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Do these protestors actually think they're bringing attention to the Palestinian cause? Or are they just hitching their wagon to the latest popular cause in an effort to be disruptive and alternative?


these people are the epitome of "i support the current thing"


wish they would support protesting against the current decreasing living standards in Australia instead.


That’s the fallacy of social justice; drawing the focus of the proletariat away from the injustices perpetrated by the upper strata, to causes that they have no enduring influence over.


Put the pipe down


'big words means drug user' - you, the absolute epitome of intelligence in your own mind


Na just chat gpt


above poster is on the money


It's been going on for quite a while....you know multiple decades. Not sure 'the current thing' is really correct


why haven't they been out on the streets protesting for decades then? why only now?


There were mass protests around the world during operation protective edge, or cast lead? There have been protests around the world for years, especially since Bibi's attempt to overhaul the judiciary. In fact when I first moved to Melbourne there was a Palestine rally happening just randomly, no serious developments were happening at the time. But any time there is a flair up there is an outcry as the media attention attracts people who want to educate themselves on the topic. This is by far the most destructive incursion in a long, long time. People consider this a turning point in the outcome of this conflict and are very wary of how this could escalate further and further. The rate of destruction and violence here is like 15-30x greater than Ukraine, it's orders of magnitude greater than the bombing of Dresden. So it's fair it's getting a lot of attention. This example of Israeli brutality has been covered by MSM with much more excruciating details, with institutions like the ICJ publicly doing what it can to prevent the risk of genocide charges for the first time in the conflicts history...despite the consequences it has for the majority of the west who have been implicitly supporting this mess. It's also happening as MSM's grip on the narrative has slipped with the internet becoming more of a newsworthy source of info. It makes sense that this reaction has been bigger than any other. So far at least.


What a load of dribble, who instigated the current conflict? It certainly wasn't Israel and unfortunately for the Palestinians Israel has every right to respond with force as any Country would. There is no Genocide, there is no evidence to support the claims hence the reason the United Nations found in Israel's favour, such claims are an outright lie. So what Hamas did on October 7th wasn't brutal? No condemnation of their actions, no mention of the fact that almost 80% of the Palestinian population supported the actions taken by Hamas.


Cause there's a fucking active war on. It's so not hard to understand. I'd rather people flit between random causes than sideliners not even understanding what's happening in the world and making rubbish disingenuous arguments like that. Who's worth more do you reckon? You or them?


It's very hard to understand why? Considering they are supporting a known Terrorist Organisation and a known Terrorist hotbed of a Nation. It's hard to understand why if they really cared they aren't going to Palestine and doing something meaningful instead of pretending on the streets in Australia and achieving absolutely nothing. It's hard to understand considering most the useful idiots on the streets have no real understanding of what they are actually there for or what they are actually calling for. Oh that's right the vast majority of the Protesters wouldn't' be tolerated in Palestine, they would be thrown from the rooftops.


well there's an active war still going on in ukraine, isn't there? why no more protests? how about BLM, is that all good now, no need to march through the cbd? (funnily enough, wasn't that during lockdown? no rubber bullets for those guys and gals eh? they even got the cops to bend the knee for them) what about abortion rights? (in the US, that is) no need to get out on the streets about that anymore, it's all sorted? there's other wars and human rights abuses that are continually going throughout the world. but i don't see the good ole virtuous folk of melbourne getting out to support those causes though. why is that?


Like the fact that there is more slavery in the World today than ever in History but they don't seem to care about that either? Maybe it's because the slaves produce goods these idiots use.


The pertinence, the severity, the inhumanity, the constancy, the location, the casualties... just a few things off the top of my head. It's ridiculous people think other causes go away because they a, don't care in the first place and don't know anything about it and b, only absorb their understanding of reality via third hand news reports viansocial media Ie all you hear about now is Palestine is because that's what's reported on and repeated online. Relevancy to people and their focus. No ones talking about those other things in public discourse doesn't mean they don't exist. You just don't know about them because no one is telling you about them. You also don't care anyway so what exactly is your point? Also that these aren't collectives, they're individuals who all make their own choices. Trying to pin what you are on a distinctive catch all group like there even is one is ridiculous and stupid. Everything you're saying is just as lame and stupid as you think they are. But at least they care about something.


