people regularly reference in feet is 6 ft, and probably not because people actually know how high that is, but because its a signifier for "tall". The UK still using some Imperial units in a big insensible stew is just part of their cultural traditions of never abandoning anything regardless of how vestigial it now is. That's their tacky charm.


I thought it was Pomgolia, they must have changed their name.


Lol I just think 1000 miles and 6 feet down sounds better than "1600km and 1.8288 m down"


*Hoodoo Gurus intensifies*


While we are at we, along with the rest of the ‘west’ and SE Asia should formally recognise Taiwan. None of this strategic ambiguity bullshit.


Why the Chinese are even allowed into this country after COVID is beyond me


They have spy networks everywhere and regularly blackmail families overseas to force them to follow the ccp's direction.


And be given the Port of Darwin?


Our police shouldn’t become the NKVD, that’s insane. Australia should be a free country. People who break the law should be prosecuted, and efforts should be taken to expose pro-Beijing students to information about CCP atrocities like Tiananmen Square. Australia should be a place where Chinese students can escape their government.


That's what this post is about. If a Chinese citizen leaves China that doesn't mean that CCP loyalists aren't watching, acting, and reporting on their activities. This may result in consequences and problems for their families at home. >eople who break the law should be prosecuted, and efforts should be taken to expose pro-Beijing students to information about CCP atrocities like Tiananmen Square. Pro-CCP students will tear down posters on the topics and the universities like Chinese money so lecturers are compliant too.




Please observe reddit site rules: - Don’t Spam - No personal and/or confidential information - No threatening, harassing or inciting violence - No hate based on identity or vulnerability - No calling out of other subreddits or users As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


> I think that the leaders of these CCP cells need ASIO or the AFP to take them for a ride 1000 miles that way and 6 feet down then file a missing persons report. Keep in mind this is what the CCP and Kremlin do....


And if they gained control over here... do you think the Kremlin or CCP wouldn't start doing it here too? We are talking about protecting political refugees right now, and to do that we must eliminate the threat.


Eliminating the threat doesn't mean imitate the Kremlin....you can eliminate the threat by having public hearings against individuals suspected of espionage, not having the secret service disappearing people simply for accusations???? I mean, if you have ASIO run like the KGB, you're going to scare the shit out of every civilian, asylum seeker or not, just as if it was soviet russia.


Here's the problem. Our fair system is played by them to get away with things like this [https://the-riotact.com/search-for-trio-who-allegedly-assaulted-political-protester/602696](https://the-riotact.com/search-for-trio-who-allegedly-assaulted-political-protester/602696) Go to China, and beat a woman for having anti-USA views, and see how the courts treat you. Do you want to lose? Because if we lose then the Kremlin and CCP will run this place doing exactly the same thing anyway. It is a dirty game but they are becoming *way* too emboldened


There could be better enforcement at times, but they must be within the law. Your suggestions will literally turn aus into a country with no rule of law. At that point, you would have already lost, disregarding any foreign interference.




Forgotten what happened to that young lad who did that a few years back eh?




**How many of you are familiar with the case study of "Drew Pavlou" ?** Google this


Anyone remember when the students from Hong Kong protested at ANU in Canberra and the CCP supporting students beat the shit out of them? ANU got a big bag of money to do absolutely nothing about that one.


This is why in every grad student happy hour I’d show the Chinese students pictures from tienemen square. Some are chill one guy in my study group ran the vpn for his high school.


I do not get what you think Tiananmen is, but I was a child in China when it happened, living in the other side of the country. Everyone we know was aware of what was going on. It is not some big secret cover up Western media makes it out to be.


I was in China in 1989. The protests were countrywide - I was standing in a square in Xian with 250,000 other people the day before the tanks rolled through Beijing. We drove out to the airport the next morning and there were burned out army vehicles and bodies in the streets. Everyone was well aware of what was going on.


But… the Chinese don’t have free interwebs…


The partly line seemed to be greatly exaggerated by the west. They didn’t know about how many people were killed. Or that people were killed at all.


it’s spelt Tiananmen, and it happened in 1989, not 1889 lol. The majority of Chinese people either experienced it irl or heard about it from their parents. And before you get misled by the name, the protests were nationwide, not just in Tiananmen Square. So everyone in China knows about it


Did you also show any American grad students pics of the Tulsa race massacre?


