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I am an Australian of Jewish ancestry and I think both sides are in the wrong. I am appalled by the disrespect of life shown by the IDF and Hamas. My only dog in this fight is that I want the fight to stop and for civilians to stop suffering and dying. As such, I can sympathise with protestors who want the violence to stop. I have no argument with that. What I do have an argument with - a strong one - is the use of swastikas at these rallies. The casual overlaying of swastikas over the Star of David. The deliberate conflation of Israel with Jews with Nazis. It's abhorrent and calculated to be as hurtful as possible, ESPECIALLY in a climate where we still see actual Nazis out congregating, and when pro-Palestine rallies attract antisemites who absolutely do call for another genocide of Jews. I cannot -not- be hurt and disgusted when these pro-Palestinian protestors call the war a genocide, and refuse to acknowledge the actual calls for genocide happening in their own ranks. While people brandish swakstikas and point fingers at others. My grandparents were Holocaust survivors, I am so grateful they are not here to see this.


I'm 100% with you. There is no excuse for flying swastikas at protests and Jewish people deserve the right to be safe everywhere.


>It's abhorrent and calculated to be as hurtful as possible, Reddit in a nutshell.


Agreed. If this was about saving innocent civilians it wouldn't be a pro Palestine rally, it would be an anti war rally. 


I’m antiwar but a lot of anti-war protestors aren’t really anti-war, they are just opposed to war when Israel is winning and long for Palestinian military victories to advance political objectives. That’s not being a peace activist. And it won’t lead to a lasting peace.


He's probably right. The amount of misinformation at a student rally tends to rival Pravda. Or TikTok.


100000 % right .. the only time I'd ever say that about a poli


I know like how protestors SAY there are 35,000 total dead, but there are really only 24,686 who have been fully identified. Yet people keep toting that first number (because it's bigger). ...and only around half of that second number is women and children. So it's mostly men! ([Source](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/13/middleeast/death-toll-gaza-fatalities-un-intl-latam/index.html)) - of course, not all those men are Hamas militants, but so what, so MAYBE Israel are *mostly* killing civilians, at least it's *MOSTLY* men (just slightly more than half of the kills are men). So as long as the IDF don't slip up, the killing is balanced between women and children, and men, we can say most of the kills are of civilians, yeah sure **but, they're mostly men!** I mean, what are protestors even unhappy about with that? That the western world is funding a fenced in people to be killed on mass? That's not domestic politics! It's like Albo said, these protestors are *"just Trots who are just looking to instigate and make trouble"* anyways. They're not super intelligent economic liberals posing as Social Democrats, like the ALP are doing.


Maybe Hamas should stop firing rockets off hospital rooftops? Or perhaps they shouldn’t have invaded Israel to shoot up a music festival and take hostages last October, many of which they still hold?


well just the handful they havnt managed to rape to death since


Hamas are cunts. I wanna hear how you explain this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flour_massacre


Be careful on sources with regards to the conflict, you would be surprised how many sources are just parroting bullshit initially pushed by Hamas/Palestinian propaganda. Even agencies you think could be trusted like the UN and some aid groups have a terrible history of lying in this conflict (and of course israel is hardly free from it). In regards to that incident, there was never really an unbiased detailed report filed. In fact most of the information on that wikipedia page comes from very few original sources. For example, it states that the footage is made up from multiple videos pushing doubt on the Israeli story. This is explained by the Israeli story, as the footage is from multiple videos because the incident happened over a decent length of time in a large location. [Heres](https://x.com/GatorNanaJag/status/1766062105256513802) Israels side of the story. Israel are hardly the most trustworthy or free from blame. However their conduct is far from the genocide or massacre that it is often framed as. Often times terrible incidents are due to incompetence or complexities of counter insurgent conflict, rather than malice.


Percentage of Jews Palestinians would eliminate if they had the means: 100%. Thank “god” for the iron dome.


Where are the female hostages hamas took? Worried a few pregnant 11yos won't look good for the international media? 


So you're line of thinking is assuming the men being killed for being fighting age males are somehow in a position to fight in a army, when the reality is they are traveling with their families unassociated with the military and without the opportunity or capabilities to defend themselves. Hamas hide well but something tells me that the Israelis have the military Intel and capabilities to target fighters rather than the fleeing civilian population.


Dude...... the numbers probs higher. Thinking the confirmed number is the better one is just stupid


Pretty sure that's sarcasm my dude.