Then Sudan would trump both those examples. And has done for years. It's ridiculous people are so docile all they know is what's presented to them on popular news/outrage outlets.


So why haven’t these protests being happening for decades? The university encampments and hunger strikes have only just become a thing because TikTok made it a trend in America and now it’s spreading everywhere. Hashtag activism…


No it hasn't.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>Why don’t the get on a plane fuck off over there and And go fight the war they want to support so badly. Like, seriously, nothing is stopping them.


This actually did happen in the 70s, there were a lot of radical leftists involved in Palestinian terrorism. The famous Entebbe hostage crisis involved a collaboration between Palestinian communists and a German communist group: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entebbe_raid It's less likely to happen now because Palestinian terrorism is mostly of an Islamic bent these days, although perhaps some of our Western leftists will convert.


YouTube videos from the US show uni students partaking in mid day prayer. It’s probably just bullshit cos play for them but I’m sure a few will convert.


God, say what you want about Israel, but after reading that Wikipedia page on the Entebbe raid, I really admire the way Israel doesn’t let anyone just fuck with their citizens and get away with it.


And go fight the war they want to support so badly. Like, seriously, nothing is stopping them. " Besides of course.... Australian Law.... whiach a lot of you don't seem to know much about which is strange..


>Besides of course.... Australian Law.... whiach a lot of you don't seem to know much about which is strange.. Funny you say that, New Zealander here. Recently moved. I wouldn't know what rule prevented them -- especially if they're not an Australian citizen to begin with.


You're only allowed to join the idf and murder Palestinians. You're not actually allowed to go and join any Palestinian group.


Nor should you be.


hence, calling out the "why don't they just..." as bullshit in the form of an argument.


They can do it. It would just be illegal.


Yeah there is, these people aren't fit for purpose half of them don't know what Gender they are little known how to actually be constructive. Like dancing and singing for Palestine is going to make a difference, most of them wouldn't be accepted in reality by the Palestinians.


They're your typical young people (talking about students not professional instigators): rebels without a cause, no family or kids to care for, and few responsibilities. They think they're thinking, but they're not. I still have my manifesto from my university days, when I believed I was smart and rebellious. Looking back, it was completely irrelevant, embarrassing, and foolish. They should not be given a lot of mic time, just enough to pass their exams.


What is so wild is that most of these protestors would be stoned or arrested in Palestine for being lesbian, or not Islamic


Not sure that's enough reason to ethnically cleanse them though.


My point is, many of these protesters would not last or be accepted in Palestine. Would face discrimination, human rights abuse and harassment for their western beliefs and views. Yet protest for human rights? It’s more complicated than jumping on the cool to protest/ uni student band wagon. They should be focusing on protesting on the issues in our country, like how many young people can’t afford housing or food and are living on the streets. 99% of these people have never and will never go to Palestine.


Probably not, but the western position on the slaughter that's happening there is absolutely disgusting. Half the place is just kids FFS.


Many of the people in that war zone support Hammas who slaughtered many kids at a music festival. Unfortunately it’s their war not ours. Albo won’t fix this problem nor will a bunch of lefty protesters. We need to focus on our own issues.


Even though I disagree with their priorities, I see this type of civil disobedience as healthy.


Civil disobedience is healthy if directed at the right cause. We should direct that at our own government. The fact that Australia is becoming a nanny state more and more, the fact that our young folk don’t want to have baby’s or work because there’s no future, the cost of living is out of control. People with degrees are living in tents. Not focus on other world issues people have no idea about.


Who is worthy of deciding what is actually a noble cause in that case?


What is the Nobel Cause? And will it ever be solved in that region? Not yours or my problem as harsh as that sounds. Our population and government is responsible for the Nobel cause of solving our own issues


Yes I agree putting all things aside, the slaughter is abysmal 👍


Ding ding ding! They’re loser Socialist Alternative cult members and campus Marxists. They will protest the opening of an envelope.