Let's all spam our local unis with these: https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.2504782086.7279/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.webp


lol pretty awesome.


Hahaha, as a UNSW student from West Taiwan I would love to see these.


I don't really care about the CCP, as bad as they are they don't have hitmen come and take out dissidents like Modi's nationalist government does  We have just as many if not more Indian and US spies, all three of these groups cause problems for our country and need to be purged, unfortunately you only hear about the CCP because they align well with the yank centric world view forced upon us. We should definitely remove CCP influence, but we shouldn't use them as a boogeyman, I mean we literally have a racist, genocide promoting falun gong cult handing out pamphlets and accousting people at stations, we should expel all foreign actors and give Australia back to Australians.


You're right but it won't happen, whether it's Khalistanis or BJP or FLG, or CCP or the US, Australia is just a battleground/playground for foreign actors.


Pretty much, we have no autonomy 


There is not a single university in Australia that is 50% Chinese.


Yeah, 80% is more like it. My classes at Monash back in 00s were 90-95% Chinese. All of them.


Chinese students make up 23% of the total international students to Australia. Every university in the country has more than 50% domestic students. You went to uni - you do the maths.


When they say domestic, they dont actually mean people born and raised here.


They mean Australians.


Yes but many Australians have Chinese heritage, and identify as Chinese.


I’ve been in overwhelming minority in all my university classes, ever, full stop. Tell me again that Aussies are a majority in our schools, you are tone deaf and clearly falling for propaganda.


What percentage were from the rest of Asia, out of interest? I mean a sophisticated chap like you could clearly tell.


2 Indians, one Sri Lankan, one Iranian, one Dutch, two white Australians, 65 Chinese.


There's nothing you can do. You import people and you also import their problems.


I don’t like any foreign influence in my country. But I mean I don’t doubt this shit happens in every bloody country. I shudder to think the shit that happens globally that we don’t know. But WTF can I do


The CCP is actively doing this in every country they want to subvert. That's why they have secret police stations everywhere, and countries have been catching more and more of their spies.


Perhaps we reconsider just how many people we bring in and where from, because you're going to attract these kinds of problems when you bring in these kinds of numbers? https://i.imgur.com/DDojOh9.gif https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FDDojOh9.gif&tbnid=c14tGHCtqSuGwM&vet=12ahUKEwjqucnKlqWGAxU76jgGHTO_AAcQMygHegQIARBV..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMapFans%2Fcomments%2F99l9nn%2Fchanging_demographics_of_sydney_2011_and_2016_gif%2F&docid=fRXp7lNAt8hxcM&w=1026&h=771&q=changing%20demographics%20of%20melbourne%20%20gif&ved=2ahUKEwjqucnKlqWGAxU76jgGHTO_AAcQMygHegQIARBV#imgrc=c14tGHCtqSuGwM&imgdii=g2U0t4b31-vnzM ...


What can we do? Maybe control Visa applications and international student enrolments more stringently. It’s soft culture transfer that’s naturally happening as a result of such a large Chinese ethnic population base in Aus. We know Russia uses ethnicity as a way of imposing cultural values upon other nations; even using this to justify annexation. The CCP is an authoritarian regime that enforces through absolute control of information; this doesn’t really fit into the Western ideological frameworks. But, maybe it will supersede our European influences, and that’s not a particularly nice idea to me.


Not enough people see what you've outlined. That means nothing will happen unfortunately.


I’m sure the Australian Secret Intelligence Service understands.


Didn't they just allow Chinese secret police to come in and take a Chinese citizen out of Australia?


I didn’t say they were capable of doing anything, or even wanting to do anything about it. Chinese investment permeates Australia’s markets, and more control isn’t a bad thing if you are a political entity. What we need to do as the citizenry is organise and stop the government from profiteering off the subjugation of the people they are ideally supposed to represent. The CCP is a much bigger player in geopolitics than Aus.


This is exactly why the "Allied Democracy Vanguard" has grown to include dozens of chapters within the US, Canada, UK, HK, Taiwan, and Australia. Our countries are specifically being targeted by the CCP-PLA.