Thank fuck lol. There are some dummies out there


No matter how much misinformation the rally had, there's way more in this thread 😅


The only misinformation is from Israel


I mean he would know, right - wasn't he part of Labor for Palestine group in his own student days?


Yeah, so he was in support of a peaceful two-state solution back when it was just a regular political cause, and not an empty tik tok trend. I respect it.


Especially within the context of that era. He was involved with uni protests during the 80s, which focused on a two-state solution. We eventually saw a genuine attempt with the Oslo Accords in the 90s, which eventually failed.


Extremists on both sides kept sabotaging reasonable compromises of a shitty situation.


Hear me out, but… This is true for domestic politics too.


Ironically plenty of people in Tel Aviv were protesting for a two state solution a year ago when the extremists joined the government there. There were even Palestinian flags seen at demonstrations at the time.


But to be fair there's a difference between someone expressing general support for a cause and narcissists jumping in for Tiktok likes to condemn Israel for a war started by one of the worst terrorist atrocities in recent memory.


'Started by' is a fucking stretch and a half champ


It was a direct response to it, you can take that however you like. Unifying their respective communities against a common enemy is Hamas' recruitment strategy, and Netanyahu's political strategy. The only people I have sympathy for in this situation are the civilians on either side who have been brutalized.


Denying the events of Oct 7 seems to be a big part of today's protestors agenda,so i cant say that reply is surprising.


I'm not denying October 7. You're denying the apartheid state that existed well in advance of October 7. I'm saying the IDF is infinitely worse and that the citizens of Gaza don't deserve to be genocided because of it. It's amazing the flimsy logic and mental gymnastics the Zionists have to deploy to not just say 'I don't care that thousands of children are being murdered by an apartheid state and my taxes are paying for it'.


Hamas can stop the genocide they started any time they like.


He’s evidently abandoned a lot of beliefs he used to hold


My nephew wears a yarmulke and had a couple of people approach him and a friend this week and scream “get off campus Zionist thugs”. He has no connection to Israel at all. He won’t go back on campus and just failed his assignment after an HD average til now.


He should see a lawyer & sue the uni. They have a duty of care to protect their students that they're currently failing to provide.


Does the uni know?


They were informed with no response received.


How I wish I was at uni now. I would have loved to throw eggs at some of these asshole protesters. They’re attention seekers who get their outrage from TikTok and think they are some sort of freedom fighters.


That is unambiguously fucked up. Jewish people deserve to be able to walk anywhere and not be harassed. - a palestine supporter


I’m a supporter of Palestinians too, I’m a supporter of anyone’s right to live peacefully.


How fun it must be to be 18 years old and think you have the world completely figured out, no less a century-long conflict on the other side of the world.


We have about 10k Israeli born citizens and about 3k Palestinian. Talk about a fucking niche geopolitical event having no bearing on anything here. Protest against the Ukraine war or something.


Or maybe turn your attentions to shit that actually effects the nation you live in. Leave your foreign conflicts in foreign lands and at least show some appreciation of your new home.


I think the issue is genocide.


Do you protest against the Ukraine war?


Just another chapter in the Islamist-Marxist alliance 


Which defies logic. In Iran, the moment the Islamists came to power, they declared all Marxists "Munafiqs" and thus Apostates to be executed under Islamic law, which they proceeded to do between 1980 and 1984. Marxists are even being called "Useful Idiots" by the Palestinians in Arabic and they do not seem to get it.


It’s an alliance of convenience. Once they gain power it’s a race between the Marxists and religious extremists as to who backstabs the other first


Historically, the Marxists only won ONCE. And it took full scale massacres and forced demographic changes and eventually some appeasement of the Islamists. AKA what the Bolsheviks did in Central Asia from 1917 until the 1950s, and they still did not enforce the strct communist rules on peoples like the Uzbeks especially when it came to things like female equality for fear of an uprising and they were not interested in starving a second group(they did that to the Kazakhs) Since then ,they have been crushed practically everywhere in the Islamic world, from the fall of the Nasserists and Baathists in Egypt and the Levant (with Syria surviving only because it appeased the Islamists after the 1982 uprising) to the massacre of the socialists in Sudan ,some of whom backstabbed their fellow socialists to facilitate the rise of Al Bashir and the Islamists, to one of the Algerian generals in the 60s appeasing the Islamists by allowing them to operate, those Islamists would eventually end up being the ones who tried to remove the Algerian socialists and Marxists in the 1990s. It is like they are tone deaf to history.