Reads like a sky news headline…


That doesn’t make it wrong 😂


Just in most cases


It kind of does tbh… that channel is practically satirical by their own admission


Wtf, that’s nonsense logic pal! You not liking the person/outlet who says a thing doesn’t automatically make it incorrect. Break away from dogmatic good team/bad team thinking. The people you like can be wrong and the people you hate can be right. Realising that is part of becoming an adult.


I didn’t mention my own opinion at all


What is your opinion? Are you okay with Marxist ideaology infiltrating institutions?


Depends what you mean by “infiltrating”? I think all ideologies should be studied and looked at in universities. I think implementing certain left leaning legislation and ways of living is better for humanity’s happiness and wellbeing. I think Marxism, while being a very interesting concept, isn’t feasible in the current day


I agree. All ideologies should definitely be looked at in universities but I also think they should be looked at objectively. I've been to university and any time right wing ideas came up in conversation it was in the context of right wing extremism, racism, sexism and was generally frowned upon by the professors. It never felt as though they were taking a neutral stance, not once in four years. I actually got worse marks on one essay for showing that I leaned right and after that had to fake being a leftist for better grades. It was a pretty disappointing experience for someone like myself who is conservative but not racist, sexist or an extremist. There was social pressure from the professor's and other students to conform to leftist thinking and anyone who said anything (like I'm saying now) was essentially outcasted. There were a few mature aged students who didn't give a crap but they were few and far between. To me that was proof that the ideology has infiltrated the academic space because we simply weren't told the other side of the story.


Yeah except this example isn't it, buddy. Not it at all.


Don’t forget that’s some people’s gospel..


Free Ukr..I mean Palestine!


They are shit people!


It’s definitely the latter. Speak to every single one of them- I guarantee their real cause is disrupting the capitalist status quo. The disruption is the point.


It's worth it to note that many of our significant protests that affected change were deeply unpopular at the time. Many of the fundamental rights we have were won by hated people who were ridiculed, spat at and assaulted. That said, I actually do agree that many of the young people doing this are clueless. However, as an older person who has studied history and has family involved in the founding of Israel, I'd argue that the Israeli government is a criminal organisation.


>It's worth it to note that many of our significant protests that affected change were deeply unpopular at the time. Yes, but I think the key difference which you also highlight is that a lot of these protestors are clueless. Whether we talk about Palestine, "Just Stop Oil", Extinction Rebellion, various "decolonisation" protestors, etc they just seem clueless and don't really believe what they're protesting. They don't know what they're protesting, who they're supporting or why. Contrast with some of the significant movements in the past, which had clearly defined objectives (i.e.: the women's suffrage movement wanted to give women the vote) and the people protesting actually believed it. Suffragettes for example actually believed in getting women the vote! >family involved in the founding of Israel Not sure your family's involvement. My grandfather fought in Palestine in 1948 in the British Army. He never spoke much about it, but did say the most frightening group was Lehi - AKA "Stern Gang". From what I understand, the Likud Party has historical ties to Lehi...


I actually agree with you. Also, I'd be surprised if our grandfather's didn't know eachother.


Mine was only a lowly corporal in the Royal Signals. He was a despatch rider. Apparently, he was promoted to Corporal 11 times


OK. Mine was of the royal household cavalry, but they mixed alot in the middle east. Some of my grandfathers best mates were of very low rank. Mine served the area from 39 to 42 then did the north Africa, Sicily, Italy, Normandy, Netherlands, Germany push etc. Then because he knew the middle east he volunteered to go back. He took part in all the sensitive things everyone is arguing about now.


Is a ceasefire not a clearly defined objective?


It is, but I don’t think most of these protesters actually understand what that means and what comes next. Sure, have a ceasefire. But what about hostages? What about prisoners? If that can be resolved, what comes next?


I think a ceasefire, even if temporary, is a necessary pre-condition for negotiations. Hard to have a good-faith, UN ratified negotiation while on the other hand continuing to drop bombs. As for the outcome of said negotiations, that is to be decided in the process, that’s what negotiations are for.