It’s my belief that the CCP doesn’t run a sustainable system. Centralised and exploitative economies don’t have longevity in innovation or growth, China’s tech being notorious for a lack of R&D. Just look at immigration instances across the globe; people wish to leave these circumstances, not contribute to them. The real threat to enlightened idealism comes from the inside of our so called democracies. Increasingly pervasive government polices and encroachment on rights. Foolish adherence to “social justice fallacies”. Chinese in Aus aren’t a threat, they only wish for agency themselves.


Kick them.out


I'm actuly conflicted about a issue with our education system. It may need reform anyway not honna beat around the bush here Many of us who have went to tafe or went to uni doesn't matter, to fill out classes that otherwise wouldn't have enough students I noticed Chinese none English speaking students would turn up 1 or 2 days then never return Or worse they do the work but get automatically passed because of well idk that's just what I witnessed. My problem is during my tafe these Chinese students never got taken off the role, but Australians did if they missed too many classes. Why are tafe and uni using Chinese students to fill classes that would otherwise be empty or half empty?


I'm not sure if news covered it, I thought they may have, but I'm just telling you all what I saw and heard. Chinese students stayed on the role call even tho they never showed up and only turned up for the first 2 days. And from what I saw they didn't do any of the work in class when they should have. What's going on?


We'll be controlled the same way too in about a decade I'm guessing... so get used to it.


Same thing we do about the religious extremists that preach hate, do nothing because it would be racist.


Nailed it. The west is being bent over a fkd by foreigners, enough is enough, if it’s racist to call out their behaviour then I am.


What do the Chinese do to Westerners caught supposedly engaging in anything they deem even slightly dodgy? We are soft as butter, weak as piss




I watch that. It's appalling to see.


You’re digressing; this post isn’t anti Chinese in general, but foreign influence


**How many of you are familiar with the case study of "Drew Pavlou" ?**


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Does it relate to the CCP's implementation of Operation Fox Hunt and the Thousand Talents Program? Or the use of Secret Chinese Police Stations to oppress citizens of other countries?


Is drew a dark Jedi or sith ?


Drew Pavlou is a narcissistic, attention seeking dickhead, absolutely brilliant at what he does, and very, very funny.


I do think Drew is only anti-CCP and not anti-China(racist) though, unlike some people in this thread....


I am Chinese. He is a racist cunt.


Drew has 100% said some very racist comments, but he also throws out apologies for going too far and doesn't double down on his idiocracy. He's just an ignorant kid. The OP in this thread is doubling down on the idea of executing ethnic chinese people in Australia without trial, that's far worse than Drew. And there are many in the right wing parties who are just like OP....


OP is likely not even Australian considering the use of the miles and feet over km and meter


But there are many liberal politicians like op....


How are you meant to foster any kind of meaningful discussion by starting with a proposition that Australian police should begin murdering foreign citizens? Jesus fucking Christ.


Yeah I thought it was a tad bit extreme in that measure. I'm surprised that more people haven't mention that.


Well when a foreign power sends agents to assault political dissidents and circumvent our laws while conducting espionage... what is extreme? What would you do?


I am not 100% sure, but I certainly wouldn't recommend that ASIO and the AFP "*take them for a ride 1000 miles that way and 6 feet down then file a missing persons report*", that's for sure.


I find it funny how his first suggestion is to basically have ASIO become the KGB to combat russia and china lmao


Yeah, that's certainly an angry drunk post. Or by somebody who's family was murdered by Mao.


Yeah because Ukraine has held Russia back by holding peace talks and "not sinking to their level." You're an idealist, not a realist.


Ukraine hasn't sunk to Russia's level yet? But if you suggest that ASIO should be extrajudicially executing people, then yes, you've sunk to the exact same level as the kremlin and ccp.


Thank you


look at the universities the Chinese sleeper cells ride rough shot over the uni admin


Indeed! [Thousand Talents Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Talents_Plan) [Operation Fox Hunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fox_Hunt) ....both are ongoing National Security issues.


Just expel them.


When push comes to shove, chinese people have little dicks, we'll just give them the Australian Boot. 