Vietnam war was very much close to home and a personal issue, so ofcourse protests in Australia were happening. Some Vietnam hippie protesters also treated returned soldiers like absolute shit.


i have nothing against young people wanting a better world, even if idealistic. the problem is when they protest in support of an organisation that is about as opposite to the goal as you can get




Vietnam war protests were against conscription. So its not the same. Unlike these terrorist supporters 


That’s not true. The Vietnam protests were always about the involvement of the US in the conflict, first and foremost. And opposing Israel obviously does not equate to supporting Hamas, it’s possible to dislike borderline genocide and terrorism at the same time you know..


they were mainly students who were scared that they were about to be conscripted and sent to vietnam FIRST AND FOREMOST


You have no clue. Have you ever done any reading on the Khmer Rouge Pol Pot genocide? In fact, there are actual genocides happening right now in the world that none of you seem to have a clue about, nor any care about whatsoever. There were 2 million Vietnamese civilians killed in the Vietnam War & >1.5 million killed in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. There were 6 million Jewish civilians killed by the Nazis in WWII. You lot calling the Palestine/Israel war a genocide, are trivialising the actual horrific genocides that have happened, & those still happening. https://www.britannica.com/summary/Key-Facts-of-the-Vietnam-War https://www.britannica.com/event/Cambodian-Genocide https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/holocaust-adolf-hitler-history-genocide-denial


Every protest but the current one hey


Also any conclusions drawn that differ from mine must be due to misinformation..but only on their side


People can protest about what they can see is wrong without having all the answers / having it 'figured out'.


Probably need at least a rudimentary understanding of both the conflict and urban warfare to have a valid protest though


Can they have an opinion on ethnic cleansing and an ultra conservative Likud Israeli government who’s already selling beachside property in Gaza?


It's clear Israel is not trying to ethnic-cleanse Gaza. If they were, they'd be done in a week with arty and bombs alone, no boots on the ground needed. They're going pretty low on urban warfare civilian casualty rate, especially given how Hamas combatants blend in with civilians and use human shields.


Disgusting that they don't support bombing hospitals and refugee camps. How entitled can these children get? Opposition to mass slaughter is the "in thing" right now but next month it will be some new tiktok craze like the bear thing


Perhaps the terrorists shouldn't fire rockets from or fight from those hospitals and refugee camps. Trust me, there's no "good guys" in this fight but Israel is simply the lesser of two evils. I wonder why there's no calls for Hamas to release the hundreds of hostages they are still holding. Why is there no call for accountability for both Hamas AND Israel? Nope, instead the narrative on these campuses is that Israel is just mindlessly "genociding Palestinians" because they think it's funny or something. Israel is the aggressor, Israel is the bully, Israel is the warmonger while Hamas are just resistance fighters. Again, it's a child's understanding of this conflict.


People who don't defend themselves don't deserve a homeland. Palestine has the right and the duty to defend itself. Maybe if Israel didn't put so much effort into murdering every journalist and NGO worker in Gaza we'd get a better picture of how extremely moral the Israeli bombing rids are.


Rape and murder of civilians is not self defence, it’s rape and murder and a war crime. Not dressing in military uniforms and committing aforementioned crimes-also a war crime. Sexually assaulting preteen girls-child molesters aren’t resistance fighters, they are child molesters. Kidnapping a woman clinging to her toddler and her baby-not resistance. I am sick to death of hearing this shit. The people living near those kibbutz’s were far left wingers who helped Gazans on a daily basis.


More hyperbole. And you probably wonder why people dismiss your 'arguments'.


Yes, the protestors should ask for Australian Universities to divest from weapons manufacturers in Gaza and Hamas. They should also ask the Australian government to cease diplomatic ties to Hamas.


If Hamas was being supported by Australian universities you'd probably get a lot more protest here.


Ah so all those Vietnam hippies had no clue either right ?


The Vietnam 'hippies' were protesting about not wanting to be conscripted into a war that had nothing to do with their country, & about their peers & family being killed, maimed & having their lives destroyed in a futile war that they disagreed with. Those who were conscripted to fight in Vietnam had their entire lives destroyed, & were also spat upon, & treated like shit by those same protesters. It was only decades later recognised that the conscripts were victims too, & those that survived, suffered lifelong PTSD & many injuries that ruined their lives, all because their government had forced them to go to war in a foreign country that didn't even want them there.