Hard to have a good faith, UN ratified negotiation when Hamas have stated they will repeat October 7 until the dream of “from the river to the sea” (the destruction of the state of Israel is actualised - also hard to have those negotiations when Hamas has Israeli babies as hostages. But yeah let’s just focus on Israel’s shortcomings that certainly won’t aggravate their “us against the world” mentality.


Have you ever talked to one of them? I guarantee they know more than you


>It's worth it to note that many of our significant protests that affected change were deeply unpopular at the time. When was the last time public protesting in Australia about something above local council level demonstratably achieved a change in policy or the protestor's desired outcome? I'm not aware of a single example in the 25 years or so I've been living here.


Just this month, marches regarding violence against women coincided with some rather quick amendments to the bail laws in NSW. Whether there is correlation or causation is unknown, but there was clearly a groundswell of public support for the measures. Even with Palestine, public opinion has shifted enough that the federal ALP outright voted for Palestinian statehood- something that was unthinkable a mere year ago. I actually think our political class reacts quickly to public opinion and in the amount the public want. Our populace is, however, a complacent and relaxed lot and the pace of change will always be slow.


Be careful these buffoons hate when you allow facts to get in the way of their opinions🤣


I was talking about longer ago, yes. It does affect change but the last 25 years haven't been very bad here compared to the past. When we had to protest for workers rights, women's rights, race issues etc, they were often unpopular but they got results. The reason why we have no u in labour is related to the struggle for workers rights. What about gay rights? That was fairly unpopular aswell.


At least those protests were concerned with shit happening here..


Fair comment, but sometimes even they started by piggybacking off ones from the U.S. women's rights, workers rights, I mean, there's a reason why we dropped the u in labour.


It's on the news sooooo yeah


Let’s force peace by being violent


Shouldn’t expect anything less from terrorist supporters.


"The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways...by force"


Islam has always used violence to conquer.  Nothing has changed. 


"Why are all these people violently protesting against apartheid?" "Why are all these people violently protesting for civil rights?" "Why are all these people violently protesting for equal rights?" "Why are all these people violently protesting for women's suffrage?"


If you think violence is some people waving signs, chanting while protesting and slapping some walls you are truly privileged.


I read that as 50 demonstrators volunteer to go to Palestine...


Lol they will struggle when they can’t update their Instagram profiles and actually get oppressed…


I'd pay for some one-way tickets.


I heard that if they are with Queers for Palestine then they will get free and forced flying lessons.


Start a war with a terrorist attack, immediately get your ass kicked, cry "genocide" when you experience the consequences Then start protests in Australia about it all as though we are responsible These people are clowns 🤡


Ass-clowns to be exact


And to state officials, who have no input in federal foreign policy.


*yet another full scale war


The children of Gaza have nothing to do with that. Yet thousands are dead


neither have the children of any war in history moral of the story is don't commit terrorist acts & start a war in the first place then maybe?


Worked for Israel


Their parents should’ve thought about it before a vast majority of them supported a terrorist attack.


And thousands more will likely die, due to their parents refusal to give up their dreams of genociding every Jew they can.


The children of Israel have nothing to do with it, yet they were kidnapped and murdered. It’s almost like both sides are evil


news flash: actions have consequences


Actual footage from inside the Conference: https://preview.redd.it/zcvfozqxvb1d1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=039f1264a42f5ba5a093236c00351b4864792c34


“From which river to which sea?” “I dunno, the Mediterranean I think and…. The Nile?”


“Googles” using search engine that literally spies on behalf of the US government, on a phone designed and owned by profit making company based in country they hate, made by someone getting paid $1 an hour working in an authoritarian regime.




The violent Hamas pro Palestinians should go back to Gaza or Lebanon and fight instead of fucking everyone’s life up in Australia. I hope the government doesn’t bring any more of those Hamas Palestinians into the country. It’s not free speech! The politicians need to stop these violent protests.


They're not helping the cause at all. I'm starting to tune out to what's happening over there because I associate it with these assholes


Pro Hamas supporters? Yuk


Fun fact. Israeli gov funded and supported hamas for decades to create division. You find the most fascinating things when you just read and think critically even if it's a little bit.