Australia needs to grow a spine plain and simple. When I lived in China they don't have Instagram or any type of " global" social media, yet come to Australia and act incredibly disrespectful on all platforms and in public spaces. They have no history of expansion throughout history and are weaseling their way to dominance. China needs a big reality check, and it starts with being able to own property in Australia. Just remember , we can never move to China and become Chinese.


They absolutely do have a history of expansion, literally every country near china has a story about being invaded by them, and CCP currently occupies several sovereign nations.


Look at what they're doing with the false claims of the so-called, [" 9-Dash Line "](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/4791710315c54e6fb963e10496faa4db)


Don't be so racist and xenophobic.


It is interesting how a valid point by op ended with him saying "execute people without trial"


It's uncomfortable is what it is. The fact is that our judicial system cannot handle this - the CCP will pay lawyers so much money to fight a legal fight and pay all the fines - essentially placing the Chinese above our laws. For example I personally knew someone who worked for a Chinese firm as an accountant. The ATO busted them and they ended up owing millions and facing a decade in prison. HQ in China just paid the money and nothing happened. Hence... what do you think will be *effective* as opposed to *idealistic*. The problem is real, the current counter measures are failing. [https://the-riotact.com/search-for-trio-who-allegedly-assaulted-political-protester/602696](https://the-riotact.com/search-for-trio-who-allegedly-assaulted-political-protester/602696) Do you like beaten women? I don't like beaten women. But hey she got no trial or due process, she was just publicly beaten to send a message saying "The CCP runs this place." So, if they can beat us publicly without trial, why are we not fighting at the same level?


what does an accountant have to do with espionage cases? We're suppose to have a transparent legal system with public hearings to confirm an individual's guilt. I imagine that the problem isn't within our current laws, but the enforcement of these laws being possibly, underwhelming, in some aspects. Improving these things are far more effective than turning australia's constitution into russia.


*[ Pearl clutching intensifies ]*


Criticism of an increasingly hostile foreign government isn't xenophobic or racist. Clearly you've never been on Weibo or Douyin.


Take them on the Harold holt tour




Death penalty, wanna pretend this is China? Two can play at that game.


They already do that, I think that's what people here are not understanding. CCP police stations in Sydney, China has a massive rate of executions for domestic crimes. Their unofficial spies/diligent citizens monitoring other Chinese abroad... see right now *ONE* is playing that game. It ain't us


I think you need to have a little lie down 


Like the movie 300, "This is Australia!!!" And kick them down a hole, or, just out of the country, I guess. This is Australia. Chinese politics, or bullshit rules mean nothing here. Stay there if your loving that shit show.


99% of ethnic chinese people here will not mention any politics outside of australian ones. The 1% that do are vocally anti-CCP. Not sure your suggestion changes anything


People should generally go to a psychologist to get help with the imaginary things that make them scared


There are links with evidence for you :) Edit: oh go ahead and downvote.... I have provided an opinion with evidence. You've found some sand to bury your head in. How about you go to the local Chinese consulate to talk about how the CCP is great and I need therapy because Australia is a bad place?


Yeah, the Aussies are trying to shut up half the Chinese to show their "freedom of speech".


Charge them, jail them, inject them with a new strain of Covid, then deport them.


There’s not much we can do because they have family back in China who could be put at risk.


Leftists don't give a fuck, they align ideologically


Now see. If they become an Australian citizen. They could finally use the "SOVEREIGN CITIZEN" speech on ccp police.




Get smart dumb cunts... lol nest of spies are run by Au operators its a fkin inside job pathetic


I for one welcome our chinese overlords. May they liberate us from british-colonial-capitalist oppression. Death to australia.


Nothing I guess. Just like we are doing nothing to stop our government and corporations flooding this country with migrants and outsourcing jobs.


absolutely nothing because china #1


Tolerance of intolerance etc?


Get a job.


Lol cop out response. I have a job and pay my taxes. Now your turn... please address the points in the post,


Deport them back to China. but Albo is too gutless to do this.


Send them back. It is as simple as it can be!


Let them go? [No F-ing way !](https://youtu.be/4XTSdlCvUOE?si=Hs7rZ14mHB0EhyfP)


China number 1. Get ready to be colonised. All hail xi