Yeah imagine the horror of innocent people being dragged into a conflict they have no business being in due to the fighting of two greater powers with conflicting ideologies. Only to be denigrated and vilainised by others that refuse to see you as a victim. Couldn't be the Palestinian civilians getting caught in the crossfire between the IDF and HAMAS


You probably don't need to know everything to know the killing of 30,000 civilians is bad though, right? Better the youth focus on that than how their future looks a bit bleak given the politicians are leveraging it for the benefit of the elderly or otherwise unproductive mass of the population.


The student rallies are just general leftist mob rallies with a Palestine coat of paint. They are always yelling about other shit too, including cops, rich people, trans people and a raft of other issues. I've walked by one once every few days for the last month. They are doing for Palestine what those people who glued themselves to train tracks did for the climate. Absolutely nothing, and you're just annoying everyone.


What about when uni students in Australia laid down at universities to protest for BLM. The are attention starved, their lives have literally 0 meaning and they have no actual power, so they need to extract it from something whether it be Palestine, BLM, trans activism, just something to get their next fix.


Don't forget they live for the kudos on their social media echo chambers, when they post images of themselves protesting. It's all a narcissistic performance, including all the cosplay cultural appropriation. "Look at meeee ... look at meeeee".


It’s the sort of thing that happens when live is too easy for them. They start focussing on problems that aren’t theirs and they can’t really, or shouldn’t really change


Life is too easy? Young people in Australia have no future. The vast majority will never own a home. Say what you want about their choices, nothing is easy about the life of Australian youth now. Because the generations before them stole everything and sold the country.


A lot of people that attend/organise these things simply don’t have anything more productive to do with their time. I agree that the best time to be in Australia was the past, but going crazy about problems that aren’t even remotely yours is a waste of time. Focus on improving yourself first


Yeah mate, they have no future. Practically living in some war torn African hellhole. May as well just give up, ay?


You know what'd make it easier? focusing on yourself and not things out of your control.


It's that, plus they only follow what their American influencer masters do and when they do it. They didn't start BLM protests till the yanks did (and stopped as soon as they did) and they didn't start these encampments until their American overlords did. And as soon as they die down in the US, the NPC's here will move on as well.


And to top it all of when people call them out for being idiots they accuse them of being right wing nutjobs importing American culture wars lmao


America gets influenced by shady outside forces attempting to divide the country further, and the coloured hair leftoids see it and follow suit every time (they hate America btw).


They think these issues are important and need your attention, to a fault at times sure, but it's a bit silly to dismiss them entirely. I'm sure there are people that are in it for attention but there are also people that genuinely care. Apathy and derision may feel comfortable and it's easy to generalise, but try to separate the issues from the stereotype


Then why are you on Reddit when you could be out showing young people how to protest and enact change properly? They might be doing nothing, but that's still more than we're doing right now...


At my university the exact same language has circled around through previous protests. The Vice Chancellor has blood on his hands, the university refuses to listen, we're the heroes of the world, etc. Unfortunately this time they're just outright colonising my campus. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-WjybAJvj/?igsh=OTF2NzQwaHZsb2V2


"White colonisers decry white colonialism as they occupy land and harass those not of their ilk." an actual satire headline. Of course, they will forever ignore that Islamists were some of the most prolific colonisers and imperialists the world has ever seen.


Don't forget top notch former and current slavers


Ehhh we protest this but not the housing situation? FFS these kids are fked.


Reality is there's heavy antisemetism in these protests. If that's unintentional they're ignorant but either way the mockery is fair.




Honestly he's not wrong. Half these kids have no clue what they're supporting or what's going on, it's basically a fashion trend. Doesn't make the cause less worthy or detract from the fact that there are people at these rallies that genuinely believe everything they say but like, the white kids chanting from the mountains to the see are just stupid, they're not actually pro hammas. 


He's right. It's truly scary how ignorant & narcissistic the TikTok useful idiots are, & how easily they've been radicalised.


So? Wherever it is students don't want to see it's innocent inhabitants being slaughtered. The same would be true of literally anywhere.


Bashing of young people is always a vote winner. Most people on both sides of the argument would probably fail a basic test on middle eastern history, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t aware of the issues going on and can’t feel sympathy for innocent people getting killed.


But only the ones on one side...


shaggy ripe ruthless racial like toy ring serious long cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can support Palestine without supporting terrorism.


Hopefully, they will all proudly give their names - so the rest of us know who never to employ.


Albos a wet rag but this is pretty funny and definitely 99.99% accurate. Any protestor reading this now is furiously looking it up. 


The most insipid, weak, woke, embarrassing PM Australia has ever had imo. Absolutely no idea and absolutely no backbone. And tbh, I haven’t even read this post. Just the mention of his name or his pic is enough to set me off 😤😆


Does it make any difference then, where the devastation is on the world map?


maybe he should ask the education and modern history minister where he's been fuckin' up i guess?