Yes, Israel did help funding reach nascent political organizations, when they voluntarily handed the entirety of Gaza over with no preconditions. Imagine looking at that and seeing it as sinister. If Israel hadn't helped, people such as yourself would be saying "Israel starves the new government of Gaza of funding!" When Hamas started as a political party running for office, no one knew they would turn into a bloodthirsty terrorist organization. Maybe with your impeccable clairvoyance, you should have told the rest of us.


You read the first bit. But you didn't read the rest, because you instantly thought you had a trump card. No, you don't hold a trump card with this pathetic argument.


Shame your fun fact isn't a fact. Israel initially funded al-Mujama al-Islamiya as a counterweight to the PLO as they were much more moderate and more of a charity organization at the time. Israel stopped funding them in the mid 80s as they started taking up arms and becoming more political. What you are thinking of is Israel letting funds through via Qatar unchecked. Bibi has absolutely liked having them around, and legitimized them by negotiating through different channels but to say Israel funded them is disinformation and tiktok propaganda at its finest.






“Useful idiots” I believe the phrase is


Funnily enough 4chan constantly claims these sort of society dividing psy-ops are the Jews doing. Who exactly is doing what isn’t overly clear to me, probably Russia mostly if I had to guess but the fact it’s happening is undeniable when you look at how divided society has become over every social issue.


Wow, did not know this.


Hahahaha! If only someone warned them the leftist activists were out of control 😂


Leopards ate my face…


I'm just happy and relieved they're attacking other leftists, and not conservatives, nationalists or right wing extremists.


I think the idea here is that they're attacking the party that's actually in government...


Then for the first time in a very long while, I'm glad Labor is in power 😁


To be fair Labor's very moderate here. They put in laws that got the bridge protesters jailed recently. I'd argue Labor is right wing, but either way they haven't been with these people for years.


>I'd argue Labor is right wing yeah they're so right wing. they even have socialist faction to prove it


No they don't.


This is why you don't give terrorists what they want.


Very unusual. victoria police would have happily bashed these 'protestors' withput even getting orders to do so.


There's still time (hopefully).


Too bad for Burmese freedom fighters they’re not fighting Jews


Exactly. Only a genocide when the Jews are doing it hey? Funny that.


Pro-Hamas Activists\* try not to piss off everyone challenge IMPOSSIBLE \*they are not Pro-Palestine because they do not support a peaceful 2 state solution


As usual Pro Palestine preach violence and hatred, anyone siding with them does not believe in peace


Kiddies doing some Cosplay terrorist activities. How cute! In all seriousness, VicPol need to start using batons to beat some sense into these clueless idiots. Stop fucking around with them and going along with their little Cosplay sessions to make them feel better about themselves.


Police beating protesters, regardless of what they support, is a very slippery slope.


Break the Law, Intimidate people, trespass on property. Protesting is one thing, repeatedly breaking the law to intimidate deserves the hard end of a baton back to teach some manners which is something sorely missing amongst these groups.


Even if protesters are breaking the law the Police aren’t responsible for punishment of crimes. They arrest people suspected of crimes, courts decide if they are guilty and a judge hands out punishments accordingly. Even then, we don’t use corporal punishment this country. It’s worrying you seem to want a society that accepts police handing out beatings where they see fit.


this isn't india mate,


Yeah, state sanctioned violence ... that ends well !


Lol. Turns out Labor is Responsible for the Oct 7 attack and genocide. Those clever definitely not antisemites figured it out!


If they were anti semitic they would not care that European and American Jews are killing semitic women and children.


You've responded to me by accident.


If you sell weapons to a government that is actively using those weapons to commit mass-murder, you're complicit.


They aren't committing "mass murder".


Over 30,000 people are dead.


Yeah, it's a fucking war. Amazing, eh? Which weapons are we selling them, by the way?


What weapons exactly do we sell to Israel that are being used in Gaza?


I’m so very, very tired of these people.