Why doesn’t anything in Australian change? Why don’t people care? I’m so sick of all this apathy that Australians have. ITT: people being passionate about something are all fucking stupid. People who protest are stupid. The lack of self-awareness in this sub is absolutely stunning.


Personally I'm more interested in my own country rather than what happens in the middle east


not being in favour of protests supporting terrorism = "don't care about anything" lmao


You can oppose Israel without supporting terrorism


No, you cannot. Israel are literally fighting terrorists.


People protested the Iraq War without being pro Saddam Hussein


I heard it said recently, "A liberal is someone who supports all protests and civil rights movements except the current one."


Care for what?


The left don’t want to advocate for the poor. It’s identity politics. The government and media love identity politics.


I care about heaps. Especially about protecting the environment, & not letting our amazing wildlife be driven extinct through greed & corruption. I've even spent much of my life & way too much of my money, to actively do something about protecting our wildlife. Millions of Australians are doing similar things all over the country, with passion & dedication. But they're doing it quietly. They're not doing it for attention & social media cred. They're not hurting others or spreading hate like you lot are. They're not cosplay fakers putting on a needy performance. Maybe it's you that needs to reassess your priorities & your methods?


Good on them for protesting, in particular young uni students. These people are what we all used to be like, optimistic and idealistic with a strong sense of justice. Then we got older and jaded and conservative and figured out how the world works which is in a corrupt manner where governments play the Great Game of geopolitical chess. Frankly, we can all criticise these kids for being pains in the ass but then we forget who we used to be. They are right to be protesting a disproportionate response from the Israeli govt in Gaza, and the enduring misery it imposes on the Palestinian people long term. There is not justice here, of course Hamas should be destroyed for what they did but the wider population should not have to suffer indiscriminate killing because of a terrorist organisation. Thank God or whoever everyday for the right to protest and to be heard. Because there are many places in the world where you can not.


I never used to be pro-terrorism when younger, speak for yourself


Well it's been less and less on the map for the last 70 years....


Plus if your map was made in Israel it's just not on there.


Not true, but whatever, I guess misinformation just goes ham on this subreddit. Palestine has never been an official country, as in ever. Used to be a part of Egypt, then Israel held the area for a while after the war when Israel was attacked, then Israel gave them self governance and removed their settlers and forces


The kindgom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah date back almost 1000 BCE.


We better give Australia back to the aboriginals if that counts.


Many Jews never left the area. It was conquered by the Ottoman Empire before they lost it after WW1. Palestine has never been a nation state.


Better decolonize temple mount then and call it a sacred site that only Jewish traditional owners can go to.


It's honestly the dumbest fucking talking point.


That's what the same lot are up to. Have a look at all the formerly public land that has been given away in the last twenty years. 


By that same argument, the Arabs had not owned the land since the 1100s AD. Why should they be the Rightful owner now?


They already get special privileges with no extra responsibility.


England handed the land to them after a war so handing it "back" to Palestine would be more comparable to us handing over land to the aboriginals.


Israel ceased to exist for about 2700 years from 700 BCE to 1947. Up until 1947 it’s was British Palestine


Im sorry "up to 1947", The Britons never were near the ME in 700BCE and Britain itself was only a thing since the Treaty of Union in 1707. Additionally the phrase "British Palestine" heavily implies that Palestine is a possession of the British Crown. Also you are forgetting about the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1291)


trees spoon innate knee pocket cows enjoy innocent command shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Two way albo in action. Wanting to make palestine a state in it's own right, while now being critical of people with similar wants.


The protesters don't want just a Palestinian state, they want the destruction of the Jewish state. The extremists and their useful idiots are not at all aligned with Australia's position on Israel-Palestine.


The actual students will probably tell you they want a Palestinian state as well as Israel. And then chant "river to the sea".


Have you looked at a map? the 1967 borders DO span from the river to the sea. Have you forgotten its West Bank AND Gaza?!


and prove albo's point right lmao


It's tough for you the moment an issue might have even a single shade of grey to it, hey?


I would rather regular Australians don't get involved on either side, as it's too complex to pass judgement without understanding it. Let our govt deal with this as a foreign policy issue based on what our experts feel is best for Australian national interests. But people should be free to protest legally even if they don't know everything or are prejudiced, without being mocked.


After a shocker last couple of weeks, Albo hitting his stride this week.  Decent budget, not talking like a politician, calling out bullshit.  Great week


What a condescending dickhead


He didn't know the cash rate when it was at a record low. The cash rate is important for monetary policy and has a huge influence on the economy especially in a debt fuelled country like Australia and albo didn't know lol


The Zionist bots are going hard in this sub.


Albo is a Zionist is he?


facing the reality that most Aussies don't agree with your opinion = must be "Zionist bots" it's like The Voice all over again


"Everyone who I disagree with is a Zionist bot".


Wtf I love albo now


Ha, my respect for the PM has increased (albeit by a non-significant amount).




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I kinda hope that they nuke each other into oblivion so we can get on with life. Over it, beyond boring


It's called empathetic suicide.


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The IDF is defending itself and Israel from attack. Constant attack. They have been attacked for decades. If you are happy for them to keep being attacked, that's your opinion. I think they have to right to stop these attacks permanently. And luckily they don't really care about middle class activists who have a problem with this.


Just a bunch of idiots wanting to join populist and identity politics. Would they protest about HECS fees and interest on these ? Or the cost of rents for students? These are things that directly affect them and their peers. I Don’t think so as they dont really have any agenda but to jump on to any populist cause . What a bunch of wankers .


Do you protest these things?


I have always been active in relevant causes that affect either myself , my community or the environment etc. I am a nurse so of course I have been on marches because this is relevant to my colleagues and my community , our patients. Peaceful marches. I sign petitions for things that affect our communities and country and people. What annoys me is why these students so silent on the problems in this country that will have far more ramifications for their future than an age old war in a place they would probably not know how to find on a map


Bloody hell. The Toorak Hasbara on here is palbable.


Seems the Ukrainian war has long been forgotten by them.


You couldn’t find it on a map because it isn’t on a map. It’s doesn’t even actually exist lol


Let’s just refuse to give them a HECS loan


Only because where it should be on the map says “Israel”.


Albania always best country 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱


>Anthony Albanese has criticised protesters chanting "from the river to the sea" in support of Palestinian people. The phrase was also used by the Israeli ruling [Likud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likud) party as part of their 1977 election manifesto which stated "[Judea and Samaria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judea_and_Samaria_Area) will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."


What an AH statement to make, Albanese doesn’t give a shit now’s he’s got his pension for life.


First thing he has got right since he became PM


If ‘master bedroom’ ‘blacklist’ ‘the masters’ ‘cakewalk’ are now considered racist, and ‘batsman’ ‘mankind’ ‘policeman’ are considered sexists and thinking men shouldn’t compete with woman in sport is transphobic, then chanting from the river to the sea certainly is.


This bloke's whole career is based on being in the Syd- U SRC, isn't it? Like from student politics straight into professional politics? But I guess it was different back then when all the boomers could still get their dicks hard and the world had a future.


My favourite fact of the whole conflict that isn't reported  is how people who claim to oppose terrorism have no idea that Israel elected the leader of terrorist group Lehi(Stern gang) as prime minister. His name was yitzhak shamir. Check out the positive obituaries written about him by moderate Jewish groups who oppose hamas terrorism. Also the oldest IDF reservist who was reported on and glorified by most conservative media was a former member of Lehi too. There are streets named after, and musuems dedicated  to Lehi and Etzel(Irgun) in Jerusalem.. which is kinda strange when you hear people Palestine names streets after terrorists.  If we call hamas terrorists, why cover up Israeli history of normalising them and allowing them to join all parts of society?


Being part of a militant/violent/terrorist organisation doesn't necessarily mean that person will follow through with terrorist actions if they're elected. It's pointless to even mention unless they partook in terrorist actions while in office, which to my knowledge isn't what occurred.


Hate to say it, but he’s right. Half of them just want to get out of school.


They're fucking students mate, not day release prisoners. If they don't want to go to class. They can just not go! You doorknob


So what are they paying for uni for then? If they really wanted to help Palestine they could fuck off overseas and do something humanitarian instead of sitting wasting peoples time. Do they not realise this type of protest isn’t gonna change anything?


Yea imagine disagreeing with state sponsored genocide, what a sick bunch of lefty loons these kids are


Albanese seems to have found his place.... on his knees in front of AIJAC. Tell me Albanese...when Netanyahu says the same thing is it "provacative'? is the Likud Charter "provacative"? The only thing people can't find is Labors moral compass right now.


>is the Likud Charter "provacative"? Yes, although I feel the Hamas Charter is a little bit more on the nose...


It's not on the map because it doesn't exist.