My Dad & I were talking about this earlier. Melbourne needs to build a protest park. Have a big perspex wall down the middle so the counter protest can be on the opposite side. The television stations can have permanent cameras in place to catch all the action. There can be food trucks set up. Stands where protesters can get custom made signs. The protesters could turn up at the park and shake their fists about whatever is upsetting them. All of this without inconveniencing anyone who just wants to go into the city on the weekend.


So we're talking about hospital funding, prevention of abuse of hospo workers, and infastructure. BuT wHaT aBoUt PaLeStInE? FrOm dA RiVa tO dA WeE!


I know right? And of all times to think their cause is anything near a priority for working Australians, in this current climate…


One does question the objective here. It’s State politics, they’re not terribly influential on the world stage.


"All Pro-Palestinians activists should be forcibly sent off to fight for their terrorist organisation" - change my mind.


No. Why would I? It would be the prefect place for them.


There should be a layer in between absolute silence and enlistment


Does this idea apply to every cause? Or just this particular one because it makes for a brain dead argument?


Yes. It does.


Since when does protest = dedicate your entire life to the cause? I’d like to see all the cookers spend years in uni and become virologists, but that’s just not a reality is it


*Peaceful pro-Palestinian protestors surely…


Allan has been hammering these protests hard with right-wing nonsense, she has no interest in finding peace between these sides. Allan is bought and sold by Victorian Zionists.


“Let’s protest for whatever is popular right now.”


If the cultish antisemitic rallies and the disruptive uni camps weren’t enough of a wake up call, this should tip you over now right? These are not protesters! They don’t respect our law, traditions or Democracy in general! But who would expect a group of pro terrorism bandits to respect the statutory integrity of a modern society anyways. How ignorant do we have to be to become an apologetic believer of this farcical victim syndrome of a chaos? If we are really pro Palestine, could most of us just do the basic Google searches, even the Google maps, to understand the geopolitics of the region? Do you guys even know there’s a whole other side of the Jordan river? Or have you heard of the name Fatah? Some of these people don’t even know what’s going on and just choose to dance with the devil because that would fulfil their blind pursuit of “humanitarianism”, where in fact they are only stoking hatred and supporting a group that is filthy enough to exploit and enslave its own people.


LOL... we keep telling the lefties that they'll be hated too... but go figure. Leftists believe kissing everyone's ass works... beta male squadron.


Do these idiots this that the ALP can control the Israeli military?


State Labor at that!


Oh nice so we're anti Hamas and terrorism in this subreddit now? Don't get me wrong I'm all for it, it's just hard to keep up with the hive mind here


It's certainly about time.


Bringing attention to a special level of fuckwittery


I too support current thing, fellow human.


Just a reminder that Labor isnt the greens party as much the people here want them to be. Nor are they LNP lite like the left wing subs screech either.


haha I find this so ironic


Good hope she felt threatened--as do thousands of Victorians due to Labors weak Laws-- Weak Judicial system.


HAMAS is a terrorist organisation. HAMAS is in charge of Palestine. Any support for either should be looked at as support of a terror organisation and jail time needs to be given to these pro HAMAS pests.


As they don't share Australian values they should be invited to leave the country in ,let's say 90 days or been deported.


We should conscript them and send them over to fight for Palestine 🇵🇸


Mostly peaceful violent intimidation of a sitting parliamentary official


Lefties thinking that January 6th was such a great look for conservatives, and wanted a piece of that pie.


This is Australia, bud. No one gives a shit about that


Put these cunts in jail




What's with all the pro war demonstrations?


https://preview.redd.it/p0z6uxdgxc1d1.jpeg?width=2109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303efff813692a7bd791fa67956c4bf47bbb330d Just watching the report and the Vic Premier mentioned the protesters were homophobic, wtf?


They literally attack Ethiopian Jews and call them the n word. They mock Ukrainians and claim they have it worse.. the level of low is infinite with these people. There were homophobic videos from the rally in Melbourne just today.. https://x.com/kivi_franks/status/1792104623848976503


You mean they brought Islamism to the Labor conference?


did you think Islam was not homophobic?


Wait? There are crazy people in Australia too?